;;; package: (gtk gio)
(define (open-input-gfile uri)
- (let* ((gfile (make-gfile uri))
+ (let* ((uri* (->uri* uri 'open-input-gfile))
+ (gfile (make-gfile (uri->string uri*)))
(gstream (gfile-read gfile))
(port (make-generic-i/o-port (make-g-stream-source gstream) #f)))
;;(port/set-coding port 'ISO-8859-1)
;;(port/set-line-ending port 'NEWLINE)
+ (gobject-unref! gfile)
+(define (->uri* object caller)
+ (let ((uri* (->uri object caller)))
+ (if (uri-absolute? uri*)
+ uri*
+ (merge-uris (->simple-namestring object)
+ "file:///"))))
+(define-integrable (->simple-namestring pathname)
+ (->namestring (->simple-pathname pathname)))
+(define (->simple-pathname pathname)
+ (let loop ((simpler (pathname-simplify
+ (merge-pathnames pathname (working-directory-pathname))))
+ (count 1))
+ (let ((again (pathname-simplify simpler)))
+ (cond ((fix:> count 100) (error "Could not simplify:" pathname))
+ ((pathname=? again simpler) again)
+ (else (loop again (fix:1+ count)))))))
(define (make-g-stream-source gstream)
;; Not unlike make-non-channel-port-source in genio.scm.
(let ((port #f)
(g-input-stream-read gstream buffer start end)))))
(define (open-output-gfile uri)
- (let* ((gfile (make-gfile uri))
+ (let* ((uri* (->uri* uri 'open-output-gfile))
+ (gfile (make-gfile (uri->string uri*)))
(gstream (gfile-replace gfile #f #t 'private))
(port (make-generic-i/o-port #f (make-g-stream-sink gstream))))
;;(port/set-coding port 'ISO-8859-1)
;;(port/set-line-ending port 'NEWLINE)
+ (gobject-unref! gfile)
(define (make-g-stream-sink gstream)
(named-lambda (g-stream-sink/write-bytes buffer start end)
(g-output-stream-write gstream buffer start end)))))
+(define (gdirectory-read uri)
+ (let* ((uri* (->uri* uri 'gdirectory-read))
+ (gfile (make-gfile (uri->string uri*)))
+ (names
+ (map (lambda (ginfo)
+ (let ((name (gfile-info-get-attribute-value
+ ginfo "standard::name")))
+ (gobject-unref! ginfo)
+ name))
+ (gfile-children gfile "standard::name"))))
+ (gobject-unref! gfile)
+ names))
+(define (gfile-children gfile attributes)
+ (let ((genum (gfile-enumerate-children gfile attributes #f)))
+ (let loop ((ginfos '()))
+ (let ((next (gfile-enumerator-next-files genum 100)))
+ (if (null? next)
+ (begin
+ (gfile-enumerator-close genum)
+ (gobject-unref! genum)
+ ginfos)
+ (loop (append! ginfos next)))))))
(define-class <gio>
(named-lambda (ginfo-cleanup)
(cleanup-gio gio-info)))
-(define (gfile-query-info gfile pattern follow-symlinks?)
- (guarantee-string pattern 'gfile-query-info)
+(define (gfile-query-info gfile attributes follow-symlinks?)
+ (guarantee-string attributes 'gfile-query-info)
(let* ((ginfo (make-gfile-info))
(gio-info (gio-cleanup-info ginfo))
(queue (gio-queue ginfo))
(let retry ()
(C-call "g_file_query_info_async"
(gobject-alien gfile)
- pattern
+ attributes
(if follow-symlinks?
(alien-null! glist))
-(define (gfile-enumerate-children gfile pattern follow-symlinks?)
- (guarantee-string pattern 'gfile-enumerate-children)
+(define (gfile-enumerate-children gfile attributes follow-symlinks?)
+ (guarantee-string attributes 'gfile-enumerate-children)
(let* ((genum (make-gfile-enumerator))
(gio-info (gio-cleanup-info genum))
(queue (gio-queue genum))
(let retry ()
(C-call "g_file_enumerate_children_async"
(gobject-alien gfile)
- pattern
+ attributes
(if follow-symlinks?
;;;; Test gfile operations.
(define (gcp src dst)
- (let ((gsrc (open-input-gfile (->file-uri-string src)))
- (gdst (open-output-gfile (->file-uri-string dst))))
+ (let ((gsrc (open-input-gfile src))
+ (gdst (open-output-gfile dst)))
(let loop ()
(let ((line (read-line gsrc)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(define (ls pathname)
- (delete! ".."
- (delete! "."
- (map file-namestring
- (directory-read (->simple-namestring pathname))))))
+ (let ((names (map file-namestring
+ (directory-read (->simple-namestring pathname)))))
+ (sort (delete! ".." (delete! "." names)) string<?)))
(define (gls uri)
- (let* ((gfile (make-gfile (->file-uri-string uri)))
- (genum (gfile-enumerate-children gfile "standard::name" #f)))
- (let loop ()
- (let ((ginfos (gfile-enumerator-next-files genum 5)))
- (if (null? ginfos)
- (begin
- (gfile-enumerator-close genum)
- '())
- (map* (loop)
- (lambda (ginfo)
- (let ((name
- (gfile-info-get-attribute-value ginfo
- "standard::name")))
- (gobject-unref! ginfo)
- name))
- ginfos))))))
-(define-integrable (->file-uri-string pathname)
- (string-append "file://" (->simple-namestring pathname)))
-(define-integrable (->simple-namestring pathname)
- (->namestring (->simple-pathname pathname)))
+ (sort (gdirectory-read uri) string<?))
-(define (->simple-pathname pathname)
- (let loop ((simpler (pathname-simplify
- (merge-pathnames pathname (working-directory-pathname))))
- (count 1))
- (let ((again (pathname-simplify simpler)))
- (cond ((fix:> count 100) (error "Could not simplify:" pathname))
- ((pathname=? again simpler) again)
- (else (loop again (fix:1+ count)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+(define ->simple-namestring
+ (access ->simple-namestring (->environment '(gtk gio))))
\ No newline at end of file