--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: compiler.pkg,v 1.1 1995/10/25 19:19:32 ssmith Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1988-1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
+standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Compiler Packaging
+(global-definitions "../runtime/runtime")
+(define-package (compiler)
+ (files "base/switch"
+ "base/object" ;tagged object support
+ "base/enumer" ;enumerations
+ "base/sets" ;set abstraction
+ "base/fasthash" ;eq-hash tables
+ "base/mvalue" ;multiple-value support
+ "base/scode" ;SCode abstraction
+ "machines/spectrum/machin" ;machine dependent stuff
+ "back/asutl" ;back-end odds and ends
+ "base/utils" ;odds and ends
+ "base/stats" ;statistics abstraction
+ "base/cfg1" ;control flow graph
+ "base/cfg2"
+ "base/cfg3"
+ "rtlbase/rgraph" ;program graph abstraction
+ "rtlbase/rtlty1" ;RTL: type definitions
+ "rtlbase/rtlty2" ;RTL: type definitions
+ "rtlbase/rtlexp" ;RTL: expression operations
+ "rtlbase/rtlcon" ;RTL: complex constructors
+ "rtlbase/rtlreg" ;RTL: registers
+ "rtlbase/rtlcfg" ;RTL: CFG types
+ "rtlbase/rtlobj" ;RTL: CFG objects
+ "rtlbase/regset" ;RTL: register sets
+ "rtlbase/valclass" ;RTL: value classes
+ "back/insseq" ;LAP instruction sequences
+ ;; New stuff
+ "base/parass" ;parallel assignment
+ ;; End of new stuff
+ )
+ (parent ())
+ (export ()
+ compiler:analyze-side-effects?
+ compiler:assume-safe-fixnums?
+ compiler:cache-free-variables?
+ compiler:coalescing-constant-warnings?
+ compiler:code-compression?
+ compiler:compile-by-procedures?
+ compiler:cse?
+ compiler:default-top-level-declarations
+ compiler:enable-expansion-declarations?
+ compiler:enable-integration-declarations?
+ compiler:enable-statistics?
+ compiler:generate-kmp-files?
+ compiler:generate-lap-files?
+ compiler:generate-range-checks?
+ compiler:generate-rtl-files?
+ compiler:generate-stack-checks?
+ compiler:generate-type-checks?
+ compiler:generate-profiling-instructions?
+ compiler:guru?
+ compiler:implicit-self-static?
+ compiler:intersperse-rtl-in-lap?
+ compiler:noisy?
+ compiler:open-code-flonum-checks?
+ compiler:open-code-primitives?
+ compiler:optimize-environments?
+ compiler:package-optimization-level
+ compiler:preserve-data-structures?
+ compiler:show-phases?
+ compiler:show-procedures?
+ compiler:show-subphases?
+ compiler:show-time-reports?
+ compiler:use-multiclosures?
+ compiler:display-statistics
+ compiler:reset-statistics!))
+(define-package (compiler macros)
+ (files "base/macros")
+ (parent ())
+ (export (compiler)
+ assembler-syntax-table
+ compiler-syntax-table
+ early-syntax-table
+ lap-generator-syntax-table)
+ (import (runtime macros)
+ parse-define-syntax)
+ (initialization (initialize-package!)))
+(define-package (compiler declarations)
+ (files "machines/spectrum/decls")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ sc
+ syntax-files!)
+ (import (scode-optimizer top-level)
+ sf/internal)
+ (initialization (initialize-package!)))
+(define-package (compiler top-level)
+ (files "base/toplev"
+ "base/crstop"
+ "base/asstop")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export ()
+ cbf
+ cf
+ compile-bin-file
+ compile-expression
+ compile-procedure
+ compile-scode
+ compiler:dump-bci-file
+ compiler:dump-bci/bcs-files
+ compiler:dump-bif/bsm-files
+ compiler:dump-inf-file
+ compiler:dump-info-file
+ compiler:reset!
+ cross-compile-bin-file
+ cross-compile-bin-file-end)
+ (export (compiler)
+ canonicalize-label-name
+ ;; New stuff
+ *argument-registers*
+ ;; End of new stuff
+ *procedure-result?*
+ )
+ (export (compiler midend)
+ *output-prefix*
+ compiler-phase
+ compiler-subphase
+ with-kmp-output-port
+ compile-recursively/new)
+ (export (compiler rtl-generator)
+ *ic-procedure-headers*
+ *rtl-continuations*
+ *rtl-expression*
+ *rtl-graphs*
+ *rtl-procedures*)
+ (export (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ *block-label*
+ *external-labels*
+ label->object)
+ (export (compiler debug)
+ *root-expression*
+ *rtl-procedures*
+ *rtl-graphs*)
+ (import (runtime compiler-info)
+ make-compiled-module
+ compiled-module?
+ compiled-module/expression
+ make-dbg-locator
+ dbg-locator/file
+ dbg-locator/timestamp
+ make-dbg-wrapper
+ split-inf-structure!)
+ (import (runtime unparser)
+ *unparse-uninterned-symbols-by-name?*))
+(define-package (compiler debug)
+ (files "base/debug")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export ()
+ debug/find-continuation
+ debug/find-entry-node
+ debug/find-procedure
+ debug/where
+ dump-rtl
+ po
+ show-bblock-rtl
+ show-rtl
+ write-rtl-instructions)
+ (import (runtime pretty-printer)
+ *pp-primitives-by-name*)
+ (import (runtime unparser)
+ *unparse-uninterned-symbols-by-name?*))
+(define-package (compiler pattern-matcher/lookup)
+ (files "base/pmlook")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ make-pattern-variable
+ pattern-lookup
+ pattern-variable-name
+ pattern-variable?
+ pattern-variables))
+(define-package (compiler pattern-matcher/parser)
+ (files "base/pmpars")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ parse-rule
+ compile-pattern
+ rule-result-expression)
+ (export (compiler macros)
+ parse-rule
+ compile-pattern
+ rule-result-expression))
+(define-package (compiler pattern-matcher/early)
+ (files "base/pmerly")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ early-parse-rule
+ early-pattern-lookup
+ early-make-rule
+ make-database-transformer
+ make-symbol-transformer
+ make-bit-mask-transformer))
+(define-package (compiler debugging-information)
+ (files "base/infnew")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ info-generation-phase-1
+ info-generation-phase-2
+ info-generation-phase-3)
+ (export (compiler rtl-generator)
+ generated-dbg-continuation)
+ (import (runtime compiler-info)
+ make-dbg-info
+ make-dbg-expression
+ dbg-expression/block
+ dbg-expression/label
+ set-dbg-expression/block!
+ set-dbg-expression/label!
+ ;;make-dbg-procedure
+ ;;dbg-procedure/block
+ ;;dbg-procedure/label
+ ;;dbg-procedure/external-label
+ ;;set-dbg-procedure/external-label!
+ ;;dbg-procedure<?
+ make-dbg-continuation
+ dbg-continuation/block
+ dbg-continuation/label
+ set-dbg-continuation/block!
+ set-dbg-continuation/label!
+ dbg-continuation<?
+ ;;make-dbg-block
+ ;;dbg-block/parent
+ ;;dbg-block/layout
+ ;;dbg-block/stack-link
+ ;;set-dbg-block/procedure!
+ ;;make-dbg-variable
+ ;;dbg-variable/value
+ ;;set-dbg-variable/value!
+ make-dbg-label
+ dbg-label/offset
+ dbg-label/external?
+ set-dbg-label/external?!)
+ (import (compiler midend)
+ new-dbg-procedure/block
+ new-dbg-procedure/label
+ set-new-dbg-procedure/block!
+ set-new-dbg-procedure/label!
+ new-dbg-procedure<?
+ new-dbg-block?
+ new-dbg-block/parent
+ new-dbg-block/parent-path-prefix
+ new-dbg-block/procedure
+ new-dbg-block/type
+ new-dbg-block/variables
+ set-new-dbg-block/parent!
+ new-dbg-block/parent-path-prefix!
+ set-new-dbg-block/variables!
+ new-dbg-variable?
+ new-dbg-variable/name
+ new-dbg-variable/path
+ set-new-dbg-variable/path!))
+(define-package (compiler constraints)
+ (files "base/constr")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ make-constraint
+ constraint/element
+ constraint/graph-head
+ constraint/afters
+ constraint/closed?
+ constraint-add!
+ add-constraint-element!
+ add-constraint-set!
+ make-constraint-graph
+ constraint-graph/entry-nodes
+ constraint-graph/closed?
+ close-constraint-graph!
+ close-constraint-node!
+ order-per-constraints
+ order-per-constraints/extracted
+ legal-ordering-per-constraints?
+ with-new-constraint-marks
+ constraint-marked?
+ constraint-mark!
+ transitively-close-dag!
+ reverse-postorder))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-generator)
+ (files
+ "rtlbase/rtline" ;linearizer
+ )
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ make-linearizer)
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ linearize-rtl
+ setup-bblock-continuations!
+ )
+ (export (compiler debug)
+ linearize-rtl)
+ (import (compiler top-level)
+ label->object))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-cse)
+ (files "rtlopt/rcse1" ;RTL common subexpression eliminator
+ "rtlopt/rcse2"
+ "rtlopt/rcsemrg" ;CSE control-flow merge
+ "rtlopt/rcseep" ;CSE expression predicates
+ "rtlopt/rcseht" ;CSE hash table
+ "rtlopt/rcserq" ;CSE register/quantity abstractions
+ "rtlopt/rcsesr" ;CSE stack references
+ )
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler top-level) common-subexpression-elimination))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer)
+ (files "rtlopt/rdebug")
+ (parent (compiler)))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer invertible-expression-elimination)
+ (files "rtlopt/rinvex")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) invertible-expression-elimination))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer common-suffix-merging)
+ (files "rtlopt/rtlcsm")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) merge-common-suffixes!))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer rtl-dataflow-analysis)
+ (files "rtlopt/rdflow")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) rtl-dataflow-analysis))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer rtl-rewriting)
+ (files "rtlopt/rerite")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ rtl-rewriting:post-cse
+ rtl-rewriting:pre-cse)
+ (export (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ add-pre-cse-rewriting-rule!
+ add-rewriting-rule!))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer lifetime-analysis)
+ (files "rtlopt/rlife")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) lifetime-analysis)
+ (export (compiler rtl-optimizer code-compression) mark-set-registers!))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer code-compression)
+ (files "rtlopt/rcompr")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) code-compression))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-optimizer register-allocation)
+ (files "rtlopt/ralloc")
+ (parent (compiler rtl-optimizer))
+ (export (compiler top-level) register-allocation))
+(define-package (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ (files "back/lapgn1" ;LAP generator
+ "back/lapgn2" ; " "
+ "back/lapgn3" ; " "
+ "back/regmap" ;Hardware register allocator
+ "machines/spectrum/lapgen" ;code generation rules
+ "machines/spectrum/rules1" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rules2" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rules3" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rules4" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rulfix" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rulflo" ; " " "
+ "machines/spectrum/rulrew" ;code rewriting rules
+ "back/syntax" ;Generic syntax phase
+ "back/syerly" ;Early binding version
+ "machines/spectrum/coerce" ;Coercions: integer -> bit string
+ "back/asmmac" ;Macros for hairy syntax
+ "machines/spectrum/insmac" ;Macros for hairy syntax
+ "machines/spectrum/inerly" ;Early binding version
+ "machines/spectrum/instr1" ;Spectrum instruction utilities
+ "machines/spectrum/instr2" ;Spectrum instructions
+ "machines/spectrum/instr3" ; " "
+ )
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ available-machine-registers
+ pseudo-register-offset
+ interpreter-memtop-pointer
+ fits-in-5-bits-signed?
+ lap-generator/match-rtl-instruction
+ lap:make-entry-point
+ lap:make-label-statement
+ lap:make-unconditional-branch
+ lap:syntax-instruction)
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ *block-associations*
+ *block-profiles*
+ *interned-assignments*
+ *interned-constants*
+ *interned-global-links*
+ *interned-uuo-links*
+ *interned-static-variables*
+ *interned-variables*
+ *next-constant*
+ generate-lap)
+ (export (compiler assembler)
+ profile-info/insert-info!)
+ (import (scode-optimizer expansion)
+ scode->scode-expander))
+(define-package (compiler lap-syntaxer map-merger)
+ (files "back/mermap")
+ (parent (compiler lap-syntaxer))
+ (export (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ merge-register-maps))
+(define-package (compiler lap-syntaxer linearizer)
+ (files "back/linear")
+ (parent (compiler lap-syntaxer))
+ (export (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ add-end-of-block-code!
+ add-extra-code!
+ bblock-linearize-lap
+ extra-code-block/xtra
+ declare-extra-code-block!
+ find-extra-code-block
+ linearize-lap
+ set-current-branches!
+ set-extra-code-block/xtra!)
+ ;; New stuff
+ (export (compiler)
+ *strongly-heed-branch-preferences?*)
+ ;; End of new stuff
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ *end-of-block-code*
+ linearize-lap))
+(define-package (compiler lap-optimizer)
+ (files "machines/spectrum/lapopt")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (import (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ entry->address
+ invert-condition
+ hook:compiler-profile-count)
+ (export (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ lap:mark-preferred-branch!)
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ optimize-linear-lap))
+(define-package (compiler assembler)
+ (files "machines/spectrum/assmd" ;Machine dependent
+ "back/symtab" ;Symbol tables
+ "back/bitutl" ;Assembly blocks
+ "back/bittop" ;Assembler top level
+ )
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ instruction-append)
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ assemble))
+(define-package (compiler disassembler)
+ (files "machines/spectrum/dassm1"
+ "machines/spectrum/dassm2"
+ "machines/spectrum/dassm3")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export ()
+ compiler:write-lap-file
+ compiler:disassemble
+ compiler:disassemble-memory)
+ (import (compiler lap-syntaxer)
+ code:-alist
+ hook:-alist)
+ (import (runtime compiler-info)
+ compiled-code-block/labels
+ compiled-entry/filename-and-index
+ compiled-module?
+ compiled-module/all-compiled-code-blocks
+ dbg-label/external?
+ dbg-label/name
+ dbg-labels/find-offset))
+;;; New stuff
+(define-package (compiler midend)
+ (files "midend/graph"
+ "midend/synutl"
+ "midend/kmp"
+ "midend/midend"
+ "midend/utils"
+ "midend/effects"
+ "midend/fakeprim"
+ "midend/types"
+ "midend/typedb" ; must go before typerew
+ "midend/dbgstr"
+ "midend/dbgred"
+ "midend/inlate"
+ "midend/envconv"
+ "midend/alpha"
+ "midend/expand"
+ "midend/assconv"
+ "midend/cleanup"
+ "midend/earlyrew"
+ "midend/typerew"
+ "midend/lamlift"
+ "midend/closconv"
+ ;; "midend/staticfy" ; broken, for now
+ "midend/applicat"
+ "midend/simplify"
+ "midend/cpsconv"
+ "midend/laterew"
+ "midend/compat"
+ "midend/stackopt"
+ "midend/indexify"
+ "midend/rtlgen"
+ "midend/copier"
+ "midend/coerce"
+ "midend/dataflow"
+ "midend/split"
+ "midend/widen")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (import (runtime compiler-info)
+ make-dbg-expression
+ ;;make-dbg-procedure
+ make-dbg-continuation
+ make-dbg-block
+ ;;set-dbg-block/procedure!
+ ;;make-dbg-variable
+ ;;dbg-variable/value
+ ;;set-dbg-variable/value!
+ )
+ (export (compiler top-level)
+ kmp/pp kmp/ppp
+ *envconv/compile-by-procedures?*
+ *envconv/procedure-result?*
+ kmp->rtl
+ optimize-kmp
+ rtlgen/top-level
+ rtlgen/argument-registers
+ rtlgen/available-registers
+ scode->kmp
+ within-midend)
+ (export (compiler)
+ internal-error
+ internal-warning)
+ (export ()
+ compiler:debug)
+ (import (runtime compiler-info)
+ dbg-label/offset))
+(define-package (compiler rtl-parser)
+ (files "rtlbase/rtlpars")
+ (parent (compiler))
+ (export (compiler)
+ rtl->rtl-graph))
+;; End of New stuff
--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: compiler.sf,v 1.1 1995/10/25 19:19:32 ssmith Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1988-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
+standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Script to incrementally syntax the compiler
+;; Guarantee that the package modeller is loaded.
+(load-option 'SF)
+(load-option 'CREF)
+;; Guarantee that the compiler's package structure exists.
+(if (not (name->package '(COMPILER)))
+ (begin
+ ;; If there is no existing package constructor, generate one.
+ (if (not (file-exists? "compiler.bco"))
+ (begin
+ ((access cref/generate-trivial-constructor
+ (->environment '(CROSS-REFERENCE)))
+ "compiler")
+ (sf "compiler.con")))
+ (load "compiler.bco")))
+;; Guarantee that the necessary syntactic transforms and optimizers
+;; are loaded.
+(if (lexical-unreferenceable? (->environment '(COMPILER)) 'SYNTAX-FILES!)
+ (let ((sf-and-load
+ (lambda (files package)
+ (sf-conditionally files)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (load (string-append file ".bin") package))
+ files))))
+ (load-option 'HASH-TABLE)
+ (write-string "\n\n---- Loading compile-time files ----")
+ (sf-and-load '("midend/synutl") '()) ;; This should go elsewhere!
+ (sf-and-load '("base/switch") '(COMPILER))
+ (sf-and-load '("base/macros") '(COMPILER MACROS))
+ ((access initialize-package! (->environment '(COMPILER MACROS))))
+ (sf-and-load '("machines/spectrum/decls") '(COMPILER DECLARATIONS))
+ (let ((environment (->environment '(COMPILER DECLARATIONS))))
+ (set! (access source-file-expression environment) "*.scm")
+ ((access initialize-package! environment)))
+ (sf-and-load '("base/pmlook") '(COMPILER PATTERN-MATCHER/LOOKUP))
+ (sf-and-load '("base/pmpars") '(COMPILER PATTERN-MATCHER/PARSER))
+ (fluid-let ((sf/default-syntax-table
+ (access compiler-syntax-table
+ (->environment '(COMPILER MACROS)))))
+ (sf-and-load '("machines/spectrum/machin") '(COMPILER)))
+ (fluid-let ((sf/default-declarations
+ '((integrate-external "insseq")
+ (integrate-external "machin")
+ (usual-definition (set expt)))))
+ (sf-and-load '("machines/spectrum/assmd") '(COMPILER ASSEMBLER)))
+ (sf-and-load '("back/syntax") '(COMPILER LAP-SYNTAXER))
+ (sf-and-load '("machines/spectrum/coerce" "back/asmmac"
+ "machines/spectrum/insmac")
+ (sf-and-load '("base/scode") '(COMPILER))
+ (sf-and-load '("base/pmerly") '(COMPILER PATTERN-MATCHER/EARLY))
+ (sf-and-load '("machines/spectrum/inerly" "back/syerly")
+(if (lexical-unreferenceable? (->environment '()) '%matchup)
+ (let ((sf-and-load
+ (lambda (files package)
+ (sf-conditionally files)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (load (string-append file ".bin") package))
+ files))))
+ (write-string "\n\n---- Loading compile-time files ----")
+ (sf-and-load '("midend/synutl") '()))) ;; This should go elsewhere!
+;; Load the assembler instruction database.
+(in-package (->environment '(COMPILER LAP-SYNTAXER))
+ (if (and compiler:enable-expansion-declarations?
+ (null? early-instructions))
+ (fluid-let ((load-noisily? false)
+ (load/suppress-loading-message? false))
+ (write-string "\n\n---- Pre-loading instruction sets ----")
+ (for-each (lambda (name)
+ (load (string-append "machines/spectrum/" name ".scm")
+ early-syntax-table))
+ '("instr1" "instr2" "instr3")))))
+;; Resyntax any files that need it.
+((access syntax-files! (->environment '(COMPILER))))
+;; Rebuild the package constructors and cref.
+(cref/generate-constructors "compiler")
+(sf "compiler.con")
+(sf "compiler.ldr")
\ No newline at end of file