--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
+ 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; Syntax parser combinator language
+;;; package: (runtime syntax parser)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;; A "syntax parser" as defined here is a procedure with the following
+;;; signature:
+;;; (lambda (input senv output success failure) ...)
+;;; A parser is called with a bunch of arguments that are the parsing state. A
+;;; parser consumes none, some, or all of the input, and produces an arbitrary
+;;; number of results. A parser never returns; instead it calls either the
+;;; SUCCESS or FAILURE continuation, depending on whether it was able to match
+;;; the input.
+;;; A parser consumes input by calling INPUT with an operation argument; see the
+;;; code for details. The SENV argument has its normal meaning.
+;;; A parser produces output by calling %OUTPUT-PUSH with an arbitrary object
+;;; <x>, which returns a new accumulator containing that object in addition to
+;;; any other output previously saved. The saved output objects can be obtained
+;;; with %OUTPUT-ALL; they are returned in the order in which they were saved,
+;;; so that the most recently saved object is the last element of the returned
+;;; list.
+;;; A successful match tail-recursively calls the SUCCESS continuation like
+;;; this:
+;;; (success input* senv* output* failure*)
+;;; where INPUT* is derived from INPUT by zero or more 'CDR operations; SENV*
+;;; may be any syntactic environment; OUTPUT* must be a accumulator object
+;;; derived from OUTPUT; and FAILURE* must be a thunk that never returns and
+;;; eventually tail-recurses into SUCCESS or FAILURE.
+;;; A failed match tail-recursively calls the FAILURE continuation like this:
+;;; (failure)
+(define (spar->classifier spar)
+ (classifier-item
+ (lambda (form senv hist)
+ (spar (%new-input form hist)
+ senv
+ (%new-output)
+ (lambda (input senv output failure)
+ (declare (ignore senv failure))
+ (if (%input-null? input)
+ (error "Rule failed to match entire form."))
+ (output 'get-only))
+ (lambda ()
+ (serror form senv hist "Ill-formed syntax:" form))))))
+;;;; Inputs and outputs
+(define (%new-input form hist)
+ (lambda (operator)
+ (case operator
+ ((form) form)
+ ((hist) hist)
+ ((car) (%new-input (car form) (hist-car hist)))
+ ((cdr) (%new-input (cdr form) (hist-cdr hist)))
+ (else (error "Unknown operator:" operator)))))
+(define (%null-input)
+ (%new-input '() (initial-hist '())))
+(define (%input-form input) (input 'form))
+(define (%input-hist input) (input 'hist))
+(define (%input-car input) (input 'car))
+(define (%input-cdr input) (input 'cdr))
+(define (%input-pair? input) (pair? (%input-form input)))
+(define (%input-null? input) (null? (%input-form input)))
+(define (%new-output)
+ (let loop ((objects '()))
+ (lambda (op . args)
+ (apply (case op
+ ((push)
+ (lambda (object)
+ (loop (cons object objects))))
+ ((push-all)
+ (lambda (objects*)
+ (guarantee list? objects*)
+ (let add ((objects* objects*) (objects objects))
+ (if (pair? objects*)
+ (add (cdr objects*)
+ (cons (car objects*) objects))
+ (loop objects)))))
+ ((top)
+ (lambda ()
+ (car objects)))
+ ((pop)
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop (cdr objects))))
+ ((pop-all)
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop '())))
+ ((get-all)
+ (lambda ()
+ (reverse objects)))
+ ((get-only)
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not (and (pair? objects)
+ (null? (cdr objects))))
+ (error "Expected a single value:" objects))
+ (car objects)))
+ (else
+ (error "Unknown operation:" op)))
+ args))))
+(define (%output-top output) (output 'top))
+(define (%output-all output) (output 'get-all))
+(define (%output-pop output) (output 'pop))
+(define (%output-pop-all output) (output 'pop-all))
+(define (%output-push output object) (output 'push object))
+(define (%output-push-all output objects) (output 'push-all objects))
+;;;; Guards
+(define (spar-guard-form predicate)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (if (predicate (%input-form input))
+ (success input senv output failure)
+ (failure))))
+(define (spar-guard-senv predicate)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (if (predicate senv)
+ (success input senv output failure)
+ (failure))))
+(define (spar-guard-full predicate)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (if (predicate (%input-form input) senv)
+ (success input senv output failure)
+ (failure))))
+(define (spar-guard-value predicate)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (if (predicate (%output-top output))
+ (success input senv output failure)
+ (failure))))
+;;;; Transforms
+(define (spar-map-senv procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (success input (procedure senv) output failure)))
+(define (%transform-output procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (success input senv (procedure output) failure)))
+(define (spar-map-value procedure)
+ (%transform-output
+ (lambda (output)
+ (%output-push (%output-pop output)
+ (procedure (%output-top output))))))
+(define (spar-append-map-value procedure)
+ (%transform-output
+ (lambda (output)
+ (%output-push-all (%output-pop output)
+ (procedure (%output-top output))))))
+(define (spar-call-with-values procedure)
+ (%transform-output
+ (lambda (output)
+ (%output-push (%output-pop-all output)
+ (apply procedure (%output-all output))))))
+(define (spar-transform-values procedure)
+ (%transform-output
+ (lambda (output)
+ (%output-push-all (%output-pop-all output)
+ (procedure (%output-all output))))))
+(define (spar-map-values procedure)
+ (spar-transform-values
+ (lambda (values)
+ (map procedure values))))
+(define (%with-input procedure spar)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (spar (procedure input)
+ senv
+ output
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (declare (ignore input*))
+ (success input senv* output* failure*))
+ failure)))
+(define (%with-senv procedure spar)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (spar input
+ (procedure senv)
+ output
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (declare (ignore senv*))
+ (success input* senv output* failure*))
+ failure)))
+(define (%with-output procedure spar)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (spar input
+ senv
+ (%output-pop-all output)
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (success input* senv* (procedure output output*) failure*))
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-discard-input input senv output success failure)
+ (declare (ignore input))
+ (success (%null-input) senv output failure))
+(define (spar-discard-elt input senv output success failure)
+ (success (%input-cdr input) senv output failure))
+(define (spar-push-form input senv output success failure)
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output (%input-form input))
+ failure))
+(define (spar-push-value object)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (declare (ignore input))
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output object)
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-push-value-of procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (declare (ignore input))
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output (procedure))
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-push-mapped-form procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output (procedure (%input-form input)))
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-push-mapped-full procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output (procedure (%input-form input) senv))
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-push-classified procedure)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (success (%null-input)
+ senv
+ (%output-push output
+ (procedure (%input-form input)
+ senv
+ (%input-hist input)))
+ failure)))
+;;;; Repeat combinators
+(define (spar-opt spar)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (spar input senv output success
+ (lambda ()
+ (success input senv output failure)))))
+(define (spar* spar)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (input senv output failure)
+ (spar input senv output loop
+ (lambda ()
+ (success input senv output failure))))))
+ (loop input senv output failure))))
+(define (spar+ spar)
+ (spar-seq spar (spar* spar)))
+(define (spar-repeat spar n-min n-max)
+ (guarantee exact-nonnegative-integer? n-min 'spar-repeat)
+ (if n-max
+ (begin
+ (guarantee exact-nonnegative-integer? n-max 'spar-repeat)
+ (if (not (>= n-max n-min))
+ (error:bad-range-argument n-max 'spar-repeat))))
+ (let ((s1
+ (case n-min
+ ((0) #f)
+ ((1) spar)
+ (else (repeat-exact spar n-min))))
+ (s2
+ (if n-max
+ (let ((delta (- n-max n-min)))
+ (case delta
+ ((0) #f)
+ ((1) spar)
+ (else (repeat-up-to spar delta))))
+ (spar* spar))))
+ (cond ((and s1 s2) (spar-seq s1 s2))
+ ((or s1 s2))
+ (else spar-succeed))))
+(define (repeat-exact spar n)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (n input senv output failure)
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (spar input senv output
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (loop (- n 1) input* senv* output* failure*))
+ failure)
+ (success input senv output failure)))))
+ (loop n input senv output failure))))
+(define (repeat-up-to spar n)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (letrec
+ ((loop
+ (lambda (n senv input output failure)
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (spar input senv output
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (loop (- n 1) input* senv* output* failure*))
+ (lambda ()
+ (success input senv output failure)))
+ (success input senv output failure)))))
+ (loop n input senv output failure))))
+;;;; Sequence and alternative
+(define (spar-seq . spars)
+ (%seq spars))
+(define (%seq spars)
+ (cond ((not (pair? spars)) spar-succeed)
+ ((not (pair? (cdr spars))) (car spars))
+ (else (reduce-right %seq-combiner #f spars))))
+(define (%seq-combiner s1 s2)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (s1 input senv output
+ (lambda (input* senv* output* failure*)
+ (s2 input* senv* output* success failure*))
+ failure)))
+(define (spar-alt . spars)
+ (cond ((not (pair? spars)) spar-fail)
+ ((not (pair? (cdr spars))) (car spars))
+ (else (reduce-right %alt-combiner #f spars))))
+(define (%alt-combiner s1 s2)
+ (lambda (input senv output success failure)
+ (s1 input senv output success
+ (lambda ()
+ (s2 input senv output success failure)))))
+(define (spar-succeed input senv output success failure)
+ (success input senv output failure))
+(define (spar-fail input senv output success failure)
+ (declare (ignore input senv output success))
+ (failure))
+;;;; Misc combinators
+(define (spar-elt . spars)
+ (spar-seq (%with-input %input-car (%seq spars))
+ spar-discard-elt))
+(define (spar-with-mapped-senv procedure . spars)
+ (%with-senv procedure (%seq spars)))
+(define (spar-call-with-values-of procedure . spars)
+ (%with-output (lambda (output output*)
+ (%output-push output
+ (apply procedure
+ (%output-all output*))))
+ (%seq spars)))
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