February 20th, 2005

The Colosseum, The Forum, The Palatine.

We joined a tour of the Colosseum (our Tour Guide is in the lower left)
the under stadium corridors
We enjoyed a sunny but very chilly day at the Colosseum.
The temples and ruins at the Forum as seen from the Colosseum.
View of the whole stadium floor.
Art around the Colosseum.
Chiesa di Santa Francesca Romana with Basilica di Constantino behind.
Images on the Arco di Tito at the entrance to the Forum.
Forum ruins
A view of the Palatine from the Forum
The rebuilt (1930s) Roman Curia where the Senate would meet. Bronze doors are replicas.
Ground level of the Forum. Arco di Settimio Severo to the back right.
A view of the Palatine from the Forum.
From inside Palatine.
A view of the Forum from inside Palatine.
A vie of the Colosseum from inside Palatine.
A view of Rome from Palatine.
Inside Palatine.
A view of the Forum from a hill in Palatine.