;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: imail-util.scm,v 1.8 2000/04/07 19:08:18 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: imail-util.scm,v 1.9 2000/04/13 20:14:25 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(string-move! prefix string index)))))
-(define (string-move! from to index)
- (let ((end (string-length from)))
- (if (fix:< end 32)
- ;; When transferring less than 32 bytes, it's faster to do
- ;; inline than to call the primitive.
- (let loop ((fi 0) (ti index))
- (if (fix:= fi end)
- ti
- (begin
- (string-set! to ti (string-ref from fi))
- (loop (fix:+ fi 1) (fix:+ ti 1)))))
- (begin
- (substring-move-left! from 0 end to index)
- (fix:+ index end)))))
(define (read-lines port)
(source->list (lambda () (read-line port))))