(define (symbol->string symbol)
(guarantee symbol? symbol 'symbol->string)
- (utf8->string
- (let ((name (system-pair-car symbol)))
- (cond ((bytevector? name) name)
- ((legacy-string? name) (%legacy-string->bytevector name))
- (else (error "Illegal symbol name:" name))))))
+ (let ((s (system-pair-car symbol)))
+ (cond ((maybe-ascii s))
+ ((bytevector? s) (utf8->string s))
+ ((legacy-string? s) (utf8->string (%legacy-string->bytevector s)))
+ (else (error "Illegal symbol name:" s)))))
(define (string-head->symbol string end)
- (string->symbol (string-copy string 0 end)))
+ (string->symbol (string-slice string 0 end)))
(define (string-tail->symbol string start)
- (string->symbol (string-copy string start)))
+ (string->symbol (string-slice string start)))
(define (symbol . objects)
(string->symbol (%string* objects 'symbol)))
(define (intern string)
- (string->symbol (cold-load-foldcase string)))
+ ((ucode-primitive string->symbol) (foldcase->utf8 string)))
(define (intern-soft string)
- ((ucode-primitive find-symbol) (string->utf8 (cold-load-foldcase string))))
-(define (cold-load-foldcase string)
- (if (ascii-string? string)
- ;; Needed during cold load.
- (legacy-string-downcase string)
- (string-foldcase string)))
+ ((ucode-primitive find-symbol) (foldcase->utf8 string)))
(define (symbol-name symbol)
(if (not (symbol? symbol))
(error:not-a symbol? symbol 'symbol-name))
- (let* ((bytes (system-pair-car symbol))
- (string (object-new-type (ucode-type string) bytes)))
- (if (ascii-string? string)
- ;; Needed during cold load.
- string
+ (let ((bytes (system-pair-car symbol)))
+ (or (maybe-ascii bytes)
(utf8->string bytes))))
-(define (ascii-string? string)
- (and ((ucode-primitive string?) string)
- (let ((end ((ucode-primitive string-length) string)))
- (let loop ((i 0))
- (if (fix:< i end)
- (and (fix:< ((ucode-primitive vector-8b-ref) string i) #x80)
- (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
- #t)))))
(define (symbol-hash symbol #!optional modulus)
(string-hash (symbol-name symbol) modulus))
(string<? (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)))
(define (symbol>? x y)
- (string<? (symbol-name y) (symbol-name x)))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (string<? (symbol-name y) (symbol-name x)))
+ (legacy-string? string? 1)
+ (legacy-string-allocate string-allocate 1)
+ (legacy-string-length string-length 1)
+ (vector-8b-ref 2)
+ (vector-8b-set! 3))
+(define (maybe-ascii bytes)
+ ;; Needed during cold load.
+ (let ((string (object-new-type (ucode-type string) bytes)))
+ (and (ascii-string? string)
+ string)))
+(define (foldcase->utf8 string)
+ (if (ascii-string? string)
+ ;; Needed during cold load.
+ (%legacy-string->bytevector (ascii-string-foldcase string))
+ (string->utf8 (string-foldcase string))))
+(define (ascii-string? string)
+ (and (legacy-string? string)
+ (let ((end (legacy-string-length string)))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (fix:< i end)
+ (and (fix:< (vector-8b-ref string i) #x80)
+ (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+ #t)))))
+(define (ascii-string-foldcase string)
+ (let ((end (legacy-string-length string)))
+ (if (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (fix:< i end)
+ (and (not (ascii-changes-when-case-folded?
+ (vector-8b-ref string i)))
+ (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+ #t))
+ string
+ (let ((string* (legacy-string-allocate end)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1)))
+ ((fix:= i end))
+ (vector-8b-set! string*
+ i
+ (ascii-foldcase (vector-8b-ref string i))))
+ string*))))
+(define (ascii-changes-when-case-folded? code)
+ (and (fix:>= code (char->integer #\A))
+ (fix:<= code (char->integer #\Z))))
+(define (ascii-foldcase code)
+ (if (ascii-changes-when-case-folded? code)
+ (fix:+ (char->integer #\a)
+ (fix:- code (char->integer #\A)))
+ code))
\ No newline at end of file
(define (burst-string string delimiter allow-runs?)
((string-splitter delimiter allow-runs?) string))
-(define (ustring->legacy-string string)
- (if (legacy-string? string)
- string
- (and (string-8-bit? string)
- (string-copy string))))
(define (string-8-bit? string)
(receive (string start end) (translate-slice string 0 (string-length string))
(if (legacy-string? string)
(error:not-a string? string 'string-for-primitive))))
-(define (legacy-string-downcase string)
- (let ((end (legacy-string-length string)))
- (let ((string* (legacy-string-allocate end)))
- (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1)))
- ((fix:= i end))
- (legacy-string-set! string* i
- (char-downcase (legacy-string-ref string i))))
- string*)))
(define-integrable (copy-loop to-set! to at from-ref from start end)
(do ((i start (fix:+ i 1))
(j at (fix:+ j 1)))