--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017, 2018, 2019 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; NFA regular-expression implementation
+;;; package: (runtime regexp nfa)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;;; Compiler
+(define (generate-matcher thunk)
+ (parameterize ((shared-state (make-shared-state)))
+ (let ((insn (thunk)))
+ (make-matcher (link-insn insn (terminal-node))))))
+;; This structure is overkill for now but allows adding additional information
+;; from the compiler that can be used to make interpretation more efficient.
+(define-record-type <matcher>
+ (make-matcher initial-node)
+ matcher?
+ (initial-node matcher-initial-node))
+(define shared-state
+ (make-parameter #f))
+(define-record-type <shared-state>
+ (%make-shared-state node-indices group-indices)
+ shared-state?
+ (node-indices node-indices)
+ (group-indices group-indices))
+(define (make-shared-state)
+ (%make-shared-state (make-index-generator 0)
+ (make-index-generator 1)))
+(define (make-index-generator n)
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((n* n))
+ (set! n (fix:+ n 1))
+ n*)))
+(define (next-node-index)
+ ((node-indices (shared-state))))
+(define (next-group-index)
+ ((group-indices (shared-state))))
+(define-record-type <insn>
+ (make-insn linker)
+ insn?
+ (linker insn-linker))
+(define (link-insn insn next-node)
+ ((insn-linker insn) next-node))
+(define (matcher-insn id procedure)
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next-node)
+ (normal-node 'matcher id procedure next-node))))
+(define (looker-insn id procedure)
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next-node)
+ (normal-node 'looker id procedure next-node))))
+(define null-insn
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next-node)
+ next-node)))
+(define fail-insn
+ (looker-insn '(fail)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore next-node next-char prev-char ctx))
+ (fail))))
+(define-record-type <node>
+ (%make-node type id procedure nodes)
+ node?
+ (type node-type)
+ (id %node-id)
+ (procedure node-procedure)
+ (nodes next-nodes %set-next-nodes!))
+(define (make-node type id procedure nodes)
+ (%make-node type (cons (next-node-index) id) procedure nodes))
+(define (node-id node)
+ (cons (node-type node) (%node-id node)))
+(define-print-method node?
+ (standard-print-method 'node node-id))
+(define (normal-node type id procedure next-node)
+ (make-node type id procedure (list next-node)))
+(define (terminal-node)
+ (make-node 'terminal '() #f '()))
+(define (fork-node nodes)
+ (make-node 'fork '() #f nodes))
+(define (cyclic-fork-node get-nodes)
+ (let ((node (fork-node '())))
+ (%set-next-nodes! node (get-nodes node))
+ node))
+(define (matcher->nfa matcher)
+ (let ((table (make-strong-eq-hash-table)))
+ (define (handle-node node)
+ (maybe-call (lambda (node)
+ (case (node-type node)
+ ((matcher looker) (handle-normal node))
+ ((fork) (handle-fork node))
+ ((terminal) '())
+ (else (error "Unknown node type:" node))))
+ node))
+ (define (maybe-call proc node)
+ (if (hash-table-exists? table node)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (hash-table-set! table node #t)
+ (proc node))))
+ (define (handle-normal node)
+ (let loop ((node node) (chain '()))
+ (let ((chain (cons node chain)))
+ (case (node-type node)
+ ((matcher looker)
+ (loop (car (next-nodes node)) chain))
+ ((fork)
+ (cons (reverse chain)
+ (maybe-call handle-fork node)))
+ ((terminal)
+ (list (reverse chain)))
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown node type:" node))))))
+ (define (handle-fork node)
+ (cons (cons node (next-nodes node))
+ (append-map handle-node (next-nodes node))))
+ (let ((node (matcher-initial-node matcher)))
+ (if (eq? 'terminal (node-type node))
+ (list (list node))
+ (handle-node node)))))
+;;;; Instructions
+(define (insn:string-start)
+ (looker-insn '(bos)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore next-char))
+ (if (not prev-char)
+ (succeed next-node ctx)
+ (fail)))))
+(define (insn:string-end)
+ (looker-insn '(eos)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore prev-char))
+ (if (not next-char)
+ (succeed next-node ctx)
+ (fail)))))
+(define (insn:line-start)
+ (looker-insn '(bol)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore next-char))
+ (if (or (not prev-char)
+ (char-newline? prev-char))
+ (succeed next-node ctx)
+ (fail)))))
+(define (insn:line-end)
+ (looker-insn '(eol)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore prev-char))
+ (if (or (not next-char)
+ (char-newline? next-char))
+ (succeed next-node ctx)
+ (fail)))))
+(define (insn:char char ci?)
+ (matcher-insn (ci-id char ci?)
+ (let ((pred (if ci? char-ci=? char=?)))
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore prev-char))
+ (if (and next-char (pred char next-char))
+ (succeed next-node (++index ctx))
+ (fail))))))
+(define (insn:char-set char-set ci?)
+ (case (char-set-size char-set)
+ ((0) fail-insn)
+ ((1) (insn:char (integer->char (car (char-set->code-points char-set))) ci?))
+ (else
+ (matcher-insn (ci-id char-set ci?)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore prev-char))
+ (if (and next-char (char-in-set? next-char char-set))
+ (succeed next-node (++index ctx))
+ (fail)))))))
+(define (ci-id object ci?)
+ (if ci?
+ (list 'ci object)
+ (list object)))
+(define (insn:string string ci?)
+ (insn:seq
+ (map (lambda (char)
+ (insn:char char ci?))
+ (string->list string))))
+(define (insn:seq insns)
+ (case (length insns)
+ ((0) null-insn)
+ ((1) (car insns))
+ (else
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next)
+ (fold-right (lambda (insn next)
+ (link-insn insn next))
+ next
+ insns))))))
+(define (insn:alt insns)
+ (case (length insns)
+ ((0) fail-insn)
+ ((1) (car insns))
+ (else
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next)
+ (fork-node
+ (map (lambda (insn)
+ (link-insn insn next))
+ insns)))))))
+(define (insn:? insn)
+ (insn:alt (list insn null-insn)))
+(define (insn:?? insn)
+ (insn:alt (list null-insn insn)))
+(define (insn:* insn)
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next)
+ (cyclic-fork-node
+ (lambda (node)
+ (list (link-insn insn node) next))))))
+(define (insn:*? insn)
+ (make-insn
+ (lambda (next)
+ (cyclic-fork-node
+ (lambda (node)
+ (list next (link-insn insn node)))))))
+(define (insn:= n insn)
+ (insn:seq (make-list n insn)))
+(define (insn:>= n insn)
+ (insn:seq (list (insn:= n insn) (insn:* insn))))
+(define (insn:>=? n insn)
+ (insn:seq (list (insn:= n insn) (insn:*? insn))))
+(define (insn:** n m insn)
+ (insn:seq
+ (cons (insn:= n insn)
+ (make-list (- m n) (insn:? insn)))))
+(define (insn:**? n m insn)
+ (insn:seq
+ (cons (insn:= n insn)
+ (make-list (- m n) (insn:?? insn)))))
+(define (insn:group key insn)
+ (let ((n (next-group-index)))
+ (insn:seq
+ (list (looker-insn (list 'start-group n key)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore next-char prev-char))
+ (succeed next-node (start-group ctx))))
+ insn
+ (looker-insn (list 'end-group n key)
+ (lambda (next-node next-char prev-char ctx)
+ (declare (ignore next-char prev-char))
+ (succeed next-node (finish-group key ctx))))))))
+;;;; Interpreter
+(define (run-matcher matcher string start end)
+ (define (finish state)
+ (trace-matcher (lambda (port) (write (list 'success state) port)))
+ (all-groups string start (state-ctx state)))
+ (let per-index
+ ((states
+ (append-state (make-state (matcher-initial-node matcher)
+ (initial-ctx start))
+ (make-state-set)))
+ (index start)
+ (prev-char #f))
+ (trace-matcher (lambda (port) (pp (cons index (all-elts states)) port)))
+ (cond ((no-elts? states)
+ #f)
+ ((let ((state (first-elt states)))
+ (and (terminal-state? state)
+ state))
+ => finish)
+ ((fix:< index end)
+ (let ((next-char (string-ref string index)))
+ (per-index (interpret-states states next-char prev-char)
+ (fix:+ index 1)
+ next-char)))
+ (else
+ (let ((state
+ (find terminal-state?
+ (all-elts (interpret-states states #f prev-char)))))
+ (and state
+ (finish state)))))))
+(define (interpret-states states next-char prev-char)
+ (define (loop inputs outputs)
+ (if (no-elts? inputs)
+ outputs
+ (interpret-state (first-elt inputs) (rest-elts inputs) outputs)))
+ (define (interpret-state state inputs outputs)
+ (trace-matcher (lambda (port) (write state port)))
+ (case (state-type state)
+ ((matcher) (interpret-matcher state inputs outputs))
+ ((looker) (interpret-looker state inputs outputs))
+ (else (loop inputs (append-state state outputs)))))
+ (define (interpret-matcher state inputs outputs)
+ (let ((state* (run-normal-state state)))
+ (trace-matcher (lambda (port) (write (list '-> state*) port)))
+ (loop inputs
+ (if state*
+ (append-state state* outputs)
+ outputs))))
+ (define (interpret-looker state inputs outputs)
+ (let ((state* (run-normal-state state)))
+ (if state*
+ (if (fork-state? state*)
+ (loop (prepend-state state* inputs) outputs)
+ (interpret-state state* inputs outputs))
+ (loop inputs outputs))))
+ (define (run-normal-state state)
+ (let ((node (state-node state)))
+ ((node-procedure node)
+ (car (next-nodes node))
+ next-char
+ prev-char
+ (state-ctx state))))
+ (loop states (make-state-set)))
+(define (succeed next-node ctx)
+ (make-state next-node ctx))
+(define (fail)
+ #f)
+(define (trace-matcher proc)
+ (if (param:trace-regexp-nfa?)
+ (let ((port (current-output-port)))
+ (fresh-line port)
+ (proc port))))
+(define param:trace-regexp-nfa?
+ (make-settable-parameter #f))
+(define-record-type <state>
+ (make-state node ctx)
+ state?
+ (node state-node)
+ (ctx state-ctx))
+(define-print-method state?
+ (standard-print-method 'state
+ (lambda (state)
+ (node-id (state-node state)))))
+(define (state-type state)
+ (node-type (state-node state)))
+(define (terminal-state? state)
+ (eq? 'terminal (state-type state)))
+(define (fork-state? state)
+ (eq? 'fork (state-type state)))
+(define (fork-state-threads state)
+ (map (let ((ctx (state-ctx state)))
+ (lambda (node)
+ (make-state node ctx)))
+ (next-nodes (state-node state))))
+(define (make-state-set)
+ (let loop ((seen '()) (states '()))
+ (define (add-to-end state)
+ (if (fork-state? state)
+ (if (seen? state)
+ this
+ (fold append-state
+ (loop (cons state seen) states)
+ (fork-state-threads state)))
+ (if (seen? state)
+ this
+ (loop (cons state seen)
+ (cons state states)))))
+ (define (add-to-start state)
+ (if (fork-state? state)
+ (if (seen? state)
+ this
+ (fold-right prepend-state
+ (loop (cons state seen) states)
+ (fork-state-threads state)))
+ (if (seen? state)
+ this
+ (loop (cons state seen)
+ (append states (list state))))))
+ (define (seen? state)
+ (any (lambda (state*)
+ (state=? state state*))
+ seen))
+ (define (empty?)
+ (null? states))
+ (define (first)
+ (last states))
+ (define (rest)
+ (loop seen (except-last-pair states)))
+ (define (all)
+ (reverse states))
+ (define this
+ (%make-state-set add-to-end add-to-start empty? first rest all))
+ this))
+(define-record-type <state-set>
+ (%make-state-set append prepend empty? first rest all)
+ state-set?
+ (append %state-set-append)
+ (prepend %state-set-prepend)
+ (empty? %state-set-empty?)
+ (first %state-set-first)
+ (rest %state-set-rest)
+ (all %state-set-all))
+(define (append-state state states) ((%state-set-append states) state))
+(define (prepend-state state states) ((%state-set-prepend states) state))
+(define (no-elts? states) ((%state-set-empty? states)))
+(define (first-elt states) ((%state-set-first states)))
+(define (rest-elts states) ((%state-set-rest states)))
+(define (all-elts states) ((%state-set-all states)))
+(define (state=? s1 s2)
+ (and (eq? (state-node s1) (state-node s2))
+ (eq? (state-ctx s1) (state-ctx s2))))
+;;;; Context
+(define-record-type <ctx>
+ (make-ctx index stack groups)
+ ctx?
+ (index ctx-index)
+ (stack ctx-stack)
+ (groups ctx-groups))
+(define (initial-ctx start)
+ (make-ctx start '() '()))
+(define (++index ctx)
+ (make-ctx (fix:+ (ctx-index ctx) 1)
+ (ctx-stack ctx)
+ (ctx-groups ctx)))
+(define (start-group ctx)
+ (let ((index (ctx-index ctx)))
+ (make-ctx index
+ (cons index (ctx-stack ctx))
+ (ctx-groups ctx))))
+(define (finish-group key ctx)
+ (let ((index (ctx-index ctx))
+ (stack (ctx-stack ctx)))
+ (make-ctx index
+ (cdr stack)
+ (cons (let ((start (car stack)))
+ (lambda (string)
+ (make-group key string start index)))
+ (ctx-groups ctx)))))
+(define (all-groups string start ctx)
+ (cons (make-group 0 string start (ctx-index ctx))
+ (map (lambda (p) (p string))
+ (reverse (ctx-groups ctx)))))
+(define-record-type <group>
+ (make-group key string start end)
+ group?
+ (key group-key)
+ (string group-string)
+ (start group-start)
+ (end group-end))
+(define (group-value group)
+ (string-slice (group-string group)
+ (group-start group)
+ (group-end group)))
+(define-print-method group?
+ (standard-print-method 'group
+ (lambda (group)
+ (list (group-key group) (group-value group)))))
\ No newline at end of file
(register-predicate! cset-sre? 'char-set-regexp)
(define (compile-sre-top-level sre)
- (%link-insn
+ (make-regexp
(parameterize ((%input-pattern sre)
(%submatch-next 1))
- (compile-sre sre))))
+ (generate-matcher
+ (lambda ()
+ (compile-sre sre))))))
(define %input-pattern (make-unsettable-parameter #f))
(define %submatch-next (make-settable-parameter #f))
(%submatch-next (+ n 1))
-(define (%link-insn insn)
- (make-regexp
- (insn
- (lambda (position groups fail)
- (declare (ignore fail))
- (cons position (all-groups groups))))))
(define-record-type <regexp>
(make-regexp impl)
(guarantee nfc-string? string 'regexp-matches)
(let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'regexp-matches))
(start (fix:start-index start end 'regexp-matches)))
- (%regexp-match (regexp re) (make-string-position string start end))))
+ (%regexp-match (regexp re) string start end)))
(define (regexp-matches? re string #!optional start end)
(guarantee nfc-string? string 'regexp-matches?)
(let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'regexp-matches?))
(start (fix:start-index start end 'regexp-matches?)))
- (%regexp-match (regexp re) (make-string-position string start end))))
+ (%regexp-match (regexp re) string start end)))
(define (regexp-search re string #!optional start end)
(guarantee nfc-string? string 'regexp-search)
(let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'regexp-search))
(start (fix:start-index start end 'regexp-search)))
- (let ((cre (regexp re)))
- (let loop ((position (make-string-position string start end)))
- (or (%regexp-match cre position)
- (and (next-char position)
- (loop (next-position position))))))))
+ (let ((regexp (regexp re)))
+ (let loop ((index start))
+ (if (fix:< index end)
+ (or (%regexp-match regexp string index end)
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1)))
+ (%regexp-match regexp string index end))))))
(define (regexp re)
(if (regexp? re)
(compile-sre-top-level re)))
-(define (%regexp-match cre start-position)
- (let ((result
- ((regexp-impl cre) start-position (make-groups) (lambda () #f))))
- (and result
- (make-regexp-match (make-group 0 start-position (car result))
- (cdr result)))))
+(define (regexp->nfa regexp)
+ (matcher->nfa (regexp-impl regexp)))
+(define (print-regexp regexp #!optional port)
+ (let ((port (if (default-object? port) (current-output-port) port)))
+ (fresh-line port)
+ (for-each (lambda (object)
+ (write-line object port))
+ (regexp->nfa regexp))))
+(define (%regexp-match regexp string start end)
+ (let ((groups (run-matcher (regexp-impl regexp) string start end)))
+ (and groups
+ (make-regexp-match (car groups) (cdr groups)))))
(define-record-type <regexp-match>
(make-regexp-match group0 groups)
(group0 %regexp-match-group0)
(groups %regexp-match-groups))
+(define-print-method regexp-match?
+ (standard-print-method 'regexp-match
+ (lambda (match)
+ (list (group-value (%regexp-match-group0 match))))))
(define (regexp-match-count match)
(length (%regexp-match-groups match)))
(define (compile-sre sre)
(cond ((find-cset-sre-rule sre)
=> (lambda (rule)
- (insn:char-set ((rule-operation rule) sre))))
+ (insn:char-set ((rule-operation rule) sre) #f)))
((find-sre-rule sre)
=> (lambda (rule)
((rule-operation rule) sre)))
(define-sre-alias 'zero-or-more '*)
(define-sre-rule `(+ . ,sre?)
- (lambda sres (insn:** 1 #f (compile-sres sres))))
+ (lambda sres (insn:>= 1 (compile-sres sres))))
(define-sre-alias 'one-or-more '+)
(define-sre-rule `(? . ,sre?)
(define-sre-alias 'optional '?)
(define-sre-rule `(= ,min-arity? . ,sre?)
- (lambda (n . sres) (insn:** n n (compile-sres sres))))
+ (lambda (n . sres) (insn:= n (compile-sres sres))))
(define-sre-alias 'exactly '=)
(define-sre-rule `(>= ,min-arity? . ,sre?)
- (lambda (n . sres) (insn:** n #f (compile-sres sres))))
+ (lambda (n . sres) (insn:>= n (compile-sres sres))))
(define-sre-alias 'at-least '>=)
(define-sre-rule `(** ,min-arity? ,max-arity? . ,sre?)
(lambda (n m . sres) (insn:**? n m (compile-sres sres)))
(lambda (n m . sres) (declare (ignore sres)) (<= n m)))
(define-sre-alias 'non-greedy-repeated '**?)
-(define-sre-rule `(backref ,backref-key?)
- (lambda (key) (insn:group-ref key)))
;;;; <cset-sre>