--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
+ Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; World Report
+;;; package: (runtime world-report)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (world-report #!optional port thread-flags)
+ (let ((port
+ (if (default-object? port)
+ (current-output-port)
+ (guarantee-output-port port 'WORLD-REPORT)))
+ (flags (cons (cons (console-thread) "console")
+ (if (default-object? thread-flags)
+ '()
+ thread-flags)))
+ (now (get-universal-time))
+ (cpu (process-time-clock)))
+ (write-string "-*-Outline-*-" port)
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string "Time: " port)
+ (write-string (universal-time->local-time-string now) port)
+ (write-string " Process: " port)
+ (write-padded-flonum (ticks->string cpu) 5 2 port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string "Start: " port)
+ (write-string (universal-time->local-time-string time-world-restored) port)
+ (write-string " Up time: " port)
+ (write-time-interval (- now time-world-restored) port)
+ (newline port)
+ (memory-report port)
+ (thread-report flags port)))
+(define (ticks->string ticks)
+ (let-fluid flonum-unparser-cutoff '(absolute 3)
+ (lambda ()
+ (number->string (internal-time/ticks->seconds ticks) 10))))
+(define (write-time-interval secs port)
+ (let ((min/sec (integer-divide secs 60)))
+ (let ((seconds (integer-divide-remainder min/sec))
+ (hr/min (integer-divide (integer-divide-quotient min/sec) 60)))
+ (let ((minutes (integer-divide-remainder hr/min))
+ (hours (integer-divide-quotient hr/min)))
+ (if (< hours 10) (write-char #\0 port))
+ (write-string (number->string hours 10) port)
+ (write-char #\: port)
+ (if (< minutes 10) (write-char #\0 port))
+ (write-string (number->string minutes 10) port)
+ (write-char #\: port))
+ (if (< seconds 10) (write-char #\0 port))
+ (write-string (number->string seconds 10) port))))
+(define (memory-report port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string "* Memory" port)
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (let ((status (gc-space-status)))
+ (let ((bytes/word (vector-ref status 0))
+ (heap (- (vector-ref status 6) ; heap_alloc_limit
+ (vector-ref status 4))) ; heap_start
+ (const (- (vector-ref status 3) ; constant_end
+ (vector-ref status 1)))) ; constant_start
+ (let ((width (string-length
+ (number->string (quotient (+ heap const) bytes/word)))))
+ (define (write-size prefix high low)
+ (write-string prefix port)
+ (write-padded (number->string (quotient (- (vector-ref status high)
+ (vector-ref status low))
+ bytes/word))
+ width port)
+ (write-string " words" port))
+ (write-size "Constant: " 3 1) ; constant_end - constant_start
+ (newline port)
+ (write-size "Heap: " 6 4) ; heap_alloc_limit - heap_start
+ (newline port)
+ (write-size "Free: " 6 5) ; heap_alloc_limit - Free
+ (write-string " ")
+ (write-free-bar status 32 port)
+ (newline port)
+ (let loop ((i 0)
+ (stats (reverse! (gc-statistics))))
+ (if (and (pair? stats)
+ (fix:< i 3))
+ (begin
+ (write-string (gc-statistic->string (car stats)) port)
+ (newline port)
+ (loop (fix:1+ i) (cdr stats)))))))))
+(define (write-padded string width port)
+ (let loop ((length (string-length string)))
+ (if (< length width)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (loop (1+ length)))))
+ (write-string string port))
+(define (write-free-bar status width port)
+ (let ((ratio (/
+ (- (vector-ref status 6) ; heap_alloc_limit
+ (vector-ref status 5)) ; Free
+ (- (vector-ref status 6) ; heap_alloc_limit
+ (vector-ref status 4)) ; heap_start
+ )))
+ (let ((length (round->exact (* ratio width))))
+ (let loop ((n 0))
+ (if (< n length)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\* port)
+ (loop (1+ n)))))
+ (let loop ((n length))
+ (if (< n width)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\- port)
+ (loop (1+ n))))))))
+(define (thread-report flags port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string "* Threads" port)
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let ((thread (cdr item)))
+ (write-string (write-to-string thread) port)
+ (write-char #\tab port)
+ (write-state thread port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write-time (thread/process-time thread) port)
+ (write-string " CPU, " port)
+ (write-time (thread/real-time thread) port)
+ (write-string " real" port)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (name)
+ (write-string ", " port)
+ (write-string name port))
+ (append-map! (lambda (item)
+ (if (and (pair? item)
+ (string? (cdr item))
+ (eq? thread (car item)))
+ (list (cdr item))
+ '()))
+ flags))
+ (newline port)))
+ (sort (map (lambda (t) (cons (hash t) t)) (threads-list))
+ (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))
+(define (write-state thread port)
+ (write-string (case (thread-execution-state thread)
+ ((RUNNING) "running")
+ ((DEAD) " dead ")
+ ((WAITING) "waiting")
+ (else " ????"))
+ port))
+(define (write-time ticks port)
+ (write-padded-flonum (ticks->string ticks) 3 3 port))
+(define (write-padded-flonum string columns-before-dot zeros-after-dot port)
+ (let ((index (string-find-next-char string #\.))
+ (length (string-length string)))
+ (let loop ((columns index))
+ (if (< columns columns-before-dot)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (loop (1+ columns)))))
+ (write-string string port)
+ (let loop ((after-dot (- length (1+ index))))
+ (if (< after-dot zeros-after-dot)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\0 port)
+ (loop (1+ after-dot)))))))
\ No newline at end of file