#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: output.scm,v 14.26 2003/01/01 02:25:54 cph Exp $
+$Id: output.scm,v 14.27 2003/01/02 01:52:51 cph Exp $
-Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1993,1999,2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This file is part of MIT Scheme.
(if (default-object? port)
- (guarantee-output-port port 'FLUSH-OUTPUT))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (guarantee-output-port port 'FLUSH-OUTPUT))))
+;;;; Tabular output
+(define (write-strings-as-table strings port row-major? min-minor
+ left-margin col-sep right-margin)
+ (if (not (list-of-type? strings string?))
+ (error:wrong-type-argument strings "list of strings"
+ (guarantee-output-port port 'WRITE-STRINGS-AS-TABLE)
+ (guarantee-exact-positive-integer min-minor 'WRITE-STRINGS-AS-TABLE)
+ (guarantee-string left-margin 'WRITE-STRINGS-AS-TABLE)
+ (guarantee-string col-sep 'WRITE-STRINGS-AS-TABLE)
+ (guarantee-string right-margin 'WRITE-STRINGS-AS-TABLE)
+ (let ((n-strings (length strings))
+ (max-width (output-port/x-size port))
+ (lm-width (string-length left-margin))
+ (cs-width (string-length col-sep))
+ (rm-width (string-length right-margin)))
+ (define (do-row-major)
+ (do-it (let loop
+ ((strings (cdr strings))
+ (width (+ lm-width rm-width (string-length (car strings))))
+ (n-cols 1))
+ (if (and (< width max-width)
+ (pair? strings))
+ (let ((width*
+ (+ width cs-width (string-length (car strings)))))
+ (if (<= width* max-width)
+ (loop (cdr strings) width* (+ n-cols 1))
+ (max n-cols min-minor)))
+ (max n-cols min-minor)))
+ (lambda (n-cols) (- n-cols 1))
+ (lambda (n-cols) (= n-cols min-minor))
+ (lambda (n-cols)
+ (let ((cols (make-list n-cols '())))
+ (do ((strings strings (cdr strings))
+ (p cols (if (pair? (cdr p)) (cdr p) cols)))
+ ((not (pair? strings)))
+ (set-car! p (cons (car strings) (car p))))
+ (do ((p cols (cdr p)))
+ ((not (pair? p)))
+ (set-car! p (reverse! (car p))))
+ cols))
+ (lambda ()
+ (write-string left-margin port)
+ (for-each (lambda (string)
+ (write-string col-sep port)
+ (write-string string port))
+ strings)
+ (write-string right-margin port)
+ (newline port))))
+ (define (do-col-major)
+ (do-it min-minor
+ (lambda (n-rows) (+ n-rows 1))
+ (lambda (n-rows) n-rows #f)
+ (lambda (n-rows)
+ (let loop
+ ((strings strings)
+ (n-strings (length strings))
+ (cols '()))
+ (if (> n-strings n-rows)
+ (loop (list-tail strings n-rows)
+ (- n-strings n-rows)
+ (cons (list-head strings n-rows) cols))
+ (reverse!
+ (if (> n-strings 0) (cons strings cols) cols)))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (for-each (lambda (string)
+ (write-string left-margin port)
+ (write-string string port)
+ (write-string right-margin port)
+ (newline port))
+ strings))))
+ (define (do-it start-n-minor step-minor limit-n-minor? ->cols single-major)
+ (let loop ((n-minor start-n-minor))
+ (if (<= n-minor n-strings)
+ (let* ((cols (->cols n-minor))
+ (col-widths
+ (map (lambda (col)
+ (apply max (map string-length col)))
+ cols)))
+ (if (or (limit-n-minor? n-minor)
+ (<= (apply +
+ lm-width
+ (* cs-width (- (length cols) 1))
+ rm-width
+ col-widths)
+ max-width))
+ (write-cols cols col-widths)
+ (loop (step-minor n-minor))))
+ (single-major))))
+ (define (write-cols cols col-widths)
+ (do ()
+ ((not (pair? (car cols))))
+ (do ((cols cols (cdr cols))
+ (col-widths col-widths (cdr col-widths))
+ (prefix left-margin col-sep))
+ ((not (pair? cols)))
+ (let ((strings (car cols)))
+ (if (pair? strings)
+ (begin
+ (write-string prefix port)
+ (write-string (car strings) port)
+ (do ((n (- (car col-widths) (string-length (car strings)))
+ (- n 1)))
+ ((= n 0))
+ (write-char #\space port))
+ (set-car! cols (cdr strings)))
+ (begin
+ (write-string prefix port)
+ (do ((n (car col-widths) (- n 1)))
+ ((= n 0))
+ (write-char #\space port))))))
+ (write-string right-margin port)
+ (newline port)))
+ (if row-major? (do-row-major) (do-col-major))))
\ No newline at end of file