(define (%condition-of-type? object type)
(and (condition? object)
- (memq type (%condition-type/generalizations (%condition/type object)))))
+ (%condition-has-type? object type)))
+(define-integrable (%condition-has-type? condition type)
+ (memq type (%condition-type/generalizations (%condition/type condition))))
(define (condition-accessor type field-name)
(guarantee-condition-type type 'condition-accessor)
make-simple-warning standard-warning-handler))))
(define (signal-simple datum arguments make-simple-condition default-handler)
- (if (condition? datum)
- (begin
- (signal-condition datum)
- (default-handler datum))
- (call-with-current-continuation
- (lambda (continuation)
- (let ((condition
- (if (condition-type? datum)
- (make-condition datum
- continuation
- 'bound-restarts
- arguments)
- (make-simple-condition continuation
- 'bound-restarts
- datum
- arguments))))
- (begin
- (signal-condition condition)
- (default-handler condition)))))))
+ (let ((signal (signal-with-fallback default-handler)))
+ (cond ((condition? datum)
+ (signal datum))
+ ((condition-type? datum)
+ (signal-standard* signal no-restarts
+ (condition-constructor datum)
+ arguments))
+ (else
+ (signal-standard signal no-restarts
+ make-simple-condition
+ datum
+ arguments)))))
(define (standard-error-handler condition)
(let ((hook
(define standard-warning-hook #!default)
(define param:standard-error-hook)
(define param:standard-warning-hook)
(define (condition-signaller type field-names default-handler)
(guarantee-condition-handler default-handler 'condition-signaller)
- (let ((make-condition (condition-constructor type field-names)))
+ (let ((signal (signal-with-fallback default-handler))
+ (constructor (condition-constructor type field-names)))
(lambda field-values
- (call-with-current-continuation
- (lambda (continuation)
- (let ((condition
- (apply make-condition
- (cons* continuation
- 'bound-restarts
- field-values))))
- (signal-condition condition)
- (default-handler condition)))))))
+ (signal-standard* signal no-restarts constructor field-values))))
+(define (signal-with-fallback default-handler)
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (signal-condition condition)
+ (default-handler condition)))
+(define (signal-standard signal bind-restarts constructor . args)
+ (signal-standard* signal bind-restarts constructor args))
+(define (signal-standard* signal bind-restarts constructor args)
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (continuation)
+ (bind-restarts continuation
+ (lambda ()
+ (signal (apply constructor continuation 'bound-restarts args)))))))
+(define (no-restarts continuation thunk)
+ (declare (ignore continuation))
+ (thunk))
;;;; File operation errors
(signal-condition condition)
(standard-error-handler condition)))))))
+;;;; R7RS adapter
+(define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
+ (bind-condition-handler (list condition-type:error)
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (let ((value
+ (handler
+ (if (r7rs-tunnel? condition)
+ (access-condition condition 'object)
+ condition)))
+ (restart (find-restart 'use-value condition)))
+ (if restart
+ (invoke-restart restart value))))
+ thunk))
+(define (raise object)
+ (if (condition? object)
+ (error object)
+ (error condition-type:r7rs-tunnel object)))
+(define (raise-continuable object)
+ (if (condition? object)
+ (error object)
+ (signal-standard (signal-with-fallback standard-error-handler)
+ bind-raise-continuable-restarts
+ make-r7rs-tunnel
+ object)))
+(define (bind-raise-continuable-restarts continuation thunk)
+ (with-restart 'use-value
+ "Continue with a different value."
+ continuation
+ (lambda ()
+ (values (prompt-for-evaluated-expression
+ "Value to use (an expression to evaluate)")))
+ thunk))
+(define (error-object-message condition)
+ (if (%condition-has-type? condition condition-type:simple-error)
+ (access-condition condition 'message)
+ (condition/report-string condition)))
+(define (error-object-irritants condition)
+ (if (%condition-has-type? condition condition-type:simple-error)
+ (list-copy (access-condition condition 'irritants))
+ '()))
;;;; Basic Condition Types
(define condition-type:arithmetic-error)
(define condition-type:macro-binding)
(define condition-type:no-such-restart)
(define condition-type:port-error)
+(define condition-type:r7rs-tunnel)
(define condition-type:serious-condition)
(define condition-type:simple-condition)
(define condition-type:simple-error)
(define make-simple-error)
(define make-simple-warning)
(define make-file-operation-error)
+(define make-r7rs-tunnel)
+(define error-object?)
+(define file-error?)
+(define r7rs-tunnel?)
(define error:bad-range-argument)
(define error:datum-out-of-range)
(set! condition-type:error
(make-condition-type 'error condition-type:serious-condition '() #f))
+ (set! error-object?
+ (condition-predicate condition-type:error))
+ (set! condition-type:r7rs-tunnel
+ (make-condition-type 'r7rs-tunnel condition-type:error '(object)
+ (lambda (condition port)
+ (write-string "The object " port)
+ (write (access-condition condition 'object) port)
+ (write-string " was raised." port))))
+ (set! r7rs-tunnel?
+ (condition-predicate condition-type:r7rs-tunnel))
(let ((reporter/simple-condition
(lambda (condition port)
(set! make-simple-warning
(condition-constructor condition-type:simple-warning
'(message irritants)))
+ (set! make-r7rs-tunnel
+ (condition-constructor condition-type:r7rs-tunnel
+ '(object)))
(set! error:wrong-type-datum
(condition-signaller condition-type:wrong-type-datum