with Postfix and Dovecot, and providing essential localnet services:
+** Include Abbey Variables
+In this abbey specific document, most abbey particulars are not
+replaced with variables, but specified in-line. Some, however, are
+private (e.g. database passwords), not to be published in this
+document, and so replaced with variables set in
+#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml=
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml :mkdirp yes
+- name: Include private abbey variables.
+ include_vars: ../private/vars-abbey.yml
+The filename used above is interpreted relative to the playbook's
+directory, =playbooks/=.
** Install Additional Packages
The scripts that maintain the abbey's web site and run the Weather
Kessel is a wireless host while Kamino is wired. Devaron, the
Raspberry Pi OS (ARM64) machine, uses the ~abbey_pisensors~ monitor.
-Kamino is currently unmonitored as it is now rarely powered up.
+*** Cloister Network Addresses
+The IP addresses of all three hosts are nice to use in the NAGIOS
+configuration (to avoid depending on name service) and so are
+included in =private/vars-abbey.yml=.
+#+CAPTION: =private/vars-abbey.yml=
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf
+*** Installing NAGIOS Configurations
+The following task installs each host's NAGIOS configuration. Note
+that Kamino is not included. It is currently unmonitored as it is now
+rarely powered up.
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/tasks/main.yml
notify: Reload NAGIOS4.
+*** NAGIOS Monitoring of Devaron
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-devaron.cfg=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-devaron.cfg :mkdirp yes
define host {
+*** NAGIOS Monitoring of Kamino
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-kamino.cfg=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-kamino.cfg
define host {
+*** NAGIOS Monitoring of Kessel
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-kessel.cfg=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-core/templates/nagios-kessel.cfg
define host {
** Include Abbey Variables
-In this abbey specific document, most abbey particulars are not
-replaced with variables, but specified in-line. Some, however, are
-not published (e.g. database passwords). The variables that replace
-them are included from =private/vars-abbey.yml=. Example values are
-given in this document.
+Private variables in =private/vars-abbey.yml= are needed, and included
+here, as in the ~abbey-core~ role.
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-dvr/tasks/main.yml=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-dvr/tasks/main.yml :mkdirp yes
** Include Abbey Variables
-In this abbey specific document, most abbey particulars are not
-replaced with variables, but specified in-line. Some, however, are
-not published (e.g. database passwords). The variables that replace
-them are included from =private/vars-abbey.yml=. Example values are
-given in this document.
+Private variables in =private/vars-abbey.yml= are needed, as in the
+~abbey-core~ role.
#+CAPTION: =roles_t/abbey-tvr/tasks/main.yml=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle roles_t/abbey-tvr/tasks/main.yml :mkdirp yes