April 3rd, 2005

More touring of Paris by bus. Visited the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Rodin's estate, and the Tour Eiffel.

The approach to Basilique du Sacre-Coeur.
The Basilique du Sacre-Coeur.
The views from the hill of Sacre-Coeur.
The Seine.
Streets of Paris.
The Rodin Museum, The Thinker.
The house holding Rodin's art.
Bronze doors at the Rodin Museum.
Erica and Matt on our way to the Tour Eiffel.
The Seine at dusk from the to top of the Tour Eiffel.
View from Tour Eiffel.
View from Tour Eiffel.
Erica inside the Tour Eiffel
Back at the bottom of the Tour Eiffel in the evening.