#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: string.scm,v 14.19 1999/04/07 21:46:04 cph Exp $
+$Id: string.scm,v 14.20 1999/05/07 21:26:13 cph Exp $
Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(define (string-append . strings)
(%string-append strings))
(define (burst-string string delimiter allow-runs?)
+ (guarantee-string string 'BURST-STRING)
+ (if (not (char? delimiter))
+ (error:wrong-type-argument delimiter "character" 'BURST-STRING))
(let ((end (string-length string)))
(let loop ((start 0) (index 0) (result '()))
(cond ((fix:= index end)
(cons (substring string start index) result))))
(loop start (fix:+ index 1) result))))))
+(define (reverse-string string)
+ (guarantee-string string 'REVERSE-STRING)
+ (%reverse-substring string 0 (string-length string)))
+(define (reverse-substring string start end)
+ (guarantee-substring string start end 'REVERSE-SUBSTRING)
+ (%reverse-substring string start end))
+(define (%reverse-substring string start end)
+ (let ((result (make-string (fix:- end start)))
+ (k (fix:- end 1)))
+ (do ((i start (fix:+ i 1)))
+ ((fix:= i end))
+ (string-set! result (fix:- k i) (string-ref string i)))
+ result))
+(define (reverse-string! string)
+ (guarantee-string string 'REVERSE-STRING!)
+ (%reverse-substring! string 0 (string-length string)))
+(define (reverse-substring! string start end)
+ (guarantee-substring string start end 'REVERSE-SUBSTRING!)
+ (%reverse-substring! string start end))
+(define (%reverse-substring! string start end)
+ (let ((k (fix:+ start (fix:quotient (fix:- end start) 2))))
+ (do ((i start (fix:+ i 1))
+ (j (fix:- end 1) (fix:- j 1)))
+ ((fix:= i k))
+ (let ((char (string-ref string j)))
+ (string-set! string j (string-ref string i))
+ (string-set! string i char)))))
;;;; Case
;;;; String Search
-;;; This is the obvious dumb implementation. Boyer-Moore is planned
-;;; for the future.
-(define (substring? substring string)
- ;; Returns starting-position or #f if not true.
- (guarantee-string substring 'SUBSTRING?)
- (guarantee-string string 'SUBSTRING?)
- (if (%string-null? substring)
+(define (substring? pattern text)
+ (and (string-search-forward text pattern) #t))
+(define (string-search-forward text pattern)
+ (guarantee-string text 'STRING-SEARCH-FORWARD)
+ (guarantee-string pattern 'STRING-SEARCH-FORWARD)
+ (%substring-search-forward text 0 (string-length text)
+ pattern 0 (string-length pattern)))
+(define (substring-search-forward text tstart tend pattern)
+ (guarantee-substring text tstart tend 'SUBSTRING-SEARCH-FORWARD)
+ (guarantee-string pattern 'SUBSTRING-SEARCH-FORWARD)
+ (%substring-search-forward text tstart tend
+ pattern 0 (string-length pattern)))
+(define (%substring-search-forward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ ;; Returns index of first matched char, or #F.
+ (if (fix:< (fix:- pend pstart) 4)
+ (%dumb-substring-search-forward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (%bm-string-search-forward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)))
+(define (%dumb-substring-search-forward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (if (fix:= pstart pend)
- (let ((len (string-length substring))
- (end (string-length string))
- (char (string-ref substring 0)))
- (let loop ((posn -1))
- (let ((posn*
- (substring-find-next-char string (fix:+ posn 1) end char)))
- (and posn*
- (let ((end* (fix:+ posn* len)))
- (and (fix:<= end* end)
- (if (substring=? substring 0 len
- string posn* end*)
- posn*
- (loop posn*))))))))))
+ (let* ((leader (string-ref pattern pstart))
+ (plen (fix:- pend pstart))
+ (tend (fix:- tend plen)))
+ (let loop ((tstart tstart))
+ (let ((tstart
+ (let find-leader ((tstart tstart))
+ (and (fix:< tstart tend)
+ (if (char=? leader (string-ref text tstart))
+ tstart
+ (find-leader (fix:+ tstart 1)))))))
+ (and tstart
+ (if (substring=? text (fix:+ tstart 1) (fix:+ tstart plen)
+ pattern (fix:+ pstart 1) pend)
+ tstart
+ (loop (fix:+ tstart 1)))))))))
+(define (string-search-backward text pattern)
+ (guarantee-string text 'STRING-SEARCH-BACKWARD)
+ (guarantee-string pattern 'STRING-SEARCH-BACKWARD)
+ (%substring-search-backward text 0 (string-length text)
+ pattern 0 (string-length pattern)))
+(define (substring-search-backward text tstart tend pattern)
+ (guarantee-substring text tstart tend 'SUBSTRING-SEARCH-BACKWARD)
+ (guarantee-string pattern 'SUBSTRING-SEARCH-BACKWARD)
+ (%substring-search-backward text tstart tend
+ pattern 0 (string-length pattern)))
+(define (%substring-search-backward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ ;; Returns index following last matched char, or #F.
+ (if (fix:< (fix:- pend pstart) 4)
+ (%dumb-substring-search-backward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (%bm-string-search-backward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)))
+(define (%dumb-substring-search-backward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (if (fix:= pstart pend)
+ 0
+ (let* ((trailer (string-ref pattern (fix:- pend 1)))
+ (plen (fix:- pend pstart))
+ (tstart (fix:+ tstart plen)))
+ (let loop ((tend tend))
+ (let ((tend
+ (let find-trailer ((tend tend))
+ (and (fix:< tstart tend)
+ (if (char=? trailer (string-ref text (fix:- tend 1)))
+ tend
+ (find-trailer (fix:- tend 1)))))))
+ (and tend
+ (if (substring=? text (fix:- tend plen) (fix:- tend 1)
+ pattern pstart (fix:- pend 1))
+ tend
+ (loop (fix:- tend 1)))))))))
+;;;; Boyer-Moore String Search
+;;; Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, "Introduction to Algorithms",
+;;; Chapter 34, "String Matching".
+(define (%bm-string-search-forward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (let ((m (fix:- pend pstart))
+ (pstart-1 (fix:- pstart 1))
+ (pend-1 (fix:- pend 1))
+ (lambda* (compute-last-occurrence-function pattern pstart pend))
+ (gamma (compute-good-suffix-function pattern pstart pend)))
+ (let ((tend-m (fix:- tend m))
+ (m-1 (fix:- m 1)))
+ (let outer ((s tstart))
+ (and (fix:<= s tend-m)
+ (let inner ((pj pend-1) (tj (fix:+ s m-1)))
+ (if (fix:= (vector-8b-ref pattern pj) (vector-8b-ref text tj))
+ (if (fix:= pstart pj)
+ s
+ (inner (fix:- pj 1) (fix:- tj 1)))
+ (outer
+ (fix:+ s
+ (fix:max (fix:- (fix:- pj pstart-1)
+ (lambda* (vector-8b-ref text tj)))
+ (gamma (fix:- pj pstart))))))))))))
+(define (%bm-string-search-backward text tstart tend pattern pstart pend)
+ (let ((m (fix:- pend pstart))
+ (pend-1 (fix:- pend 1))
+ (rpattern (reverse-substring pattern pstart pend)))
+ (let ((tstart+m (fix:+ tstart m))
+ (lambda* (compute-last-occurrence-function rpattern 0 m))
+ (gamma (compute-good-suffix-function rpattern 0 m)))
+ (let outer ((s tend))
+ (and (fix:>= s tstart+m)
+ (let inner ((pj pstart) (tj (fix:- s m)))
+ (if (fix:= (vector-8b-ref pattern pj) (vector-8b-ref text tj))
+ (if (fix:= pend-1 pj)
+ s
+ (inner (fix:+ pj 1) (fix:+ tj 1)))
+ (outer
+ (fix:- s
+ (fix:max (fix:- (fix:- pend pj)
+ (lambda* (vector-8b-ref text tj)))
+ (gamma (fix:- pend-1 pj))))))))))))
+(define (compute-last-occurrence-function pattern pstart pend)
+ (let ((lam (make-vector 256 0)))
+ (do ((j pstart (fix:+ j 1)))
+ ((fix:= j pend))
+ (vector-set! lam
+ (vector-8b-ref pattern j)
+ (fix:+ (fix:- j pstart) 1)))
+ (lambda (symbol)
+ (vector-ref lam symbol))))
+(define (compute-good-suffix-function pattern pstart pend)
+ (let ((m (fix:- pend pstart)))
+ (let ((pi
+ (compute-prefix-function (reverse-substring pattern pstart pend)
+ 0 m))
+ (gamma (make-vector m (compute-gamma0 pattern pstart pend)))
+ (m-1 (fix:- m 1)))
+ (do ((l 0 (fix:+ l 1)))
+ ((fix:= l m))
+ (let ((j (fix:- m-1 (vector-ref pi l)))
+ (k (fix:- (fix:+ 1 l) (vector-ref pi l))))
+ (if (fix:< k (vector-ref gamma j))
+ (vector-set! gamma j k))))
+ (lambda (index)
+ (vector-ref gamma index)))))
+(define (compute-gamma0 pattern pstart pend)
+ (let ((m (fix:- pend pstart)))
+ (fix:- m
+ (vector-ref (compute-prefix-function pattern pstart pend)
+ (fix:- m 1)))))
+(define (compute-prefix-function pattern pstart pend)
+ (let* ((m (fix:- pend pstart))
+ (pi (make-vector m)))
+ (vector-set! pi 0 0)
+ (let outer ((k 0) (q 1))
+ (if (fix:< q m)
+ (let ((k
+ (let ((pq (vector-8b-ref pattern (fix:+ pstart q))))
+ (let inner ((k k))
+ (cond ((fix:= pq (vector-8b-ref pattern (fix:+ pstart k)))
+ (fix:+ k 1))
+ ((fix:= k 0)
+ k)
+ (else
+ (inner (vector-ref pi (fix:- k 1)))))))))
+ (vector-set! pi q k)
+ (outer k (fix:+ q 1)))))
+ pi))
;;;; Guarantors