;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: intmod.scm,v 1.89 1998/03/02 19:05:12 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: intmod.scm,v 1.90 1998/03/08 08:25:25 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1986, 1989-98 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(define-variable repl-error-decision
- "If true, errors in REPL evaluation force the user to choose an option.
-Otherwise, they start a nested error REPL."
- #f
- boolean?)
+ "Controls how errors in an inferior REPL are handled.
+There are three meaningful values:
+#F a nested error REPL is started
+PROMPT the user is prompted to decide whether to start the debugger
+6001 like PROMPT, except that the error is always aborted"
+ (lambda (object) (or (boolean? object) (memv object '(6001 PROMPT)))))
(define-variable repl-mode-locked
"If true, user cannot change the mode of REPL and CMDL buffers."
(set-global-run-light! #f)))))
(define (error-decision repl condition)
- (if (ref-variable repl-error-decision)
- (let ((port (cmdl/port repl)))
- (if (interface-port? port)
- (begin
- (enqueue-output-operation! port
- (lambda (mark transcript?)
- (if (and (not transcript?)
- (not (buffer-visible? (mark-buffer mark))))
- (begin
- (message "Evaluation error in "
- (buffer-name (mark-buffer mark))
- " buffer")
- (editor-beep)))
- #t))
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda () unspecific)
+ (let ((port (cmdl/port repl)))
+ (if (interface-port? port)
+ (let ((start-debugger
(lambda ()
- (let loop ()
- (fresh-line port)
- (write-string
- ";Type D to debug error, Q to quit back to REP loop: "
- port)
- (let ((char (read-command-char port (cmdl/level repl))))
- (write-char char port)
- (cond ((char-ci=? char #\d)
- (fresh-line port)
- (write-string ";Starting debugger..." port)
- (enqueue-output-operation! port
- (lambda (mark transcript?)
- mark
- (if (not transcript?)
- (start-continuation-browser port
- condition))
- #t)))
- ((not (char-ci=? char #\q))
- (beep port)
- (loop))))))
- cmdl-interrupt/abort-top-level))))))
+ (enqueue-output-operation! port
+ (lambda (mark transcript?)
+ mark
+ (if (not transcript?)
+ (start-continuation-browser port
+ condition))
+ #t)))))
+ (case (ref-variable repl-error-decision)
+ ((6001 #T)
+ (enqueue-output-operation! port
+ (lambda (mark transcript?)
+ (if (and (not transcript?)
+ (not (buffer-visible? (mark-buffer mark))))
+ (begin
+ (message "Evaluation error in "
+ (buffer-name (mark-buffer mark))
+ " buffer")
+ (editor-beep)))
+ #t))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () unspecific)
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ()
+ (fresh-line port)
+ (write-string
+ ";Type D to debug error, Q to quit back to REP loop: "
+ port)
+ (let ((char (read-command-char port (cmdl/level repl))))
+ (write-char char port)
+ (cond ((char-ci=? char #\d)
+ (fresh-line port)
+ (write-string ";Starting debugger..." port)
+ (start-debugger))
+ ((not (char-ci=? char #\q))
+ (beep port)
+ (loop))))))
+ cmdl-interrupt/abort-top-level))
+ (if (and (ref-variable-object debug-on-evaluation-error)
+ (let ((start? (ref-variable debugger-start-on-error?)))
+ (if (eq? 'ASK start?)
+ (begin
+ (beep)
+ (prompt-for-confirmation "Start debugger"))
+ start?)))
+ (start-debugger))))))))
;;;; Modes