(flo:+ r+frac 360.)
+(define (geodesic-distance p1 p2)
+ ;; "[Given] the geographic coordinates of two points on the surface
+ ;; of the Earth [...] the shortest distance S between these points,
+ ;; measured along the Earth's surface. [...] We will suppose that
+ ;; these points are at sea level [and] no great accuracy is needed."
+ ;; -Meeus 2009, specifically the second English edition (1998) "with
+ ;; corrections as of August 10, 2009" of _Astronomical_Algorithms_
+ ;; by Jean Meeus.
+ (let ((d (angular-separation p1 p2)))
+ (flo:* d (flo:/ (flo:* 6371000.0 pi)
+ 180.0))))
+(define (angular-separation p1 p2)
+ ;; "Mr. Thierry Pauwels, of the Royal Observatory of Belgium,
+ ;; communicated the following method. [...] Mathematically
+ ;; speaking, this method is completely identical to formula 17.1,
+ ;; but a computer will yield more accurate results from an
+ ;; arctangent than from an arccosine." [p.115]
+ ;; -Meeus 2009, specifically the second English edition (1998) "with
+ ;; corrections as of August 10, 2009" of _Astronomical_Algorithms_
+ ;; by Jean Meeus.
+ (let ((lat1 (degrees->radians (latitude p1)))
+ (lng1 (degrees->radians (longitude p1)))
+ (lat2 (degrees->radians (latitude p2)))
+ (lng2 (degrees->radians (longitude p2))))
+ (let ((x (flo:- (flo:* (flo:cos lat1) (flo:sin lat2))
+ (flo:* (flo:sin lat1)
+ (flo:* (flo:cos lat2)
+ (flo:cos (flo:- lng2 lng1))))))
+ (y (flo:* (flo:cos lat2) (flo:sin (flo:- lng2 lng1))))
+ (z (flo:+ (flo:* (flo:sin lat1) (flo:sin lat2))
+ (flo:* (flo:cos lat1)
+ (flo:* (flo:cos lat2)
+ (flo:cos (flo:- lng2 lng1)))))))
+ (let ((d (flo:atan (flo:/ (flo:sqrt (flo:+ (flo:* x x) (flo:* y y)))
+ z))))
+ (radians->degrees
+ (if (flo:negative? z)
+ (flo:+ pi d)
+ d))))))
+(define (test-angular-separation)
+ (define (test lat1 lng1 lat2 lng2 degrees tolerance)
+ (let ((d (angular-separation
+ (make-latitude/longitude lat1 lng1)
+ (make-latitude/longitude lat2 lng2))))
+ (if (not (flo:~= degrees d tolerance))
+ (warn "Wrong angular separation:" d degrees))))
+ ;; Arcturus to Spica
+ (test 19.1825 213.9154 ;Arcturus
+ -11.1614 201.2983 ;Spica
+ 32.7930 0.00005)
+ ;; Front to nearly the back.
+ (test 0. 0.
+ 0. 135.
+ 135. 0.0000000000005)
+ ;; Across the N pole.
+ (test 80. 20.
+ 80. 200.
+ 20. 0.0000000000005)
+ ;; Top to nearly bottom on right.
+ (test 90. 90.
+ -85. 90.
+ 175. 0.0000000000005))
(define (2d-translate! p dx dy q)
(let ((x (x p))
(y (y p)))
(let ((x (x p))
(y (y p)))
(flo:vector-set! q 0 (flo:+ (flo:* x cos) (flo:* y (flo:negate sin))))
- (flo:vector-set! q 1 (flo:+ (flo:* x sin) (flo:* y cos))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (flo:vector-set! q 1 (flo:+ (flo:* x sin) (flo:* y cos))))))
+(define (flo:~= n1 n2 epsilon)
+ ;; aka approximately-=
+ (and (flo:flonum? n1) (flo:flonum? n2) (flo:flonum? epsilon)
+ (flo:< (flo:abs (flo:- n2 n1)) epsilon)))
\ No newline at end of file
;; and thus do not have to be imported, but are listed here
;; anyway for completeness (and analysis someday).
guarantee-integer integer-divide round->exact truncate->exact
- ->flonum flo:< flo:<= flo:+ flo:- flo:* flo:/
+ ->flonum flo:= flo:< flo:<= flo:+ flo:- flo:* flo:/
flo:negative? flo:negate flo:truncate
- flo:sin flo:cos flo:atan2
+ flo:sin flo:cos flo:atan2 flo:sqrt flo:atan
flo:vector-cons flo:vector-ref flo:vector-set!
create-thread detach-thread