--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: illdef.scm,v 1.1 1995/04/13 22:24:31 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1991-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
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+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
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+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Check for Illegal Definitions
+;;; package: (runtime illegal-definitions)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define walker)
+(define (initialize-package!)
+ (set! walker
+ (make-scode-walker walk/constant
+ `((ACCESS ,walk/access)
+ (ASSIGNMENT ,walk/assignment)
+ (COMBINATION ,walk/combination)
+ (COMMENT ,walk/comment)
+ (CONDITIONAL ,walk/conditional)
+ (DEFINITION ,walk/definition)
+ (DELAY ,walk/delay)
+ (DISJUNCTION ,walk/disjunction)
+ (IN-PACKAGE ,walk/in-package)
+ (LAMBDA ,walk/lambda)
+ (SEQUENCE ,walk/sequence))))
+ unspecific)
+(define (check-for-illegal-definitions expression)
+ (walk/expression (if (open-block? expression)
+ (open-block-components expression unscan-defines)
+ expression)
+ 'LEGAL))
+(define (walk/expression expression context)
+ ((scode-walk walker expression) expression context))
+(define-integrable (walk/no-definitions expression)
+ (walk/expression expression 'ILLEGAL))
+(define (walk/lambda expression context)
+ context
+ (let loop
+ ((expressions
+ (sequence-actions
+ (lambda-components expression
+ (lambda (name required optional rest auxiliary declarations body)
+ name required optional rest
+ (unscan-defines auxiliary declarations body))))))
+ (if (definition? (car expressions))
+ (begin
+ (walk/no-definitions (definition-value (car expressions)))
+ (if (not (null? (cdr expressions)))
+ (loop (cdr expressions))))
+ (for-each walk/no-definitions expressions))))
+(define (walk/definition expression context)
+ (case context
+ (error "Definition appears in illegal context:"
+ (unsyntax expression)))
+ (warn "Definition appears in unusual context:"
+ (unsyntax expression))))
+ (walk/no-definitions (definition-value expression)))
+(define (walk/sequence expression context)
+ (for-each (lambda (expression)
+ (walk/expression expression context))
+ (sequence-actions expression)))
+(define (walk/constant expression context)
+ expression context
+ unspecific)
+(define (walk/access expression context)
+ context
+ (walk/no-definitions (access-environment expression)))
+(define (walk/assignment expression context)
+ context
+ (walk/no-definitions (assignment-value expression)))
+(define (walk/combination expression context)
+ context
+ (walk/no-definitions (combination-operator expression))
+ (for-each walk/no-definitions (combination-operands expression)))
+(define (walk/comment expression context)
+ (walk/expression (comment-expression expression) context))
+(define (walk/conditional expression context)
+ (walk/no-definitions (conditional-predicate expression))
+ (let ((context (if (eq? 'LEGAL context) 'UNUSUAL context)))
+ (walk/expression (conditional-consequent expression) context)
+ (walk/expression (conditional-alternative expression) context)))
+(define (walk/delay expression context)
+ context
+ (walk/no-definitions (delay-expression expression)))
+(define (walk/disjunction expression context)
+ (walk/no-definitions (disjunction-predicate expression))
+ (walk/expression (disjunction-alternative expression)
+ (if (eq? 'LEGAL context) 'UNUSUAL context)))
+(define (walk/in-package expression context)
+ context
+ (walk/no-definitions (in-package-environment expression))
+ (check-for-illegal-definitions (in-package-expression expression)))
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