--- /dev/null
+;;; -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; $Id: dosfile.scm,v 1.1 1995/10/25 02:18:54 cph Exp $
+;;; Copyright (c) 1994-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
+;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
+;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
+;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;;; understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
+;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
+;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
+;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
+;;; this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with
+;;; the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
+;;; research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
+;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
+;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
+;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
+;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
+;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;; NOTE: Parts of this program (Edwin) were created by translation
+;;; from corresponding parts of GNU Emacs. Users should be aware that
+;;; the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE may apply to these parts. A copy
+;;; of that license should have been included along with this file.
+;;;; DOS-Syntax File Customizations
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-variable version-control
+ "Control use of version numbers for backup files.
+#T means make numeric backup versions unconditionally.
+#F means make them for files that have some already.
+'NEVER means do not make them."
+ #f
+ (lambda (object) (or (eq? object 'NEVER) (boolean? object))))
+(define-variable kept-old-versions
+ "Number of oldest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made."
+ 2
+ exact-nonnegative-integer?)
+(define-variable kept-new-versions
+ "Number of newest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.
+Includes the new backup. Must be > 0."
+ 2
+ (lambda (n) (and (exact-integer? n) (> n 0))))
+(define-variable completion-ignored-extensions
+ "Completion ignores filenames ending in any string in this list."
+ (append (list ".bin" ".com" ".ext"
+ ".inf" ".bif" ".bsm" ".bci" ".bcs"
+ ".psb" ".moc" ".fni"
+ ".bco" ".bld" ".bad" ".glo" ".fre"
+ ".obj" ".exe" ".pif" ".grp"
+ ".dvi" ".toc" ".log" ".aux")
+ (list-copy dos/backup-suffixes))
+ (lambda (extensions)
+ (and (list? extensions)
+ (for-all? extensions
+ (lambda (extension)
+ (and (string? extension)
+ (not (string-null? extension))))))))
+;;;; Filename I/O
+(define (os/trim-pathname-string string prefix)
+ (let ((index (string-match-forward prefix string)))
+ (if (and index
+ (re-match-substring-forward
+ (re-compile-pattern "[\\/$~]\\|[a-zA-Z]:" #t)
+ #t #f string index (string-length string)))
+ (string-tail string index)
+ string)))
+(define (os/pathname->display-string pathname)
+ (or (let ((relative (enough-pathname pathname (user-homedir-pathname))))
+ (and (not (pathname-device relative))
+ (not (pathname-absolute? relative))
+ (string-append "~\\" (->namestring relative))))
+ (->namestring pathname)))
+(define (os/truncate-filename-for-modeline filename width)
+ (let ((length (string-length filename)))
+ (if (< 0 width length)
+ (let ((result
+ (substring
+ filename
+ (let ((index (- length width)))
+ (if (char=? #\\ (string-ref filename index))
+ index
+ (or (substring-find-next-char filename index length #\\)
+ (fix:+ index 1))))
+ length)))
+ (string-set! result 0 #\$)
+ result)
+ filename)))
+;;;; Backup and Auto-Save Filenames
+(define (os/buffer-backup-pathname truename)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? truename)
+ (let ((type (pathname-type truename)))
+ (if (member type dos/encoding-pathname-types)
+ (values (pathname-new-type truename #f)
+ (string-append "~." type))
+ (values truename "~")))
+ (values truename "")))
+ (lambda (truename suffix)
+ (if (eq? 'NEVER (ref-variable version-control))
+ (values (dos/make-backup-pathname truename #f suffix) '())
+ (let ((prefix
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? truename)
+ (string-append (file-namestring truename) ".~")
+ (string-append (pathname-name truename) "."))))
+ (let ((backups
+ (let loop
+ ((filenames
+ (os/directory-list-completions
+ (directory-namestring truename)
+ prefix))
+ (backups '()))
+ (if (null? filenames)
+ (sort backups (lambda (x y) (< (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+ (loop (cdr filenames)
+ (let ((root.version
+ (os/numeric-backup-filename?
+ (car filenames))))
+ (if root.version
+ (cons (cons (car filenames)
+ (cdr root.version))
+ backups)
+ backups)))))))
+ (if (null? backups)
+ (values (dos/make-backup-pathname
+ truename
+ (and (ref-variable version-control) 1)
+ suffix)
+ '())
+ (values (dos/make-backup-pathname
+ truename
+ (+ (apply max (map cdr backups)) 1)
+ suffix)
+ (let ((start (ref-variable kept-old-versions))
+ (end
+ (- (length backups)
+ (- (ref-variable kept-new-versions) 1))))
+ (if (< start end)
+ (map car (sublist backups start end))
+ '()))))))))))
+(define (dos/make-backup-pathname pathname version suffix)
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? pathname)
+ (string-append (->namestring pathname)
+ (if version
+ (string-append ".~" (number->string version) suffix)
+ suffix))
+ (pathname-new-type pathname
+ (if (and version (< version 1000))
+ (let ((type (pathname-type pathname))
+ (vs (number->string version)))
+ (if (and (< version 100)
+ (string? type)
+ (not (string-null? type)))
+ (string-append (substring type 0 1)
+ (string-pad-left vs 2 #\0))
+ (string-pad-left vs 3 #\0)))
+ "bak"))))
+(define (os/default-backup-filename)
+ "$TMP\\edwin.bak")
+(define (os/backup-filename? filename)
+ (or (there-exists? dos/backup-suffixes
+ (lambda (suffix)
+ (string-suffix? suffix filename)))
+ (let ((type (pathname-type filename)))
+ (and (string? type)
+ (or (string-ci=? "bak" type)
+ (re-match-string-forward (re-compile-pattern ".[0-9][0-9]" #f)
+ #f
+ #f
+ type))))))
+(define (os/numeric-backup-filename? filename)
+ (and (let ((try
+ (lambda (pattern)
+ (re-search-string-forward (re-compile-pattern pattern #f)
+ #f
+ #f
+ filename))))
+ (or (try "^\\([^.]+\\)\\.\\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)$")
+ (try "^\\([^.]+\\.[^.]\\)\\([0-9][0-9]\\)$")
+ (there-exists? dos/backup-suffixes
+ (lambda (suffix)
+ (try (string-append "^\\(.+\\)\\.~\\([0-9]+\\)"
+ (re-quote-string suffix)
+ "$"))))))
+ (let ((root-start (re-match-start-index 1))
+ (root-end (re-match-end-index 1))
+ (version-start (re-match-start-index 2))
+ (version-end (re-match-end-index 2)))
+ (let ((version
+ (substring->number filename version-start version-end)))
+ (and (> version 0)
+ (cons (substring filename root-start root-end)
+ version))))))
+(define dos/backup-suffixes
+ (cons "~"
+ (map (lambda (type) (string-append "~." type))
+ dos/encoding-pathname-types)))
+(define (os/auto-save-filename? filename)
+ (or (re-match-string-forward (re-compile-pattern "^#.+#$" #f)
+ #f
+ #f
+ (file-namestring filename))
+ (let ((type (pathname-type filename)))
+ (and (string? type)
+ (string-ci=? "sav" type)))))
+(define (os/precious-backup-pathname pathname)
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? pathname)
+ (let ((directory (directory-pathname pathname)))
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (let ((pathname
+ (merge-pathnames (string-append "#tmp#" (number->string i))
+ directory)))
+ (if (allocate-temporary-file pathname)
+ (begin
+ (deallocate-temporary-file pathname)
+ pathname)
+ (loop (+ i 1))))))
+ (os/auto-save-pathname pathname #f)))
+(define (os/auto-save-pathname pathname buffer)
+ (let ((pathname
+ (or pathname
+ (let ((directory (buffer-default-directory buffer)))
+ (merge-pathnames
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? directory)
+ (string-append "%" (dos/buffer-long-name buffer))
+ "%buffer%")
+ directory)))))
+ (if (os/fs-long-filenames? pathname)
+ (merge-pathnames (string-append "#" (file-namestring pathname) "#")
+ (directory-pathname pathname))
+ (pathname-new-type pathname "sav"))))
+(define (dos/buffer-long-name buffer)
+ (if (string-ci=? "hpfs" (car (os/fs-drive-type directory)))
+ (dos/buffer-hpfs-name buffer)
+ (buffer-name buffer)))
+(define (dos/buffer-hpfs-name buffer)
+ (let ((name (buffer-name buffer)))
+ (let ((length (string-length name)))
+ (let ((copy (make-string length)))
+ (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1)))
+ ((fix:= i length))
+ (string-set!
+ copy i
+ (let ((char (string-ref name i)))
+ (if (char-set-member? char-set:valid-hpfs-chars
+ char)
+ char
+ #\_))))
+ copy))))
+(define char-set:valid-hpfs-chars
+ (char-set-invert
+ (char-set-union (char-set #\\ #\/ #\: #\* #\? #\" #\< #\> #\|)
+ (char-set-union (ascii-range->char-set 0 #x21)
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x7F #x100)))))
+;;;; Miscellaneous
+(define (os/backup-buffer? truename)
+ (let ((attrs (file-attributes truename)))
+ (and attrs
+ (eq? #f (file-attributes/type attrs)))))
+(define (os/backup-by-copying? truename buffer)
+ truename buffer
+ #f)
+(define (os/pathname-type-for-mode pathname)
+ (let ((type (pathname-type pathname)))
+ (if (member type dos/encoding-pathname-types)
+ (pathname-type (->namestring (pathname-new-type pathname #f)))
+ type)))
+(define (os/completion-ignore-filename? filename)
+ (or (os/backup-filename? filename)
+ (os/auto-save-filename? filename)
+ (and (not (file-directory? filename))
+ (there-exists? (ref-variable completion-ignored-extensions)
+ (lambda (extension)
+ (string-suffix? extension filename))))))
+(define (os/file-type-to-major-mode)
+ (alist-copy
+ `(("asm" . midas)
+ ("bat" . text)
+ ("bib" . text)
+ ("c" . c)
+ ("h" . c)
+ ("m4" . midas)
+ ("pas" . pascal)
+ ("s" . scheme)
+ ("scm" . scheme)
+ ("txi" . texinfo)
+ ("txt" . text))))
+(define (os/init-file-name)
+ (let ((name "edwin.ini"))
+ (let ((user-init-file (merge-pathnames name (user-homedir-pathname))))
+ (if (file-exists? user-init-file)
+ user-init-file
+ (merge-pathnames name (system-library-directory-pathname #f))))))
+(define (os/find-file-initialization-filename pathname)
+ (or (and (equal? "scm" (pathname-type pathname))
+ (let ((pathname (pathname-new-type pathname "ffi")))
+ (and (file-exists? pathname)
+ pathname)))
+ (let ((pathname
+ (merge-pathnames "edwin.ffi" (directory-pathname pathname))))
+ (and (file-exists? pathname)
+ pathname))))
+(define (os/newsrc-file-name server)
+ (let ((homedir (user-homedir-pathname)))
+ (if (dos/fs-long-filenames? homedir)
+ (let ((specific
+ (merge-pathnames (string-append ".newsrc-" server) homedir)))
+ (if (file-exists? specific)
+ specific
+ (merge-pathnames ".newsrc" homedir)))
+ (merge-pathnames "newsrc.ini" homedir))))
+;;;; Subprocess/Shell Support
+(define (os/parse-path-string string)
+ (let ((end (string-length string))
+ (substring
+ (lambda (string start end)
+ (pathname-as-directory (substring string start end)))))
+ (let loop ((start 0))
+ (if (< start end)
+ (let ((index (substring-find-next-char string start end #\;)))
+ (if index
+ (if (= index start)
+ (loop (+ index 1))
+ (cons (substring string start index)
+ (loop (+ index 1))))
+ (list (substring string start end))))
+ '()))))
+(define (os/find-program program default-directory)
+ (or (dos/find-program program (ref-variable exec-path) default-directory)
+ (error "Can't find program:" (->namestring program))))
+(define (dos/find-program program exec-path default-directory)
+ (let ((try
+ (lambda (pathname)
+ (let ((type (pathname-type pathname)))
+ (if type
+ (and (member type dos/executable-pathname-types)
+ (file-exists? pathname)
+ (->namestring pathname))
+ (let loop ((types dos/executable-pathname-types))
+ (and (not (null? types))
+ (let ((p
+ (pathname-new-type pathname (car types))))
+ (if (file-exists? p)
+ (->namestring p)
+ (loop (cdr types)))))))))))
+ (cond ((pathname-absolute? program)
+ (try program))
+ ((not default-directory)
+ (let loop ((path exec-path))
+ (and (not (null? path))
+ (or (and (pathname-absolute? (car path))
+ (try (merge-pathnames program (car path))))
+ (loop (cdr path))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((default-directory (merge-pathnames default-directory)))
+ (let loop ((path exec-path))
+ (and (not (null? path))
+ (or (try (merge-pathnames
+ program
+ (merge-pathnames (car path)
+ default-directory)))
+ (loop (cdr path))))))))))
+(define (os/shell-file-name)
+ (or (get-environment-variable "SHELL")
+ dos/default-shell-file-name))
+(define (os/shell-name pathname)
+ (if (member (pathname-type pathname) dos/executable-pathname-types)
+ (pathname-name pathname)
+ (file-namestring pathname)))
+(define (os/default-shell-prompt-pattern)
+ "^\\[[^]]*] *")
+(define (os/default-shell-args)
+ '())
+(define (os/comint-filename-region start point end)
+ (let ((chars "]\\\\A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'()+,.:;=@[^_`{}~---"))
+ (let ((start (skip-chars-backward chars point start)))
+ (make-region start (skip-chars-forward chars start end)))))
\ No newline at end of file