--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: webster.scm,v 1.1 1998/08/31 04:15:00 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy and modify this software, to
+redistribute either the original software or a modified version, and
+to use this software for any purpose is granted, subject to the
+following restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+ in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+ return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions
+ that they make, so that these may be included in future releases;
+ and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+ software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the
+ usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+ this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+ provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+ there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+ Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+ promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+ MIT in each case.
+NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; Webster Server Interface
+;;; Translated from Noah Friedman's Emacs implementation:
+;;; webster.el,v 1.2 1995/01/04 00:41:51
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (webster-send request word)
+ (guarantee-webster-server-port (selected-buffer))
+ (write-string request webster-server-port)
+ (write-string " " webster-server-port)
+ (write-string word webster-server-port)
+ (newline webster-server-port)
+ (flush-output webster-server-port)
+ (let ((line (read-line webster-server-port)))
+ (cond ((string=? "SPELLING 0" line)
+ (message "Word not found."))
+ ((string=? "SPELLING 1" line)
+ (message "Word spelled correctly."))
+ ((string=? "MATCHS 0" line)
+ (message "No endings for this word."))
+ ((or (string=? "SPELLING" line)
+ (string=? "MATCHS" line)
+ (string-prefix? "DEFINITION " line))
+ (let loop ((lines '()))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (webster-read-line webster-server-port))
+ (lambda (line end?)
+ (cond ((not end?)
+ (loop (cons line lines)))
+ ((null? lines)
+ (message line))
+ (else
+ (webster-show-output
+ (reverse! (cons line lines)))))))))
+ (else
+ (error "Unrecognized response from Webster server:" line)))))
+(define (webster-read-line port)
+ (let ((line (read-string webster-line-delimiters port)))
+ (values line
+ (let ((delim (read-char port)))
+ (or (eof-object? delim)
+ (not (char=? #\newline delim)))))))
+(define webster-line-delimiters
+ (char-set #\newline (integer->char 0) (integer->char #o200)))
+(define webster-server-port #f)
+(define (guarantee-webster-server-port buffer)
+ (if (or (not webster-server-port)
+ (input-port/eof? webster-server-port))
+ (let ((server
+ (or (ref-variable webster-server buffer)
+ (editor-error "Variable webster-server not set."))))
+ (message "Opening webster connection to " server "...")
+ (set! webster-server-port
+ (open-tcp-stream-socket server
+ (ref-variable webster-port buffer)
+ 4096))
+ (append-message "done")
+ (global-window-modeline-event!
+ (lambda (window) window 'WEBSTER-CONNECTION-STATUS)))))
+(define (input-port/eof? port)
+ ((port/operation port 'EOF?) port))
+(define (close-webster-server-port)
+ (let ((port webster-server-port))
+ (set! webster-server-port #f)
+ (if port (close-port port)))
+ (global-window-modeline-event!
+ (lambda (window) window 'WEBSTER-CONNECTION-STATUS)))
+(define (webster-show-output lines)
+ (let ((buffer (find-or-create-buffer (ref-variable webster-buffer-name))))
+ (set-buffer-major-mode! buffer (ref-mode-object webster))
+ (add-kill-buffer-hook buffer webster-kill-buffer-hook)
+ (if (not (fix:= 0 (buffer-length buffer)))
+ (guarantee-newlines 2 (buffer-end buffer)))
+ (let ((m (mark-right-inserting-copy (buffer-end buffer)))
+ (p (mark-left-inserting-copy (buffer-end buffer))))
+ (for-each (lambda (line)
+ (insert-string line p)
+ (insert-newline p))
+ lines)
+ (mark-temporary! p)
+ (let ((window
+ (let ((windows (buffer-windows buffer)))
+ (if (null? windows)
+ (begin
+ (pop-up-buffer buffer #f #f)
+ (car (buffer-windows buffer)))
+ (car windows)))))
+ (set-window-point! window m)
+ (set-window-start-mark! window m #t))
+ (mark-temporary! m))))
+(define (webster-kill-buffer-hook buffer)
+ buffer
+ (close-webster-server-port))
+(define-major-mode webster read-only "Webster"
+ "Major mode for interacting with webster server.
+\\[webster-define] look up the definition of a word
+\\[webster-spellings] look up possible correct spellings for a word
+\\[webster-define] look up possible endings for a word
+\\[webster-quit] close connection to the Webster server
+Use webster-mode-hook for customization."
+ (lambda (buffer)
+ (local-set-variable!
+ mode-line-process
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (and webster-server-port
+ (not (input-port/eof? webster-server-port)))
+ ": connected"
+ ": disconnected"))
+ buffer)
+ (event-distributor/invoke! (ref-variable webster-mode-hook buffer)
+ buffer)))
+(define-key 'webster #\? 'describe-mode)
+(define-key 'webster #\d 'webster-define)
+(define-key 'webster #\e 'webster-endings)
+(define-key 'webster #\h 'describe-mode)
+(define-key 'webster #\q 'webster-quit)
+(define-key 'webster #\s 'webster-spellings)
+(define (webster-prompt prompt)
+ (lambda ()
+ (list (prompt-for-string prompt (webster-current-word)))))
+(define (webster-current-word)
+ (let* ((p (current-point))
+ (s (backward-word p 1 'LIMIT))
+ (e (forward-word s 1 'LIMIT)))
+ (if (mark>= e p)
+ (extract-string s e)
+ (let* ((e* (forward-word p 1 'LIMIT))
+ (s* (backward-word e* 1 'LIMIT)))
+ (if (mark<= s* p)
+ (extract-string s* e*)
+ #f)))))
+(define-command webster-define
+ "Look up a word in Webster's dictionary."
+ (webster-prompt "Look up word")
+ (lambda (word) (webster-send "DEFINE" word)))
+(copy-command 'webster (ref-command-object webster-define))
+(define-command webster-endings
+ "Look up possible endings for a word in Webster's dictionary."
+ (webster-prompt "Find endings for word")
+ (lambda (word) (webster-send "ENDINGS" word)))
+(define-command webster-spellings
+ "Look up possible correct spellings for a word in Webster's dictionary."
+ (webster-prompt "Possible correct spellings for word")
+ (lambda (word) (webster-send "SPELL" word)))
+(define-command webster-quit
+ "Close connection to webster server.
+Buffer is not deleted."
+ ()
+ (lambda () (close-webster-server-port)))
\ No newline at end of file