(let ((shared-objects
(case label-mode
((#f) '())
- ;; There's little advantage to treating circularity specially since
- ;; it's more expensive than finding all sharing.
- ((sharing circularity) (find-shared-objects object))
+ ((sharing) (find-shared-objects object #f))
+ ((circularity) (find-shared-objects object #t))
(else (error "Unsupported datum labeling mode:" label-mode)))))
(if (pair? shared-objects)
(let ((table (make-strong-eq-hash-table))
(declare (ignore object))
-(define (find-shared-objects object)
+(define (find-shared-objects object cycles-only?)
(let ((table (make-strong-eq-hash-table)))
(define (walk object)
(cond ((get-print-method-parts object)
=> (lambda (parts)
(if (mark! object)
- (for-each walk parts))))
+ (begin
+ (for-each walk parts)
+ (maybe-unmark! object)))))
((pair? object)
(if (mark! object)
- (walk (car object))
- (walk (cdr object)))))
+ (walk (safe-car object))
+ (walk (safe-cdr object))
+ (maybe-unmark! object))))
((vector? object)
(if (mark! object)
- (vector-for-each walk object)))))
+ (begin
+ (let ((end (vector-length object)))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (< i end)
+ (if (nmv-header? object i)
+ ;; An embedded non-marked vector: skip over and
+ ;; continue.
+ (loop (+ i 1 (nmv-header-length object i)))
+ (begin
+ (walk (safe-vector-ref object i))
+ (loop (+ i 1)))))))
+ (maybe-unmark! object))))
+ ((and (promise? object) (promise-forced? object))
+ (if (mark! object)
+ (begin
+ (walk (promise-value object))
+ (maybe-unmark! object))))
+ ((%tagged-object? object)
+ (if (mark! object)
+ (begin
+ (walk (%tagged-object-tag object))
+ (walk (%tagged-object-datum object))
+ (maybe-unmark! object))))))
(define (mark! object)
(let ((value
(hash-table-set! table object value)
(eq? 'seen value)))
+ (define maybe-unmark!
+ (if cycles-only?
+ (lambda (object)
+ (let ((value (hash-table-ref/default table object 'unseen)))
+ (if (not (eq? value 'shared))
+ (hash-table-delete! table object))))
+ (lambda (object)
+ (declare (ignore object))
+ unspecific)))
(walk object)
(hash-table-fold table
(lambda (key datum values)