--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# $Id: rebuild-7.4-linux,v 1.1 1996/12/06 17:07:43 adams Exp $
+# Arguments: runtimeversion compilerversion edwinversion 6001version
+# The versions can be omitted, and if they are, the current version
+# as determined by the appropriate RCS file (e.g. runtime/version.scm)
+# is built.
+# If a version is the string "none", the corresponding band is not built,
+# nor is the corresponding subsystem recompiled.
+# If either the compiler or edwin is re-built, the combined (c+e) band
+# is re-built as well.
+# If the 6.001 (student) band is re-built, the range- and type-checked
+# runtime system (runtime-check) is recompiled first. Since the
+# runtime-check/ directory uses symbolic links to .bin files in the
+# runtime/ directory, the 6.001 band will not reflect changes to the
+# runtime system that have not yet been resyntaxed in the runtime/
+# directory.
+# This script silently ignores additional arguments.
+# Stage 1: Choose architecture and directories
+set root="/scheme/7.4/linux"
+set src="/scheme/7.4/src"
+set scheme="scheme"
+set noclobber
+set lock="$root/tmp/lock"
+(echo "### Rebuild in progress started by" `whoami` "on" `date` "on" `hostname` > $lock)
+if ("$status" != 0) then
+ cat "$lock"
+ exit 1
+# Stage 2: Write re-compilation script
+set script="$root/tmp/build.$$"
+rm -f "$script"
+onintr abort_and_exit
+echo \(begin\ > $script
+if ("$1" != "none") then
+ if (("$1" == "") || ("$1" == "next")) then
+ set runver=`rcsversion $src/runtime/version.scm`
+ else
+ set runver="$1"
+ endif
+ echo "### Making runtime system version $runver..."
+ set runtime="$root/backup/runtime-$runver"
+ echo \(load\ \"runtime.sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"runtime.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ set runtime=""
+if ("$2" != "none") then
+ if (("$2" == "") || ("$2" == "next")) then
+ set compver=`rcsversion $src/compiler/base/make.scm`
+ else
+ set compver="$2"
+ endif
+ echo "### Making compiler version $compver..."
+ set complr="$root/backup/complr-$compver"
+ echo \(cd\ \"../sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"sf.sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"sf.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(cd\ \"../cref\"\)\ \(load\ \"cref.sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"cref.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(cd\ \"../compiler\"\)\ \(load\ \"compiler.sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"compiler.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ set complr=""
+if ("$3" != "none") then
+ if (("$3" == "") || ("$3" == "next")) then
+ set edver=`rcsversion $src/edwin/make.scm`
+ else
+ set edver="$3"
+ endif
+ echo "### Making edwin version $edver..."
+ set edwin="$root/backup/edwin-$edver"
+ echo \(cd\ \"../edwin\"\)\ \(load\ \"edwin.sf\"\)\ \(load\ \"edwin.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ set edwin=""
+if ("$4" != "none") then
+ if (("$4" == "") || ("$4" == "next")) then
+ set stver=`rcsversion $src/6001/make.scm`
+ else
+ set stver="$4"
+ endif
+ echo "### Making 6.001 student band version $stver..."
+ set student="$root/backup/6001-$stver"
+ echo \(cd\ \"../runtime-check\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(load\ \"runtime.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ if ("$edwin" == "") then
+ echo ";;; Must syntax Edwin in order to syntax the 6.001 make.scm file." >> $script
+ echo \(cd\ \"../edwin\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(load\ \"edwin.sf\"\) >> $script
+ endif
+ echo \(cd\ \"../6001\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(load\ \"6001.sf\"\) >> $script
+ echo \(load\ \"6001.cbf\"\) >> $script
+ set student=""
+echo \(write-line\ \'\(finished\ recompilation\)\) >>$script
+# This exit is inside the BEGIN
+echo \(\%exit 0\)\) >>$script
+# but this one is not
+echo \(\%exit 1\) >> $script
+# That way, the first one will be executed if no error occurs in the BEGIN,
+# returning zero, but the second will be executed if an error does occur,
+# returning one. Similar hack used everywhere.
+if (("$runtime" == "") \
+ && ("$complr" == "") \
+ && ("$edwin" == "") \
+ && ("$student" == "")) then
+ echo "### No systems to rebuild."
+ rm -f "$script" "$lock"
+ exit 0
+# Stage 3: Re-compile sources
+echo "### cd $root/runtime"
+cd $root/runtime
+echo "### $scheme -compiler -heap 2000 -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -compiler -heap 2000 -no-init-file <$script
+set result="$status"
+rm -f $script
+if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Recompilation failed."
+ rm -f "$lock"
+ exit "$result"
+# Stage 4: Re-build bands in staging area
+if ("$runtime" != "") then
+ echo "### cd $root/runtime"
+ cd $root/runtime
+ rm -f ../tmp/runtime.com
+ echo "### $scheme -large -fasl make.com -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -large -fasl make.com -no-init-file <<*END*
+ (write-line '(saving runtime band ...))
+ (disk-save "../tmp/runtime.com")
+ (write-line '(saved runtime band))
+ (%exit 0))
+(%exit 1)
+ set result="$status"
+ if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Re-building the runtime system failed."
+ rm -f ../tmp/runtime.com "$lock"
+ exit "$result"
+ endif
+ set runband="$root/tmp/runtime.com"
+ set runbandarg="-band $runband"
+ set runband=""
+ set runbandarg=""
+if ("$complr" != "") then
+ echo "### cd $root/sf"
+ cd $root/sf
+ rm -f ../tmp/complr.com
+ echo "### $scheme -large $runbandarg -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -large $runbandarg -no-init-file <<*END*
+ (load "make.com")
+ (cd "../compiler")
+ (load "make.com")
+ (write-line '(saving compiler band ...))
+ (disk-save "../tmp/complr.com")
+ (write-line '(saved compiler band))
+ (%exit 0))
+(%exit 1)
+ set result="$status"
+ if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Re-building the compiler failed."
+ rm -f ../tmp/runtime.com ../tmp/complr.com "$lock"
+ exit "$result"
+ endif
+ set compband="$root/tmp/complr.com"
+ set cbandarg="-band $compband"
+ set compband=""
+ set cbandarg=""
+if ("$edwin" != "") then
+ echo "### cd $root/edwin"
+ cd $root/edwin
+ rm -f ../tmp/edwin.com
+ echo "### $scheme -large $runbandarg -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -large $runbandarg -no-init-file <<*END*
+ (load "make.com")
+ (write-line '(saving edwin band ...))
+ (disk-save "../tmp/edwin.com")
+ (write-line '(saved edwin band))
+ (%exit 0))
+(%exit 1)
+ set result="$status"
+ if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Re-building edwin failed."
+ rm -f ../tmp/runtime.com ../tmp/complr.com ../tmp/edwin.com "$lock"
+ exit "$result"
+ endif
+ set edwinband="$root/tmp/edwin.com"
+ set edwinband=""
+if (("$edwin" != "") || ("$complr" != "")) then
+ echo "### cd $root/edwin"
+ cd $root/edwin
+ rm -f ../tmp/c+e.com
+ echo "### $scheme -constant 2000 -heap 2000 -compiler $cbandarg -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -constant 2000 -heap 2000 -compiler $cbandarg -no-init-file <<*END*
+ (load "make.com")
+ (write-line '(saving c+e band ...))
+ (disk-save "../tmp/c+e.com")
+ (write-line '(saved c+e band))
+ (%exit 0))
+(%exit 1)
+ set result="$status"
+ if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Re-building c+e failed."
+ set fullband=""
+ else
+ set fullband="$root/tmp/c+e.com"
+ endif
+ set fullband=""
+if ("$student" != "") then
+ echo "### cd $root/runtime-check"
+ cd $root/runtime-check
+ rm -f ../tmp/6001.com
+ echo "### $scheme -large$student_constant -fasl make.com -no-init-file"
+ $scheme -large$student_constant -fasl make.com -no-init-file <<*END*
+ (cd "../edwin")
+ (load "make.com")
+ (cd "../6001")
+ (load "make.com")
+ (write-line '(saving 6001 band ...))
+ (disk-save "../tmp/6001.com")
+ (write-line '(saved 6001 band))
+ (%exit 0))
+(%exit 1)
+ set result="$status"
+ if ("$result" != 0) then
+ echo "### Re-building 6.001 student band failed."
+ rm -f ../tmp/runtime.com ../tmp/complr.com ../tmp/edwin.com ../tmp/6001.com "$lock"
+ exit "$result"
+ endif
+ set studband="$root/tmp/6001.com"
+ set studband=""
+# Stage 5: Install bands
+# This part should be atomic
+onintr -
+if ("$runtime" != "") then
+ set backup=`nextver $runtime.gz`
+ if ("$backup" != "$runtime.gz") then
+ echo "###" mv -f "$runtime.gz" "$backup"
+ mv -f "$runtime.gz" "$backup"
+ endif
+ echo "### gzip $runtime"
+ cpx $runband $runtime
+ gzip $runtime
+ chmod a-w $runtime.gz
+ echo "###" mv -f "$runband" "$root/lib/runtime.com"
+ mv -f "$runband" "$root/lib/runtime.com"
+if ("$complr" != "") then
+ set backup=`nextver $complr.gz`
+ if ("$backup" != "$complr.gz") then
+ echo "###" mv -f "$complr.gz" "$backup"
+ mv -f "$complr.gz" "$backup"
+ endif
+ echo "### gzip $complr"
+ cpx $compband $complr
+ gzip $complr
+ chmod a-w $complr.gz
+ echo "###" mv -f "$compband" "$root/lib/compiler.com"
+ mv -f "$compband" "$root/lib/compiler.com"
+if ("$edwin" != "") then
+# Don't save this -- CPH
+# set backup=`nextver $edwin.gz`
+# if ("$backup" != "$edwin.gz") then
+# echo "###" mv -f "$edwin.gz" "$backup"
+# mv -f "$edwin.gz" "$backup"
+# endif
+# echo "### gzip $edwin"
+# cpx $edwinband $edwin
+# gzip $edwin
+# chmod a-w $edwin.gz
+ echo "###" mv -f "$edwinband" "$root/lib/edwin.com"
+ mv -f "$edwinband" "$root/lib/edwin.com"
+if ("$fullband" != "") then
+ echo "###" mv -f "$fullband" "$root/lib/c+e.com"
+ mv -f "$fullband" "$root/lib/c+e.com"
+if ("$student" != "") then
+# Don't save this -- CPH
+# set backup=`nextver $student.gz`
+# if ("$backup" != "$student.gz") then
+# echo "###" mv -f "$student.gz" "$backup"
+# mv -f "$student.gz" "$backup"
+# endif
+# echo "### gzip $student"
+# cpx $studband $student
+# gzip $student
+# chmod a-w $student.gz
+ echo "###" mv -f "$studband" "$root/lib/6001.com"
+ mv -f "$studband" "$root/lib/6001.com"
+rm -f "$lock"
+echo "### Done."
+exit 0
+ echo ""
+ echo "### Aborting -- Cleaning up..."
+ if ("`jobs`" != "") then
+ kill %1
+ wait
+ endif
+ cd "$root/tmp"
+ rm -f "$script" runtime.com complr.com edwin.com c+e.com 6001.com "$lock"
+ echo "### Cleaned up."
+ exit 1