#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: midend.scm,v 1.20 1996/03/08 17:19:00 adams Exp $
+$Id: midend.scm,v 1.21 1996/03/08 22:11:34 adams Exp $
Copyright (c) 1994 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(apply warn complaint *current-phase* reasons))
(define (user-warning complaint . reasons)
- (apply warn complaint *current-phase* reasons))
+ (apply warn complaint reasons))
(define (illegal form)
(if (and (pair? form)
(define (unimplemented name)
(internal-error "Unimplemented procedure" name))
+(define (form->source-irritant form)
+ ;; Turn FORM into something to put in an error message or warning that
+ ;; can help the user figure out where the error is. Currently
+ ;; pretty-prints the DBG expression for FORM if it can be found, and
+ ;; prefixes each line with "; ".
+ (define (string-split string separator)
+ (let ((end (string-length string)))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (cond ((substring-find-next-char string i end separator)
+ => (lambda (i*)
+ (cons (substring string i i*) (loop (+ i* 1)))))
+ ((= i end) '())
+ (else (list (substring string i end)))))))
+ (define (format-scode scode)
+ (fluid-let ((*unparser-list-depth-limit* 3))
+ (let ((text (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp scode)))))
+ (let ((fragments (string-split text #\newline)))
+ (define (prefix s) (if (string-null? s) s (string-append "\n; " s)))
+ (error-irritant/noise
+ (apply string-append (map prefix fragments)))))))
+ (define (get-source dbg-object)
+ (cond ((new-dbg-expression? dbg-object)
+ (format-scode (new-dbg-expression/source-code dbg-object)))
+ ((new-dbg-procedure? dbg-object)
+ (format-scode (new-dbg-procedure/source-code dbg-object)))
+ ((new-dbg-continuation/inner dbg-object)
+ => get-source)
+ ((new-dbg-continuation/outer dbg-object)
+ => get-source)
+ (else (unhelpful))))
+ (define (unhelpful) (error-irritant/noise ""))
+ (cond ((code-rewrite/original-form form) => get-source)
+ ((code-rewrite/original-form/previous form) => get-source)
+ (else (unhelpful))))
(define (compiler:debug #!optional what)