August 23rd, 2004

Hook Peninsula: Lighthouse, Slade Castle, Templar church next to Templar Inn, Duncannon Fort, Dunbrody Abbey, Dunbrody Castle and hedge maze.

The approach to Hook Lighthouse.
The coast on Hook Peninsula.
Hook Lighthouse in the distance.
Monks lit the first beacons here in the 5th century.
Erica approaching the sea...
Dunbrody Castle ruin, across the road from the abbey.
Entering the castle ruin.
Amazing to see after nearly 1000 years.
Inside the castle ruin. It was actually very dark inside.
Views from the top of the Lighthouse.
Ruin of Slade Castle at the harbor.
Slade Harbor.
13th century medieval church, associated with the Knights Templar.
Outer wall, coast-side, of Duncannon Fort.
The fort was built in 1586 on the site of a Norman stronghold.
Inside Duncannon Fort.
Looking out the back of the fort.
Inside again.
Dunbrody Abbey from the visitors center.
Outside the castle ruin.
The abbey from a different view.
Inside the hedge maze.
Erica lead us to the center of the maze by map (no mean feat!).
Approaching Dunbrody Abbey, built 1170... Cistercian monks from England.
View from the back of the abbey, looking toward the river.