;;; -*-Scheme-*-
-;;; $Id: curren.scm,v 1.123 1999/01/02 06:11:34 cph Exp $
+;;; $Id: curren.scm,v 1.124 2000/04/07 20:12:50 cph Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1986, 1989-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(buffer-processes buffer))
(for-each (lambda (hook) (hook buffer))
(get-buffer-hooks buffer 'KILL-BUFFER-HOOKS))
- (let loop
- ((windows (buffer-windows buffer))
- (last-buffer false))
- (if (not (null? windows))
- (let ((new-buffer
- (or (other-buffer buffer)
- last-buffer
- (error "Buffer to be killed has no replacement"
- buffer))))
- (select-buffer-in-window new-buffer (car windows) false)
- (loop (cdr windows) new-buffer))))
+ (if (not (make-buffer-invisible buffer))
+ (error "Buffer to be killed has no replacement" buffer))
(bufferset-kill-buffer! (current-bufferset) buffer))))
+(define (make-buffer-invisible buffer)
+ (let loop ((windows (buffer-windows buffer)) (last-buffer #f))
+ (or (not (pair? windows))
+ (let ((new-buffer (or (other-buffer buffer) last-buffer)))
+ (and new-buffer
+ (begin
+ (select-buffer-in-window new-buffer (car windows) #f)
+ (loop (cdr windows) new-buffer)))))))
(define-integrable (add-kill-buffer-hook buffer hook)
(add-buffer-hook buffer 'KILL-BUFFER-HOOKS hook))