@IF_CROSS@COMPILER_SETTINGS_CROSS = (set! compiler:cross-compiling? true)
@IF_LIARC@COMPILER_SETTINGS_LIARC = (set! compiler:invoke-c-compiler? false)
-# User can override this to use another toolchain.
-TOOLCHAIN = ./tools
-HOST_SCHEME = '$(MIT_SCHEME_EXE)' --batch-mode
-TOOL_SYNTAXER = $(HOST_SCHEME) --band $(TOOLCHAIN)/syntaxer.com
-TOOL_TOOLCHAIN = $(HOST_SCHEME) --band $(TOOLCHAIN)/compiler.com \
- --eval '(begin $(TOOL_COMPILER_SETTINGS))'
-.PHONY: toolchain
-toolchain: $(TOOLCHAIN)/compiler.com
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.tools clean && $(MAKE) -f Makefile.tools allclean
-# This target toolchain crud is a kludge until the whole system can be
-# cross-compiled.
-TARGET_RUNTIME = ./microcode/scheme \
- --library lib --band runtime.com --batch-mode
- --eval '(load-option (quote COMPILER))' \
- --eval '(begin $(TARGET_COMPILER_SETTINGS))'
- --eval '(load-option (quote CREF))' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote SF))'
- --eval '(load-option (quote COMPILER))' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote CREF))' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote SF))' \
- --eval '(begin $(TARGET_COMPILER_SETTINGS))'
-.PHONY: target-toolchain
-target-toolchain: all-compiler
-target-toolchain: all-cref
-target-toolchain: all-sf
-target-toolchain: cross-target
-target-toolchain: lib/runtime.com
+ --eval '(begin $(HOST_COMPILER_SETTINGS))' --load runtime/host-adapter.scm
.PHONY: microcode/scheme
@IF_LIARC@microcode/scheme: all-runtime
| ../microcode/scheme --batch-mode --library ../lib \
--fasl "$${FASL}"))
-lib/compiler.com: all-compiler
-lib/compiler.com: all-sf
-lib/compiler.com: lib/runtime.com
-lib/compiler.com: microcode/scheme
- (echo '(begin' && \
- echo ' (load-option (quote COMPILER))' && \
- echo ' (load-option (quote SF))' && \
- echo ' (disk-save "$@"))') \
- | ./microcode/scheme --batch-mode --library lib --band runtime.com
lib/all.com: all-compiler
lib/all.com: all-sf
lib/all.com: lib/runtime.com
@if ! test -d saved-objects; then exit 1; fi && \
(cd saved-objects && pax -rw -pe -v . ../../.)
-### Stuff we build with the tools compiler necessarily from scratch.
# This rule is for LIARC.
.SUFFIXES: .bld .pkd .c
-.pkd.c .bld.c: toolchain
- echo '(cbf "$<")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
+.pkd.c .bld.c:
+ echo '(cbf "$<")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-# Compiler (LIAR)
+# Runtime
-# The subdirectories can be compiled independently and in parallel, but
-# syntaxing the compiler is too hairy right now to do without the
-# compiler.sf script(s).
+.PHONY: all-runtime
+all-runtime: compile-runtime
+@IF_LIARC@all-runtime: bundle-runtime
+.PHONY: syntax-runtime
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "runtime.sf")))') \
+.PHONY: compile-runtime
+compile-runtime: syntax-runtime
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "runtime.cbf")))') \
+.PHONY: bundle-runtime
+bundle-runtime: runtime/runtime-unx.c
+bundle-runtime: runtime/runtime-w32.c
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#runtime/runtime-w32.pkd: runtime/runtime-unx.pkd
+# SF
+.PHONY: all-sf
+all-sf: compile-sf
+@IF_LIARC@all-sf: bundle-sf
+.PHONY: syntax-sf
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.sf")))') \
+.PHONY: compile-sf
+compile-sf: syntax-sf
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.cbf")))') \
+.PHONY: bundle-sf
+bundle-sf: liarc-bundle-tools
+bundle-sf: compile-sf
+bundle-sf: sf/sf-unx.c
+bundle-sf: sf/sf-w32.c
+ (cd sf && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
+#sf/sf-w32.pkd: sf/sf-unx.pkd
+# Compiler (LIAR)
.PHONY: all-compiler
all-compiler: compile-compiler
@IF_LIARC@all-compiler: bundle-compiler
-.PHONY: bundle-compiler
-bundle-compiler: liarc-bundle-tools
-bundle-compiler: compile-compiler
-bundle-compiler: compiler/compiler-unx.c
-bundle-compiler: compiler/compiler-w32.c
- (cd compiler && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-back
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-base
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-fggen
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-fgopt
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-machine
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-rtlbase
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-rtlgen
-compile-compiler: compile-compiler-rtlopt
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-back
-compile-compiler-back: toolchain
-compile-compiler-back: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/back")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-base
-compile-compiler-base: toolchain
-compile-compiler-base: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/base")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-fggen
-compile-compiler-fggen: toolchain
-compile-compiler-fggen: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/fggen")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-fgopt
-compile-compiler-fgopt: toolchain
-compile-compiler-fgopt: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/fgopt")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-machine
-compile-compiler-machine: toolchain
-compile-compiler-machine: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/machine")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-rtlbase
-compile-compiler-rtlbase: toolchain
-compile-compiler-rtlbase: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlbase")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-rtlgen
-compile-compiler-rtlgen: toolchain
-compile-compiler-rtlgen: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlgen")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-compiler-rtlopt
-compile-compiler-rtlopt: toolchain
-compile-compiler-rtlopt: syntax-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlopt")' | $(TOOL_COMPILER)
.PHONY: syntax-compiler
-syntax-compiler: toolchain
@IF_SVM@syntax-compiler: compiler/machines/svm/svm1-defns.h
-syntax-compiler: syntax-sf cref-compiler
+syntax-compiler: syntax-sf
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "compiler"' && \
echo ' (lambda () (load "compiler.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-compiler
-cref-compiler: compiler/compiler-unx.pkd
-compiler/compiler-unx.pkd: toolchain
-compiler/compiler-unx.pkd: compiler/compiler.pkg
-compiler/compiler-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-compiler/compiler-unx.pkd: cref-sf
+.PHONY: compile-compiler
+compile-compiler: syntax-compiler
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "compiler"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "compiler")))') \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compiler.cbf")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-compiler/compiler-w32.pkd: compiler/compiler-unx.pkd
+.PHONY: bundle-compiler
+bundle-compiler: liarc-bundle-tools
+bundle-compiler: compile-compiler
+bundle-compiler: compiler/compiler-unx.c
+bundle-compiler: compiler/compiler-w32.c
+ (cd compiler && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
.PHONY: all-cref
all-cref: compile-cref
@IF_LIARC@all-cref: bundle-cref
-.PHONY: bundle-cref
-bundle-cref: liarc-bundle-tools
-bundle-cref: compile-cref
-bundle-cref: cref/cref-unx.c
-bundle-cref: cref/cref-w32.c
- (cd cref && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-cref
-compile-cref: toolchain
-compile-cref: syntax-cref
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "cref.cbf")))') \
.PHONY: syntax-cref
-syntax-cref: toolchain
-syntax-cref: cref-cref
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
echo ' (lambda () (load "cref.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-cref
-cref-cref: cref/cref-unx.pkd
-cref/cref-unx.pkd: toolchain
-cref/cref-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-cref/cref-unx.pkd: cref/cref.pkg
+.PHONY: compile-cref
+compile-cref: syntax-cref
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "cref")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-cref/cref-w32.pkd: cref/cref-unx.pkd
-# Runtime
-.PHONY: all-runtime
-all-runtime: compile-runtime
-@IF_LIARC@all-runtime: bundle-runtime
-.PHONY: bundle-runtime
-bundle-runtime: runtime/runtime-unx.c
-bundle-runtime: runtime/runtime-w32.c
-.PHONY: compile-runtime
-compile-runtime: toolchain
-compile-runtime: syntax-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "runtime.cbf")))') \
-.PHONY: compile-runtime
-syntax-runtime: toolchain
-syntax-runtime: cref-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "runtime.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-runtime
-cref-runtime: runtime/runtime-unx.pkd
-runtime/runtime-unx.pkd: toolchain
-runtime/runtime-unx.pkd: runtime/runtime.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "runtime")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-runtime/runtime-w32.pkd: runtime/runtime-unx.pkd
-# SF
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "cref.cbf")))') \
-.PHONY: all-sf
-all-sf: compile-sf
-@IF_LIARC@all-sf: bundle-sf
+.PHONY: bundle-cref
+bundle-cref: liarc-bundle-tools
+bundle-cref: compile-cref
+bundle-cref: cref/cref-unx.c
+bundle-cref: cref/cref-w32.c
+ (cd cref && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: bundle-sf
-bundle-sf: liarc-bundle-tools
-bundle-sf: compile-sf
-bundle-sf: sf/sf-unx.c
-bundle-sf: sf/sf-w32.c
- (cd sf && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#cref/cref-w32.pkd: cref/cref-unx.pkd
-.PHONY: compile-sf
-compile-sf: toolchain
-compile-sf: syntax-sf
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.cbf")))') \
-.PHONY: syntax-sf
-syntax-sf: toolchain
-syntax-sf: cref-sf
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.sf")))') \
+.PHONY: all-star-parser
+all-star-parser: compile-star-parser
+@IF_LIARC@all-star-parser: bundle-star-parser
-.PHONY: cref-sf
-cref-sf: sf/sf-unx.pkd
+.PHONY: compile-star-parser
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-sf/sf-unx.pkd: toolchain
-sf/sf-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-sf/sf-unx.pkd: sf/sf.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "sf")))') \
+.PHONY: bundle-star-parser
+bundle-star-parser: liarc-bundle-tools
+bundle-star-parser: compile-star-parser
+bundle-star-parser: star-parser/parser-unx.c
+bundle-star-parser: star-parser/parser-w32.c
+ (cd star-parser && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-sf/sf-w32.pkd: sf/sf-unx.pkd
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#star-parser/parser-w32.pkd: star-parser/parser-unx.pkd
### More stuff we build with tools. We could build it with the newly
### built compiler in the native case, but we want to avoid having to
### do that to encourage cross-compilation.
.PHONY: all-ffi
all-ffi: compile-ffi
@IF_LIARC@all-ffi: bundle-ffi
+.PHONY: compile-ffi
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ffi"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compile.scm")))') \
.PHONY: bundle-ffi
bundle-ffi: liarc-bundle-tools
bundle-ffi: compile-ffi
bundle-ffi: ffi/ffi-w32.c
(cd ffi && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-ffi
-compile-ffi: toolchain
-compile-ffi: cref-ffi
-compile-ffi: syntax-cref # XXX Urgh! Should not be here!
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ffi"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile.scm")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-ffi
-cref-ffi: ffi/ffi-unx.pkd
-ffi/ffi-unx.pkd: toolchain
-ffi/ffi-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-ffi/ffi-unx.pkd: ffi/ffi.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ffi"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "ffi")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-ffi/ffi-w32.pkd: ffi/ffi-unx.pkd
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#ffi/ffi-w32.pkd: ffi/ffi-unx.pkd
.PHONY: all-sos
all-sos: compile-sos
@IF_LIARC@all-sos: bundle-sos
+.PHONY: compile-sos
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sos"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
.PHONY: bundle-sos
bundle-sos: liarc-bundle-tools
bundle-sos: compile-sos
bundle-sos: sos/sos-w32.c
(cd sos && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-sos
-compile-sos: toolchain
-compile-sos: cref-sos
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sos"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-sos
-cref-sos: sos/sos-unx.pkd
-sos/sos-unx.pkd: toolchain
-sos/sos-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-sos/sos-unx.pkd: sos/sos.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sos"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "sos")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-sos/sos-w32.pkd: sos/sos-unx.pkd
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#sos/sos-w32.pkd: sos/sos-unx.pkd
.PHONY: all-ssp
all-ssp: compile-ssp
@IF_LIARC@all-ssp: bundle-ssp
+.PHONY: compile-ssp
+compile-ssp: compile-xml
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ssp"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
.PHONY: bundle-ssp
bundle-ssp: liarc-bundle-tools
bundle-ssp: compile-ssp
bundle-ssp: ssp/ssp-w32.c
(cd ssp && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-ssp
-compile-ssp: toolchain
-compile-ssp: cref-ssp
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ssp"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-ssp
-cref-ssp: ssp/ssp-unx.pkd
-ssp/ssp-unx.pkd: toolchain
-ssp/ssp-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-ssp/ssp-unx.pkd: cref-xml
-ssp/ssp-unx.pkd: ssp/ssp.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "ssp"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "ssp")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-ssp/ssp-w32.pkd: ssp/ssp-unx.pkd
-.PHONY: all-star-parser
-all-star-parser: compile-star-parser
-@IF_LIARC@all-star-parser: bundle-star-parser
-.PHONY: bundle-star-parser
-bundle-star-parser: liarc-bundle-tools
-bundle-star-parser: compile-star-parser
-bundle-star-parser: star-parser/parser-unx.c
-bundle-star-parser: star-parser/parser-w32.c
- (cd star-parser && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-star-parser
-compile-star-parser: toolchain
-compile-star-parser: cref-star-parser
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-star-parser
-cref-star-parser: star-parser/parser-unx.pkd
-star-parser/parser-unx.pkd: toolchain
-star-parser/parser-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-star-parser/parser-unx.pkd: star-parser/parser.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "parser")))') \
-# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-star-parser/parser-w32.pkd: star-parser/parser-unx.pkd
+# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for LIARC.
+#ssp/ssp-w32.pkd: ssp/ssp-unx.pkd
# Windows FFI
.PHONY: all-win32
all-win32: compile-win32
-.PHONY: compile-win32
-compile-win32: toolchain
-compile-win32: syntax-win32
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "win32"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "win32.cbf")))') \
.PHONY: syntax-win32
-syntax-win32: toolchain
-syntax-win32: cref-win32
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "win32"' && \
echo ' (lambda () (load "win32.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-win32
-cref-win32: win32/win32-unx.pkd # XXX Er...
-win32/win32-unx.pkd: toolchain
-win32/win32-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-win32/win32-unx.pkd: win32/win32.pkg
+.PHONY: compile-win32
+compile-win32: syntax-win32
(echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "win32"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "win32")))') \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "win32.cbf")))') \
# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-win32/win32-w32.pkd: win32/win32-unx.pkd
+#win32/win32-w32.pkd: win32/win32-unx.pkd
.PHONY: all-xml
all-xml: compile-xml
@IF_LIARC@all-xml: bundle-xml
+.PHONY: compile-xml
+compile-xml: compile-star-parser
+ (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "xml"' && \
+ echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
.PHONY: bundle-xml
bundle-xml: liarc-bundle-tools
bundle-xml: compile-xml
bundle-xml: xml/xml-w32.c
(cd xml && $(MAKE) compile-liarc-bundle)
-.PHONY: compile-xml
-compile-xml: toolchain
-compile-xml: cref-xml
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "xml"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-xml
-cref-xml: xml/xml-unx.pkd
-xml/xml-unx.pkd: toolchain
-xml/xml-unx.pkd: cref-runtime
-xml/xml-unx.pkd: cref-sos
-xml/xml-unx.pkd: cref-star-parser
-xml/xml-unx.pkd: xml/xml.pkg
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "xml"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "xml")))') \
# XXX Kludgey bogus rules for liarc.
-xml/xml-w32.pkd: xml/xml-unx.pkd
+#xml/xml-w32.pkd: xml/xml-unx.pkd
### Cross-compilation finish-up.
# We split this up into two targets, cross-host and cross-target, so
# that you can type `make cross-host' to do everything on the
.PHONY: cross-end
cross-end: cross-host
- (echo '(let ((env (->environment (quote (RUNTIME)))))' && \
+ (echo '(let ((env (->environment (quote (runtime)))))' && \
echo ' (load "../compiler/base/crsend" env)' && \
- echo ' ((access FINISH-CROSS-COMPILATION:FILES env) ".."))') \
+ echo ' ((access finish-cross-compilation:files env) ".."))') \
| (cd runtime && ../microcode/scheme --batch-mode --library ../lib \
--fasl make.bin)
- (echo '(let ((env (->environment (quote (RUNTIME)))))' && \
+ (echo '(let ((env (->environment (quote (runtime)))))' && \
echo ' (load "../compiler/base/crsend" env)' && \
- echo ' ((access FINISH-CROSS-COMPILATION:INFO-FILES env) ".."))') \
+ echo ' ((access finish-cross-compilation:info-files env) ".."))') \
| (cd runtime && ../microcode/scheme --batch-mode --library ../lib \
--fasl make.com)
mostlyclean clean distclean maintainer-clean c-clean:
- $(MAKE) -f Makefile.tools clean
$(top_srcdir)/Clean.sh $@ $(SUBDIRS)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
-# 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
-# 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
-# 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-# This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
-# MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-VPATH = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = @bindir@
-sbindir = @sbindir@
-libexecdir = @libexecdir@
-datarootdir = @datarootdir@
-datadir = @datadir@
-sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
-sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
-localstatedir = @localstatedir@
-libdir = @libdir@
-infodir = @infodir@
-mandir = @mandir@
-includedir = @includedir@
-oldincludedir = /usr/include
-top_builddir = @top_builddir@
-LN_S = @LN_S@
-ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
-mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/microcode/mkinstalldirs
-# **** END BOILERPLATE ****
-HOST_RUNTIME = '$(MIT_SCHEME_EXE)' --batch-mode --band runtime.com \
- --eval '(load "runtime/host-adapter")'
-HOST_SYNTAXER = '$(MIT_SCHEME_EXE)' --batch-mode --band runtime.com \
- --eval '(load "runtime/host-adapter")' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote CREF))' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote SF))'
-HOST_TOOLCHAIN = '$(MIT_SCHEME_EXE)' --batch-mode \
- --eval '(load "runtime/host-adapter")' \
- --eval '(load-option (quote CREF))'
-SUBDIRS = compiler cref runtime sf star-parser
-.PHONY: all
-all: tools/compiler.com
-all: tools/syntaxer.com
-.PHONY: allclean
-allclean: all
- @for d in $(SUBDIRS); do (cd $$d && sh Clean.sh clean); done
-# XXX This clean target is a cop-out.
-.PHONY: clean
- @for d in $(SUBDIRS); do (cd $$d && sh Clean.sh clean); done
- -rm -rf tools/saved-objects
- -rm -f tools/compiler.com
- -rm -f tools/syntaxer.com
-.PHONY: save
- @echo 'Saving tools objects...'
- @rm -rf tools/saved-objects && \
- mkdir tools/saved-objects && \
- ( \
- find $(SUBDIRS) -type f \
- \( \
- -name '*.bci' -o \
- -name '*.bin' -o \
- \( -name '*.c' \! -path compiler/documentation/test-c.c \) -o \
- -name '*.com' -o \
- -name '*.crf' -o \
- -name '*.ext' -o \
- -name '*.fre' -o \
- -name '*.o' -o \
- -name '*.pkd' -o \
- -name '*.so' -o \
- -false \
- \) \
- -print0 \
- | pax -rw -pe -l -v -d -0 tools/saved-objects/. \
- ) || { rm -rf tools/saved-objects; exit 1; }
-.PHONY: restore
- @echo 'Restoring tools saved-objectsects...'
- @if ! test -d tools/saved-objects; then exit 1; fi && \
- (cd tools/saved-objects && pax -rw -pe -v . ../../.)
-tools/compiler.com: tools/syntaxer.com
-tools/compiler.com: cross-compiler
-tools/compiler.com: cross-cref
-tools/compiler.com: cross-sf
-tools/compiler.com: kludgerous-star-parser
-tools/compiler.com: runtime/host-adapter.scm
- (echo '(begin' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "make")))' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "make")))' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "load")))' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "compiler"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "make")))' && \
- echo ' (disk-save "$@"))') \
-tools/syntaxer.com: cross-cref
-tools/syntaxer.com: cross-sf
-tools/syntaxer.com: kludgerous-star-parser
-tools/syntaxer.com: runtime/host-adapter.scm
- (echo '(begin' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "make")))' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "make")))' && \
- echo ' (with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "load")))' && \
- echo ' (disk-save "$@"))') \
-# Compiler (LIAR)
-.PHONY: cross-compiler
-@IF_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-compiler: syntax-cross-compiler
-@IF_NOT_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-back
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-base
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-fggen
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-fgopt
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-machine
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-rtlbase
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-rtlgen
-compile-cross-compiler: compile-cross-compiler-rtlopt
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-back
-compile-cross-compiler-back: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/back")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-base
-compile-cross-compiler-base: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/base")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-fggen
-compile-cross-compiler-fggen: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/fggen")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-fgopt
-compile-cross-compiler-fgopt: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/fgopt")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-machine
-compile-cross-compiler-machine: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/machine")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-rtlbase
-compile-cross-compiler-rtlbase: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlbase")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-rtlgen
-compile-cross-compiler-rtlgen: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlgen")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-.PHONY: compile-cross-compiler-rtlopt
-compile-cross-compiler-rtlopt: syntax-cross-compiler
- echo '(compile-directory "compiler/rtlopt")' | $(HOST_COMPILER)
-# Must use HOST_SYNTAXER here because compiler.sf's (and, more
-# generally, CREF's) host/target distinction is bollocksed up, and will
-# do the wrong thing if there is already a compiler loaded into the
-# image.
-.PHONY: syntax-cross-compiler
-@IF_SVM@syntax-cross-compiler: compiler/machines/svm/assembler-db.scm
-syntax-cross-compiler: cref-cross-compiler
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "compiler"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compiler.sf")))') \
- (cd compiler/machines/svm && \
- '$(MIT_SCHEME_EXE)' --batch-mode --load compile-assembler </dev/null)
-.PHONY: cref-cross-compiler
-cref-cross-compiler: cref-cross-cref
-cref-cross-compiler: cref-cross-sf
-cref-cross-compiler: cref-kludgerous-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "compiler"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "compiler")))') \
-.PHONY: cross-cref
-@IF_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-cref: syntax-cross-cref
-@IF_NOT_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-cref: compile-cross-cref
-.PHONY: compile-cross-cref
-compile-cross-cref: syntax-cross-cref
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "cref.cbf")))') \
-.PHONY: syntax-cross-cref
-syntax-cross-cref: cref-cross-cref
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "cref.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-cross-cref
-cref-cross-cref: cref-kludgerous-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "cref"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "cref")))') \
-# SF
-.PHONY: cross-sf
-@IF_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-sf: syntax-cross-sf
-@IF_NOT_DEBUG_TOOLCHAIN@cross-sf: compile-cross-sf
-.PHONY: compile-cross-sf
-compile-cross-sf: syntax-cross-sf
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.cbf")))') \
-.PHONY: syntax-cross-sf
-syntax-cross-sf: cref-cross-sf
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "sf.sf")))') \
-.PHONY: cref-cross-sf
-cref-cross-sf: cref-kludgerous-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "sf"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "sf")))') \
-# Kludges
-# XXX This is a kludge that should be abolished. The compiler should
-# be able to load and run macros for the target even if we are cross-
-# compiling, but currently that's not doable.
-.PHONY: kludgerous-star-parser
-kludgerous-star-parser: compile-kludgerous-star-parser
-.PHONY: compile-kludgerous-star-parser
-compile-kludgerous-star-parser: cref-kludgerous-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "star-parser"' && \
- echo ' (lambda () (load "compile")))') \
-# XXX This is a mega-kludge that should be abolished. Parser.pkg has
-# (global-definitions "../../runtime"), which should refer to the
-# host's runtime packaging -- but that doesn't get installed anywhere!
-# So instead we pretend it refers to the target's runtime packaging
-# (which may be completely wrong for something we want to load into the
-# host).
-.PHONY: cref-kludgerous-runtime
- (echo '(with-working-directory-pathname "runtime"' && \
- echo ' (lambda ()' && \
- echo ' (cref/generate-trivial-constructor "runtime")))') \