-- Make it work.
- [ ] cmpauxmd
- [ ] instr: branch tensioning, review it all, simd, float
- [ ] insutl
- [ ] logical immediate encoding
-- Confirm apply target/pc registers match in:
- . rules3 (invocation:computed-jump)
- . cmpauxmd
- . uuo link code in aarch64.c (currently uses x0/x1, should use x16/x17)
- . trampoline code, if necessary
- . wherever else
- Verify the branch condition codes.
- Verify variable-width cases.
-- Logical immediate encoding.
- Open-coded flonum arithmetic.
- Better fixnum operations with constant operands.
- Fast division by multiplication.
- Fixnum multiply-add/sub/negate.
- Consider NaN-tagging.
- Write a disassembler.
-- Share interrupt hook invocations.
- Change TYPED-CONS to tag Free into a temporary _before_ writing to it.
Currently we do
str x1,[x20],#8 // *Free++ = x1