--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; R7RS libraries: database abstraction
+;;; package: (runtime library database)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (make-library-db)
+ (let ((table (make-equal-hash-table)))
+ (define (has? name)
+ (hash-table-exists? table name))
+ (define (get name #!optional default-value)
+ (if (default-object? default-value)
+ (hash-table-ref table name)
+ (hash-table-ref/default table name default-value)))
+ (define (put! name value)
+ (hash-table-set! table name value))
+ (define (delete! key)
+ (hash-table-delete! table key))
+ (define (get-alist)
+ (hash-table->alist table))
+ (define (put-alist! alist*)
+ (for-each (lambda (p)
+ (put! (car p) (cdr p)))
+ alist*))
+ (bundle library-db? has? get put! delete! get-alist put-alist!)))
+(define library-db?
+ (make-bundle-predicate 'library-database))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; R7RS libraries: standard libraries
+;;; package: (runtime library standard)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-deferred standard-libraries
+ (make-library-db))
+(define (define-standard-library name exports)
+ (add-boot-init!
+ (lambda ()
+ (standard-libraries 'put!
+ name
+ (make-parsed-library name
+ (map (lambda (id)
+ (cons id id))
+ exports)
+ '()
+ '())))))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme base)
+ '(*
+ +
+ -
+ ...
+ /
+ <
+ <=
+ =
+ =>
+ >
+ >=
+ _
+ abs
+ and
+ append
+ apply
+ assoc
+ assq
+ assv
+ begin
+ binary-port?
+ boolean=?
+ boolean?
+ bytevector
+ bytevector-append
+ bytevector-copy
+ bytevector-copy!
+ bytevector-length
+ bytevector-u8-ref
+ bytevector-u8-set!
+ bytevector?
+ caar
+ cadr
+ call-with-current-continuation
+ call-with-port
+ call-with-values
+ call/cc
+ car
+ case
+ cdar
+ cddr
+ cdr
+ ceiling
+ char->integer
+ char-ready?
+ char<=?
+ char<?
+ char=?
+ char>=?
+ char>?
+ char?
+ close-input-port
+ close-output-port
+ close-port
+ complex?
+ cond
+ cond-expand
+ cons
+ current-error-port
+ current-input-port
+ current-output-port
+ define
+ define-record-type
+ define-syntax
+ define-values
+ denominator
+ do
+ dynamic-wind
+ else
+ eof-object
+ eof-object?
+ eq?
+ equal?
+ eqv?
+ error
+ error-object-irritants
+ error-object-message
+ error-object?
+ even?
+ exact
+ exact-integer-sqrt
+ exact-integer?
+ exact?
+ expt
+ features
+ file-error?
+ floor
+ floor-quotient
+ floor-remainder
+ floor/
+ flush-output-port
+ for-each
+ gcd
+ get-output-bytevector
+ get-output-string
+ guard
+ if
+ include
+ include-ci
+ inexact
+ inexact?
+ input-port-open?
+ input-port?
+ integer->char
+ integer?
+ lambda
+ lcm
+ length
+ let
+ let*
+ let*-values
+ let-syntax
+ let-values
+ letrec
+ letrec*
+ letrec-syntax
+ list
+ list->string
+ list->vector
+ list-copy
+ list-ref
+ list-set!
+ list-tail
+ list?
+ make-bytevector
+ make-list
+ make-parameter
+ make-string
+ make-vector
+ map
+ max
+ member
+ memq
+ memv
+ min
+ modulo
+ negative?
+ newline
+ not
+ null?
+ number->string
+ number?
+ numerator
+ odd?
+ open-input-bytevector
+ open-input-string
+ open-output-bytevector
+ open-output-string
+ or
+ output-port-open?
+ output-port?
+ pair?
+ parameterize
+ peek-char
+ peek-u8
+ port?
+ positive?
+ procedure?
+ quasiquote
+ quote
+ quotient
+ raise
+ raise-continuable
+ rational?
+ rationalize
+ read-bytevector
+ read-bytevector!
+ read-char
+ read-error?
+ read-line
+ read-string
+ read-u8
+ real?
+ remainder
+ reverse
+ round
+ set!
+ set-car!
+ set-cdr!
+ square
+ string
+ string->list
+ string->number
+ string->symbol
+ string->utf8
+ string->vector
+ string-append
+ string-copy
+ string-copy!
+ string-fill!
+ string-for-each
+ string-length
+ string-map
+ string-ref
+ string-set!
+ string<=?
+ string<?
+ string=?
+ string>=?
+ string>?
+ string?
+ substring
+ symbol->string
+ symbol=?
+ symbol?
+ syntax-error
+ syntax-rules
+ textual-port?
+ truncate
+ truncate-quotient
+ truncate-remainder
+ truncate/
+ u8-ready?
+ unless
+ unquote
+ unquote-splicing
+ utf8->string
+ values
+ vector
+ vector->list
+ vector->string
+ vector-append
+ vector-copy
+ vector-copy!
+ vector-fill!
+ vector-for-each
+ vector-length
+ vector-map
+ vector-ref
+ vector-set!
+ vector?
+ when
+ with-exception-handler
+ write-bytevector
+ write-char
+ write-string
+ write-u8
+ zero?))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme case-lambda)
+ '(case-lambda))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme char)
+ '(char-alphabetic?
+ char-ci<=?
+ char-ci<?
+ char-ci=?
+ char-ci>=?
+ char-ci>?
+ char-downcase
+ char-foldcase
+ char-lower-case?
+ char-numeric?
+ char-upcase
+ char-upper-case?
+ char-whitespace?
+ digit-value
+ string-ci<=?
+ string-ci<?
+ string-ci=?
+ string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>?
+ string-downcase
+ string-foldcase
+ string-upcase))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme complex)
+ '(angle
+ imag-part
+ magnitude
+ make-polar
+ make-rectangular
+ real-part))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme cxr)
+ '(caaaar
+ caaadr
+ caaar
+ caadar
+ caaddr
+ caadr
+ cadaar
+ cadadr
+ cadar
+ caddar
+ cadddr
+ caddr
+ cdaaar
+ cdaadr
+ cdaar
+ cdadar
+ cdaddr
+ cdadr
+ cddaar
+ cddadr
+ cddar
+ cdddar
+ cddddr
+ cdddr))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme eval)
+ '(environment
+ eval))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme file)
+ '(call-with-input-file
+ call-with-output-file
+ delete-file
+ file-exists?
+ open-binary-input-file
+ open-binary-output-file
+ open-input-file
+ open-output-file
+ with-input-from-file
+ with-output-to-file))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme inexact)
+ '(acos
+ asin
+ atan
+ cos
+ exp
+ finite?
+ infinite?
+ log
+ nan?
+ sin
+ sqrt
+ tan))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme lazy)
+ '(delay
+ delay-force
+ force
+ make-promise
+ promise?))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme load)
+ '(load))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme process-context)
+ '(command-line
+ emergency-exit
+ exit
+ get-environment-variable
+ get-environment-variables))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme read)
+ '(read))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme repl)
+ '(interaction-environment))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme time)
+ '(current-jiffy
+ current-second
+ jiffies-per-second))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme write)
+ '(display
+ write
+ write-shared
+ write-simple))
+(define-standard-library '(scheme r5rs)
+ '(*
+ +
+ -
+ ...
+ /
+ <
+ <=
+ =
+ =>
+ >
+ >=
+ _
+ abs
+ acos
+ and
+ angle
+ append
+ apply
+ asin
+ assoc
+ assq
+ assv
+ atan
+ begin
+ boolean?
+ caaaar
+ caaadr
+ caaar
+ caadar
+ caaddr
+ caadr
+ caar
+ cadaar
+ cadadr
+ cadar
+ caddar
+ cadddr
+ caddr
+ cadr
+ call-with-current-continuation
+ call-with-input-file
+ call-with-output-file
+ call-with-values
+ car
+ case
+ cdaaar
+ cdaadr
+ cdaar
+ cdadar
+ cdaddr
+ cdadr
+ cdar
+ cddaar
+ cddadr
+ cddar
+ cdddar
+ cddddr
+ cdddr
+ cddr
+ cdr
+ ceiling
+ char->integer
+ char-alphabetic?
+ char-ci<=?
+ char-ci<?
+ char-ci=?
+ char-ci>=?
+ char-ci>?
+ char-downcase
+ char-lower-case?
+ char-numeric?
+ char-ready?
+ char-upcase
+ char-upper-case?
+ char-whitespace?
+ char<=?
+ char<?
+ char=?
+ char>=?
+ char>?
+ char?
+ close-input-port
+ close-output-port
+ complex?
+ cond
+ cons
+ cos
+ current-input-port
+ current-output-port
+ define
+ define-syntax
+ delay
+ denominator
+ display
+ do
+ dynamic-wind
+ else
+ eof-object?
+ eq?
+ equal?
+ eqv?
+ eval
+ even?
+ exact->inexact
+ exact?
+ exp
+ expt
+ floor
+ for-each
+ force
+ gcd
+ if
+ imag-part
+ inexact->exact
+ inexact?
+ input-port?
+ integer->char
+ integer?
+ interaction-environment lambda
+ lcm
+ length
+ let
+ let*
+ let-syntax
+ letrec
+ letrec-syntax
+ list
+ list->string
+ list->vector
+ list-ref
+ list-tail
+ list?
+ load
+ log
+ magnitude
+ make-polar
+ make-rectangular
+ make-string
+ make-vector
+ map
+ max
+ member
+ memq
+ memv
+ min
+ modulo
+ negative?
+ newline
+ not
+ null-environment
+ null?
+ number->string
+ number?
+ numerator
+ odd?
+ open-input-file
+ open-output-file
+ or
+ output-port?
+ pair?
+ peek-char
+ positive?
+ procedure?
+ quasiquote
+ quote
+ quotient
+ rational?
+ rationalize
+ read
+ read-char
+ real-part
+ real?
+ remainder
+ reverse
+ round
+ scheme-report-environment
+ set!
+ set-car!
+ set-cdr!
+ sin
+ sqrt
+ string
+ string->list
+ string->number
+ string->symbol
+ string-append
+ string-ci<=?
+ string-ci<?
+ string-ci=?
+ string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>?
+ string-copy
+ string-fill!
+ string-length
+ string-ref
+ string-set!
+ string<=?
+ string<?
+ string=?
+ string>=?
+ string>?
+ string?
+ substring
+ symbol->string
+ symbol?
+ syntax-rules
+ tan
+ truncate
+ values
+ vector
+ vector->list
+ vector-fill!
+ vector-length
+ vector-ref
+ vector-set!
+ vector?
+ with-input-from-file
+ with-output-to-file
+ write
+ write-char
+ zero?))
\ No newline at end of file