--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: lisppaste.scm,v 1.1 2006/11/04 20:25:17 riastradh Exp $
+This code is written by Taylor R. Campbell and placed in the Public
+;;;; Lisppaste XML-RPC Interface
+;;; For details, see
+;;; <http://paste.lisp.org/>
+;;; <http://common-lisp.net/project/lisppaste/>
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(load-option 'XML)
+;;;; Paste Creation and Annotation
+(define (lisppaste-insert-paste paste-number #!optional annotation-number)
+ (let ((entry (lisppaste:paste-details paste-number annotation-number)))
+ (if (command-argument)
+ (show-lisppaste entry (mark->output-port (current-point)))
+ (insert-string (lisppaste-entry/content entry)))))
+(define-command lisppaste-insert-paste
+ "Insert the numbered paste at the point.
+With a prefix argument, also show a header describing the paste."
+ "nPaste number"
+ lisppaste-insert-paste)
+(define-command lisppaste-insert-annotation
+ "Insert the annotation of the numbered paste at the point.
+With a prefix argument, also show a header describing the annotation."
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((paste-number (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-number #f))
+ (annotation-number (prompt-for-lisppaste-annotation-number)))
+ (list paste-number annotation-number)))
+ lisppaste-insert-paste)
+(define (lisppaste-create channel nickname title content)
+ (message (lisppaste:new-paste channel nickname title content)))
+(define-command lisppaste-buffer
+ "Create a new paste of the current buffer."
+ (lambda ()
+ (read-lisppaste-creation-arguments))
+ (lambda (channel nickname title)
+ (lisppaste-create channel nickname title
+ (buffer-string (current-buffer)))))
+(define-command lisppaste-region
+ "Create a new paste of the current region."
+ (lambda ()
+ (cons (current-region) (read-lisppaste-creation-arguments)))
+ (lambda (region channel nickname title)
+ (lisppaste-create channel nickname title (region->string region))))
+(define (read-lisppaste-creation-arguments)
+ (let ((argument (command-argument)))
+ (let* ((channel (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-channel argument))
+ (nickname (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-nickname argument))
+ (title (prompt-for-lisppaste-title)))
+ (list channel nickname title))))
+(define (lisppaste-annotate number nickname title content)
+ (message (lisppaste:new-paste
+ (lisppaste-entry/channel (lisppaste:paste-header number))
+ nickname
+ title
+ content
+ number)))
+(define-command lisppaste-annotate-with-buffer
+ "Annotate an existing paste with the current buffer."
+ (lambda ()
+ (read-lisppaste-annotation-arguments))
+ (lambda (number nickname title)
+ (lisppaste-annotate number nickname title
+ (buffer-string (current-buffer)))))
+(define-command lisppaste-annotate-with-region
+ "Annotate an existing paste with the region."
+ (lambda ()
+ (cons (current-region) (read-lisppaste-annotation-arguments)))
+ (lambda (region number nickname title)
+ (lisppaste-annotate number nickname title
+ (region->string region))))
+(define (read-lisppaste-annotation-arguments)
+ (let ((argument (command-argument)))
+ (let* ((number (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-number argument))
+ (nickname (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-nickname argument))
+ (title (prompt-for-lisppaste-annotation-title)))
+ (list number nickname title))))
+;;;; Paste Listing
+(define-command lisppaste-channels
+ "List all the channels supported by lisppaste in a temporary buffer."
+ ()
+ (lambda ()
+ (call-with-output-to-temporary-buffer " *lisppaste channels*"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write-strings-densely (lisppaste:list-channels) port)))))
+(define (lisppaste-list-pastes entries)
+ (call-with-output-to-temporary-buffer " *lisppastes*"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (for-each (lambda (entry)
+ (show-lisppaste entry port))
+ entries))))
+(define-command lisppaste-list-pastes
+ "List the headers of the last number of pastes.
+With a prefix argument, list pastes starting at a certain number."
+ (lambda ()
+ (read-lisppaste-listing-arguments))
+ (lambda (count #!optional start-number)
+ (lisppaste-list-pastes
+ (lisppaste:paste-headers count start-number))))
+(define-command lisppaste-list-channel-pastes
+ "List the headers of the last few pastes in a certain channel.
+With a prefix argument, list pastes starting at a certain number."
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((channel (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-channel #t)))
+ (cons channel (read-lisppaste-listing-arguments))))
+ (lambda (channel start-number #!optional count)
+ (lisppaste-list-pastes
+ (lisppaste:paste-headers-by-channel channel start-number count))))
+(define (read-lisppaste-listing-arguments)
+ (let ((count (prompt-for-number "Number of pastes to list" #f)))
+ (cond ((command-argument)
+ => (lambda (argument)
+ (list count
+ (if (command-argument-multiplier-only? argument)
+ (prompt-for-number "Starting paste" #f)
+ (command-argument-numeric-value argument)))))
+ (else (list count)))))
+(define (show-lisppaste entry #!optional port)
+ (let ((port (if (default-object? port)
+ (current-output-port)
+ (begin
+ (guarantee-output-port port 'SHOW-LISPPASTE)
+ port))))
+ (receive (number time author channel title annotations content)
+ (lisppaste-entry/components entry)
+ (write-string "Paste " port)
+ (write number port)
+ (write-string " in " port)
+ (write-string channel port)
+ (write-string " by " port)
+ (write-string author port)
+ (write-string " at " port)
+ (write-string (decoded-time->iso8601-string time) port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string " " port)
+ (write-string title port)
+ (if (positive? annotations)
+ (begin
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string " (" port)
+ (write annotations port)
+ (write-string " annotations)" port)))
+ (newline port)
+ (newline port)
+ (if content (write-string content port)))))
+;;;; Argument Reading
+(define lisppaste-last-channel #f)
+(define (lisppaste-default-channel)
+ (or lisppaste-last-channel
+ (ref-variable lisppaste-default-channel)))
+(define (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-channel argument)
+ ((lambda (channel)
+ (set! lisppaste-last-channel channel)
+ channel)
+ (or (and (not argument)
+ (lisppaste-default-channel))
+ (prompt-for-lazy-string-table-name
+ "Channel"
+ (lisppaste-default-channel)
+ (delay
+ (alist->string-table
+ (map (lambda (channel-name)
+ (cons channel-name #f))
+ (lisppaste:list-channels))))
+(define lisppaste-last-nickname #f)
+(define (lisppaste-default-nickname)
+ (or lisppaste-last-nickname
+ (ref-variable lisppaste-default-nickname)))
+(define (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-nickname argument)
+ ((lambda (nickname)
+ (set! lisppaste-last-nickname nickname)
+ nickname)
+ (or (and (not argument)
+ (lisppaste-default-nickname))
+ (prompt-for-string "Nickname"
+ (lisppaste-default-nickname)))))
+(define (prompt-for-lisppaste-title)
+ (prompt-for-string "Title"
+ ;; No default string
+ #f))
+(define (prompt-for-lisppaste-annotation-title)
+ (prompt-for-lisppaste-title))
+(define lisppaste-last-number #f)
+(define (lisppaste-default-number)
+ lisppaste-last-number)
+(define (maybe-prompt-for-lisppaste-number argument)
+ ((lambda (number)
+ (set! lisppaste-last-number number)
+ number)
+ (or (and argument
+ (not (command-argument-multiplier-only? argument))
+ (command-argument-numeric-value argument))
+ (prompt-for-number "Paste number"
+ (lisppaste-default-number)))))
+(define lisppaste-last-annotation-number #f)
+(define (lisppaste-default-annotation-number)
+ lisppaste-last-annotation-number)
+(define (prompt-for-lisppaste-annotation-number)
+ ((lambda (number)
+ (set! lisppaste-last-annotation-number number)
+ number)
+ (prompt-for-number "Annotation number"
+ (lisppaste-default-annotation-number))))
+;;;; Lisppaste RPC
+;;; This could be used outside of Edwin if it made no reference to the
+;;; Edwin variable LISPPASTE-RPC-URI.
+(define (lisppaste-rpc method-name required-arguments optional-argument)
+ (let ((result
+ (xml-rpc (ref-variable lisppaste-rpc-uri)
+ (lisppaste-request method-name
+ required-arguments
+ optional-argument))))
+ (if (and (string? result)
+ (string-prefix? "Error" result))
+ (error result)
+ result)))
+(define (lisppaste-request method-name required-arguments optional-argument)
+ (make-xml-document (make-xml-declaration "1.0" "UTF-8" #f)
+ '() ;misc-1
+ #f ;DTD
+ '() ;misc-2
+ (apply xml-rpc:request method-name
+ (if (and (not (default-object? optional-argument))
+ optional-argument)
+ (append required-arguments
+ (list optional-argument))
+ required-arguments))
+ '())) ;misc-3
+(define (lisppaste:new-paste channel nickname title content
+ #!optional number-of-paste-to-annotate)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "newpaste" (list channel nickname title content)
+ number-of-paste-to-annotate))
+(define (lisppaste:paste-header number)
+ (car (lisppaste:paste-headers 1 number)))
+(define (lisppaste:paste-headers count #!optional start-number)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "pasteheaders" (list count)
+ start-number))
+(define (lisppaste:paste-headers-by-channel channel count
+ #!optional start-number)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "pasteheadersbychannel" (list channel count)
+ start-number))
+(define (lisppaste:paste-annotation-headers paste-number)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "pasteannotationheaders" (list paste-number)
+ #f))
+(define (lisppaste:paste-details paste-number #!optional annotation-number)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "pastedetails" (list paste-number)
+ annotation-number))
+(define (lisppaste:list-channels)
+ (lisppaste-rpc "listchannels" '() #f))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/number entry) (list-ref entry 0))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/time entry) (list-ref entry 1))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/nickname entry) (list-ref entry 2))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/channel entry) (list-ref entry 3))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/title entry) (list-ref entry 4))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/annotations entry) (list-ref entry 5))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/content entry)
+ (if (> (length entry) 6)
+ (list-ref entry 6)
+ #f))
+(define (lisppaste-entry/components entry)
+ (values (lisppaste-entry/number entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/time entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/nickname entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/channel entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/title entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/annotations entry)
+ (lisppaste-entry/content entry)))
+;;;; Random Utility
+(define (prompt-for-lazy-string-table-name prompt
+ default-string
+ string-table-promise
+ . options)
+ (apply prompt-for-completed-string
+ prompt
+ default-string
+ (lambda (string if-unique if-not-unique if-not-found)
+ (string-table-complete (force string-table-promise)
+ string
+ if-unique
+ if-not-unique
+ if-not-found))
+ (lambda (string)
+ (string-table-completions (force string-table-promise) string))
+ (lambda (string)
+ (let ((default (list 'DEFAULT)))
+ (not (eq? (string-table-get (force string-table-promise)
+ string
+ (lambda (index) index default))
+ default))))
+ options))
#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: loadef.scm,v 1.49 2006/06/16 19:02:27 riastradh Exp $
+$Id: loadef.scm,v 1.50 2006/11/04 20:25:17 riastradh Exp $
Copyright 1986,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;;; ****************
+(define-library 'LISPPASTE
+ '("lisppaste" (EDWIN LISPPASTE)))
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-channels 'LISPPASTE
+ "List all the channels supported by lisppaste in a temporary buffer.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-insert-paste 'LISPPASTE
+ "Insert the numbered paste at the point.
+With a prefix argument, also show a header describing the paste.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-insert-annotation 'LISPPASTE
+ "Insert the annotation of the numbered paste at the point.
+With a prefix argument, also show a header describing the annotation.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-buffer 'LISPPASTE
+ "Create a new paste of the current buffer.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-region 'LISPPASTE
+ "Create a new paste of the current region.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-annotate-with-buffer 'LISPPASTE
+ "Annotate an existing paste with the current buffer.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-annotate-with-region 'LISPPASTE
+ "Annotate an existing paste with the region.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-list-pastes 'LISPPASTE
+ "List the headers of the last number of pastes.
+With a prefix argument, list pastes starting at a certain number.")
+(define-autoload-command 'lisppaste-list-channel-pastes 'LISPPASTE
+ "List the headers of the last few pastes in a certain channel.
+With a prefix argument, list pastes starting at a certain number.")
+(define-variable lisppaste-rpc-uri
+ "URI of the lisppaste XML-RPC service."
+ "http://common-lisp.net:8185/RPC2"
+ ->uri)
+(define-variable lisppaste-default-channel
+ "Default channel for lisppaste requests."
+ #f
+ string?)
+(define-variable lisppaste-default-nickname
+ "Default IRC nickname for lisppaste requests."
+ #f
+ string?)
+;;; ****************
(define-library 'PASSWORD-EDIT
'("pwparse" (EDWIN PASSWORD-EDIT)))