--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+ 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Massachusetts Institute of
+ Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; Utility to update copyright and license statements.
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (translate-license leader)
+ (let ((ks (find-key-string leader old-key-string)))
+ (and ks
+ (let* ((ps (string-line-start leader ks))
+ (prefix (substring leader ps ks))
+ (pe (skip-paragraphs leader ks prefix old-n-paragraphs)))
+ (and pe
+ (let ((prefix (string-replace prefix #\tab #\space)))
+ (list ps
+ pe
+ prefix
+ prefix
+ new-license
+ (find-trailer leader pe old-license-final-token))))))))
+(define old-key-string "You should have received a copy of")
+(define old-n-paragraphs 1)
+(define old-license-final-token "USA.")
+(define new-license
+ (map (lambda (pp) (burst-string pp char-set:whitespace #t))
+ '("
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+ )))
+(define (match-path rel res)
+ (any (let ((ns (->namestring rel)))
+ (lambda (re)
+ (re-string-match re ns)))
+ res))
+(define dirs-to-skip
+ '("\\(.*/\\)?\\.$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?\\.\\.$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?\\.git$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?CVS$"
+ ))
+(define files-to-skip
+ '("microcode/svm1-defns\\.h$"
+ ))
+(define suppress-warnings-for
+ '("\\(.*/\\)?\\.gitignore$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?CVS/.+$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?ChangeLog$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?COPYING$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?INSTALL$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?LOG$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?Makefile-fragment$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?README$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?TAGS$"
+ "\\(.*/\\)?TODO$"
+ "swat/"
+ ".+\\.ico$"
+ ".+\\.sh$"
+ ".+\\.txt$"))
+(define (translate-copyright leader)
+ (receive (ls le prefix cmark) (match-copyright leader)
+ (and ls
+ (let ((end (string-length leader)))
+ (let ((le
+ (let loop ((le le))
+ (let ((ls (string-next-line-start leader le)))
+ (if ls
+ (let ((regs
+ (re-substring-match copyright-line-regexp
+ leader ls end)))
+ (if regs
+ (loop (re-match-end-index 0 regs))
+ ls))
+ le)))))
+ (let ((prefix1 (string-replace prefix #\tab #\space)))
+ (list ls
+ le
+ prefix1
+ (if (string=? prefix1 "[")
+ " "
+ (string-append prefix1 " "))
+ `(("Copyright"
+ ,cmark ,@(copyright-years (this-year))
+ "Massachusetts" "Institute" "of" "Technology"))
+ #f)))))))
+(define (match-copyright leader)
+ (let ((regs (re-string-search-forward copyright-line-regexp leader)))
+ (if regs
+ (values (re-match-start-index 0 regs)
+ (re-match-end-index 0 regs)
+ (re-match-extract leader regs 1)
+ (let ((cmark (re-match-extract leader regs 3)))
+ (if (or (string-null? cmark)
+ (string-ci=? cmark "(c)"))
+ "(C)"
+ cmark)))
+ (values #f #f #f #f))))
+(define copyright-line-regexp
+ (re-compile-pattern
+ (string-append
+ "^\\(\\[?\\(.*\\)\\)Copyright \\(@copyright{}\\|©\\|(C)\\|\\) [0-9]+"
+ "\\(,\\(\n\\2\\)? *[0-9]+\\)*"
+ (decorated-string-append
+ "\\(\n\\2\\)? *"
+ ""
+ ""
+ (list "Massachusetts" "Institute" "of" "Technology"))
+ " *\\(@\\*\\)?$")
+ #t))
+(define (copyright-years y0)
+ (let loop ((y 1986))
+ (if (< y y0)
+ (cons (string-append (number->string y) ",")
+ (loop (+ y 1)))
+ (list (number->string y)))))
+(define (this-year)
+ (decoded-time/year (get-decoded-time)))
+(define (translate-directory source target translation)
+ (let ((source (pathname-as-directory source))
+ (target (pathname-as-directory target)))
+ (let loop ((pathnames (list source)))
+ (cond ((null? pathnames)
+ unspecific)
+ #|
+ ((file-symbolic-link? (car pathnames))
+ => (lambda (contents)
+ (soft-link-file contents
+ (merge-pathnames
+ (enough-pathname (car pathnames) source)
+ target))
+ (loop (cdr pathnames))))
+ |#
+ ((file-directory? (car pathnames))
+ (let ((rel (enough-pathname (car pathnames) source)))
+ (loop (if (match-path rel dirs-to-skip)
+ (cdr pathnames)
+ (begin
+ (let ((output (merge-pathnames rel target)))
+ (if (not (file-directory? output))
+ (make-directory output)))
+ (append (directory-read
+ (pathname-as-directory (car pathnames)))
+ (cdr pathnames)))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((rel (enough-pathname (car pathnames) source)))
+ (let ((input (car pathnames))
+ (output (merge-pathnames rel target)))
+ (let ((result
+ (and (not (match-path rel files-to-skip))
+ (translation (read-file-leader input)))))
+ (if result
+ (apply translate-file-1 input output result)
+ (if (not (match-path rel suppress-warnings-for))
+ (begin
+ (write-string "skipping ")
+ (write-string (->namestring rel))
+ (newline)
+ ;;(copy-file input output)
+ ))))))
+ (loop (cdr pathnames)))))))
+(define (read-file-leader pathname)
+ (call-with-input-file pathname
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((leader (make-string 4096)))
+ (string-head leader (read-substring! leader 0 4096 port))))))
+(define (translate-file-1 input output ps pe prefix1 prefix2 new-pps trailer)
+ (call-with-input-file input
+ (lambda (input)
+ (call-with-output-file output
+ (lambda (output)
+ (let ((buffer (make-string ps)))
+ (input-port/read-string! input buffer)
+ (output-port/write-substring output buffer 0 ps))
+ (input-port/read-string! input (make-string (fix:- pe ps)))
+ (let ((spacer (string-trim-right prefix2 char-set:not-whitespace))
+ (do-pp
+ (lambda (pp)
+ (output-port/write-string
+ output
+ (fill-paragraph pp prefix1 prefix2 70)))))
+ (do-pp (car new-pps))
+ (for-each (lambda (pp)
+ (write-string spacer output)
+ (newline output)
+ (do-pp pp))
+ (cdr new-pps))
+ (if trailer
+ (begin
+ (newline output)
+ (write-string trailer output)
+ (newline output))))
+ (transfer-bytes input output)))))
+ ;;(set-file-times! output #f (file-modification-time input))
+ (set-file-modes! output (file-modes input)))
+(define (transfer-bytes input output)
+ (let ((buffer (make-string 512)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((n-read (input-port/read-string! input buffer)))
+ (if (fix:> n-read 0)
+ (begin
+ (output-port/write-substring output buffer 0 n-read)
+ (loop)))))))
+(define (find-key-string leader key-string)
+ (let* ((n (string-length key-string))
+ (end (fix:- (string-length leader) n))
+ (c (string-ref key-string 0)))
+ (and (fix:>= end 0)
+ (let loop ((start 0))
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char leader start end c)))
+ (and index
+ (if (substring=? key-string 0 n
+ leader index (fix:+ index n))
+ index
+ (loop (fix:+ index 1)))))))))
+(define (find-trailer leader pe final-token)
+ (define (skip-whitespace index)
+ (let ((index (- index 1)))
+ (if (char-whitespace? (string-ref leader index))
+ (skip-whitespace index)
+ (check-word (+ index 1)))))
+ (define (check-word end)
+ (cond ((test end "|#") "|#")
+ ((test end "*/") "*/")
+ ((test end final-token) #f)
+ (else
+ (write-string "Unknown ending: ")
+ (write-string (substring leader (- end 10) end))
+ (newline))))
+ (define (test end string)
+ (let ((n (string-length string)))
+ (and (> (- end n) 0)
+ (substring=? leader (- end n) end string 0 n))))
+ (skip-whitespace pe))
+(define (string-line-start string index)
+ (let ((n (substring-find-previous-char string 0 index #\newline)))
+ (if n
+ (fix:+ n 1)
+ 0)))
+(define (string-next-line-start string index)
+ (let ((n
+ (substring-find-next-char string index (string-length string)
+ #\newline)))
+ (and n
+ (fix:+ n 1))))
+(define (skip-paragraphs leader index prefix n)
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (let ((pe (find-paragraph-end leader index prefix)))
+ (and pe
+ (skip-paragraphs leader pe prefix (- n 1))))
+ index))
+(define (find-paragraph-end leader index prefix)
+ (let ((end (string-length leader))
+ (plen (string-length prefix)))
+ (let loop ((start index) (n-lines 0))
+ (let ((nl (substring-find-next-char leader start end #\newline)))
+ (if (not nl) (error "Can't find end of paragraph."))
+ (let ((ls (fix:+ nl 1)))
+ (if (if (fix:> plen 0)
+ (substring-prefix? prefix 0 plen leader ls end)
+ ;; This is for configure.ac:
+ (not (substring-prefix? "])" 0 2 leader ls end)))
+ (let ((i (skip-whitespace leader (fix:+ ls plen))))
+ (if (or (fix:= i end)
+ (char=? #\newline (string-ref leader i)))
+ ls
+ (loop i (fix:+ n-lines 1))))
+ ls))))))
+(define (skip-whitespace leader index)
+ (let ((c (string-ref leader index)))
+ (if (or (char=? #\newline c)
+ (not (char-whitespace? c)))
+ index
+ (skip-whitespace leader (+ index 1)))))
+(define (fill-paragraph words prefix1 prefix2 limit-column)
+ (let ((lines (fill-paragraph-count words prefix1 prefix2 limit-column)))
+ (let ((n (fix:+ (length lines) (apply + (map cdr lines)))))
+ (let ((buffer (make-string n)))
+ (fill-paragraph-write words prefix1 prefix2 lines buffer 0)
+ buffer))))
+(define (fill-paragraph-count words prefix1 prefix2 limit-column)
+ (let ((pc1 (string-length prefix1))
+ (pc2 (string-length prefix2)))
+ (let loop ((words words) (pc pc1) (lines '()))
+ (if (pair? words)
+ (receive (nw nc) (fill-paragraph-line-count words pc limit-column)
+ (loop (list-tail words nw)
+ pc2
+ (cons (cons nw nc) lines)))
+ (reverse! lines)))))
+(define (fill-paragraph-line-count words prefix-columns limit-column)
+ (let loop
+ ((prev-word (car words))
+ (words (cdr words))
+ (nw 1)
+ (nc (fix:+ prefix-columns (string-length (car words)))))
+ (if (null? words)
+ (values nw nc)
+ (let ((nc*
+ (fix:+ nc
+ (fix:+ (if (sentence-end? prev-word) 2 1)
+ (string-length (car words))))))
+ (if (fix:<= nc* limit-column)
+ (loop (car words)
+ (cdr words)
+ (fix:+ nw 1)
+ nc*)
+ (values nw nc))))))
+(define (fill-paragraph-write words prefix1 prefix2 lines buffer index)
+ (let loop ((words words) (lines lines) (index index) (prefix prefix1))
+ (if (pair? lines)
+ (receive (words index)
+ (fill-paragraph-line-write words prefix (caar lines) buffer index)
+ (string-set! buffer index #\newline)
+ (loop words (cdr lines) (fix:+ index 1) prefix2))
+ index)))
+(define (fill-paragraph-line-write words prefix nw buffer index)
+ (let loop
+ ((index
+ (fill-paragraph-word-write
+ (car words)
+ buffer
+ (fill-paragraph-word-write prefix buffer index)))
+ (prev-word (car words))
+ (words (cdr words))
+ (nw (fix:- nw 1)))
+ (if (fix:> nw 0)
+ (begin
+ (string-set! buffer index #\space)
+ (loop (fill-paragraph-word-write
+ (car words)
+ buffer
+ (if (sentence-end? prev-word)
+ (begin
+ (string-set! buffer (fix:+ index 1) #\space)
+ (fix:+ index 2))
+ (fix:+ index 1)))
+ (car words)
+ (cdr words)
+ (fix:- nw 1)))
+ (values words index))))
+(define (fill-paragraph-word-write word buffer index)
+ (let ((n (string-length word)))
+ (substring-move-left! word 0 n buffer index)
+ (fix:+ index n)))
+(define (sentence-end? word)
+ (re-string-match ".+[.?!][]\"')}]*$" word))
\ No newline at end of file