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+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: effects.scm,v 1.1 1995/09/05 19:08:51 adams Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1995-1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
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+;;;; Effect:
+;;; package: (compiler midend)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;;; Effects
+;; An `Effect' is a set of abstract mutable locations or structures.
+;; The imperative behaviour of a procedure may be described as two
+;; Effects: the set of locations which it might change and the set of
+;; locations on which the behaviour depends (i.e. observes). The
+;; relative order of evaluation of two expressions is important only
+;; if the observed effects of one of the expressions is not disjoint
+;; with the performed effects of the other.
+;; We represent Effect sets by bit vectors implemented as small fixnums
+(define effect:none 0)
+(define (effect:none? effect)
+ (fix:zero? effect))
+(define (effect:union e1 e2) (fix:or e1 e2))
+(define (effect:intersection e1 e2) (fix:and e1 e2))
+(define (effect:except e1 e2) (fix:andc e1 e2))
+(define (effect:subset? e1 e2)
+ (fix:= (fix:or e1 e2) e2))
+(define (effect:disjoint? e1 e2)
+ (effect:none? (effect:intersection e1 e2)))
+(define (effect:same? e1 e2) (fix:= e1 e2))
+(define (effect:union* . e*) (reduce effect:union effect:none e*))
+;; The specific effects we care about:
+(define effect:set-car! 1)
+(define effect:set-cdr! 2)
+(define effect:vector-set! 4)
+(define effect:string-set! 8)
+(define effect:%record-set! 16)
+(define effect:flo:vector-set! 32)
+(define effect:variable-cache 64) ; i.e. global variables
+(define effect:allocation 128)
+(define effect:other 256) ; anything else, including I/O
+(define effect:unknown (- (* 2 effect:other) 1))
+;; Aliases
+(define effect:bit-string-set! effect:other)
+(define (effect:form->lookup form)
+ ;; Returns a function from forms to the effects they embody. Does not
+ ;; look into a LAMBDA unless it is called directly.
+ (let ((table (make-monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table)))
+ (define (lookup-effect form)
+ (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/get table form effect:none))
+ (define (walk form)
+ (define (remember effect)
+ (if (not (effect:none? effect))
+ (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/put! table form effect))
+ effect)
+ (if (not (pair? form))
+ (illegal form))
+ (case (car form)
+ ((QUOTE) effect:none)
+ ((LOOKUP) effect:none)
+ ((DECLARE) effect:none)
+ ((LAMBDA) effect:none)
+ ((LET) (remember (walk-let form)))
+ ((CALL) (remember (walk-call form)))
+ ((BEGIN) (remember (walk-begin form)))
+ ((IF) (remember (walk-if form)))
+ ((LETREC) (remember (walk-letrec form)))
+ (else
+ (illegal form))))
+ (define (walk* forms)
+ (reduce effect:union effect:none (map walk forms)))
+ (define (walk-call form)
+ (let ((operator (call/operator form))
+ (pre-call-effects (walk* (cdr form))))
+ (cond ((LAMBDA/? operator)
+ (effect:union pre-call-effects (walk (lambda/body operator))))
+ ((QUOTE/? operator)
+ (let ((operator (quote/text operator)))
+ ;; This needs the operator effects to be classifed.
+ (if (operator-satisfies? operator '(SIDE-EFFECT-FREE))
+ pre-call-effects
+ effect:unknown)))
+ (else effect:unknown))))
+ (define (walk-if form)
+ (walk* (cdr form)))
+ (define (walk-begin form)
+ (walk* (cdr form)))
+ (define (walk-let form)
+ (effect:union (walk* (map second (let/bindings form)))
+ (walk (let/body form))))
+ (define (walk-letrec form)
+ (walk (let/body form)))
+ lookup-effect))
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