below create or remove the symbolic links.
The following are the necessary Apache2 directives: a ~UserDir~
-directive naming =/home/www-users/=, a matching ~Directory~ block that
-allows the server to follow the symbol links, and a ~Directory~ block
-that matches the user directories and includes the standard ~Require~
-and ~AllowOverride~ directives used on all of the institute's static
-web sites (~, ~http://live/~, and
+directive naming =/home/www-users/= and matching ~Directory~ block
+that includes the standard ~Require~ and ~AllowOverride~ directives
+used on all of the institute's web sites.
#+NAME: apache-userdir-front
#+CAPTION: ~apache-userdir-front~
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes
UserDir /home/www-users
<Directory /home/www-users/>
- <<apache-userdir-directory>>
+ Require all granted
+ AllowOverride None
-#+NAME: apache-userdir-directory
-#+CAPTION: ~apache-userdir-directory~
-#+BEGIN_SRC conf
-Require all granted
-AllowOverride None
The institute requires the use of HTTPS on Front, so its default HTTP
virtual host permanently redirects requests to their corresponding
that authorizes access to the tree, and ensures =.htaccess= files
within the tree are disabled for speed and security. This and most of
Front's Apache2 directives (below) are intended for the top level, not
-inside a ~VirtualHost~ block, to apply globally.
+the inside of a ~VirtualHost~ block. They should apply globally.
#+NAME: apache-front
#+CAPTION: ~apache-front~
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes
UserDir Public/HTML
<Directory /home/*/Public/HTML/>
- <<apache-userdir-directory>>
+ Require all granted
+ AllowOverride None