#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: error.scm,v 14.67 2005/02/18 18:20:55 cph Exp $
+$Id: error.scm,v 14.68 2005/03/29 03:37:58 cph Exp $
Copyright 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright 1992,1993,1995,2000,2001,2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(reporter #f read-only #t)
(properties (make-1d-table) read-only #t))
+(define-guarantee condition-type "condition type")
+(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-types object caller)
+ (guarantee-list-of-type object
+ condition-type?
+ "list of condition types"
+ caller))
(define (make-condition-type name generalization field-names reporter)
(if generalization
(guarantee-condition-type generalization 'MAKE-CONDITION-TYPE))
- (guarantee-list-of-symbols field-names 'MAKE-CONDITION-TYPE)
+ (guarantee-list-of-unique-symbols field-names 'MAKE-CONDITION-TYPE)
(let ((type
(lambda ()
(field-values #f read-only #t)
(properties (make-1d-table) read-only #t))
+(define-guarantee condition "condition")
(define (%make-condition type continuation restarts)
(%%make-condition type continuation restarts
(make-vector (%condition-type/number-of-fields type) #f)))
(define (make-condition type continuation restarts field-alist)
(guarantee-condition-type type 'MAKE-CONDITION)
(guarantee-continuation continuation 'MAKE-CONDITION)
- (guarantee-keyword-association-list field-alist 'MAKE-CONDITION)
+ (guarantee-unique-keyword-list field-alist 'MAKE-CONDITION)
(let ((condition
(%make-condition type
(define (condition-constructor type field-names)
(guarantee-condition-type type 'CONDITION-CONSTRUCTOR)
- (guarantee-list-of-symbols field-names 'CONDITION-CONSTRUCTOR)
+ (guarantee-list-of-unique-symbols field-names 'CONDITION-CONSTRUCTOR)
(let ((indexes
(map (lambda (field-name)
(%condition-type/field-index type field-name
(vector-set! values (car i) (car v))))
(define-integrable (%restarts-argument restarts operator)
(cond ((eq? 'BOUND-RESTARTS restarts)
(guarantee-restarts restarts operator)
(list-copy restarts))))
(define (condition-of-type? object type)
(guarantee-condition-type type 'CONDITION-OF-TYPE?)
(%condition-of-type? object type))
(interactor #f)
(properties (make-1d-table) read-only #t))
+(define-guarantee restart "restart")
+(define-integrable (guarantee-restarts object caller)
+ (guarantee-list-of-type object restart? "list of restarts" caller))
(define (with-restart name reporter effector interactor thunk)
(if name (guarantee-symbol name 'WITH-RESTART))
(if (not (or (string? reporter) (procedure-of-arity? reporter 1)))
(if (eq? key 'INTERACTIVE)
(set-%restart/interactor! restart datum)
(1d-table/put! (restart/properties restart) key datum)))
(define (bind-restart name reporter effector receiver)
(with-restart name reporter effector #f
(lambda ()
(receiver (car *bound-restarts*)))))
(define (invoke-restart restart . arguments)
(guarantee-restart restart 'INVOKE-RESTART)
(hook/invoke-restart (%restart/effector restart) arguments))
(cons (cons types handler) dynamic-handler-frames)))
+(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-handler object caller)
+ (guarantee-procedure-of-arity object 1 caller))
(define (break-on-signals types)
(guarantee-condition-types types 'BREAK-ON-SIGNALS)
(set! break-on-signals-types types)
(write (if (primitive-procedure? operator)
(primitive-procedure-name operator)
- port))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-list-of-symbols object operator)
- (if (not (list-of-symbols? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "list of unique symbols" operator)))
-(define (list-of-symbols? object)
- (and (list? object)
- (let loop ((field-names object))
- (or (not (pair? field-names))
- (and (symbol? (car field-names))
- (not (memq (car field-names) (cdr field-names)))
- (loop (cdr field-names)))))))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-keyword-association-list object operator)
- (if (not (keyword-association-list? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "keyword association list" operator)))
-(define (keyword-association-list? object)
- (and (list? object)
- (let loop ((l object) (symbols '()))
- (or (not (pair? l))
- (and (symbol? (car l))
- (not (memq (car l) symbols))
- (pair? (cdr l))
- (loop (cddr l) (cons (car l) symbols)))))))
-(define-integrable (procedure-of-arity? object arity)
- (and (procedure? object)
- (procedure-arity-valid? object arity)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-symbol object operator)
- (if (not (symbol? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "symbol" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-continuation object operator)
- (if (not (continuation? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "continuation" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-type object operator)
- (if (not (condition-type? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "condition type" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-types object operator)
- (if (not (and (list? object) (for-all? object condition-type?)))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "list of condition types" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-condition object operator)
- (if (not (condition? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "condition" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-handler object operator)
- (if (not (procedure-of-arity? object 1))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "procedure of one argument" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-restart object operator)
- (if (not (restart? object))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "restart" operator)))
-(define-integrable (guarantee-restarts object operator)
- (if (not (and (list? object) (for-all? object restart?)))
- (error:wrong-type-argument object "list of restarts" operator)))
\ No newline at end of file
+ port))
\ No newline at end of file