(define-method screen-modeline-event! ((screen <gtk-screen>) window type)
(%trace "; screen-modeline-event! "screen" "window" "type"\n")
- (update-modeline window))
+ (let ((widget (window-text-widget* window)))
+ (and widget (update-modeline widget))))
;;; Event Handling
(define (update-window widget)
(%trace "; update-window "widget"\n")
(let ((window (text-widget-buffer-frame widget)))
- (update-modeline window)
+ (update-modeline widget)
(let ((message (window-override-message window))
(drawing (fix-layout-drawing widget)) ; current drawing: either...
(override (text-widget-override-drawing widget)) ; this...
(set-fix-layout-drawing! widget text
(car saved-pos) (cdr saved-pos)))
(%trace ";\ttext still up\n"))
- (update-cursor window)
+ (update-cursor widget)
(let ((extent (fix-ink-extent (text-widget-cursor-ink widget))))
(%trace ";\tscrolling to "extent"\n")
(fix-layout-scroll-nw! widget extent)
;; thread should be the only thread accessing this resource.
(define modeline-image "")
-(define (update-modeline window)
- (%trace "; update-modeline "window"\n")
- (let ((widget (window-text-widget* window))
- ;; Add a few columns so the text runs past scrollbars and
- ;; whatnot, off the right side of the widget.
- (x-size (+ 5 (window-x-size window))))
+(define (update-modeline widget)
+ (%trace "; update-modeline "widget"\n")
+ (let* ((window (text-widget-buffer-frame widget))
+ ;; Add a few columns so the text runs past scrollbars and
+ ;; whatnot, off the right side of the widget.
+ (x-size (+ 5 (window-x-size window))))
(if widget
(let ((modeline (text-widget-modeline widget)))
(if modeline
(set-fix-drawing-size! drawing
(fix-rect-max-x drawing-extent)
(fix-rect-max-y drawing-extent)))
- (set-fix-drawing-size! drawing 0 0)))
+ (set-fix-drawing-size! drawing 0 0))
+ (%trace ";\tnew drawing extent: "(fix-drawing-extent drawing)"\n"))
(define (redraw-start lines start num y receiver)
(%trace3 "; redraw-start "lines" "start" "num" "y"\n")
(fix:< end-index change-start-index))))
-(define (update-cursor window)
- (%trace ";\t update-cursor "window"\n")
- (let ((widget (window-text-widget* window)))
- (if (not widget) (error "No widget for window" window))
- (let ((cursor (text-widget-cursor-ink widget)))
- (%trace ";\t cursor: "cursor"\n")
- (define (in-change-region? point)
- (let ((group (mark-group point))
- (index (mark-index point)))
- (let ((start (group-start-changes-index group))
- (end (group-end-changes-index group)))
- (and start (fix:<= start index) (fix:<= index end)))))
- (let ((window-point (window-point window))
- (cursor-point (cursor-ink-point cursor)))
- (cond ((and cursor-point
- (mark= cursor-point window-point)
- (not (in-change-region? cursor-point)))
- (%trace ";\t unchanged at "(mark-index cursor-point)
- " = "(mark-index window-point)" ("
- (and (in-change-region? cursor-point) #t)")\n"))
- ((and cursor-point
- (mark= cursor-point window-point))
- (%trace ";\t in change region"
- " at "(mark-index cursor-point)
- " ("(mark-index window-point)")\n")
- (redraw-cursor window window-point))
- (cursor-point
- (%trace ";\t changed from "(mark-index cursor-point)
- " to "(mark-index window-point)"\n")
- (redraw-cursor window window-point))
- (else
- (%trace ";\t new at "(mark-index window-point)"\n")
- (set-cursor-ink-point! cursor
- (mark-permanent-copy window-point))
- (redraw-cursor window window-point))))
- ;; Get cursor appearance right per current mode. An active
- ;; minibuffer looks selected, else invisible. An active buffer
- ;; looks selected, else visible.
- (let ((selected (screen-cursor-window (window-screen window))))
- (cond ((eq? window selected)
- (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-in)
- (visible! cursor #t))
- ((minibuffer-widget? widget)
- (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-out)
- (visible! cursor #f))
- (else ;; text widget
- (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-out)
- (visible! cursor #t)))))))
-(define (redraw-cursor window point)
- (%trace ";\t redraw-cursor at "point" in "window"\n")
- (let ((screen (window-screen window))
- (group (mark-group point))
- (cursor (window-cursor-ink* window))
- (line (find-line window point)))
+(define (update-cursor widget)
+ (%trace ";\t update-cursor "widget"\n")
+ (let ((window (text-widget-buffer-frame widget))
+ (cursor (text-widget-cursor-ink widget)))
+ (%trace ";\t cursor: "cursor"\n")
+ (define (in-change-region? point)
+ (let ((group (mark-group point))
+ (index (mark-index point)))
+ (let ((start (group-start-changes-index group))
+ (end (group-end-changes-index group)))
+ (and start (fix:<= start index) (fix:<= index end)))))
+ (let ((window-point (window-point window))
+ (cursor-point (cursor-ink-point cursor)))
+ (cond ((and cursor-point
+ (mark= cursor-point window-point)
+ (not (in-change-region? cursor-point)))
+ (%trace ";\t unchanged at "(mark-index cursor-point)
+ " = "(mark-index window-point)" ("
+ (and (in-change-region? cursor-point) #t)")\n"))
+ ((and cursor-point
+ (mark= cursor-point window-point))
+ (%trace ";\t in change region"
+ " at "(mark-index cursor-point)
+ " ("(mark-index window-point)")\n")
+ (redraw-cursor widget window-point))
+ (cursor-point
+ (%trace ";\t changed from "(mark-index cursor-point)
+ " to "(mark-index window-point)"\n")
+ (redraw-cursor widget window-point))
+ (else
+ (%trace ";\t new at "(mark-index window-point)"\n")
+ (set-cursor-ink-point! cursor
+ (mark-permanent-copy window-point))
+ (redraw-cursor widget window-point))))
+ ;; Get cursor appearance right per current mode. An active
+ ;; minibuffer looks selected, else invisible. An active buffer
+ ;; looks selected, else visible.
+ (let ((selected (screen-cursor-window (window-screen window))))
+ (cond ((eq? window selected)
+ (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-in)
+ (visible! cursor #t))
+ ((minibuffer-widget? widget)
+ (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-out)
+ (visible! cursor #f))
+ (else ;; text widget
+ (set-box-ink-shadow! cursor 'etched-out)
+ (visible! cursor #t))))))
+(define (redraw-cursor widget point)
+ (%trace ";\t redraw-cursor at "point" in "widget"\n")
+ (let* ((window (text-widget-buffer-frame widget))
+ (screen (window-screen window))
+ (cursor (text-widget-cursor-ink widget))
+ (line (find-line window point))
+ (group (mark-group point)))
(%trace ";\t\tfound line: "line"\n")
(define-integrable (main)