;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: vc.scm,v 1.67 2000/04/07 20:16:33 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: vc.scm,v 1.68 2000/04/07 20:59:48 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(comint-record-input vc-comment-ring comment)
;; Save any changes the user might have made while editing the
;; comment.
- (if (and (buffer-alive? parent-buffer)
+ (if (and (not (eq? parent-buffer log-buffer))
+ (buffer-alive? parent-buffer)
(not (vc-dired-buffer? parent-buffer)))
(vc-save-buffer parent-buffer #t))
;; If a new window was created to hold the log buffer, and the log