--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: os2pm.scm,v 1.1 1995/10/30 07:57:55 cph Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
+standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. |#
+;;;; Program to generate OS/2 PM interface code.
+;;; The Scheme OS/2 Presentation Manager interface is implemented in
+;;; its own thread, which means that all operations involving the
+;;; interface must by encoded into messages and communicated to the PM
+;;; thread through its message queue. This is reasonably
+;;; straightforward, but the overhead for implementing a single
+;;; operation is daunting: in addition to the procedure that performs
+;;; the operation, the implementer must also write two additional
+;;; procedures, three function prototypes, one or two message-type
+;;; declarations, one or two message-structure declarations, and one
+;;; or two case statements in the message dispatch. The purpose of
+;;; this file is to generate all of the overhead code automatically
+;;; from a simple interface definition; the implementer supplies the
+;;; definition and the operation's procedure, and this program takes
+;;; care of the rest of the details.
+;;; The bulk of this file is the program to parse the interface
+;;; specifications and to generate the appropriate code. The
+;;; specifications themselves appear on the last page of the file.
+;;; To generate the output files, just load this file. The output
+;;; files will be written into the working directory.
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(load-option 'HASH-TABLE)
+(load-option 'FORMAT)
+;;;; Syntax
+(define-macro (define-pm-procedure name . clauses)
+ (let ((external-name (if (pair? name) (car name) name))
+ (internal-name (if (pair? name) (cadr name) name)))
+ (HASH-TABLE/PUT! PM-PROCEDURES ',external-name
+ (MAKE-PMP (TRANSLATE-NAME ',external-name)
+ (TRANSLATE-NAME ',internal-name)
+ ,(let ((clause (assq 'VALUE clauses)))
+ (if clause
+ (let ((val (cadr clause)))
+ (if (symbol? val)
+ (if (eq? val 'SYNC)
+ `',val
+ `(TRANSLATE-TYPE/NAME ',`((ID ,val) ,val)))
+ '#F))
+ ,(let ((args
+ (let ((clause (assq 'ARGUMENTS clauses)))
+ (if (not clause)
+ (error "ARGUMENTS clause is required:" name))
+ (cdr clause))))
+ ',(if (symbol? (car args))
+ `((ID ,(car args)) ,(car args))
+ (car args)))
+ (LIST ,@(map (lambda (arg)
+ (cdr args)))))))
+ ',external-name)))
+(define (translate-type/name tn)
+ (cond ((and (pair? tn)
+ (pair? (cdr tn))
+ (null? (cddr tn)))
+ (list (translate-type (car tn))
+ (translate-name (cadr tn))))
+ ((and (pair? tn)
+ (pair? (cdr tn))
+ (pair? (cddr tn))
+ (null? (cdddr tn)))
+ (list (translate-type (car tn))
+ (translate-name (cadr tn))
+ (translate-name (caddr tn))))
+ (else
+ (error "Ill-formed type/name pair:" tn))))
+(define (translate-type type)
+ (cond ((string? type)
+ type)
+ ((symbol? type)
+ (let ((abbrev (hash-table/get type-abbreviations type #f)))
+ (if abbrev
+ (translate-type abbrev)
+ (symbol->string type))))
+ ((and (pair? type)
+ (or (string? (car type))
+ (symbol? (car type)))
+ (pair? (cdr type))
+ (null? (cddr type)))
+ (if (eq? (car type) 'ID)
+ type
+ (list (if (or (string? (car type))
+ (memq (car type) '(POINTER ARRAY)))
+ (car type)
+ (symbol->string (car type)))
+ (translate-type (cadr type)))))
+ ((and (pair? type)
+ (eq? (car type) 'ARRAY)
+ (pair? (cdr type))
+ (pair? (cddr type))
+ (and (exact-integer? (caddr type))
+ (positive? (caddr type)))
+ (null? (cdddr type)))
+ (list (car type)
+ (translate-type (cadr type))
+ (number->string (caddr type))))
+ (else
+ (error "Ill-formed type:" type))))
+(define (translate-name name)
+ (cond ((string? name)
+ name)
+ ((symbol? name)
+ (symbol->string name))
+ (else
+ (error "Ill-formed name:" name))))
+(define (define-type-abbreviation name type)
+ (hash-table/put! type-abbreviations name type))
+(define type-abbreviations
+ (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define-type-abbreviation 'boolean 'int)
+(define-type-abbreviation 'uchar '(unsigned char))
+(define-type-abbreviation 'ushort '(unsigned short))
+(define-type-abbreviation 'uint '(unsigned int))
+(define-type-abbreviation 'ulong '(unsigned long))
+(define (id-type? type) (and (pair? type) (eq? (car type) 'ID)))
+(define-integrable id-type-name cadr)
+(define (pointer-type? type) (and (pair? type) (eq? (car type) 'POINTER)))
+(define (array-type? type) (and (pair? type) (eq? (car type) 'ARRAY)))
+(define-integrable subtype cadr)
+(define (array-dimension type)
+ (and (pair? (cddr type))
+ (caddr type)))
+(define (variable-length-array? arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (and (array-type? type)
+ (not (array-dimension type)))))
+;;;; ID Types
+(define (define-id internal-root external-root)
+ (hash-table/put! id-external-roots
+ internal-root
+ (symbol->string external-root)))
+(define (id-internal-root type)
+ (symbol->string (id-type-name type)))
+(define (id-external-root type)
+ (hash-table/get id-external-roots (id-type-name type) #f))
+(define id-external-roots
+ (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define (id-external-type type)
+ (list (id-external-root type) "_t"))
+(define (id-internal-type type)
+ (if (eq? (id-type-name type) 'QID)
+ (id-external-type type)
+ (list (id-internal-root type) "_t *")))
+(define-integrable (id-internal-name arg)
+ (pmp-arg-name arg))
+(define (id-external-name arg)
+ (if (eq? (id-type-name (pmp-arg-type arg)) 'QID)
+ (pmp-arg-name arg)
+ (list (pmp-arg-name arg) "_id")))
+(define (id-internal-expression arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (eq? (id-type-name type) 'QID)
+ (id-external-name arg)
+ (list "("
+ (id-external-root type)
+ "_to_"
+ (id-internal-root type)
+ " ("
+ (id-external-name arg)
+ "))"))))
+(define (id-external-expression arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (eq? (id-type-name type) 'QID)
+ (id-internal-name arg)
+ (list "("
+ (string-upcase (id-internal-root type))
+ "_ID ("
+ (id-internal-name arg)
+ "))"))))
+(define (id-qid-expression arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (eq? (id-type-name type) 'QID)
+ (id-internal-name arg)
+ (list "("
+ (string-upcase (id-internal-root type))
+ "_QID ("
+ (id-internal-name arg)
+ "))"))))
+(define-id 'QID 'QID)
+(define-id 'WINDOW 'WID)
+(define-id 'PS 'PSID)
+(define-id 'BITMAP 'BID)
+;;;; PM Procedures
+(define pm-procedures
+ (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define-structure pmp
+ (root-name #f read-only #t)
+ (internal-name #f read-only #t)
+ (value #f read-only #t)
+ (arguments #f read-only #t))
+(define-integrable pmp-arg-type car)
+(define-integrable pmp-arg-name cadr)
+(define-integrable (pmp-value? pmp) (pair? (pmp-value pmp)))
+(define-integrable (pmp-sync? pmp) (eq? (pmp-value pmp) 'SYNC))
+(define (pmp-arg-size-name arg)
+ (and (not (null? (cddr arg)))
+ (caddr arg)))
+(define (pmp-request-struct-name pmp)
+ (list "sm_" (pmp-root-name pmp) "_request_t"))
+(define (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp)
+ (list "sm_" (pmp-root-name pmp) "_reply_t"))
+(define (pmp-request-message-name pmp)
+ (list "mt_" (pmp-root-name pmp) "_request"))
+(define (pmp-reply-message-name pmp)
+ (list "mt_" (pmp-root-name pmp) "_reply"))
+(define (pmp-external-name pmp)
+ (list "OS2_" (pmp-root-name pmp)))
+(define (pmp-request-handler-name pmp)
+ (list "handle_" (pmp-root-name pmp) "_request"))
+(define (for-each-pmp procedure)
+ (for-each procedure
+ (sort (hash-table/datum-list pm-procedures)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (string<? (pmp-root-name x) (pmp-root-name y))))))
+;;;; Printing
+(define (print tree port)
+ (if (list? tree)
+ (for-each (lambda (element) (print element port)) tree)
+ (display tree port)))
+(define (indent n . tree)
+ (let ((indent (make-string n #\space)))
+ (let at-line-start ((objects (flatten-for-indentation tree)))
+ (if (null? objects)
+ '()
+ (cons indent
+ (let in-line ((objects objects))
+ (cons (car objects)
+ (cond ((eqv? (car objects) #\newline)
+ (at-line-start (cdr objects)))
+ ((null? (cdr objects))
+ '())
+ (else
+ (in-line (cdr objects)))))))))))
+(define (indent-following n . tree)
+ (let ((indent (make-string n #\space)))
+ (let in-line ((objects (flatten-for-indentation tree)))
+ (cons (car objects)
+ (cond ((eqv? (car objects) #\newline)
+ (let at-line-start ((objects (cdr objects)))
+ (if (null? objects)
+ '()
+ (cons indent (in-line objects)))))
+ ((null? (cdr objects))
+ '())
+ (else
+ (in-line (cdr objects))))))))
+(define (flatten-for-indentation tree)
+ (cond ((list? tree)
+ (append-map flatten-for-indentation tree))
+ ((string? tree)
+ (reveal-embedded-newlines tree))
+ (else
+ (list tree))))
+(define (reveal-embedded-newlines string)
+ (let ((indices (find-embedded-newlines string)))
+ (if (null? indices)
+ (list string)
+ (let loop ((start 0) (indices indices))
+ (if (null? indices)
+ (list (string-tail string start))
+ (cons* (substring string start (car indices))
+ #\newline
+ (loop (fix:+ (car indices) 1) (cdr indices))))))))
+(define (find-embedded-newlines string)
+ (let ((end (string-length string)))
+ (let loop ((start 0))
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char string start end #\newline)))
+ (if index
+ (cons index (loop (fix:+ index 1)))
+ '())))))
+(define (first-char-in-tree tree)
+ (cond ((list? tree)
+ (and (pair? tree)
+ (or (first-char-in-tree (car tree))
+ (first-char-in-tree (cdr tree)))))
+ ((string? tree)
+ (and (not (string-null? tree))
+ (string-ref tree 0)))
+ ((char? tree) tree)
+ (else #f)))
+;;;; C Syntax Combinators
+(define (brace-group . body)
+ (list "{" #\newline
+ (apply indent 2 body)
+ "}" #\newline))
+(define (statement . elements)
+ (list elements ";" #\newline))
+(define (assignment target source)
+ (statement target " = " source))
+(define (indented-assignment target source)
+ (statement target #\newline " = " (indent-following 4 source)))
+(define (function name static? value arguments . body)
+ (list (if static? "static " "") value #\newline
+ name " " arguments #\newline
+ (apply brace-group body)))
+(define (funcall function . arguments)
+ (list "(" function " " (funcall-arguments arguments) ")"))
+(define (indented-funcall function . arguments)
+ (list "(" function #\newline (indent 2 (funcall-arguments arguments) ")")))
+(define (call function . arguments)
+ (statement function " " (funcall-arguments arguments)))
+(define (indented-call function . arguments)
+ (statement function #\newline (indent 2 (funcall-arguments arguments))))
+(define (funcall-arguments arguments)
+ (cond ((null? arguments)
+ (list "()"))
+ ((null? (cdr arguments))
+ (list (guarantee-parentheses (car arguments))))
+ (else
+ (let loop ((arguments arguments) (prefix "("))
+ (cons* prefix
+ (car arguments)
+ (if (null? (cdr arguments))
+ (list ")")
+ (loop (cdr arguments) ", ")))))))
+(define (guarantee-parentheses expression)
+ (if (eqv? #\( (first-char-in-tree expression))
+ expression
+ (list "(" expression ")")))
+(define (cast type expression)
+ (list "((" type ") " expression ")"))
+;;;; Per-Procedure Output
+(define (generate-message-types pmp)
+ (cons* " " (pmp-request-message-name pmp) "," #\newline
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (list " " (pmp-reply-message-name pmp) "," #\newline)
+ '())))
+(define (generate-handler-prototype pmp)
+ (statement "static void "
+ (pmp-request-handler-name pmp)
+ #\newline " ("
+ (pmp-request-struct-name pmp)
+ " *)"))
+(define (generate-prototype pmp external?)
+ (statement (if external? "extern" "static")
+ " "
+ (val-type pmp external?)
+ " "
+ (if external? (pmp-external-name pmp) (pmp-internal-name pmp))
+ #\newline " "
+ (arg-declarators (pmp-arguments pmp) external? #f)))
+(define (generate-message-initializers pmp)
+ (indent 2
+ (let ((generate-init
+ (lambda (mn sn)
+ (statement "SET_MSG_TYPE_LENGTH (" mn "," #\newline
+ " " sn ")"))))
+ (list (generate-init (pmp-request-message-name pmp)
+ (pmp-request-struct-name pmp))
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (generate-init (pmp-reply-message-name pmp)
+ (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp))
+ '())))))
+(define (generate-dispatch-case pmp)
+ (indent 8
+ "case " (pmp-request-message-name pmp) ":" #\newline
+ (indent 2
+ (indented-call
+ (pmp-request-handler-name pmp)
+ (cast (list (pmp-request-struct-name pmp) " *")
+ "message"))
+ (statement "break"))))
+(define (generate-struct-definitions pmp)
+ (list (generate-struct-definition
+ (pmp-request-struct-name pmp)
+ (map (lambda (arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (array-type? type)
+ (list (arg-type-1 (subtype type))
+ " "
+ (arg-name arg #f)
+ " ["
+ (or (array-dimension type) "1")
+ "]")
+ (arg-declarator arg #f))))
+ (let ((args (pmp-arguments pmp)))
+ (let ((array
+ (list-search-positive args
+ variable-length-array?)))
+ (if array
+ (append (delq array args) (list array))
+ args)))))
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (list #\newline
+ (generate-struct-definition
+ (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp)
+ (list (arg-declarator (pmp-value pmp) #f))))
+ '())))
+(define (generate-struct-definition name elements)
+ (statement "typedef struct" #\newline
+ "{" #\newline
+ (indent 2
+ (map statement
+ (cons "DECLARE_MSG_HEADER_FIELDS" elements)))
+ "}" " " name))
+(define (generate-request-procedure pmp)
+ (let ((args (pmp-arguments pmp)))
+ (function (pmp-external-name pmp)
+ #f
+ (val-type pmp #t)
+ (arg-declarators args #t #t)
+ (map (lambda (arg)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (and (id-type? type)
+ (not (eq? (id-type-name type) 'QID)))
+ (assignment (arg-declarator arg #f)
+ (id-internal-expression arg))
+ '())))
+ args)
+ (indented-assignment
+ (list (pmp-request-struct-name pmp) " * request")
+ (message-creator pmp
+ (pmp-request-struct-name pmp)
+ (pmp-request-message-name pmp)
+ (request-extra pmp)))
+ (map (lambda (arg) (request-initializer pmp arg)) args)
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (let ((val (pmp-value pmp)))
+ (brace-group
+ (indented-assignment
+ (list (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp) " * reply")
+ (indented-funcall
+ (id-qid-expression (car (pmp-arguments pmp)))
+ "request"
+ (pmp-reply-message-name pmp)))
+ (assignment (arg-declarator val #f)
+ (reply-accessor val))
+ (call "DESTROY_MESSAGE" "reply")
+ (call "return"
+ (if (id-type? (pmp-arg-type val))
+ (id-external-expression val)
+ (arg-name val #f)))))
+ (call (if (pmp-sync? pmp)
+ (id-qid-expression (car (pmp-arguments pmp)))
+ "request")))))
+(define (request-extra pmp)
+ (let ((array-arg
+ (list-search-positive (pmp-arguments pmp)
+ variable-length-array?)))
+ (and array-arg
+ (let ((size (pmp-arg-size-name array-arg)))
+ (if size
+ (list "(" size " - 1)")
+ (funcall "strlen" (arg-name array-arg #f)))))))
+(define (request-initializer pmp arg)
+ (if (array-type? (pmp-arg-type arg))
+ (let ((source (arg-name arg #t))
+ (target (request-accessor arg))
+ (size (pmp-arg-size-name arg)))
+ (if size
+ (call "MEMCPY"
+ target
+ source
+ (list "((sizeof ("
+ (arg-type-1 (subtype (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ ")) * "
+ size
+ ")"))
+ (call "STRCPY" target source)))
+ (assignment (request-accessor arg) (arg-name arg #f))))
+(define (generate-request-handler pmp)
+ (function (pmp-request-handler-name pmp)
+ #t
+ "void"
+ (list "(" (list (pmp-request-struct-name pmp) " * request") ")")
+ (assignment "qid_t sender" (funcall "MSG_SENDER" "request"))
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (list (indented-assignment
+ (list (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp) " * reply")
+ (message-creator pmp
+ (pmp-reply-struct-name pmp)
+ (pmp-reply-message-name pmp)
+ #f))
+ (indented-assignment
+ (reply-accessor (pmp-value pmp))
+ (apply indented-funcall
+ (pmp-internal-name pmp)
+ (map (lambda (arg)
+ (request-accessor arg))
+ (pmp-arguments pmp))))
+ (call "DESTROY_MESSAGE" "request")
+ (call "SEND_MESSAGE" "sender" "reply"))
+ (list (apply indented-call
+ (pmp-internal-name pmp)
+ (map (lambda (arg) (request-accessor arg))
+ (pmp-arguments pmp)))
+ (call "DESTROY_MESSAGE" "request")
+ (call (if (pmp-sync? pmp) "sync_reply" "simple_reply")
+ "sender")))))
+(define (message-creator pmp struct-type message-type extra)
+ (if extra
+ (funcall "CREATE_MESSAGE_1" message-type extra)
+ (funcall "CREATE_MESSAGE" message-type)))
+(define (request-accessor arg)
+ (message-accessor "request" arg))
+(define (reply-accessor arg)
+ (message-accessor "reply" arg))
+(define (message-accessor message-name arg)
+ (list "(" message-name " -> " (arg-name arg #f) ")"))
+(define (val-type pmp external?)
+ (if (pmp-value? pmp)
+ (arg-type (pmp-value pmp) external?)
+ "void"))
+(define (arg-declarator arg external?)
+ (list (arg-type arg external?)
+ " "
+ (arg-name arg external?)))
+(define (arg-declarators args external? names?)
+ (if (null? args)
+ "(void)"
+ (let ((do-arg
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (if names?
+ (arg-declarator arg external?)
+ (arg-type arg external?)))))
+ (cons* "("
+ (do-arg (car args))
+ (let loop ((args (cdr args)))
+ (if (null? args)
+ (list ")")
+ (cons* ", "
+ (do-arg (car args))
+ (loop (cdr args)))))))))
+(define (arg-type arg external?)
+ (let ((type (pmp-arg-type arg)))
+ (if (id-type? type)
+ (if external?
+ (id-external-type type)
+ (id-internal-type type))
+ (arg-type-1 type))))
+(define (arg-type-1 type)
+ (if (pair? type)
+ (case (car type)
+ (list (arg-type-1 (subtype type)) " *"))
+ (else
+ (list (car type) " " (arg-type-1 (subtype type)))))
+ type))
+(define (arg-name arg external?)
+ (let ((name (pmp-arg-name arg)))
+ (if (id-type? (pmp-arg-type arg))
+ (if external?
+ (id-external-name arg)
+ (id-internal-name arg))
+ (pmp-arg-name arg))))
+;;;; Top-Level Output
+(define (generate-file filename per-pmp)
+ (call-with-output-file filename
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((time (get-decoded-time)))
+ (format port
+ file-header-format-string
+ (decoded-time/date-string time)
+ (decoded-time/time-string time)
+ (current-user-name)
+ (decoded-time/year time)))
+ (for-each-pmp (lambda (pmp) (print (per-pmp pmp) port))))))
+(define file-header-format-string
+ "/* -*-C-*-
+**** Do not edit this file. It was generated by a program,
+**** on ~A at ~A by ~a.
+Copyright (c) ~A Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
+Computer Science. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute
+it, and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following
+restrictions and understandings.
+1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+in full.
+2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
+they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
+to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
+standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
+provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
+there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
+Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
+promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
+MIT in each case. */
+(define (write-message-types-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-mt.h" generate-message-types))
+(define (write-external-declarations-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-ed.h"
+ (lambda (pmp)
+ (list #\newline
+ (generate-prototype pmp #t)))))
+(define (write-internal-declarations-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-id.h"
+ (lambda (pmp)
+ (list #\newline
+ (generate-struct-definitions pmp)
+ #\newline
+ (generate-handler-prototype pmp)
+ #\newline
+ (generate-prototype pmp #f)))))
+(define (write-message-initializers-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-mi.h" generate-message-initializers))
+(define (write-dispatch-cases-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-dc.h" generate-dispatch-case))
+(define (write-request-procedures-file)
+ (generate-file "os2pm-rp.h"
+ (lambda (pmp)
+ (list #\newline
+ (generate-request-procedure pmp)
+ #\newline
+ (generate-request-handler pmp)))))
+(define (write-all-files)
+ (write-message-types-file)
+ (write-external-declarations-file)
+ (write-internal-declarations-file)
+ (write-message-initializers-file)
+ (write-dispatch-cases-file)
+ (write-request-procedures-file))
+;;;; Interface Definitions
+(define-pm-procedure pm_synchronize
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments qid))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_open open_window)
+ (value ("wid_t" wid))
+ (arguments qid
+ (qid_t event_qid)
+ (ulong flags)
+ ("HMODULE" module)
+ (ulong id)
+ (ulong style)
+ ((array (const char)) title)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_close close_window)
+ (arguments window))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_show show_window)
+ (arguments window (boolean showp)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_move_cursor move_cursor)
+ (arguments window (short x) (short y)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_shape_cursor shape_cursor)
+ (arguments window (ushort width) (ushort height) (ushort style)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_show_cursor enable_cursor)
+ (arguments window (boolean showp)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_scroll
+ (arguments window
+ (short xl)
+ (short xh)
+ (short yl)
+ (short yh)
+ (short x_delta)
+ (short y_delta)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_invalidate
+ (arguments window (short xl) (short xh) (short yl) (short yh)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_set_grid
+ (arguments window (ushort x) (ushort y)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_activate
+ (arguments window))
+;;; window_pos
+(define-pm-procedure (window_set_pos set_window_pos)
+ (arguments window (short x) (short y)))
+;;; window_size
+;;; window_frame_size
+(define-pm-procedure (window_set_size set_window_size)
+ (arguments window (ushort x) (ushort y)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_focusp
+ (value (boolean focusp))
+ (arguments window))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_set_state set_window_state)
+ (arguments window (window_state_t state)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_set_title set_window_title)
+ (arguments window ((array (const char)) title)))
+(define-pm-procedure (window_update_frame update_frame_window)
+ (arguments window (ushort flags)))
+(define-pm-procedure create_memory_ps
+ (value ps)
+ (arguments qid))
+(define-pm-procedure destroy_memory_ps
+ (arguments ps))
+(define-pm-procedure create_bitmap
+ (value bitmap)
+ (arguments ps (ushort width) (ushort height)))
+(define-pm-procedure destroy_bitmap
+ (arguments bitmap))
+;;; ps_set_bitmap
+(define-pm-procedure ps_bitblt
+ (arguments ((id ps) target)
+ ((id ps) source)
+ (long npoints)
+ ((array "POINTL" 4) points npoints)
+ (long rop)
+ (ulong options)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_draw_text
+ (arguments ps
+ (short x)
+ (short y)
+ ((array (const char)) data size)
+ (ushort size)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_text_width
+ (value (ushort width))
+ (arguments ps
+ ((array (const char)) data size)
+ (ushort size)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_get_font_metrics
+ (value ((pointer font_metrics_t) metrics))
+ (arguments ps))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_clear
+ (arguments ps (short xl) (short xh) (short yl) (short yh)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_font_internal
+ (value ((pointer font_metrics_t) metrics))
+ (arguments ps
+ (ushort id)
+ ((array (const char)) name)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_colors
+ (arguments ps ("COLOR" foreground) ("COLOR" background)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_move_gcursor
+ (arguments ps (short x) (short y)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_draw_line
+ (arguments ps (short x) (short y)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_draw_point
+ (arguments ps (short x) (short y)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_poly_line
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments ps
+ (ulong npoints)
+ ((pointer "POINTL") points)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_poly_line_disjoint
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments ps
+ (ulong npoints)
+ ((pointer "POINTL") points)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_line_type
+ (arguments ps (long type)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_mix
+ (arguments ps (long mix)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_query_caps
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments ps (long start) (long count) ((pointer long) values)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_clip_rectangle
+ (arguments ps (short xl) (short xh) (short yl) (short yh)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_reset_clip_rectangle
+ (arguments ps))
+(define-pm-procedure get_bitmap_parameters
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments bitmap ((pointer "BITMAPINFOHEADER") params)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_get_bitmap_bits
+ (value (ulong length))
+ (arguments ps
+ (ulong start)
+ (ulong length)
+ ((pointer "BYTE") data)
+ ((pointer "BITMAPINFO2") info)))
+(define-pm-procedure ps_set_bitmap_bits
+ (value (ulong length))
+ (arguments ps
+ (ulong start)
+ (ulong length)
+ ((pointer "BYTE") data)
+ ((pointer "BITMAPINFO2") info)))
+(define-pm-procedure clipboard_write_text
+ (value sync)
+ (arguments qid ((pointer (const char)) text)))
+(define-pm-procedure clipboard_read_text
+ (value ((pointer (const char)) text))
+ (arguments qid))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_create
+ (value ("HWND" menu))
+ (arguments qid ("HWND" owner) (ushort style) (ushort id)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_destroy
+ (arguments qid ("HWND" menu)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_insert_item
+ (value (ushort position))
+ (arguments qid
+ ("HWND" menu)
+ (ushort position)
+ (ushort style)
+ (ushort attributes)
+ (ushort id)
+ ("HWND" submenu)
+ ((pointer char) text)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_remove_item
+ (value (ushort length))
+ (arguments qid
+ ("HWND" menu)
+ (ushort id)
+ (ushort submenup)
+ (ushort deletep)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_get_item
+ (value ((pointer "MENUITEM") item))
+ (arguments qid
+ ("HWND" menu)
+ (ushort id)
+ (ushort submenup)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_n_items
+ (value (ushort length))
+ (arguments qid ("HWND" menu)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_nth_item_id
+ (value (ushort id))
+ (arguments qid ("HWND" menu) (ushort position)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_get_item_attributes
+ (value (ushort attributes))
+ (arguments qid
+ ("HWND" menu)
+ (ushort id)
+ (ushort submenup)
+ (ushort mask)))
+(define-pm-procedure menu_set_item_attributes
+ (arguments qid
+ ("HWND" menu)
+ (ushort id)
+ (ushort submenup)
+ (ushort mask)
+ (ushort attributes)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_handle_from_id
+ (value ("HWND" child))
+ (arguments qid ("HWND" parent) (ulong id)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_load_menu
+ (value ("HWND" menu))
+ (arguments window ("HMODULE" module) (ulong id)))
+(define-pm-procedure window_font_dialog
+ (value ((pointer (const char)) spec))
+ (arguments window ((pointer (const char)) title)))
\ No newline at end of file