(define-integrable (%restarts-argument restarts operator)
(cond ((eq? 'BOUND-RESTARTS restarts)
- *bound-restarts*)
+ (fluid *bound-restarts*))
((condition? restarts)
(%condition/restarts restarts))
;;;; Restarts
-(define *bound-restarts* '())
+(define *bound-restarts*)
(define-structure (restart
(conc-name %restart/)
(error:wrong-type-argument effector "effector" 'WITH-RESTART))
(if (not (or (not interactor) (procedure? interactor)))
(error:wrong-type-argument interactor "interactor" 'WITH-RESTART))
- (fluid-let ((*bound-restarts*
- (cons (%make-restart name reporter effector interactor)
- *bound-restarts*)))
- (thunk)))
+ (let-fluid *bound-restarts*
+ (cons (%make-restart name reporter effector interactor)
+ (fluid *bound-restarts*))
+ thunk))
(define (with-simple-restart name reporter thunk)
(define (bind-restart name reporter effector receiver)
(with-restart name reporter effector #f
(lambda ()
- (receiver (car *bound-restarts*)))))
+ (receiver (car (fluid *bound-restarts*))))))
(define (invoke-restart restart . arguments)
(guarantee-restart restart 'INVOKE-RESTART)
(define hook/invoke-restart)
(define (bound-restarts)
- (let loop ((restarts *bound-restarts*))
+ (let loop ((restarts (fluid *bound-restarts*)))
(if (pair? restarts)
(cons (car restarts) (loop (cdr restarts)))
(define (first-bound-restart)
- (let ((restarts *bound-restarts*))
+ (let ((restarts (fluid *bound-restarts*)))
(if (not (pair? restarts))
(error:no-such-restart #f))
(car restarts)))
(define (restarts-default restarts name)
(cond ((or (default-object? restarts)
(eq? 'BOUND-RESTARTS restarts))
- *bound-restarts*)
+ (fluid *bound-restarts*))
((condition? restarts)
(%condition/restarts restarts))
;;;; Condition Signalling and Handling
(define static-handler-frames)
-(define dynamic-handler-frames '())
+(define dynamic-handler-frames)
(define break-on-signals-types)
(define (bind-default-condition-handler types handler)
(define (bind-condition-handler types handler thunk)
(guarantee-condition-types types 'BIND-CONDITION-HANDLER)
(guarantee-condition-handler handler 'BIND-CONDITION-HANDLER)
- (fluid-let ((dynamic-handler-frames
- (cons (cons types handler) dynamic-handler-frames)))
- (thunk)))
+ (let-fluid dynamic-handler-frames
+ (cons (cons types handler) (fluid dynamic-handler-frames))
+ thunk))
(define-integrable (guarantee-condition-handler object caller)
(guarantee-procedure-of-arity object 1 caller))
(breakpoint-procedure 'INHERIT
"BKPT entered because of BREAK-ON-SIGNALS:"
- (do ((frames dynamic-handler-frames (cdr frames)))
+ (do ((frames (fluid dynamic-handler-frames) (cdr frames)))
((not (pair? frames)))
(if (let ((types (caar frames)))
(or (not (pair? types))
(intersect-generalizations? types)))
- (fluid-let ((dynamic-handler-frames (cdr frames)))
- (hook/invoke-condition-handler (cdar frames) condition))))
+ (let-fluid dynamic-handler-frames (cdr frames)
+ (lambda ()
+ (hook/invoke-condition-handler (cdar frames) condition)))))
(do ((frames (fluid static-handler-frames) (cdr frames)))
((not (pair? frames)))
(if (let ((types (caar frames)))
(or (not (pair? types))
(intersect-generalizations? types)))
- (fluid-let ((dynamic-handler-frames '()))
- (let-fluid static-handler-frames (cdr frames)
- (lambda ()
- (hook/invoke-condition-handler (cdar frames) condition))))))
+ (let-fluids dynamic-handler-frames '()
+ static-handler-frames (cdr frames)
+ (lambda ()
+ (hook/invoke-condition-handler (cdar frames) condition)))))
;;;; Standard Condition Signallers
(memq condition-type:error (%condition-type/generalizations type)))
(define (initialize-package!)
+ (set! *bound-restarts* (make-fluid '()))
(set! static-handler-frames (make-fluid '()))
+ (set! dynamic-handler-frames (make-fluid '()))
(set! break-on-signals-types (make-fluid '()))
(set! standard-error-hook (make-fluid #f))
(set! standard-warning-hook (make-fluid #f))
standard-warning-hook #f
standard-breakpoint-hook #f
*default-pathname-defaults* (fluid *default-pathname-defaults*)
+ dynamic-handler-frames '()
+ *bound-restarts* (if (cmdl/parent cmdl)
+ (fluid *bound-restarts*)
+ '())
(lambda ()
- (fluid-let ((dynamic-handler-frames '())
- (*bound-restarts*
- (if (cmdl/parent cmdl) *bound-restarts* '())))
- (let loop ((message message))
- (loop
- (bind-abort-restart cmdl
- (lambda ()
- (deregister-all-events)
- (with-interrupt-mask interrupt-mask/all
- (lambda (interrupt-mask)
- interrupt-mask
- (unblock-thread-events)
- (ignore-errors
- (lambda ()
- ((->cmdl-message message) cmdl)))
- (call-with-current-continuation
- (lambda (continuation)
- (with-create-thread-continuation continuation
- (lambda ()
- ((cmdl/driver cmdl) cmdl))))))))))))))))
+ (let loop ((message message))
+ (loop
+ (bind-abort-restart cmdl
+ (lambda ()
+ (deregister-all-events)
+ (with-interrupt-mask interrupt-mask/all
+ (lambda (interrupt-mask)
+ interrupt-mask
+ (unblock-thread-events)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (lambda ()
+ ((->cmdl-message message) cmdl)))
+ (call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (continuation)
+ (with-create-thread-continuation continuation
+ (lambda ()
+ ((cmdl/driver cmdl) cmdl)))))))))))))))
(mutex (port/thread-mutex port)))
(let ((thread (current-thread))
(owner (thread-mutex-owner mutex)))