#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: xml-parser.scm,v 1.47 2003/09/26 04:27:32 cph Exp $
+$Id: xml-parser.scm,v 1.48 2003/09/26 05:35:40 cph Exp $
Copyright 2001,2002,2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(xml-declaration-parser "XML text declaration" #t))
(define (transform-declaration attributes text-decl? p)
- (if (not (for-all? attributes xml-attribute-value))
- (perror p "XML declaration can't contain entity refs" attributes))
(let ((finish
(lambda (version encoding standalone)
(if (and (not text-decl?) (not version))
(results '()))
(if (pair? names)
(if (pair? attributes)
- (if (eq? (caar attributes) (car names))
+ (if (eq? (xml-attribute-name (car attributes)) (car names))
(loop (cdr attributes)
(cdr names)
- (cons (cadar attributes) results))
+ (cons (xml-attribute-value (car attributes)) results))
(loop attributes
(cdr names)
(cons #f results)))
(perror (cdar attribute)
"Incorrect attribute value"
(string->symbol name)))
- (if (and (not (eq? type '|CDATA|))
- (xml-attribute-value attribute))
+ (if (not (eq? type '|CDATA|))
(set-car! av (trim-attribute-whitespace (car av))))
(set! *prefix-bindings*
(let loop ((attributes attributes))
(if (pair? attributes)
- (let ((name (caar attributes))
- (value (cdar attributes))
+ (let ((name (xml-attribute-name (car attributes)))
(tail (loop (cdr attributes))))
(let ((s (car name))
(pn (cdr name)))
(let ((iri
(lambda ()
- (or (xml-attribute-value (car attributes))
- (perror pn "Illegal namespace IRI" value)))))
+ (xml-attribute-value (car attributes)))))
(lambda (iri)
(perror pn "Forbidden namespace IRI" iri))))
(with-pointer p
(lambda (v)
- (let ((name (vector-ref v 0)))
- (or (dereference-entity name #f p)
- (vector (make-xml-entity-ref name)))))
+ (dereference-entity (vector-ref v 0) #f p))
(define parse-reference-deferred
(a2 (alphabet- alphabet (string->alphabet "'"))))
(encapsulate (lambda (v)
- (let ((elements (vector->list v)))
+ (let ((elements (coalesce-strings! (vector->list v))))
(if (null? elements)
(list "")
- (coalesce-strings! elements))))
+ elements)))
(alt (sbracket "attribute value" "\"" "\""
(* (alt (match (+ (alphabet a1)))
(attribute-value-parser alphabet:char-data
- (map normalize-attribute-value
+ (map (lambda (elements)
+ (if (not (and (pair? elements)
+ (string? (car elements))
+ (null? (cdr elements))))
+ (error "Uncoalesced attribute value:" elements))
+ (normalize-attribute-value (car elements)))
(require-success "Malformed attribute value"
;;;; Normalization
-(define (normalize-attribute-value elements)
+(define (normalize-attribute-value string)
- (let loop ((elements elements) (result '()))
- (if (pair? elements)
- (let ((element (car elements))
- (elements (cdr elements)))
- (if (string? element)
- (let ((buffer
- (string->parser-buffer
- (normalize-line-endings element))))
- (let normalize-string
- ((port (open-output-string))
- (result result))
- (let* ((p (get-parser-buffer-pointer buffer))
- (char (read-parser-buffer-char buffer)))
- (case char
- ((#f)
- (loop elements
- (cons (get-output-string port) result)))
- ((#\tab #\newline #\return)
- (write-char #\space port)
- (normalize-string port result))
- ((#\&)
- (set-parser-buffer-pointer! buffer p)
- (let ((v (parse-char-reference buffer)))
- (if v
- (begin
- (write-string (vector-ref v 0) port)
- (normalize-string port result))
- (normalize-string
- (open-output-string)
- (let ((name
- (vector-ref
- (parse-entity-reference-name buffer)
- 0))
- (result
- (cons (get-output-string port) result)))
- (let ((v (dereference-entity name #t p)))
- (if v
- (expand-entity-value name p
- (lambda ()
- (loop v result)))
- (cons (make-xml-entity-ref name)
- result))))))))
- (else
- (write-char char port)
- (normalize-string port result))))))
- (loop elements (cons element result))))
- result)))))
+ (let loop ((string string) (result '()))
+ (let ((buffer (string->parser-buffer (normalize-line-endings string))))
+ (let normalize-string ((port (open-output-string)) (result result))
+ (let* ((p (get-parser-buffer-pointer buffer))
+ (char (read-parser-buffer-char buffer)))
+ (case char
+ ((#f)
+ (cons (get-output-string port) result))
+ ((#\tab #\newline #\return)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (normalize-string port result))
+ ((#\&)
+ (set-parser-buffer-pointer! buffer p)
+ (let ((v (parse-char-reference buffer)))
+ (if v
+ (begin
+ (write-string (vector-ref v 0) port)
+ (normalize-string port result))
+ (normalize-string
+ (open-output-string)
+ (let ((name
+ (vector-ref (parse-entity-reference-name buffer)
+ 0)))
+ (let ((value (dereference-entity name #t p)))
+ (expand-entity-value name p
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop value
+ (cons (get-output-string port)
+ result))))))))))
+ (else
+ (write-char char port)
+ (normalize-string port result))))))))))
(define (trim-attribute-whitespace string)
(define (dereference-entity name in-attribute? p)
(if (eq? *general-entities* 'STOP)
- #f
- (begin
- (if (assq name *entity-expansion-nesting*)
- (perror p "Circular entity reference" name))
- (let ((entity (find-entity name)))
- (if entity
- (begin
- (if (xml-unparsed-!entity? entity)
- (perror p "Reference to unparsed entity" name))
- (let ((value (xml-!entity-value entity)))
- (cond ((xml-external-id? value) #f)
- (in-attribute? value)
- ((and (pair? value)
- (string? (car value))
- (null? (cdr value)))
- (reparse-entity-value-string name (car value) p))
- (else
- (if (or *standalone?* *internal-dtd?*)
- (perror p "Reference to partially-defined entity"
- name))
- #f))))
- (begin
- (if (or *standalone?* *internal-dtd?*)
- (perror p "Reference to undefined entity" name))
- #f))))))
+ (perror p "Reference to externally-defined entity" name))
+ (if (assq name *entity-expansion-nesting*)
+ (perror p "Circular entity reference" name))
+ (let ((entity (find-entity name)))
+ (if (not entity)
+ (perror p "Reference to undefined entity" name))
+ (if (xml-unparsed-!entity? entity)
+ (perror p "Reference to unparsed entity" name))
+ (let ((value (xml-!entity-value entity)))
+ (if (xml-external-id? value)
+ (perror p "Reference to external entity" name))
+ (if (not (and (pair? value)
+ (string? (car value))
+ (null? (cdr value))))
+ (perror p "Reference to partially-defined entity" name))
+ (if in-attribute?
+ (car value)
+ (reparse-entity-value-string name (car value) p)))))
(define (reparse-entity-value-string name string p)
(let ((v
(type (vector-ref v 1))
(default (vector-ref v 2)))
(list name type
- (let ((dv
- (and (not (eq? type '|CDATA|))
- (pair? default)
- (xml-attribute-value default))))
- (if dv
- (list (car default)
- (trim-attribute-whitespace dv))
- default)))))
+ (if (and (not (eq? type '|CDATA|))
+ (pair? default))
+ (list (car default)
+ (trim-attribute-whitespace (cadr default)))
+ default))))
(seq S
#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: xml-struct.scm,v 1.35 2003/09/26 03:56:58 cph Exp $
+$Id: xml-struct.scm,v 1.36 2003/09/26 05:35:43 cph Exp $
Copyright 2001,2002,2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(list-of-type? object xml-attribute-value-item?)))
(define (xml-attribute-value-item? object)
- (or (xml-char-data? object)
- (xml-entity-ref? object)))
+ (xml-char-data? object))
(define (xml-content? object)
(list-of-type? object xml-content-item?))
(or (xml-char-data? object)
(xml-comment? object)
(xml-element? object)
- (xml-processing-instructions? object)
- (xml-entity-ref? object)))
+ (xml-processing-instructions? object)))
(define-xml-type comment
(text xml-char-data? canonicalize-char-data))
(canonicalize-attribute-value (cdr a))))
+(define (xml-attribute-name attr)
+ (car attr))
+(define (xml-attribute-value attr)
+ (cadr attr))
(define (canonicalize-attribute-value v)
(canonicalize-content v))
(or (xml-external-id-id dtd)
(xml-external-id-iri dtd))))
-(define (xml-attribute-value attr)
- (and (pair? (cdr attr))
- (string? (cadr attr))
- (null? (cddr attr))
- (cadr attr)))
-(define (guarantee-xml-attribute-value object #!optional caller)
- (let ((v (xml-attribute-value object)))
- (if (not v)
- (error:not-xml-attribute-value object
- (if (default-object? caller)
- #f
- caller)))
- v))
-(define (error:not-xml-attribute-value object caller)
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "simple XML attribute value" caller))
(define (xml-attribute-namespace-decl? attr)
- (or (xml-name=? (car attr) 'xmlns)
- (xml-name-prefix=? (car attr) 'xmlns)))
+ (let ((name (xml-attribute-name attr)))
+ (or (xml-name=? name 'xmlns)
+ (xml-name-prefix=? name 'xmlns))))
(define (xml-element-namespace-decls elt)
(keep-matching-items (xml-element-attributes elt)
(define (xml-element-namespace-iri elt prefix)
(let ((attr
(find-matching-item (xml-element-attributes elt)
- (if (null-xml-name-prefix? prefix)
- (lambda (attr)
- (xml-name=? (car attr) 'xmlns))
- (lambda (attr)
- (and (xml-name-prefix=? (car attr) 'xmlns)
- (xml-name-local=? (car attr) prefix)))))))
+ (let ((qname
+ (if (null-xml-name-prefix? prefix)
+ 'xmlns
+ (symbol-append 'xmlns: prefix))))
+ (lambda (attr)
+ (xml-name=? (xml-attribute-name attr) qname))))))
(and attr
- (make-xml-namespace-iri (guarantee-xml-attribute-value attr)))))
+ (make-xml-namespace-iri (cadr attr)))))
(define (xml-element-namespace-prefix elt iri)
(let ((iri (xml-namespace-iri-string iri)))
(find-matching-item (xml-element-attributes elt)
(lambda (attr)
(and (xml-attribute-namespace-decl? attr)
- (string=? (guarantee-xml-attribute-value attr) iri))))))
+ (string=? (xml-attribute-value attr) iri))))))
(and attr
- (if (xml-name=? (car attr) 'xmlns)
- (null-xml-name-prefix)
- (xml-name-local (car attr)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (let ((name (xml-attribute-name attr)))
+ (if (xml-name=? name 'xmlns)
+ (null-xml-name-prefix)
+ (xml-name-local name)))))))
\ No newline at end of file