--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: rdf-nt.scm,v 1.1 2006/02/18 04:31:47 cph Exp $
+Copyright 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; Codec for RDF N-triples syntax
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;;; Decoder
+(define (read-rdf/nt port)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((line (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ line
+ (let ((v
+ (or (parse-one-line (string->parser-buffer line))
+ (error "Failed to parse RDF/NT line:" line))))
+ (if (fix:= (vector-length v) 0)
+ (loop)
+ (vector-ref v 0)))))))
+(define parse-one-line
+ (*parser
+ (complete
+ (seq (noise match-ws*)
+ (? (alt parse-triple parse-comment))))))
+(define parse-triple
+ (*parser
+ (encapsulate (lambda (v)
+ (make-rdf-triple (vector-ref v 0)
+ (vector-ref v 1)
+ (vector-ref v 2)))
+ (seq (alt parse-uri-ref parse-node-id)
+ (noise match-ws+)
+ parse-uri-ref
+ (noise match-ws+)
+ (alt parse-uri-ref parse-node-id parse-literal)
+ (noise match-ws*)
+ "."
+ (noise match-ws*)))))
+(define parse-comment
+ (*parser (noise (seq "#" (* (char-set char-set:character))))))
+(define parse-uri-ref
+ (*parser (seq #\< parse-absolute-uri #\>)))
+(define parse-node-id
+ (*parser
+ (encapsulate (lambda (v) (make-rdf-bnode (vector-ref v 0)))
+ (seq "_:"
+ (match match-bnode-name)))))
+(define match-bnode-name
+ (*matcher
+ (seq (char-set char-set:name-head)
+ (* (char-set char-set:name-tail)))))
+(define parse-literal
+ (*parser
+ (encapsulate (lambda (v)
+ (make-rdf-literal (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 1)))
+ (seq #\"
+ parse-string
+ #\"
+ (alt (seq #\@ (match match-language))
+ (seq "^^" parse-uri-ref)
+ (values #f))))))
+(define (parse-string b)
+ (let ((port (open-output-string)))
+ (define (loop)
+ (let ((p (get-parser-buffer-pointer b)))
+ (if (match-parser-buffer-char-in-set b char-set:unescaped)
+ (begin
+ (let loop ()
+ (if (match-parser-buffer-char-in-set b char-set:unescaped)
+ (loop)))
+ (call-with-parser-buffer-tail b p
+ (lambda (string start end)
+ (write-substring string start end port))))))
+ (let ((char
+ (let ((p (get-parser-buffer-pointer b)))
+ (and (match-parser-buffer-char b #\\)
+ (cond ((match-parser-buffer-char b #\t) #\tab)
+ ((match-parser-buffer-char b #\n) #\newline)
+ ((match-parser-buffer-char b #\r) #\return)
+ ((match-parser-buffer-char b #\") #\")
+ ((match-parser-buffer-char b #\\) #\\)
+ ((or (and (match-parser-buffer-char b #\u)
+ (match-hex 4))
+ (and (match-parser-buffer-char b #\U)
+ (match-hex 8)))
+ (integer->char
+ (call-with-parser-buffer-tail b p
+ (lambda (string start end)
+ (substring->number string (+ start 2) end
+ 16 #t)))))
+ (else #f))))))
+ (if char
+ (begin
+ (write-char char port)
+ (loop))
+ (vector (get-output-string port)))))
+ (define (match-hex n)
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (fix:< i n)
+ (and (match-parser-buffer-char-in-set b char-set:hex)
+ (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+ #t)))
+ (port/set-coding port 'UTF-8)
+ (loop)))
+(define match-language
+ (*matcher
+ (seq (+ (char-set char-set:language-head))
+ (* (seq #\- (+ (char-set char-set:language-tail)))))))
+(define match-ws*
+ (*matcher (* (char-set char-set:ws))))
+(define match-ws+
+ (*matcher (+ (char-set char-set:ws))))
+(define char-set:ws
+ (char-set #\space #\tab))
+(define char-set:character
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x20 #x7F))
+(define char-set:hex
+ (char-set-union (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A)
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x41 #x47)))
+(define char-set:unescaped
+ (char-set-difference char-set:character (char-set #\" #\\)))
+(define char-set:name-head
+ (char-set-union (ascii-range->char-set #x41 #x5B)
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x61 #x7B)))
+(define char-set:name-tail
+ (char-set-union char-set:name-head
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A)))
+(define char-set:language-head
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x61 #x7B))
+(define char-set:language-tail
+ (char-set-union char-set:language-head
+ (ascii-range->char-set #x30 #x3A)))
+;;;; Encoder
+(define (write-rdf/nt triple port)
+ (let ((s (rdf-triple-subject triple)))
+ (cond ((uri? s) (write-uri-ref s port))
+ ((rdf-bnode? s) (write-bnode s port))))
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write-uri-ref (rdf-triple-predicate triple) port)
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (let ((o (rdf-triple-object triple)))
+ (cond ((uri? o) (write-uri-ref o port))
+ ((rdf-bnode? o) (write-bnode o port))
+ ((rdf-literal? o) (write-literal o port))))
+ (write-char #\space port)
+ (write-char #\. port)
+ (newline port))
+(define (write-uri-ref uri port)
+ (write-char #\< port)
+ (write-uri uri port)
+ (write-char #\> port))
+(define (write-bnode bnode port)
+ (write-string "_:" port)
+ (write-string (rdf-bnode-name bnode) port))
+(define (write-literal literal port)
+ (write-char #\" port)
+ (write-literal-text (rdf-literal-text literal) port)
+ (write-char #\" port)
+ (cond ((rdf-literal-type literal)
+ => (lambda (uri)
+ (write-string "^^" port)
+ (write-uri-ref uri port)))
+ ((rdf-literal-language literal)
+ => (lambda (lang)
+ (write-char #\@ port)
+ (write-string lang port)))))
+(define (write-literal-text text port)
+ (let ((text (open-input-string text)))
+ (port/set-coding text 'UTF-8)
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((char (read-char text)))
+ (if (not (eof-object? char))
+ (begin
+ (write-literal-char char port)
+ (loop)))))))
+(define (write-literal-char char port)
+ (if (char-set-member? char-set:unescaped char)
+ (write-char char port)
+ (begin
+ (write-char #\\ port)
+ (if (or (char=? char #\")
+ (char=? char #\\))
+ (write-char char port)
+ (let ((n (char->integer char)))
+ (cond ((fix:= n #x9) (write-char #\t port))
+ ((fix:= n #xA) (write-char #\n port))
+ ((fix:= n #xD) (write-char #\r port))
+ ((fix:< n #x10000) (write-hex n 4 port))
+ (else (write-hex n 8 port))))))))
+(define (write-hex n digits port)
+ (let loop ((n n) (m (expt 16 digits)))
+ (if (> m 1)
+ (begin
+ (write-char (string-ref "0123456789ABCDEF" (quotient n m)) port)
+ (loop (remainder n m) (quotient m 16))))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: rdf-struct.scm,v 1.1 2006/02/18 04:31:51 cph Exp $
+Copyright 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; RDF data structures
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-record-type <rdf-triple>
+ (%make-rdf-triple subject predicate object)
+ rdf-triple?
+ (subject rdf-triple-subject)
+ (predicate rdf-triple-predicate)
+ (object rdf-triple-object))
+(define-guarantee rdf-triple "RDF triple")
+(define (make-rdf-triple subject predicate object)
+ (%make-rdf-triple (if (rdf-bnode? subject)
+ subject
+ (->absolute-uri subject 'MAKE-RDF-TRIPLE))
+ (->absolute-uri predicate 'MAKE-RDF-TRIPLE)
+ (if (or (rdf-bnode? object)
+ (rdf-literal? object))
+ object
+ (->absolute-uri object 'MAKE-RDF-TRIPLE))))
+(define-record-type <rdf-bnode>
+ (%make-rdf-bnode name)
+ rdf-bnode?
+ (name rdf-bnode-name))
+(define-guarantee rdf-bnode "RDF bnode")
+(define (make-rdf-bnode name)
+ (if (not (and (string? name)
+ (complete-match match-bnode-name name)))
+ (error:wrong-type-argument name "RDF bnode name" 'RDF-BNODE))
+ (%make-rdf-bnode name))
+(define-record-type <rdf-literal>
+ (%make-rdf-literal text type)
+ rdf-literal?
+ (text rdf-literal-text)
+ (type %rdf-literal-type))
+(define-guarantee rdf-literal "RDF literal")
+(define (make-rdf-literal text type)
+ (guarantee-utf8-string text 'RDF-LITERAL)
+ (%make-rdf-literal text
+ (if (or (not type)
+ (and (string? type)
+ (complete-match match-language type)))
+ type
+ (->absolute-uri type 'RDF-LITERAL))))
+(define (rdf-literal-type literal)
+ (let ((type (%rdf-literal-type literal)))
+ (and (absolute-uri? type)
+ type)))
+(define (rdf-literal-language literal)
+ (let ((type (%rdf-literal-type literal)))
+ (and (not (absolute-uri? type))
+ type)))
+(define (complete-match matcher string #!optional start end)
+ (let ((buffer (string->parser-buffer string start end)))
+ (and (matcher buffer)
+ (not (peek-parser-buffer-char buffer)))))
\ No newline at end of file