--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017, 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; SRFI 140 Strings
+(define-library (srfi 140)
+ (import (scheme base)
+ (scheme char)
+ (only (srfi 1)
+ drop-right
+ last)
+ (srfi 143)
+ (rename (only (mit legacy runtime)
+ char->string
+ default-object?
+ error:bad-range-argument
+ fix:end-index
+ fix:start-index
+ guarantee
+ immutable-string?
+ non-negative-fixnum?
+ string->immutable
+ string->utf16
+ string->utf16be
+ string->utf16le
+ string-append*
+ string-builder
+ string-joiner*
+ string-null?
+ string-padder
+ string-search-backward
+ string-search-forward
+ string-slice
+ string-titlecase
+ string-trimmer
+ unspecific
+ utf16->string
+ utf16be->string
+ utf16le->string)
+ (immutable-string? istring?)
+ (string-append* string-concatenate)))
+ (export istring?
+ list->string
+ ;make-string
+ ;mstring?
+ reverse-list->string
+ string
+ string->list
+ string->utf16
+ string->utf16be
+ string->utf16le
+ string->utf8
+ string->vector
+ string-any
+ string-append
+ ;string-append!
+ string-ci<=?
+ string-ci<?
+ string-ci=?
+ string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>?
+ string-concatenate
+ string-concatenate-reverse
+ string-contains
+ string-contains-right
+ ;string-copy
+ ;string-copy!
+ string-count
+ string-downcase
+ string-drop
+ string-drop-right
+ string-every
+ ;string-fill!
+ string-filter
+ string-fold
+ string-fold-right
+ string-foldcase
+ string-for-each
+ string-for-each-index
+ string-index
+ string-index-right
+ string-join
+ string-length
+ string-map
+ string-map-index
+ string-null?
+ string-pad
+ string-pad-right
+ string-prefix-length
+ string-prefix?
+ string-ref
+ string-remove
+ string-repeat
+ string-replace
+ ;string-replace!
+ ;string-set!
+ string-skip
+ string-skip-right
+ string-split
+ string-suffix-length
+ string-suffix?
+ string-tabulate
+ string-take
+ string-take-right
+ string-titlecase
+ string-trim
+ string-trim-both
+ string-trim-right
+ string-unfold
+ string-unfold-right
+ string-upcase
+ string<=?
+ string<?
+ string=?
+ string>=?
+ string>?
+ string?
+ substring
+ utf16->string
+ utf16be->string
+ utf16le->string
+ utf8->string
+ vector->string
+ xsubstring)
+ (begin
+(define (string-every pred string #!optional start end)
+ (let ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-every)))
+ (let loop ((index (fix:start-index start end 'string-every)) (value #t))
+ (if (fx<? index end)
+ (let ((value (pred (string-ref string index))))
+ (and value
+ (loop (fx+ index 1) value)))
+ value))))
+(define (string-any pred string #!optional start end)
+ (let ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-any)))
+ (let loop ((index (fix:start-index start end 'string-any)))
+ (and (fx<? index end)
+ (or (pred (string-ref string index))
+ (loop (fx+ index 1)))))))
+(define (string . chars)
+ (list->string chars))
+(define (reverse-list->string chars)
+ (list->string (reverse chars)))
+(define (substring string #!optional start end)
+ (if (istring? string)
+ (string-slice string start end)
+ (string->immutable (string-slice string start end))))
+(define (string-take string nchars)
+ (substring string 0 nchars))
+(define (string-drop string nchars)
+ (substring string nchars (string-length string)))
+(define (string-take-right string nchars)
+ (let ((n (string-length string)))
+ (substring string (fx- n nchars) n)))
+(define (string-drop-right string nchars)
+ (substring string 0 (fx- (string-length string) nchars)))
+(define (string-tabulate proc n)
+ (let ((builder (string-builder n)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? i n)) (builder))
+ (builder (proc i)))))
+;; TODO: move this into string.scm and make it fast.
+(define (reverse-string-builder #!optional initial-buffer-length)
+ (let ((elts '()))
+ (lambda (#!optional object)
+ (if (or (char? object) (string? object))
+ (begin
+ (set! elts (cons object elts))
+ unspecific)
+ (let ((builder (string-builder initial-buffer-length)))
+ (for-each builder elts)
+ (builder object))))))
+(define (unfolder make-builder)
+ (lambda (stop? mapper successor seed #!optional base make-final)
+ (let ((builder (make-builder)))
+ (if (not (default-object? base))
+ (builder base))
+ (let loop ((seed seed))
+ (cond ((not (stop? seed))
+ (builder (mapper seed))
+ (loop (successor seed)))
+ ((not (default-object? make-final))
+ (builder (make-final seed)))))
+ (builder))))
+(define string-unfold
+ (unfolder string-builder))
+(define string-unfold-right
+ (unfolder reverse-string-builder))
+(define (padder where)
+ (lambda (string len #!optional char start end)
+ ((string-padder 'where where
+ 'fill-with (if (default-object? char)
+ " "
+ (char->string char))
+ 'clip? #t)
+ (string-slice string start end)
+ len)))
+(define string-pad (padder 'leading))
+(define string-pad-right (padder 'trailing))
+(define (trimmer where)
+ (lambda (string #!optional pred start end)
+ ((string-trimmer 'where where
+ 'to-trim (if (default-object? pred) char-whitespace? pred)
+ 'copier substring)
+ (string-slice string start end))))
+(define string-trim (trimmer 'leading))
+(define string-trim-right (trimmer 'trailing))
+(define string-trim-both (trimmer 'both))
+;; TODO: don't need a full string-builder here, could be faster.
+(define (string-replace string1 string2 start1 end1 #!optional start2 end2)
+ (let ((len1 (string-length string1))
+ (len2 (string-length string2)))
+ (let ((end1 (fix:end-index end1 len1 'string-replace))
+ (end2 (fix:end-index end2 len2 'string-replace)))
+ (let ((start1 (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-replace))
+ (start2 (fix:start-index start2 end2 'string-replace)))
+ (let ((builder
+ (string-builder (fx+ (fx- len1 (fx- end1 start1))
+ (fx- end2 start2)))))
+ (builder (string-slice string1 0 start1))
+ (builder (string-slice string2 start2 end2))
+ (builder (string-slice string1 end1 len1))
+ (builder))))))
+(define (string-prefix-length string1 string2
+ #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let ((end1
+ (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-prefix-length))
+ (end2
+ (fix:end-index end2 (string-length string2) 'string-prefix-length)))
+ (%string-prefix-length string1
+ (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-prefix-length)
+ end1
+ string2
+ (fix:start-index start2 end2 'string-prefix-length)
+ end2)))
+(define (%string-prefix-length string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
+ (let loop ((i start1) (j start2))
+ (if (and (fx<? i end1)
+ (fx<? j end2)
+ (char=? (string-ref string1 i) (string-ref string2 j)))
+ (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1))
+ (fx- i start1))))
+(define (string-suffix-length string1 string2
+ #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let ((end1
+ (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-suffix-length))
+ (end2
+ (fix:end-index end2 (string-length string2) 'string-suffix-length)))
+ (%string-suffix-length string1
+ (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-suffix-length)
+ end1
+ string2
+ (fix:start-index start2 end2 'string-suffix-length)
+ end2)))
+(define (%string-suffix-length string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
+ (let loop ((i (fx- end1 1)) (j (fx- end2 1)))
+ (if (and (fx>=? i start1)
+ (fx>=? j start2)
+ (char=? (string-ref string1 i) (string-ref string2 j)))
+ (loop (fx- i 1) (fx- j 1))
+ (fx- (fx- end1 1) i))))
+(define (string-prefix? string1 string2 #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let ((end1 (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-prefix?))
+ (end2 (fix:end-index end2 (string-length string2) 'string-prefix?)))
+ (%string-prefix? string1
+ (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-prefix?)
+ end1
+ string2
+ (fix:start-index start2 end2 'string-prefix?)
+ end2)))
+(define (%string-prefix? string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
+ (let loop ((i start1) (j start2))
+ (if (fx<? i end1)
+ (and (fx<? j end2)
+ (char=? (string-ref string1 i) (string-ref string2 j))
+ (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1)))
+ #t)))
+(define (string-suffix? string1 string2 #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let ((end1 (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-suffix?))
+ (end2 (fix:end-index end2 (string-length string2) 'string-suffix?)))
+ (%string-suffix? string1
+ (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-suffix?)
+ end1
+ string2
+ (fix:start-index start2 end2 'string-suffix?)
+ end2)))
+(define (%string-suffix? string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
+ (let loop ((i (fx- end1 1)) (j (fx- end2 1)))
+ (if (fx>=? i start1)
+ (and (fx>=? j start2)
+ (char=? (string-ref string1 i) (string-ref string2 j))
+ (loop (fx- i 1) (fx- j 1)))
+ #t)))
+(define (string-index string pred #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-index))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-index)))
+ (let loop ((i start))
+ (and (fx<? i end)
+ (if (pred (string-ref string i))
+ i
+ (loop (fx+ i 1)))))))
+(define (string-index-right string pred #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-index-right))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-index-right)))
+ (let loop ((i (fx- end 1)))
+ (and (fx>=? i start)
+ (if (pred (string-ref string i))
+ i
+ (loop (fx- i 1)))))))
+(define (string-skip string pred #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-skip))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-skip)))
+ (let loop ((i start))
+ (and (fx<? i end)
+ (if (pred (string-ref string i))
+ (loop (fx+ i 1))
+ i)))))
+(define (string-skip-right string pred #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-skip-right))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-skip-right)))
+ (let loop ((i (fx- end 1)))
+ (and (fx>=? i start)
+ (if (pred (string-ref string i))
+ (loop (fx- i 1))
+ i)))))
+(define (string-contains string1 string2 #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let* ((pattern (string-slice string2 start2 end2))
+ (end1 (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-contains))
+ (start1 (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-contains)))
+ (if (string-null? pattern)
+ start1
+ (string-search-forward pattern string1 start1 end1))))
+(define (string-contains-right string1 string2
+ #!optional start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ (let* ((pattern (string-slice string2 start2 end2))
+ (end1
+ (fix:end-index end1 (string-length string1) 'string-contains-right))
+ (start1 (fix:start-index start1 end1 'string-contains-right)))
+ (if (string-null? pattern)
+ end1
+ (string-search-backward pattern string1 start1 end1))))
+;; TODO: make this faster.
+(define (string-concatenate-reverse strings #!optional final-string end)
+ (string-concatenate
+ (reverse
+ (if (default-object? final-string)
+ strings
+ (cons (string-slice final-string 0 end)
+ strings)))))
+(define (string-join strings #!optional delimiter grammar)
+ (let ((delimiter (if (default-object? delimiter) " " delimiter)))
+ (case grammar
+ ((#!default infix)
+ ((string-joiner* 'infix delimiter) strings))
+ ((strict-infix)
+ (if (null? strings)
+ (error:bad-range-argument strings 'string-join))
+ ((string-joiner* 'infix delimiter) strings))
+ ((suffix)
+ ((string-joiner* 'suffix delimiter) strings))
+ ((prefix)
+ ((string-joiner* 'prefix delimiter) strings))
+ (else
+ (error:bad-range-argument grammar 'string-join)))))
+(define (string-fold kons knil string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-fold))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-fold)))
+ (let loop ((index start) (knil knil))
+ (if (fx<? index end)
+ (loop (fx+ index 1)
+ (kons (string-ref string index) knil))
+ knil))))
+(define (string-fold-right kons knil string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-fold-right))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-fold-right)))
+ (let loop ((index (fx- end 1)) (knil knil))
+ (if (fx>=? index start)
+ (loop (fx- index 1)
+ (kons (string-ref string index) knil))
+ knil))))
+(define (string-map-index proc string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-map-index))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-map-index)))
+ (let ((builder (string-builder)))
+ (do ((index start (fx+ index 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? index end)))
+ (builder (proc index)))
+ (builder))))
+(define (string-for-each-index proc string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-for-each-index))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-for-each-index)))
+ (do ((index start (fx+ index 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? index end)))
+ (proc index))
+ unspecific))
+(define (string-count string pred #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-count))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-count)))
+ (do ((index start (fx+ index 1))
+ (count 0
+ (if (pred (string-ref string index))
+ (fx+ count 1)
+ count)))
+ ((not (fx<? index end)) count))))
+(define (string-filter pred string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-filter))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-filter)))
+ (let ((builder (string-builder)))
+ (do ((index start (fx+ index 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? index end)))
+ (if (pred (string-ref string index))
+ (builder (string-ref string index))))
+ (builder))))
+(define (string-remove pred string #!optional start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-remove))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-remove)))
+ (let ((builder (string-builder)))
+ (do ((index start (fx+ index 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? index end)))
+ (if (not (pred (string-ref string index)))
+ (builder (string-ref string index))))
+ (builder))))
+(define (string-repeat kernel n)
+ (guarantee non-negative-fixnum? n 'string-repeat)
+ (let ((builder (string-builder)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
+ ((not (fx<? i n)))
+ (builder kernel))
+ (builder)))
+(define (xsubstring string #!optional from to start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'xsubstring))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'xsubstring))
+ (n (fx- end start))
+ (from
+ (if (default-object? from)
+ 0
+ (guarantee exact-integer? from 'xsubstring)))
+ (to
+ (if (default-object? to)
+ (+ from n)
+ (guarantee exact-integer? to 'xsubstring))))
+ (if (= from to)
+ ""
+ (begin
+ (if (not (< from to))
+ (error:bad-range-argument from 'xsubstring))
+ (if (fx=? start end)
+ (error:bad-range-argument start 'xsubstring))
+ (let ((builder (string-builder)))
+ (do ((i from (+ i 1)))
+ ((not (< i to)))
+ (builder (string-ref string (+ start (modulo i n)))))
+ (builder))))))
+(define (string-split string delimiter #!optional grammar limit start end)
+ (let* ((end (fix:end-index end (string-length string) 'string-split))
+ (start (fix:start-index start end 'string-split))
+ (dn (string-length delimiter))
+ (limit
+ (if (or (default-object? limit) (not limit))
+ #f
+ (guarantee non-negative-fixnum? limit))))
+ (define (do-split)
+ (case dn
+ ((0) (do-split-0))
+ ((1) (do-split-1 (string-ref delimiter 0)))
+ (else (do-split-n))))
+ (define (do-split-0)
+ (define (without-limit index)
+ (if (fx<? index end)
+ (cons (substring string index (fx+ index 1))
+ (without-limit (fx+ index 1)))
+ '()))
+ (define (with-limit index limit)
+ (if (fx<? index end)
+ (if (fx>? limit 0)
+ (cons (substring string index (fx+ index 1))
+ (with-limit (fx+ index 1) (fx- limit 1)))
+ (list (substring string index end)))
+ '()))
+ (if limit
+ (with-limit start limit)
+ (without-limit start)))
+ (define (do-split-1 char)
+ (define (without-limit index)
+ (let ((match (find-match index)))
+ (if match
+ (cons (substring string index match)
+ (without-limit (fx+ match dn)))
+ (list (substring string index end)))))
+ (define (with-limit index limit)
+ (let ((match (and (fx>? limit 0) (find-match index))))
+ (if match
+ (cons (substring string index match)
+ (with-limit (fx+ match dn) (fx- limit 1)))
+ (list (substring string index end)))))
+ (define (find-match index)
+ (and (fx<? index end)
+ (if (char=? char (string-ref string index))
+ index
+ (find-match (fx+ index 1)))))
+ (if limit
+ (with-limit start limit)
+ (without-limit start)))
+ (define (do-split-n)
+ (define (without-limit index)
+ (let ((match (find-match index)))
+ (if match
+ (cons (substring string index match)
+ (without-limit (fx+ match dn)))
+ (list (substring string index end)))))
+ (define (with-limit index limit)
+ (let ((match (and (fx>? limit 0) (find-match index))))
+ (if match
+ (cons (substring string index match)
+ (with-limit (fx+ match dn) (fx- limit 1)))
+ (list (substring string index end)))))
+ (define (find-match index)
+ (and (fx<? index end)
+ (if (%string-prefix? delimiter 0 dn string index end)
+ index
+ (find-match (fx+ index 1)))))
+ (if limit
+ (with-limit start limit)
+ (without-limit start)))
+ (case grammar
+ ((#!default infix)
+ (do-split))
+ ((strict-infix)
+ (if (fx=? start end)
+ (error:bad-range-argument string 'string-split))
+ (do-split))
+ ((prefix)
+ (let ((result (do-split)))
+ (if (and (pair? result)
+ (string-null? (car result)))
+ (cdr result)
+ result)))
+ ((suffix)
+ (let ((result (do-split)))
+ (if (and (pair? result)
+ (string-null? (last result)))
+ (drop-right result 1)
+ result)))
+ (else
+ (error:bad-range-argument grammar 'string-split)))))
+;; end of library
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;;; Copyright (C) Per Bothner (2017).
+;;; Copyright (C) William D Clinger (2016).
+;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+;;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+;;; conditions:
+;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+(import (except (scheme base)
+ list->string
+ string
+ string->list
+ string->utf8
+ string->vector
+ string-append
+ string-for-each
+ string-length
+ string-map
+ string-ref
+ string<=?
+ string<?
+ string=?
+ string>=?
+ string>?
+ string?
+ substring
+ utf8->string
+ vector->string)
+ (scheme write)
+ (except (scheme char)
+ string-ci<=?
+ string-ci<?
+ string-ci=?
+ string-ci>=?
+ string-ci>?
+ string-downcase
+ string-foldcase
+ string-upcase)
+ (srfi 140))
+(define ABC
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x3b1 #x3b2 #x3b3))))
+(define ABCDEF
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x0c0 #x062 #x0c7 #x064 #x0c9 #x066))))
+(define DEFABC
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x064 #x0c9 #x066 #x0c0 #x062 #x0c7))))
+(define eszett (integer->char #xDF))
+(define fuss (string #\F #\u eszett))
+(define chaos0
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x39E #x391 #x39F #x3A3))))
+(define chaos1
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x3BE #x3B1 #x3BF #x3C2))))
+(define chaos2
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x3BE #x3B1 #x3BF #x3C3))))
+(define beyondBMP
+ (list->string (map integer->char
+ '(#x61 #xc0 #x3bf
+ #x1d441 #x1d113 #x1d110 #x7a))))
+(define (check-istring str)
+ (list (istring? str) (string-length str)))
+;;; Predicates
+(string? (string)) 'expect-true
+(string? #\a) 'expect-false
+(string-null? (string)) 'expect-true
+(string-null? ABC) 'expect-false
+(check-istring "")
+'(expect equal? '(#t 0))
+(check-istring "abcd")
+'(expect equal? '(#t 4))
+(check-istring (string #\A #\b #\c #\d))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 4))
+(check-istring (substring (make-string 4 #\X) 1 4))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (make-string 4 #\X))
+'(expect equal? '(#f 4))
+(check-istring (string-copy (make-string 4 #\X)))
+'(expect equal? '(#f 4))
+(check-istring (string-copy (make-string 4 #\X) 1 4))
+'(expect equal? '(#f 3))
+(check-istring (vector->string #(#\x #\y #\z)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (vector->string #(#\x #\y #\z)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (list->string '(#\x #\y #\z)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (reverse-list->string '(#\x #\y #\z)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (utf8->string (string->utf8 "abc")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (utf16->string (string->utf16 "abc")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (utf16be->string (string->utf16be "abc")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (utf16le->string (string->utf16le "abc")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-take "abcd" 2))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 2))
+(check-istring (string-drop "abcd" 2))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 2))
+(check-istring (string-take-right "abcd" 2))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 2))
+(check-istring (string-drop-right "abcd" 2))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 2))
+(check-istring (string-pad "abcd" 5))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 5))
+(check-istring (string-pad-right "abcd" 3))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-trim " A "))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 2))
+(check-istring (string-trim-right " A "))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-trim-both " A "))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 1))
+(check-istring (string-replace "AB" "X" 1 1))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-upcase (make-string 3 #\X)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-downcase (make-string 3 #\x)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-foldcase (make-string 3 #\x)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-titlecase (make-string 3 #\X)))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-append "abcd" "XY"))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 6))
+(check-istring (string-concatenate (list "abcd" "XY")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 6))
+(check-istring (string-concatenate-reverse (list "abcd" "XY")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 6))
+(check-istring (string-join (list "abc" "xyz")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 7))
+(check-istring (string-map char-upcase "abc"))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (string-repeat "ab" 3))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 6))
+(check-istring (xsubstring "abcdef" -4 10))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 14))
+(check-istring (cadr (string-split "ab cef" " ")))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(check-istring (symbol->string 'Hello))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 5))
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) (string))
+'(expect eqv? #t)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 2)
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 1 1)
+'(expect eqv? #t)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) (string))
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\a)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 2)
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 0 2)
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "")
+'(expect eqv? #t)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 2)
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-every (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 1 1)
+'(expect eqv? #t)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "")
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char? c) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\a)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc")
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 2)
+'(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-any (lambda (c) (if (char>? c #\b) c #f)) "abc" 0 2)
+'(expect eqv? #f)
+;;; Constructors
+(string-tabulate (lambda (i)
+ (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
+ 0)
+'(expect equal? "")
+(define s1
+ (string-tabulate (lambda (i)
+ (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
+ 3))
+(check-istring s1) '(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+s1 '(expect equal? "abc")
+(define s2
+ (let ((p (open-input-string "abc")))
+ (string-unfold eof-object?
+ values
+ (lambda (x) (read-char p))
+ (read-char p))))
+(check-istring s2) '(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+s2 '(expect equal? "abc")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr '())
+'(expect equal? "")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr (string->list "abc"))
+'(expect equal? "abc")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr '() "def")
+'(expect equal? "def")
+(string-unfold null?
+ car
+ cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ "def"
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) (string #\G) "")))
+'(expect equal? "defabcG")
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr '())
+'(expect equal? "")
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr (string->list "abc"))
+'(expect equal? "cba")
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr '() "def")
+'(expect equal? "def")
+(check-istring (string-unfold-right null? car cdr '() "def"))
+'(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ "def"
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) (string #\G) "")))
+'(expect equal? "Gcbadef")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr '() "def")
+'(expect equal? "def")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ "def"
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) "G" "")))
+'(expect equal? "defabcG")
+(string-unfold null? car cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ #\d
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) "G" "")))
+'(expect equal? "dabcG")
+(string-unfold (lambda (n) (char>? (integer->char n) #\z))
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((c (integer->char n)))
+ (cond ((char<=? #\a c #\z) c)
+ ((char<=? #\A c #\Z) (string c #\space))
+ (else (make-string 200 #\*)))))
+ (lambda (n) (+ n 1))
+ (char->integer #\@)
+ "%="
+ (lambda (n) #\space))
+'(expect equal?
+ (string-append "%="
+ (make-string 200 #\*)
+ "A B C D E F G H I J K L M "
+ "N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z "
+ (make-string (* 200 (- (char->integer #\a)
+ (char->integer #\Z)
+ 1))
+ #\*)
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ " "))
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr '() "def")
+'(expect equal? "def")
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ "def"
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) "G" "")))
+'(expect equal? "Gcbadef")
+(string-unfold-right null? car cdr
+ (string->list "abc")
+ #\d
+ (lambda (x) (if (null? x) "G" "")))
+'(expect equal? "Gcbad")
+(string-unfold-right (lambda (n) (char>? (integer->char n) #\z))
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((c (integer->char n)))
+ (cond ((char<=? #\a c #\z) c)
+ ((char<=? #\A c #\Z) (string c #\space))
+ (else (make-string 200 #\*)))))
+ (lambda (n) (+ n 1))
+ (char->integer #\@)
+ "%="
+ (lambda (n) #\space))
+'(expect equal? (string-append " "
+ (list->string
+ (reverse
+ (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")))
+ (make-string (* 200 (- (char->integer #\a)
+ (char->integer #\Z)
+ 1))
+ #\*)
+ "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N "
+ "M L K J I H G F E D C B A "
+ (make-string 200 #\*)
+ "%="))
+(string-unfold-right (lambda (n) (< n (char->integer #\A)))
+ (lambda (n)
+ (char-downcase (integer->char n)))
+ (lambda (n) (- n 1))
+ (char->integer #\Z)
+ #\space
+ (lambda (n) " The English alphabet: "))
+'(expect equal? " The English alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ")
+;;; Conversion
+(define s3 (string #\s #\t #\r))
+(string? s3) 'expect-true
+(istring? s3) 'expect-true
+s3 '(expect equal? "str")
+(string) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string #\a #\b #\c) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(substring (string #\a #\b #\c) 3 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring (string #\a #\b #\c) 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(substring "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abc" 3 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abc" 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(string->vector (string)) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector (string) 0) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector (string #\a #\b #\c)) '(expect equal? '#(#\a #\b #\c))
+(string->vector (string #\a #\b #\c) 3) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector (string #\a #\b #\c) 1 3) '(expect equal? '#(#\b #\c))
+(string->vector "") '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector "" 0) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector "" 0 0) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector "abc") '(expect equal? '#(#\a #\b #\c))
+(string->vector "abc" 3) '(expect equal? '#())
+(string->vector "abc" 1 3) '(expect equal? '#(#\b #\c))
+(string->list (string)) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list (string) 0) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list (string #\a #\b #\c)) '(expect equal? '(#\a #\b #\c))
+(string->list (string #\a #\b #\c) 3) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list (string #\a #\b #\c) 1 3) '(expect equal? '(#\b #\c))
+(string->list "") '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list "" 0) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list "" 0 0) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list "abc") '(expect equal? '(#\a #\b #\c))
+(string->list "abc" 3) '(expect equal? '())
+(string->list "abc" 1 3) '(expect equal? '(#\b #\c))
+"" '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abc" 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(substring "abc" 3 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abc" 1 2) '(expect equal? "b")
+(substring "abc" 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(vector->string '#()) '(expect equal? "")
+(vector->string '#() 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(vector->string '#() 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(vector->string '#(#\a #\b #\c)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(vector->string '#(#\a #\b #\c) 1) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(vector->string '#(#\a #\b #\c) 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(vector->string '#(#\a #\b #\c) 1 2) '(expect equal? "b")
+(vector->string '#(#\a #\b #\c) 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(list->string '()) '(expect equal? "")
+(list->string '() 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(list->string '() 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c) 1) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c) 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c) 1 2) '(expect equal? "b")
+(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c) 1 3) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(reverse-list->string '()) '(expect equal? "")
+(reverse-list->string '(#\a #\b #\c)) '(expect equal? "cba")
+(string->utf8 "abc")
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 98 99))
+(string->utf8 "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 98 99 121 121 121 122 122 122))
+(string->utf8 "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3 6)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 98 99))
+(string->utf16 "abc")
+'(expect equal?
+ (cond-expand (big-endian '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 98 0 99))
+ (else '#u8(255 254 97 0 98 0 99 0))))
+(string->utf16 "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3)
+ equal?
+ (cond-expand
+ (big-endian
+ '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 98 0 99 0 121 0 121 0 121 0 122 0 122 0 122))
+ (else '#u8(255 254 97 0 98 0 99 0 121 0 121 0 121 0 122 0 122 0 122 0))))
+(string->utf16 "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3 6)
+'(expect equal?
+ (cond-expand (big-endian '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 98 0 99))
+ (else '#u8(255 254 97 0 98 0 99 0))))
+(string->utf16be "abc")
+'(expect equal? '#u8(0 97 0 98 0 99))
+(string->utf16be "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(0 97 0 98 0 99 0 121 0 121 0 121 0 122 0 122 0 122))
+(string->utf16be "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3 6)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(0 97 0 98 0 99))
+(string->utf16le "abc")
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 0 98 0 99 0))
+(string->utf16le "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 0 98 0 99 0 121 0 121 0 121 0 122 0 122 0 122 0))
+(string->utf16le "xxxabcyyyzzz" 3 6)
+'(expect equal? '#u8(97 0 98 0 99 0))
+(utf8->string '#u8(97 98 99))
+'(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf8->string '#u8(0 1 2 97 98 99 121 121 121 122 122 122) 3)
+'(expect equal? "abcyyyzzz")
+(utf8->string '#u8(41 42 43 97 98 99 100 101 102) 3 6)
+'(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16->string '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 98 0 99)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16->string '#u8(255 254 97 0 98 0 99 0)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16->string (string->utf16 "abc") 2) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16->string (string->utf16 "abcdef") 4) '(expect equal? "bcdef")
+(utf16->string (string->utf16 "abcdef") 4 10) '(expect equal? "bcd")
+(utf16be->string '#u8(0 97 0 98 0 99)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16be->string (string->utf16be "abc") 2) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(utf16be->string (string->utf16be "abcdef") 2 8) '(expect equal? "bcd")
+(utf16le->string '#u8(97 0 98 0 99 0)) '(expect equal? "abc")
+(utf16le->string (string->utf16le "abc") 2) '(expect equal? "bc")
+(utf16le->string (string->utf16le "abcdef") 2 8) '(expect equal? "bcd")
+(string->utf8 beyondBMP)
+'(expect equal?
+ '#u8(97 195 128 206 191 240 157 145 129 240 157 132 147 240
+ 157 132 144 122))
+(string->utf16 beyondBMP)
+'(expect equal?
+ (cond-expand (big-endian
+ '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 192 3 191 216 53 220 65 216
+ 52 221 19 216 52 221 16 0 122))
+ (else
+ '#u8(255 254 97 0 192 0 191 3 53 216 65 220 52
+ 216 19 221 52 216 16 221 122 0))))
+(string->utf16be beyondBMP)
+'(expect equal?
+ '#u8(0 97 0 192 3 191 216 53 220 65 216 52 221 19 216 52 221 16 0 122))
+(string->utf16le beyondBMP)
+'(expect equal?
+ '#u8(97 0 192 0 191 3 53 216 65 220 52 216 19 221 52 216 16 221 122 0))
+ '#u8(97 195 128 206 191 240 157 145 129 240 157 132 147 240 157 132 144 122))
+'(expect equal? beyondBMP)
+(utf16->string (string->utf16 beyondBMP))
+'(expect equal? beyondBMP)
+(utf16->string (string->utf16 beyondBMP) 2)
+'(expect equal? beyondBMP)
+(utf16be->string (string->utf16be beyondBMP))
+'(expect equal? beyondBMP)
+(utf16le->string (string->utf16le beyondBMP))
+'(expect equal? beyondBMP)
+(utf16be->string '#u8(254 255 0 97 0 98 0 99))
+'(expect equal? (string-append (string (integer->char #xfeff)) "abc"))
+(utf16le->string '#u8(255 254 97 0 98 0 99 0))
+'(expect equal? (string-append (string (integer->char #xfeff)) "abc"))
+;;; Selection
+(string-length (string)) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-length ABCDEF) '(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-length (make-string 1234 (string-ref ABC 0))) '(expect eqv? 1234)
+(string-ref (string #\a #\b #\c) 0) '(expect eqv? #\a)
+(string-ref (string #\a #\b #\c) 2) '(expect eqv? #\c)
+(string-length (string)) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-length ABCDEF) '(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-length (make-string 1234 (string-ref ABC 0))) '(expect eqv? 1234)
+(string-ref (string #\a #\b #\c) 0) '(expect eqv? #\a)
+(string-ref (string #\a #\b #\c) 2) '(expect eqv? #\c)
+(substring (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 4 4) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 6 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 4) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "cde")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 6) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(substring (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 4 4) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 6 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 4) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "cde")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 6) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(substring "" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 4 4) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 6 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 4) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "cde")
+(substring "abcdef" 2 6) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(substring "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-copy (string)) '(expect equal? "")
+(define s4 "abcdef")
+(define s5 (string-copy s4))
+s5 '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+s5 '(expect-not eqv? s4)
+(string-copy "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef") '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-copy (string) 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 4) '(expect equal? "ef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 4) '(expect equal? "ef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy (string) 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 4 4) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 6 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 4) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "cde")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 2 6) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-copy "" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 4 4) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 6 6) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 4) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "cde")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 2 6) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(string-copy "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-take (string) 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "ab")
+(string-drop "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-drop "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-drop "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(string-take-right (string) 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take-right "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take-right "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "ef")
+(string-drop-right (string) 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-drop-right "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-drop-right "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(string-take "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "ab")
+(string-drop "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-drop "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-drop "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "cdef")
+(string-take-right "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take-right "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-take-right "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "ef")
+(string-drop-right "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-drop-right "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-drop-right "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "abcd")
+(string-pad "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5) '(expect equal? " ")
+(string-pad "325" 5) '(expect equal? " 325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\*) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "***25")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "*1325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**713")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**887")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 1 3) '(expect equal? "***25")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 1 4) '(expect equal? "**132")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 1 5) '(expect equal? "*8713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5) '(expect equal? " ")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5) '(expect equal? "325 ")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\*) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "25***")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "1325*")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "87132")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "713**")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "887**")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 1 3) '(expect equal? "25***")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 1 4) '(expect equal? "132**")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 1 5) '(expect equal? "8713*")
+(string-pad "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5) '(expect equal? " ")
+(string-pad "325" 5) '(expect equal? " 325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\*) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "***25")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "*1325")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad "" 0 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad "" 5 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**325")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**713")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "**887")
+(string-pad "325" 5 #\* 1 3) '(expect equal? "***25")
+(string-pad "71325" 5 #\* 1 4) '(expect equal? "**132")
+(string-pad "8871325" 5 #\* 1 5) '(expect equal? "*8713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5) '(expect equal? " ")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5) '(expect equal? "325 ")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\*) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\*) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "71325")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 0) '(expect equal? "88713")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "25***")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "1325*")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 1) '(expect equal? "87132")
+(string-pad-right "" 0 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-pad-right "" 5 #\* 0 0) '(expect equal? "*****")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "325**")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "713**")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 0 3) '(expect equal? "887**")
+(string-pad-right "325" 5 #\* 1 3) '(expect equal? "25***")
+(string-pad-right "71325" 5 #\* 1 4) '(expect equal? "132**")
+(string-pad-right "8871325" 5 #\* 1 5) '(expect equal? "8713*")
+(string-trim "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c ") '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? "b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? "b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? "b ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c ") '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? " b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? " b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? " b")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c ") '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? "b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? "b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? "b")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c ") '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "a b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? "b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? "b c ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? "b ")
+(string-trim " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c ") '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? " a b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? " b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? " b c")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? " b")
+(string-trim-right " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c ") '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both "" char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace?) '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char?) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both "" char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 0) '(expect equal? "a b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3) '(expect equal? "b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 11) '(expect equal? "b c")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3 11) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 0 8) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char-whitespace? 3 8) '(expect equal? "b")
+(string-trim-both " a b c " char? 3 8) '(expect equal? "")
+;;; Replacement
+(string-replace "It's easy to code it up in Scheme." "lots of fun" 5 9)
+'(expect equal? "It's lots of fun to code it up in Scheme.")
+(string-replace "The TCL programmer endured daily ridicule."
+ "another miserable perl drone"
+ 4 7 8 22)
+'(expect equal? "The miserable perl programmer endured daily ridicule.")
+(string-replace "It's easy to code it up in Scheme."
+ "really "
+ 5 5)
+'(expect equal? "It's really easy to code it up in Scheme.")
+(string-replace "Runs in O(n) time." (string #\1) 10 11)
+'(expect equal? "Runs in O(1) time.")
+;;; Comparison
+;;; The comparison tests aren't perfectly black-box because the
+;;; specification of these comparison procedures allows them to
+;;; use an ordering other than the usual lexicographic ordering.
+;;; The sample implementations use lexicographic ordering, however,
+;;; and a test program that discourages implementations from using
+;;; orderings that differ from the usual on such simple cases is
+;;; probably doing a public service.
+(string=? "Strasse" "Strasse") 'expect-true
+(string=? "Strasse" "Strasse" "Strasse") 'expect-true
+(string<? "z" "z") 'expect-false
+(string<? "z" "zz") 'expect-true
+(string<? "z" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string<=? "z" "zz") 'expect-true
+(string<=? "z" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string<=? "z" "z") 'expect-true
+(string<? "z" "z") 'expect-false
+(string>? "z" "zz") 'expect-false
+(string>? "z" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string>=? "z" "zz") 'expect-false
+(string>=? "z" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string>=? "z" "z") 'expect-true
+(define s6w "a")
+(define s6x "abc")
+(define s6y "def")
+(define s6z (string #\a #\b #\c))
+(string=? s6x s6y s6z) 'expect-false
+(string=? s6x s6x s6z) 'expect-true
+(string=? s6w s6x s6y) 'expect-false
+(string=? s6y s6x s6w) 'expect-false
+(string<? s6x s6y s6z) 'expect-false
+(string<? s6x s6x s6z) 'expect-false
+(string<? s6w s6x s6y) 'expect-true
+(string<? s6y s6x s6w) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6x s6y s6z) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6x s6x s6z) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6w s6x s6y) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6y s6x s6w) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6x s6y s6z) 'expect-false
+(string<=? s6x s6x s6z) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6w s6x s6y) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6y s6x s6w) 'expect-false
+(string>=? s6x s6y s6z) 'expect-false
+(string>=? s6x s6x s6z) 'expect-true
+(string>=? s6w s6x s6y) 'expect-false
+(string>=? s6y s6x s6w) 'expect-true
+(string=? s6x s6x) 'expect-true
+(string=? s6w s6x) 'expect-false
+(string=? s6y s6x) 'expect-false
+(string<? s6x s6x) 'expect-false
+(string<? s6w s6x) 'expect-true
+(string<? s6y s6x) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6x s6x) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6w s6x) 'expect-false
+(string>? s6y s6x) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6x s6x) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6w s6x) 'expect-true
+(string<=? s6y s6x) 'expect-false
+(string>=? s6x s6x) 'expect-true
+(string>=? s6w s6x) 'expect-false
+(string>=? s6y s6x) 'expect-true
+(string-ci<? "a" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci<? "A" "z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci<? "Z" "a") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<? "z" "A") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<? "z" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<? "Z" "z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>? "a" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>? "A" "z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>? "Z" "a") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>? "z" "A") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>? "z" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>? "Z" "z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci=? "z" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci=? "z" "a") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<=? "a" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci<=? "A" "z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci<=? "Z" "a") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<=? "z" "A") 'expect-false
+(string-ci<=? "z" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci<=? "Z" "z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>=? "a" "Z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>=? "A" "z") 'expect-false
+(string-ci>=? "Z" "a") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>=? "z" "A") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>=? "z" "Z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci>=? "Z" "z") 'expect-true
+(string=? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string=? DEFABC ABCDEF) 'expect-false
+(string=? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string<? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string<? DEFABC ABCDEF) 'expect-true
+(string<? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string>? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string>? DEFABC ABCDEF) 'expect-false
+(string>? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string<=? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string<=? DEFABC ABCDEF) 'expect-true
+(string<=? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string>=? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string>=? DEFABC ABCDEF) 'expect-false
+(string>=? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string=? "Fuss" fuss) 'expect-false
+(string=? "Fuss" "Fuss" fuss) 'expect-false
+(string=? "Fuss" fuss "Fuss") 'expect-false
+(string=? fuss "Fuss" "Fuss") 'expect-false
+(string<? "z" (string eszett)) 'expect-true
+(string<? (string eszett) "z") 'expect-false
+(string<=? "z" (string eszett)) 'expect-true
+(string<=? (string eszett) "z") 'expect-false
+(string>? "z" (string eszett)) 'expect-false
+(string>? (string eszett) "z") 'expect-true
+(string>=? "z" (string eszett)) 'expect-false
+(string>=? (string eszett) "z") 'expect-true
+(string-ci=? fuss "Fuss") 'expect-true
+(string-ci=? fuss "FUSS") 'expect-true
+(string-ci=? chaos0 chaos1 chaos2) 'expect-true
+;;; Prefixes and suffixes
+(string-prefix-length ABC ABCDEF) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length ABCDEF ABC) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length ABCDEF DEFABC) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length DEFABC DEFABC) '(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-prefix-length "" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface") '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-prefix-length "" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 0) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 0 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 4) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 1 5) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 0 4 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 4 2) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1 2) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 0 5 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 1 4 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 1 5 1) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-prefix-length "" "" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 0 4 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 4 2 10) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1 2 10) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 0 5 1 6) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "" 1 4 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3 6) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-prefix-length "prefix" "preface" 1 5 1 7) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length ABC ABCDEF) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length ABCDEF ABC) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length ABCDEF DEFABC) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length DEFABC DEFABC) '(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-suffix-length "" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface") '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 0) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 1) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "" "" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 0 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 5) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 1 5) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "" "" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 0 4 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 4 2) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1 2) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 0 5 1) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 1 4 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 1 5 1) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-suffix-length "" "" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "" "aabbccddee" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 0 4 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 0 5 2 10) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 0 1 2 4) '(expect eqv? 1)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 0 5 1 6) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 0 4 1 6) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "" 1 4 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "aisle" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3 3) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "bail" "aabbccddee" 1 4 3 6) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-suffix-length "place" "preface" 1 5 1 7) '(expect eqv? 3)
+(string-prefix? ABC ABCDEF) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? ABCDEF ABC) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "") 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc") 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc") 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? ABC ABCDEF) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? ABCDEF ABC) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? ABCDEF DEFABC) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? DEFABC DEFABC) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "") 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc") 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc") 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc") 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 0) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 2) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "" 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0 2) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "" 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "abc" 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0 1) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 0 2) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 2 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 2 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 2 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 2 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 2 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 2 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "" 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 0) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "" 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "abc" 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0 1 0) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 0) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 2 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 2 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 2 3 0) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 2 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 2 2 0) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 2 3 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0 1) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0 1) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1 2) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 2 1) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 1) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 1) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0 1 2) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1 1) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 1) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 2) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "" "" 0 0 0 0) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 0 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "" "abc" 0 0 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0 1 0 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 0 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 2 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 2 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 2 3 0 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 2 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 2 2 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "abc" "abc" 2 3 0 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0 1 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0 1 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1 2 3) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1 2 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 2 1 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ac" "abc" 0 2 1 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 1 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "a" "abc" 0 1 2 3) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1 1 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2 2 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 1 3) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "bc" "abc" 0 2 2 3) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "" "abc" 0 0 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "a" "abc" 0 0 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0 2) 'expect-false
+(string-prefix? "ab" "abc" 0 1 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-prefix? "abc" "abc" 0 3 0 2) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "" "abc" 0 0 0 2) 'expect-true
+(string-suffix? "c" "abc" 0 1 0 2) 'expect-false
+(string-suffix? "ac" "abc" 1 2 0 2) 'expect-false
+;;; Searching
+(string-index "" char?) 'expect-false
+(string-index "abcdef" char?) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-index "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d))) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-index "abcdef" char-whitespace?) 'expect-false
+(string-index-right "" char?) 'expect-false
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char?) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d))) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char-whitespace?) 'expect-false
+(string-skip "" string?) 'expect-false
+(string-skip "abcdef" string?) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-skip "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d))) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-skip "abcdef" char?) 'expect-false
+(string-skip-right "" string?) 'expect-false
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" string?) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d))) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" char?) 'expect-false
+(string-index "abcdef" char? 2) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-index "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d)) 2) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-index "abcdef" char-whitespace? 2) 'expect-false
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char? 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d)) 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char-whitespace? 2) 'expect-false
+(string-skip "abcdef" string? 2) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-skip "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d)) 2) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-skip "abcdef" char? 2) 'expect-false
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" string? 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d)) 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" char? 2) 'expect-false
+(string-index "abcdef" char? 2 5) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-index "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d)) 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-index "abcdef" char-whitespace? 2 5) 'expect-false
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char? 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char>? c #\d)) 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-index-right "abcdef" char-whitespace? 2 5) 'expect-false
+(string-skip "abcdef" string? 2 5) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-skip "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d)) 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-skip "abcdef" char? 2 5) 'expect-false
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" string? 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" (lambda (c) (char<=? c #\d)) 2 5) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-skip-right "abcdef" char? 2 5) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "a") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "ff") '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "eff") '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "foo") '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo") 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "" "") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "") '(expect eqv? 11)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "a") '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "ff") '(expect eqv? 7)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "eff") '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "foo") '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo") 'expect-false
+(string-contains "" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "" 2) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2) '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "" "" 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "" 2) '(expect eqv? 11)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2) '(expect eqv? 7)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2) '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "" "" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "" "" 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 10)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 7)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "" "" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10 0) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10 1) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10 1) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "" "" 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10 0) '(expect eqv? 10)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 10)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10 1) '(expect eqv? 7)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10 1) 'expect-false
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10 1) 'expect-false
+(string-contains "" "" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10 0 0) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10 1 1) '(expect eqv? 2)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 5)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 9)
+(string-contains "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10 0 2) '(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-contains-right "" "" 0 0 0 0) '(expect eqv? 0)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "" 2 10 0 0) '(expect eqv? 10)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "a" 2 10 1 1) '(expect eqv? 10)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "ff" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "eff" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "foo" 2 10 1 2) '(expect eqv? 9)
+(string-contains-right "abcdeffffoo" "efffoo" 2 10 1 3) '(expect eqv? 7)
+;;; Case conversion
+;;; FIXME: should test some non-ASCII cases here.
+(string-upcase "1234Strikes") '(expect equal? "1234STRIKES")
+(string-upcase "1234strikes") '(expect equal? "1234STRIKES")
+(string-upcase "1234STRIKES") '(expect equal? "1234STRIKES")
+(string-downcase "1234Strikes") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-downcase "1234strikes") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-downcase "1234STRIKES") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-foldcase "1234Strikes") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-foldcase "1234strikes") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-foldcase "1234STRIKES") '(expect equal? "1234strikes")
+(string-titlecase "and with THREE STRIKES you are oUT")
+ '(expect equal? "And With Three Strikes You Are Out")
+;;; Concatenation
+(string-append) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-append "" "a" "bcd" "" "ef" "" "") '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-concatenate '()) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-concatenate '("" "a" "bcd" "" "ef" "" "")) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+;;; string-concatenate is likely to have special cases for longer strings.
+(define alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+(define str1 alphabet)
+(define str10 (apply string-append (vector->list (make-vector 10 str1))))
+(define str100 (apply string-append (vector->list (make-vector 10 str10))))
+(define str100-500 (substring str100 100 500))
+(define str600-999 (substring str100 600 999))
+(define alph1 (string-copy alphabet))
+(define alph10 (string-concatenate (vector->list (make-vector 10 alph1))))
+(define alph100 (string-concatenate (vector->list (make-vector 10 alph10))))
+(define t100-500 (substring alph100 100 500))
+(define t600-999 (substring alph100 600 999))
+alph10 '(expect equal? str10)
+alph100 '(expect equal? str100)
+t100-500 '(expect equal? str100-500)
+t600-999 '(expect equal? str600-999)
+;; concatenating a short string with a long string
+(string-concatenate (list alph1 t600-999))
+'(expect equal? (string-append str1 str600-999))
+(string-concatenate (list alph1 (string-copy t600-999)))
+'(expect equal? (string-append str1 str600-999))
+(string-concatenate (list t600-999 alph1))
+'(expect equal? (string-append str600-999 str1))
+(string-concatenate (list (string-copy t600-999) alph1))
+'(expect equal? (string-append str600-999 str1))
+(string-concatenate-reverse '()) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-concatenate-reverse '("" "a" "bcd" "" "ef" "" ""))
+ '(expect equal? "efbcda")
+(string-concatenate-reverse '() "huh?") '(expect equal? "huh?")
+(string-concatenate-reverse '("" "a" "bcd" "" "ef" "" "") "xy")
+ '(expect equal? "efbcdaxy")
+(string-concatenate-reverse '() "huh?" 3) '(expect equal? "huh")
+(string-concatenate-reverse '("" "a" "bcd" "" "ef" "" "") "x" 1)
+ '(expect equal? "efbcdax")
+(string-join '()) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "")) '(expect equal? " ab cd e f ")
+(string-join '() "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "") '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-join '() "xyz") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "xyz")
+ '(expect equal? "xyzabxyzcdxyzxyzexyzfxyz")
+(string-join '() "" 'infix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "" 'infix) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-join '() "xyz" 'infix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "xyz" 'infix)
+'(expect equal? "xyzabxyzcdxyzxyzexyzfxyz")
+(string-join '("foo" "bar" "baz")) '(expect equal? "foo bar baz")
+(string-join '("foo" "bar" "baz") "") '(expect equal? "foobarbaz")
+(string-join '("foo" "bar" "baz") ":") '(expect equal? "foo:bar:baz")
+(string-join '("foo" "bar" "baz") ":" 'suffix) '(expect equal? "foo:bar:baz:")
+(string-join '() ":") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("") ":") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '() ":" 'infix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '() ":" 'strict-infix) 'expect-error
+(string-join '("A") ":" 'strict-infix) '(expect equal? "A")
+(string-join '("A" "B") ":" 'strict-infix) '(expect equal? "A:B")
+(string-join '() ":" 'suffix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("") ":" 'suffix) '(expect equal? ":")
+(string-join '() "" 'strict-infix) 'expect-error
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "" 'strict-infix)
+'(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-join '() "xyz" 'strict-infix) 'expect-error
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "xyz" 'strict-infix)
+'(expect equal? "xyzabxyzcdxyzxyzexyzfxyz")
+(string-join '() "" 'suffix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "" 'suffix) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-join '() "xyz" 'suffix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "xyz" 'suffix)
+'(expect equal? "xyzabxyzcdxyzxyzexyzfxyzxyz")
+(string-join '() "" 'prefix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "" 'prefix) '(expect equal? "abcdef")
+(string-join '() "xyz" 'prefix) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-join '("" "ab" "cd" "" "e" "f" "") "xyz" 'prefix)
+'(expect equal? "xyzxyzabxyzcdxyzxyzexyzfxyz")
+;;; Fold & map & friends
+(string-fold (lambda (c count)
+ (if (char-whitespace? c)
+ (+ count 1)
+ count))
+ 0
+ " ...a couple of spaces in this one... ")
+'(expect eqv? 8)
+(string-fold (lambda (c count)
+ (if (char-whitespace? c)
+ (+ count 1)
+ count))
+ 0
+ " ...a couple of spaces in this one... "
+ 1)
+'(expect eqv? 7)
+(string-fold (lambda (c count)
+ (if (char-whitespace? c)
+ (+ count 1)
+ count))
+ 0
+ " ...a couple of spaces in this one... "
+ 1
+ 32)
+'(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-fold-right cons '() "abcdef") '(expect equal? (string->list "abcdef"))
+(string-fold-right cons '() "abcdef" 3) '(expect equal? (string->list "def"))
+(string-fold-right cons '() "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? (string->list "cde"))
+(let* ((s "abracadabra")
+ (ans-len (string-fold (lambda (c sum)
+ (+ sum (if (char=? c #\a) 2 1)))
+ 0 s))
+ (ans (make-string ans-len)))
+ (string-fold (lambda (c i)
+ (let ((i (if (char=? c #\a)
+ (begin (string-set! ans i #\a)
+ (+ i 1))
+ i)))
+ (string-set! ans i c)
+ (+ i 1)))
+ 0 s)
+ ans)
+'(expect equal? "aabraacaadaabraa")
+(string-map string "abc") '(expect equal? "abc")
+(string-map char-upcase "abc") '(expect equal? "ABC")
+(string-map (lambda (c0 c1 c2)
+ (case c0
+ ((#\1) c1)
+ ((#\2) (string c2))
+ ((#\-) (string #\- c1))))
+ "1222-1111-2222"
+ "Hi There!"
+ "Dear John")
+'(expect equal? "Hear-here!")
+(let ((q (open-output-string)))
+ (string-for-each (lambda (c) (write-char c q))
+ "abc")
+ (get-output-string q))
+'(expect equal? "abc")
+(let ((x '()))
+ (string-for-each (lambda (c1 c2 c3)
+ (set! x (cons (string c1 c2 c3) x)))
+ "abc"
+ "defxyz"
+ "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+ x)
+'(expect equal? '("cfi" "beh" "adg"))
+(string-map-index (lambda (i)
+ (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
+ "xyz")
+'(expect equal? "abc")
+(define s7
+ (string-map-index (lambda (i)
+ (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
+ "xyz***" 3))
+(check-istring s7) '(expect equal? '(#t 3))
+s7 '(expect equal? "def")
+(string-map-index (lambda (i)
+ (integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
+ "......" 2 5)
+'(expect equal? "cde")
+(let ((s "abcde")
+ (v '()))
+ (string-for-each-index
+ (lambda (i)
+ (set! v (cons (char->integer (string-ref s i)) v)))
+ s)
+ v)
+'(expect equal? '(101 100 99 98 97))
+(let ((s "abcde")
+ (v '()))
+ (string-for-each-index
+ (lambda (i)
+ (set! v (cons (char->integer (string-ref s i)) v)))
+ s 2)
+ v)
+'(expect equal? '(101 100 99))
+(let ((s "abcde")
+ (v '()))
+ (string-for-each-index
+ (lambda (i)
+ (set! v (cons (char->integer (string-ref s i)) v)))
+ s 1 3)
+ v)
+'(expect equal? '(99 98))
+(string-count "abcdef" char?) '(expect eqv? 6)
+(string-count "counting whitespace, again " char-whitespace? 5)
+'(expect eqv? 4)
+(string-count "abcdefwxyz" (lambda (c) (odd? (char->integer c))) 2 8)
+'(expect eqv? 3)
+(define s8
+ (string-filter (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "aeiou")))
+ "What is number, that man may know it?"))
+s8 '(expect equal? "aiueaaaoi")
+(check-istring s8) '(expect equal? '(#t 9))
+(define s9
+ (string-remove (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "aeiou")))
+ "And woman, that she may know number?"))
+s9 '(expect equal? "And wmn, tht sh my knw nmbr?")
+(check-istring s9) '(expect equal? '(#t 28))
+(string-filter (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "aeiou")))
+ "What is number, that man may know it?" 4)
+'(expect equal? "iueaaaoi")
+(string-remove (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "aeiou")))
+ "And woman, that she may know number?" 6)
+'(expect equal? "mn, tht sh my knw nmbr?")
+(string-filter (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "aeiou")))
+ "What is number, that man may know it?" 16 32)
+'(expect equal? "aaao")
+(string-remove (lambda (c) (memv c (string->list "eiu")))
+ "And woman, that she may know number?" 0 28)
+'(expect equal? "And woman, that sh may know")
+(string-reverse "") '(expect equal? "")
+(string-reverse "abcdef") '(expect equal? "fedcba")
+(string-reverse "" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-reverse "abcdef" 0) '(expect equal? "fedcba")
+(string-reverse "abcdef" 2) '(expect equal? "fedc")
+(string-reverse "" 0 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-reverse "abcdef" 0 6) '(expect equal? "fedcba")
+(string-reverse "abcdef" 2 5) '(expect equal? "edc")
+;;; Replication and splitting
+(string-repeat #\X 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-repeat #\X 3) '(expect equal? "XXX")
+(string-repeat "abc" 0) '(expect equal? "")
+(string-repeat "abc" 3) '(expect equal? "abcabcabc")
+(xsubstring "abcdef" -4 10) '(expect equal? "cdefabcdefabcd")
+(xsubstring "abcdef" 90 103 1) '(expect equal? "bcdefbcdefbcd")
+(xsubstring "abcdef" -13 -3 2 5) '(expect equal? "ecdecdecde")
+(xsubstring "abcdef" 2 8) '(expect equal? "cdefab")
+(xsubstring "abcdef" -2 4) '(expect equal? "efabcd")
+(xsubstring "abc" 0 7) '(expect equal? "abcabca")
+(string-split "" "")
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "")
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " ")
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***")
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'infix)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'infix)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'infix)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'infix)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'strict-infix) 'expect-error
+(string-split "abc" "" 'strict-infix)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'strict-infix)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'strict-infix)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'prefix)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'prefix)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'prefix)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'prefix)
+'(expect equal? '("there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'suffix)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'suffix)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'suffix)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'suffix)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go"))
+(string-split "" "" 'infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'strict-infix #f) 'expect-error
+(string-split "abc" "" 'strict-infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'strict-infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'strict-infix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'prefix #f)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'prefix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'prefix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'prefix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'suffix #f)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'suffix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'suffix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" "" "data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'suffix #f)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go"))
+(string-split "" "" 'strict-infix 3) 'expect-error
+(string-split "abc" "" 'strict-infix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'strict-infix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'strict-infix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go***"))
+(string-split "" "" 'prefix 3)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'prefix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'prefix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'prefix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("there" "ya" "go***"))
+(string-split "" "" 'suffix 3)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'suffix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("a" "b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'suffix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("too" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'suffix 3)
+'(expect equal? '("" "there" "ya" "go***"))
+(string-split "" "" 'strict-infix 3 0) 'expect-error
+(string-split "abc" "" 'strict-infix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'strict-infix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'strict-infix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("**there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'prefix 3 0)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'prefix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'prefix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'prefix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("**there" "ya" "go" ""))
+(string-split "" "" 'suffix 3 0)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'suffix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("b" "c"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'suffix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " data"))
+(string-split "***there***ya***go***" "***" 'suffix 3 1)
+'(expect equal? '("**there" "ya" "go"))
+(string-split "" "" 'strict-infix 3 0 0) 'expect-error
+(string-split "abc" "" 'strict-infix 3 1 2)
+'(expect equal? '("b"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'strict-infix 3 1 11)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " "))
+(string-split "" "" 'prefix 3 0 0)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'prefix 3 1 2)
+'(expect equal? '("b"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'prefix 3 1 11)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " "))
+(string-split "" "" 'suffix 3 0 0)
+'(expect equal? '())
+(string-split "abc" "" 'suffix 3 1 2)
+'(expect equal? '("b"))
+(string-split "too much data" " " 'suffix 3 1 11)
+'(expect equal? '("oo" "" "much" " "))
+;; **** string-append! not yet implemented
+;; (define (translate-space-to-newline str)
+;; (let ((result (make-string 0)))
+;; (string-for-each
+;; (lambda (ch)
+;; (string-append! result
+;; (if (char=? ch #\space) #\newline ch)))
+;; str)
+;; result))
+;; (translate-space-to-newline "ab cd x") '(expect equal? "ab\ncd\nx")
+;; **** string-replace! not yet implemented
+;; (define s10 (make-string 3 #\😂))
+;; (string-length s10) '(expect equal? 3)
+;; (string-replace! s10 1 2 "abc")
+;; s10 '(expect equal? "😂abc😂")
+;; (string-replace! s10 5 5 s10 3)
+;; s10 '(expect equal? "😂abc😂c😂")
+;; (string-replace! s10 0 2 "ABC" 1 2)
+;; s10 '(expect equal? "Bbc😂c😂")
+;; (string-length s10) '(expect equal? 6)
+;; (string-ref s10 2) '(expect equal? #\c)
+;; (string-ref s10 3) '(expect equal? #\x1f602)
+;; (string-ref s10 4) '(expect equal? #\c)
+(reverse-list->string '(#\a #\😂 #\b #\😼 #\c)) '(expect equal? "c😼b😂a")
+(xsubstring "a😼xy😂" 3 9) '(expect equal? "y😂a😼xy")
+(xsubstring "a😼xy😂" -2 2) '(expect equal? "y😂a😼")
\ No newline at end of file