March 15th, 2007

Spent this day on tour of Tillamook cheese factory, and visited the Blue Heron Cheese Company. Also toured the Tillamook Air Museum. A world-class aircraft collection is housed in an enormous Quonset hut-like building. It was built during WWII. We also found our way to a well hidden Munson Creek Falls, tucked away just outside of Tillamook.

Inside the Tillamook Air Museum.
Erica trying a cockpit on for size.
The enormous hanger is the remaining one of two originally built in WWII for K-class blimps, each of which was 242 feet long.
The little fishing village of Garibaldi.
The trail to Munson Creek Falls.
Munson Creek
A hobbit's den?
Munson Creek Falls, 266 ft.
Oregon Coast fauna.
Cottage village along the coast.
Sunset from Lincoln City.