--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: comatch.scm,v 1.1 1997/03/07 23:31:09 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
+;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
+;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;;; understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
+;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
+;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
+;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
+;;; this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with
+;;; the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
+;;; research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
+;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
+;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
+;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
+;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;; NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+;;; from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+;;; the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+;;; of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; Combinatoric Matcher
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;; This matcher allows compex matching patterns to be built up from
+;;; primitives using combinators. With this implementation, the
+;;; patterns are just procedures, but it is simple to change the
+;;; implementation so that they use a different representation.
+;;; Each pattern takes two arguments: a start mark and an end mark.
+;;; The pattern matches itself against the buffer's contents between
+;;; the two marks. A successful match returns a mark to the right of
+;;; the rightmost character in the match. A failed match returns #F.
+(define (comatch-apply comatcher start #!optional end)
+ (comatcher start
+ (if (default-object? end) (group-end start) end)))
+(define (comatch:general procedure) procedure)
+(define comatch:false (comatch:general (lambda (start end) start end #f)))
+(define comatch:true (comatch:general (lambda (start end) end start)))
+(define comatch:to-sexp (comatch:general forward-to-sexp-start))
+(define comatch:sexp (comatch:general forward-one-sexp))
+(define (comatch:char char #!optional case-fold?)
+ (if (or (default-object? case-fold?) (not case-fold?))
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (and (mark< start end)
+ (char=? char (extract-right-char start)))))
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (and (mark< start end)
+ (char-ci=? char (extract-right-char start)))))))
+(define (comatch:string string #!optional case-fold?)
+ (let ((case-fold? (if (default-object? case-fold?) #f case-fold?)))
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (match-forward string start end case-fold?)))))
+(define (comatch:regexp regexp #!optional case-fold?)
+ (let ((regexp
+ (if (compiled-regexp? regexp)
+ regexp
+ (re-compile-pattern regexp
+ (if (default-object? case-fold?)
+ #f
+ case-fold?)))))
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (re-match-forward regexp start end)))))
+(define (comatch:skip-chars pattern)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (skip-chars-forward pattern start end))))
+;;;; Combinators
+(define (comatch:* comatcher)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (let loop ((start start))
+ (let ((mark (comatch-apply comatcher start end)))
+ (if mark
+ (loop mark)
+ start))))))
+(define (comatch:+ comatcher)
+ (let ((tail (comatch:* comatcher)))
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (let ((mark (comatch-apply comatcher start end)))
+ (and mark
+ (tail mark end)))))))
+(define (comatch:? comatcher)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (or (comatch-apply comatcher start end) start))))
+(define (comatch:combine-rest initial combine-2)
+ (lambda comatchers
+ (if (null? comatchers)
+ initial
+ (let loop ((comatchers comatchers))
+ (if (null? (cdr comatchers))
+ (car comatchers)
+ (combine-2 (car comatchers) (loop (cdr comatchers))))))))
+(define comatch:append
+ (comatch:combine-rest comatch:true
+ (lambda (c1 c2)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (let ((start (comatch-apply c1 start end)))
+ (and start
+ (comatch-apply c2 start end))))))))
+(define comatch:or
+ (comatch:combine-rest comatch:true
+ (lambda (c1 c2)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (or (comatch-apply c1 start end)
+ (comatch-apply c2 start end)))))))
+(define comatch:and
+ (comatch:combine-rest comatch:true
+ (lambda (c1 c2)
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (and (comatch-apply c1 start end)
+ (comatch-apply c2 start end)))))))
+;;; Edwin Variables:
+;;; scheme-environment: '(edwin)
+;;; scheme-syntax-table: edwin-syntax-table
+;;; End:
--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: keyparse.scm,v 1.1 1997/03/07 23:31:15 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996-97 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
+;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
+;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;;; understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
+;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
+;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
+;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
+;;; this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with
+;;; the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
+;;; research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
+;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
+;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
+;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
+;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;; NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+;;; from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+;;; the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+;;; of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; Keyword Syntax Parser
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-structure (description
+ (keyword-constructor make-keyparser-description)
+ (conc-name description/))
+ ;; A list of patterns describing the syntax structures recognized by
+ ;; this language. The patterns are matched left to right.
+ (patterns #f read-only #t)
+ ;; A list of "leaders" that can appear at the beginning of a
+ ;; statement. These leaders are considered to be part of the
+ ;; statement that follows them, and are skipped over to find the
+ ;; statement and parse it. Each entry in the list is a pair of a
+ ;; regular expression and a procedure; the regexp matches the
+ ;; beginning of the leader, and the procedure skips over the rest of
+ ;; the leader. The procedure gets two arguments: the result of the
+ ;; regexp match and the END mark, and returns a mark pointing at the
+ ;; end of the leader, or #F if the leader doesn't end by END.
+ (statement-leaders #f read-only #t)
+ ;; A procedure that finds the end of a simple statement given two
+ ;; marks: the beginning of the statement and the end of the parse.
+ ;; Returns a mark pointing past the statement end, or #F if the
+ ;; statement doesn't terminate prior to the parse end.
+ (find-statement-end #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Procedures that compute the correct indentation for continued
+ ;; objects. Each procedure accepts a mark pointing to the beginning
+ ;; of the continued object and returns the indentation for
+ ;; continuation lines of that object.
+ (indent-continued-statement #f read-only #t)
+ (indent-continued-comment #f read-only #t))
+;; A structure pattern is a list of pattern fragments, which define
+;; the parts of the structure. The START and END define how the
+;; structure begins and ends. The CONTINUATIONS define intermediate
+;; keywords that introduce new subsections of the structure.
+;; For example, in a VHDL "IF" statement, the START is "IF
+;; <expression> THEN <statements>", the END is "END IF;", and the
+;; continations are "ELSIF <expression> THEN <statements>" and "ELSE
+;; <statements>".
+(define-integrable (pattern/start pattern) (car pattern))
+(define-integrable (pattern/end pattern) (cadr pattern))
+(define-integrable (pattern/continuations pattern) (cddr pattern))
+;; A pattern fragment is a header followed by an indented body. (This
+;; is sometimes called a "hanging indentation" style.) The pattern
+;; fragment defines how to identify the header, how to parse it once
+;; it is identified, how much to indent the header should it span
+;; multiple lines, and how to parse and indent the body.
+(define-structure (fragment
+ (keyword-constructor make-keyparser-fragment)
+ (conc-name fragment/))
+ ;; Keyword that introduces the structure.
+ (keyword #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Procedure that matches the header. The procedure accepts as
+ ;; argument a mark immediately to the right of the keyword, and
+ ;; returns a boolean indicating whether the header is matched. If
+ ;; MATCH-HEADER is #F, the header is assumed to be matched when the
+ ;; keyword is recognized.
+ (match-header #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Parser to scan over the header of the structure. A procedure
+ ;; that accepts three arguments and returns one value. The three
+ ;; arguments are: a parser description, a start mark, and an end
+ ;; mark. The value is a mark pointing to the end of the header.
+ (parse-header #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Procedure that computes the indentation for continuation lines of
+ ;; the header. The procedure accepts one argument, a mark pointing
+ ;; to the beginning of the header, and returns the indentation.
+ (indent-header #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Parser to scan over the body of the structure. A procedure that
+ ;; accepts four arguments and returns two values. The four
+ ;; arguments are: a parser description, a start mark, an end mark,
+ ;; and a parser stack. The two values are: a mark and a parser
+ ;; stack.
+ (parse-body #f read-only #t)
+ ;; Procedure that computes the indentation for the body of the
+ ;; structure. The procedure accepts one argument, a mark pointing
+ ;; to the beginning of the header, and returns the indentation.
+ (indent-body #f read-only #t)
+ ;; This value, if true for an ending fragment, causes the ender to
+ ;; close this many enclosing structures in addition to the innermost
+ ;; structure.
+ (pop-container 0 read-only #t))
+(define-variable keyparser-description
+ "Top-level description of buffer's syntax, for use by keyword parser."
+ #f)
+(define-command keyparser-indent-line
+ "Indent current line using the keyword syntax for this buffer."
+ "d"
+ (lambda (#!optional mark)
+ (let* ((mark (if (default-object? mark) (current-point) mark))
+ (point? (mark= (line-start mark 0) (line-start (current-point) 0))))
+ (indent-line mark (keyparser-compute-indentation mark))
+ (if point?
+ (let ((point (current-point)))
+ (if (within-indentation? point)
+ (set-current-point! (indentation-end point))))))))
+(define-command keyparser-indent-region
+ "Indent current region using the keyword syntax for this buffer."
+ "r"
+ (lambda (region)
+ (let ((start
+ (mark-left-inserting-copy (line-start (region-start region) 0)))
+ (end (mark-left-inserting-copy (line-start (region-end region) 0))))
+ (let ((dstart (or (this-definition-start start) (group-start start))))
+ (let loop ((state (keyparse-initial dstart start)))
+ ;; The temporary marks in STATE are to the left of START, and
+ ;; thus are unaffected by insertion at START.
+ (if (not (line-blank? start))
+ (indent-line start
+ (keyparser-compute-indentation-1 dstart
+ start
+ state)))
+ (let ((start* (line-start start 1 'LIMIT)))
+ (if (mark<= start* end)
+ (let ((state (keyparse-partial start start* state)))
+ (move-mark-to! start start*)
+ (loop state))))))
+ (mark-temporary! start)
+ (mark-temporary! end))))
+(define (indent-line mark indentation)
+ (let ((indent-point (indentation-end mark)))
+ (if (not (= indentation (mark-column indent-point)))
+ (change-indentation indentation indent-point))))
+(define (keyparser-compute-indentation mark)
+ (let ((dstart (or (this-definition-start mark) (group-start mark)))
+ (end (line-start mark 0)))
+ (keyparser-compute-indentation-1 dstart
+ end
+ (keyparse-initial dstart end))))
+(define (keyparser-compute-indentation-1 dstart lstart state)
+ ;; DSTART is the start of a top-level definition. LSTART is the
+ ;; start of a line within that definition. STATE is the keyparser
+ ;; state obtained by parsing from DSTART to LSTART.
+ (let ((char-state (keyparser-state/char-state state))
+ (description (ref-variable keyparser-description dstart)))
+ (if (and char-state (in-char-syntax-structure? char-state))
+ (cond ((parse-state-in-comment? char-state)
+ ((description/indent-continued-comment description)
+ (parse-state-comment-start char-state)))
+ ((> (parse-state-depth char-state) 0)
+ (+ (mark-column
+ (or (parse-state-containing-sexp char-state)
+ (parse-state-containing-sexp
+ (parse-partial-sexp dstart lstart))))
+ 1))
+ (else 0))
+ (let ((restart-point (keyparser-state/restart-point state))
+ (stack (keyparser-state/stack state)))
+ (if restart-point
+ ((if (eq? 'HEADER (keyparser-state/restart-type state))
+ (fragment/indent-header (stack-entry/fragment (car stack)))
+ (description/indent-continued-statement description))
+ restart-point)
+ (if (null? stack)
+ 0
+ (let ((entry (at-current-level? description lstart stack)))
+ (if entry
+ (mark-indentation
+ (stack-entry/start
+ (car (if (stack-entry/end? entry)
+ (pop-containers
+ stack
+ (stack-entry/fragment entry))
+ stack))))
+ (let ((entry (car stack)))
+ ((fragment/indent-body (stack-entry/fragment entry))
+ (stack-entry/start entry)))))))))))
+(define-variable keyword-table
+ "String table of keywords, to control keyword-completion.
+See \\[complete-keyword]."
+ #f)
+(define-command complete-keyword
+ "Perform completion on keyword preceding point."
+ ()
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((end
+ (let ((point (current-point)))
+ (let ((end (group-end point)))
+ (or (re-match-forward "\\sw+" point end #f)
+ (and (mark< (group-start point) point)
+ (re-match-forward "\\sw+" (mark-1+ point) end #f))
+ (editor-error "No keyword preceding point"))))))
+ (let ((start (backward-word end 1 'LIMIT)))
+ (standard-completion (extract-string start end)
+ (lambda (prefix if-unique if-not-unique if-not-found)
+ (string-table-complete (ref-variable keyword-table)
+ prefix
+ if-unique
+ if-not-unique
+ if-not-found))
+ (lambda (completion)
+ (delete-string start end)
+ (insert-string completion start)))))))
+(define-structure (keyparser-state (conc-name keyparser-state/))
+ ;; CHAR-STATE is the result from the character parser.
+ (char-state #f read-only #t)
+ ;; STACK is a list of elements that indicate the keyword-structure
+ ;; nesting. The first element of STACK indicates the innermost
+ ;; structure, subsequent elements indicate less-inner structures.
+ (stack #f read-only #t)
+ ;; RESTART-POINT is either #F or a mark. This is used when the
+ ;; parser indicates that we are inside some simple structure, such
+ ;; as a list or a statement. In that case, RESTART-POINT remembers
+ ;; where we were before we got into that structure, so we can resume
+ ;; the parser from that point once we get out of the structure.
+ (restart-point #f read-only #t)
+ ;; RESTART-TYPE is a symbol indicating what kind of structure
+ ;; RESTART-POINT is at the beginning of. It can be 'HEADER,
+ (restart-type #f read-only #t))
+;; Each stack entry consists of a PATTERN describing the structure
+;; that we're nested inside, an INDEX indicating which part of PATTERN
+;; we're in, and a START mark pointing to the beginning of the
+;; structure.
+(define-structure (stack-entry
+ (conc-name stack-entry/)
+ (print-procedure
+ (standard-unparser-method 'STACK-ENTRY
+ (lambda (entry port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write (fragment/keyword
+ (pattern/start
+ (stack-entry/pattern entry)))
+ port)))))
+ (pattern #f read-only #t)
+ (index #f read-only #t)
+ (start #f read-only #t))
+(define-integrable (stack-entry/end? entry)
+ (= 1 (stack-entry/index entry)))
+(define (stack-entry/fragment entry)
+ (list-ref (stack-entry/pattern entry)
+ (stack-entry/index entry)))
+(define (keyparse-initial dstart mark)
+ (let ((lstart (line-start mark 0))
+ (state (make-keyparser-state #f '() #f #f)))
+ (if (mark= dstart lstart)
+ state
+ (keyparse-partial dstart lstart state))))
+(define (keyparse-partial start end state)
+ ;; STATE is the keyparser state corresponding to START; the value of
+ ;; this procedure is the keyparser state corresponding to END.
+ (let ((cs
+ (parse-partial-sexp start end #f #f
+ (keyparser-state/char-state state))))
+ (if (in-char-syntax-structure? cs)
+ (make-keyparser-state cs
+ (keyparser-state/stack state)
+ (or (keyparser-state/restart-point state) start)
+ (keyparser-state/restart-type state))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (keyparse-forward (ref-variable keyparser-description start)
+ (or (keyparser-state/restart-point state)
+ start)
+ end
+ (keyparser-state/stack state)))
+ (lambda (stack restart-point restart-type)
+ (make-keyparser-state cs stack restart-point restart-type))))))
+(define (keyparse-forward description start end stack)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (parse-forward-to-statement description start end))
+ (lambda (sstart kstart)
+ (cond ((not kstart)
+ (values stack sstart 'LEADER))
+ ((mark= kstart end)
+ (if (mark= sstart kstart)
+ (values stack #f #f)
+ (values stack sstart 'STATEMENT)))
+ (else
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (and (not (null? stack))
+ (not (stack-entry/end? (car stack))))
+ (match-current-level (stack-entry/pattern (car stack))
+ kstart)
+ (values #f #f)))
+ (lambda (match index)
+ (if match
+ (continue-after-match
+ description sstart match end
+ (cons (make-stack-entry (stack-entry/pattern (car stack))
+ index
+ (stack-entry/start (car stack)))
+ (cdr stack)))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (match-structure-start description kstart))
+ (lambda (match pattern)
+ (if match
+ (continue-after-match
+ description sstart match end
+ (cons (make-stack-entry pattern 0 sstart)
+ stack))
+ (let ((se
+ ((description/find-statement-end
+ description)
+ kstart end)))
+ (if se
+ (continue-after-statement-end description
+ se
+ end
+ stack)
+ (values stack
+ sstart
+ 'STATEMENT))))))))))))))
+(define (at-current-level? description lstart stack)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (parse-forward-to-statement description lstart (line-end lstart 0)))
+ (lambda (sstart kstart)
+ sstart
+ (and kstart
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (match-current-level (stack-entry/pattern (car stack))
+ kstart))
+ (lambda (match index)
+ match
+ (and match
+ (make-stack-entry (stack-entry/pattern (car stack))
+ index
+ (stack-entry/start (car stack))))))))))
+(define (parse-forward-to-statement description start end)
+ (let ((sstart (skip-whitespace start end)))
+ (let outer ((mark sstart))
+ (if (mark= mark end)
+ (values sstart mark)
+ (let loop ((leaders (description/statement-leaders description)))
+ (if (null? leaders)
+ (values sstart mark)
+ (let ((mark* (re-match-forward (caar leaders) mark)))
+ (if mark*
+ (let ((mark* ((cdar leaders) mark* end)))
+ (if mark*
+ (outer (skip-whitespace mark* end))
+ (values sstart #f)))
+ (loop (cdr leaders))))))))))
+(define (skip-whitespace start end)
+ (backward-prefix-chars (forward-to-sexp-start start end) start))
+(define (continue-after-match description start match end stack)
+ (let ((fragment (stack-entry/fragment (car stack))))
+ (let ((mark
+ (and (mark<= match end)
+ ((fragment/parse-header fragment) match end))))
+ (cond ((not mark)
+ (values stack start 'HEADER))
+ ((stack-entry/end? (car stack))
+ (continue-after-statement-end
+ description mark end
+ (pop-containers (cdr stack) fragment)))
+ (else
+ ((fragment/parse-body fragment) description mark end stack))))))
+(define (pop-containers stack fragment)
+ (let loop ((stack stack) (n (fragment/pop-container fragment)))
+ (if (and (pair? stack) (> n 0))
+ (loop (cdr stack) (- n 1))
+ stack)))
+(define (continue-after-statement-end description start end stack)
+ (keyparse-forward
+ description
+ start
+ end
+ (let loop ((stack stack))
+ (if (and (pair? stack)
+ (not (pattern/end (stack-entry/pattern (car stack)))))
+ (loop (cdr stack))
+ stack))))
+(define (match-current-level pattern start)
+ (let loop ((fragments (cdr pattern)) (index 1))
+ (if (null? fragments)
+ (values #f #f)
+ (let ((mark
+ (and (car fragments)
+ (match-fragment (car fragments) start))))
+ (if mark
+ (values mark index)
+ (loop (cdr fragments) (+ index 1)))))))
+(define (match-structure-start description start)
+ (let loop ((patterns (description/patterns description)))
+ (if (null? patterns)
+ (values #f #f)
+ (let* ((pattern (car patterns))
+ (mark (match-fragment (pattern/start pattern) start)))
+ (if mark
+ (values mark pattern)
+ (loop (cdr patterns)))))))
+(define (match-fragment fragment mark)
+ (let ((end (match-forward (fragment/keyword fragment) mark)))
+ (and end
+ (or (line-end? end)
+ (char=? #\space
+ (char->syntax-code (ref-variable syntax-table end)
+ (mark-right-char end))))
+ (let ((match-header (fragment/match-header fragment)))
+ (if match-header
+ (match-header end)
+ end)))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: vhdl.scm,v 1.1 1997/03/07 23:31:22 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1997 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
+;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
+;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;;; understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
+;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
+;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
+;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
+;;; this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with
+;;; the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
+;;; research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
+;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
+;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
+;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
+;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;; NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+;;; from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+;;; the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+;;; of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; Major Mode for VHDL Programs
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-command vhdl-mode
+ "Enter VHDL mode."
+ ()
+ (lambda () (set-current-major-mode! (ref-mode-object vhdl))))
+(define-major-mode vhdl fundamental "VHDL"
+ "Major mode specialized for editing VHDL code."
+ (lambda (buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! syntax-table vhdl-mode:syntax-table buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! syntax-ignore-comments-backwards #f buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! comment-column 40 buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! comment-locator-hook vhdl-comment-locate buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! comment-indent-hook vhdl-comment-indentation buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! comment-start "-- " buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! comment-end "" buffer)
+ (let ((paragraph-start
+ (string-append "^$\\|" (ref-variable page-delimiter buffer))))
+ (local-set-variable! paragraph-start paragraph-start buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! paragraph-separate paragraph-start buffer))
+ (local-set-variable! indent-line-procedure
+ (ref-command keyparser-indent-line)
+ buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! definition-start vhdl-defun-start-regexp buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! require-final-newline #t buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! keyparser-description
+ vhdl-keyparser-description
+ buffer)
+ (local-set-variable! keyword-table vhdl-keyword-table buffer)
+ (event-distributor/invoke! (ref-variable vhdl-mode-hook buffer)
+ buffer)))
+(define vhdl-mode:syntax-table
+ (let ((syntax-table (make-syntax-table)))
+ (for-each (lambda (char) (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table char "_"))
+ (string->list "_.#+"))
+ (for-each (lambda (char) (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table char "."))
+ (string->list "*/&|<>=$%"))
+ (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table #\\ "\"")
+ (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table #\' "\"")
+ (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table #\- "_ 56")
+ (modify-syntax-entry! syntax-table #\newline ">")
+ syntax-table))
+(define-key 'vhdl #\linefeed 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\rubout 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\tab 'keyparser-indent-line)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\c-m-\\ 'keyparser-indent-region)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\) 'lisp-insert-paren)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\] 'lisp-insert-paren)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\} 'lisp-insert-paren)
+(define-key 'vhdl #\m-tab 'complete-keyword)
+;;;; Syntax Description
+(define (vhdl-comment-locate mark)
+ (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp mark (line-end mark 0))))
+ (and (parse-state-in-comment? state)
+ (vhdl-comment-match-start (parse-state-comment-start state))
+ (cons (re-match-start 0) (re-match-end 0)))))
+(define (vhdl-comment-match-start mark)
+ (re-match-forward "--+[ \t]*" mark))
+(define (vhdl-comment-indentation mark)
+ (let ((column
+ (cond ((match-forward "----" mark)
+ 0)
+ ((match-forward "---" mark)
+ (keyparser-compute-indentation mark))
+ (else
+ (ref-variable comment-column mark)))))
+ (if (within-indentation? mark)
+ column
+ (max (+ (mark-column (horizontal-space-start mark)) 1)
+ column))))
+(define vhdl-defun-start-regexp
+ (string-append
+ "^"
+ (regexp-group "architecture" "configuration" "entity"
+ "library" "package" "use")
+ (regexp-group "\\s " "$")))
+(define vhdl-keyword-table
+ (alist->string-table
+ (map list
+ '("abs" "access" "after" "alias" "all" "and" "architecture" "array"
+ "assert" "attribute" "begin" "block" "body" "buffer" "bus" "case"
+ "component" "configuration" "constant" "disconnect" "downto" "else"
+ "elsif" "end" "entity" "exit" "file" "for" "function" "generate"
+ "generic" "group" "guarded" "if" "impure" "in" "inertial" "inout"
+ "is" "label" "library" "linkage" "literal" "loop" "map" "mod" "nand"
+ "new" "next" "nor" "not" "null" "of" "on" "open" "or" "others" "out"
+ "package" "port" "postponed" "procedure" "process" "pure" "range"
+ "record" "register" "reject" "rem" "report" "return" "rol" "ror"
+ "select" "severity" "signal" "shared" "sla" "sll" "sra" "srl"
+ "subtype" "then" "to" "transport" "type" "unaffected" "units" "until"
+ "use" "variable" "wait" "when" "while" "with" "xnor" "xor"))
+ #f))
+(define (continued-header-indent mark)
+ (+ (mark-indentation mark)
+ (ref-variable vhdl-continued-header-offset mark)))
+(define (continued-statement-indent mark)
+ (+ (mark-indentation mark)
+ (ref-variable vhdl-continued-statement-offset mark)))
+(define comatch:identifier-start
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (and (re-match-forward "\\s \\|^" start end)
+ start))))
+(define comatch:identifier-end
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (and (re-match-forward "\\s \\|$" start end)
+ start))))
+(define comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:general
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (let loop ((start start))
+ (let ((start (skip-chars-forward " \t\f\n" start end)))
+ (if (match-forward "--" start end)
+ (let ((le (line-end start 0)))
+ (and (mark<= le end)
+ (loop le)))
+ start))))))
+(define comatch:identifier
+ (comatch:append comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:regexp "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*")
+ comatch:identifier-end))
+(define (comatch:keyword keyword)
+ (comatch:append comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:string keyword)
+ comatch:identifier-end))
+(define comatch:list
+ (comatch:append comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:and (comatch:char #\()
+ comatch:sexp)))
+(define (match-for-loop mark)
+ (and (comatch-apply comatch:for-header:control mark)
+ mark))
+(define (match-for-component mark)
+ (and (comatch-apply comatch:for-header:component mark)
+ mark))
+(define (match-for-block mark)
+ (and (not (or (comatch-apply comatch:for-header:control mark)
+ (comatch-apply comatch:for-header:component mark)))
+ mark))
+(define comatch:for-header:control
+ (comatch:append comatch:identifier
+ (comatch:keyword "in")))
+(define comatch:for-header:component
+ (comatch:append comatch:identifier
+ (comatch:*
+ (comatch:append comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:char #\,)
+ comatch:identifier))
+ comatch:skip-whitespace
+ (comatch:char #\:)))
+(define (match-if-then mark)
+ (and (eq? 'THEN (classify-if-header mark))
+ mark))
+(define (match-if-generate mark)
+ (and (eq? 'GENERATE (classify-if-header mark))
+ mark))
+(define (classify-if-header mark)
+ (let ((m (parse-forward-past-generate/then mark (group-end mark))))
+ (and m
+ (let ((s (backward-one-sexp m)))
+ (and s
+ (let ((e (forward-one-sexp s)))
+ (and e
+ (if (string-ci=? "then" (extract-string s e))
+ 'GENERATE))))))))
+(define ((parse-forward-past search) start end)
+ (let loop ((start start) (state #f))
+ (let ((mark (search start end)))
+ (and mark
+ (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp start mark #f #f state)))
+ (if (in-char-syntax-structure? state)
+ (loop mark state)
+ mark))))))
+(define (parse-forward-past-char char)
+ (parse-forward-past
+ (lambda (start end) (char-search-forward char start end #f))))
+(define parse-forward-past-semicolon
+ (parse-forward-past-char #\;))
+(define parse-forward-past-colon
+ (parse-forward-past-char #\:))
+(define (parse-forward-past-token token)
+ (parse-forward-past
+ (let ((regexp
+ (string-append (regexp-group "\\s " "^")
+ token
+ (regexp-group "\\s " "$"))))
+ (lambda (start end)
+ (re-search-forward regexp start end)))))
+(define parse-forward-past-is
+ (parse-forward-past-token "is"))
+(define parse-forward-past-=>
+ (parse-forward-past-token "=>"))
+(define parse-forward-past-then
+ (parse-forward-past-token "then"))
+(define parse-forward-past-units
+ (parse-forward-past-token "units"))
+(define parse-forward-past-loop
+ (parse-forward-past-token "loop"))
+(define parse-forward-past-generate/loop
+ (parse-forward-past-token (regexp-group "generate" "loop")))
+(define parse-forward-past-generate/then
+ (parse-forward-past-token (regexp-group "generate" "then")))
+(define (parse-forward-noop start end)
+ end
+ start)
+(define (parse-process-header start end)
+ (comatch-apply comatch:process-header start end))
+(define comatch:process-header
+ (comatch:append (comatch:? comatch:list)
+ (comatch:? (comatch:keyword "is"))))
+(define (parse-postponed-header start end)
+ (comatch-apply comatch:postponed-header start end))
+(define comatch:postponed-header
+ (comatch:append (comatch:keyword "process")
+ comatch:process-header))
+(define (parse-component-header start end)
+ (comatch-apply comatch:component-header start end))
+(define comatch:component-header
+ (comatch:append comatch:identifier
+ (comatch:? (comatch:keyword "is"))))
+(define vhdl-keyparser-description
+ (make-keyparser-description
+ (let ((standard-keyword
+ (lambda (keyword match-header parse-header . rest)
+ (apply make-keyparser-fragment
+ keyword
+ match-header
+ parse-header
+ continued-header-indent
+ keyparse-forward
+ continued-statement-indent
+ rest))))
+ (let ((begin-frag (standard-keyword "begin" #f parse-forward-noop))
+ (end-frag (standard-keyword "end" #f parse-forward-past-semicolon)))
+ (append
+ (map (lambda (entry)
+ (cons* (standard-keyword (car entry) (cadr entry) (caddr entry))
+ end-frag
+ (cdddr entry)))
+ `(("architecture" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("block" #f ,parse-process-header ,begin-frag)
+ ("case" #f ,parse-forward-past-is)
+ ("component" #f ,parse-component-header ,begin-frag)
+ ("configuration" #f ,parse-forward-past-is)
+ ("entity" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("for" ,match-for-block ,parse-forward-noop)
+ ("for" ,match-for-component ,parse-forward-past-colon)
+ ("for" ,match-for-loop ,parse-forward-past-generate/loop)
+ ("function" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("pure" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("impure" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("if" ,match-if-then
+ ,parse-forward-past-then
+ ,(standard-keyword "elsif" #f parse-forward-past-then)
+ ,(standard-keyword "else" #f parse-forward-noop))
+ ("if" ,match-if-generate ,parse-forward-past-generate/then)
+ ("package" #f ,parse-forward-past-is)
+ ("procedure" #f ,parse-forward-past-is ,begin-frag)
+ ("process" #f ,parse-process-header ,begin-frag)
+ ("postponed" #f ,parse-postponed-header ,begin-frag)
+ ("range" #f ,parse-forward-past-units)
+ ("record" #f ,parse-forward-noop)
+ ("while" #f ,parse-forward-past-loop)))
+ (list
+ (let ((when (standard-keyword "when" #f parse-forward-past-=>)))
+ (list when
+ (standard-keyword "end" #f parse-forward-past-semicolon
+ when))))))
+ `((,(re-compile-pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\s *:" #f) . ,parse-forward-noop))
+ parse-forward-past-semicolon
+ continued-statement-indent
+ (lambda (mark)
+ (mark-column (or (vhdl-comment-match-start mark) mark)))))
+;;; Edwin Variables:
+;;; scheme-environment: '(edwin)
+;;; scheme-syntax-table: edwin-syntax-table
+;;; End: