Initial git check-in.
authorChris Hanson <org/chris-hanson/cph>
Mon, 18 May 2009 10:27:31 +0000 (03:27 -0700)
committerChris Hanson <org/chris-hanson/cph>
Mon, 18 May 2009 10:27:31 +0000 (03:27 -0700)
src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-compiler.scm [new file with mode: 0644]
src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-rules.scm [new file with mode: 0644]
src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-runtime.scm [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-compiler.scm b/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-compiler.scm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..19f15dc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+    1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+    2006, 2007, 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; SVM assembler: rules compiler
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define (compile-assembler-rules pathname)
+  (let ((dir (directory-pathname pathname)))
+    (receive (coding-types key-abbrevs defns)
+       (classify-records
+        (parse-inputs (read-file (pathname-default-type pathname "scm"))))
+      (for-each (lambda (procedure)
+                 (procedure coding-types))
+               defns)
+      (check-coding-types coding-types)
+      (expand-implicit-coding-types coding-types)
+      (let ((explicit
+            (keep-matching-items coding-types coding-type-explicit?)))
+       (check-coding-types explicit)
+       (check-code-allocations explicit)
+       (for-each (lambda (coding-type)
+                   (assign-defn-names coding-type key-abbrevs))
+                 explicit)
+       (write-scheme-header explicit
+                            key-abbrevs
+                            (merge-pathnames "svm1-opcodes.scm" dir))
+       (write-c-header explicit
+                       key-abbrevs
+                       (merge-pathnames "svm1-defns.h" dir))
+       (if #t                          ;debugging
+           (write-coding-types explicit (pathname-new-type pathname "exp")))
+       (write-rt-coding-types explicit
+                              (merge-pathnames "assembler-db.scm" dir))))))
+(define (classify-records records)
+  (let ((coding-types (make-queue))
+       (key-abbrevs (make-queue))
+       (defns (make-queue)))
+    (for-each (lambda (record)
+               (enqueue! (cond ((coding-type? record) coding-types)
+                               ((key-abbrev? record) key-abbrevs)
+                               ((procedure? record) defns)
+                               (else (error "Unknown record type:" record)))
+                         record))
+             records)
+    (values (queue->list coding-types)
+           (queue->list key-abbrevs)
+           (queue->list defns))))
+(define (find-coding-type name coding-types #!optional error?)
+  (or (find-matching-item coding-types
+       (lambda (type)
+         (eq? (coding-type-name type) name)))
+      (and (if (default-object? error?) #t error?)
+          (error "Unknown coding-type name:" name))))
+;;;; Datatypes
+(define-record-type <coding-type>
+    (make-coding-type name n-bits start-index)
+    coding-type?
+  (name coding-type-name)
+  (n-bits coding-type-n-bits)
+  (start-index coding-type-start-index)
+  (defns coding-type-defns set-coding-type-defns!))
+(define (coding-type-code-limit type)
+  (expt 2 (coding-type-n-bits type)))
+(define (coding-type-explicit? type)
+  (if (coding-type-n-bits type) #t #f))
+(define-record-type <defn>
+    (%make-defn coding-type pattern pvars has-code? coding)
+    defn?
+  (coding-type defn-coding-type set-defn-coding-type!)
+  (pattern defn-pattern)
+  (pvars defn-pvars)
+  (has-code? defn-has-code?)
+  (coding defn-coding)
+  (code defn-code set-defn-code!)
+  (name defn-name set-defn-name!))
+(define (make-defn type-name pattern has-code? coding)
+  (%make-defn type-name
+             pattern
+             (parse-pattern pattern)
+             has-code?
+             coding))
+(define-record-type <key-abbrev>
+    (make-key-abbrev keyword abbreviation)
+    key-abbrev?
+  (keyword key-abbrev-keyword)
+  (abbreviation key-abbrev-abbreviation))
+(define (check-coding-types coding-types)
+  ;; Check that all coding-type names are unique.
+  (do ((coding-types coding-types (cdr coding-types)))
+      ((not (pair? coding-types)))
+    (let ((name (coding-type-name (car coding-types))))
+      (if (find-coding-type name (cdr coding-types) #f)
+         (error "Duplicate coding-type name:" name))))
+  ;; Check that each definition is well-formed.
+  (for-each (lambda (coding-type)
+             (for-each (lambda (defn) (check-defn defn coding-types))
+                       (coding-type-defns coding-type)))
+           coding-types)
+  ;; Check that the coding-type references form an acyclic graph with
+  ;; a single root.
+  (check-coding-type-graph coding-types))
+(define (check-defn defn coding-types)
+  ;; Check for duplicate pattern variables.
+  (do ((pvars (defn-pvars defn) (cdr pvars)))
+      ((not (pair? pvars)))
+    (if (there-exists? (cdr pvars)
+         (lambda (pv)
+           (eq? (pvar-name pv) (pvar-name (car pvars)))))
+       (error "Duplicate pattern variable:" (car pvars))))
+  ;; Check for missing or extra variable references in coding.
+  (let ((pvars1 (defn-pvars defn))
+       (pvars2 (defn-coding defn)))
+    (if (not (and (fix:= (length pvars1) (length pvars2))
+                 (for-all? pvars1 (lambda (pv1) (memq pv1 pvars2)))
+                 (for-all? pvars2 (lambda (pv2) (memq pv2 pvars1)))))
+       (error "Pattern/coding mismatch:" pvars1 pvars2)))
+  ;; Check for incorrect use of code marker.
+  (if (and (defn-has-code? defn)
+          (not (coding-type-explicit? (defn-coding-type defn))))
+      (error "Code marker not allowed in implicit type.")))
+(define (check-coding-type-graph coding-types)
+  (let ((nodes
+        (map (lambda (coding-type)
+               (vector coding-type '() '()))
+             coding-types))
+       (queue (make-queue)))
+    ;; Compute initial references.
+    (let ((find-node
+          (lambda (coding-type)
+            (find-matching-item nodes
+              (lambda (node)
+                (eq? (vector-ref node 0) coding-type))))))
+      (for-each (lambda (coding-type from)
+                 (for-each (lambda (to)
+                             (enqueue! queue (cons from (find-node to))))
+                           (compute-references coding-type coding-types)))
+               coding-types
+               nodes))
+    ;; Transitively close the reference graph.
+    (queue-map! queue
+      (lambda (p)
+       (let loop ((from (car p)) (to (cdr p)))
+         (if (not (memq to (vector-ref from 1)))
+             (begin
+               (vector-set! from 1 (cons to (vector-ref from 1)))
+               (vector-set! to 2 (cons from (vector-ref to 2)))
+               (for-each (lambda (to)
+                           (enqueue! queue (cons from to)))
+                         (vector-ref to 1))
+               (for-each (lambda (to) (loop from to))
+                         (vector-ref to 1))
+               (for-each (lambda (from) (loop from to))
+                         (vector-ref from 2)))))))
+    ;; Check for cycles.
+    (for-each (lambda (node)
+               (if (memq node (vector-ref node 1))
+                   (error "Cycle in coding-type graph:" node)))
+             nodes)
+    ;; Check for single root.
+    (let ((roots
+          (keep-matching-items nodes
+            (lambda (node)
+              (null? (vector-ref node 2))))))
+      (if (not (pair? roots))
+         (error "No roots in coding-type graph."))
+      (if (pair? (cdr roots))
+         (error "Multiple roots in coding-type graph:" roots)))))
+(define (compute-references coding-type coding-types)
+  ;; Check that all pvar types are bound, and return references.
+  (do ((defns (coding-type-defns coding-type) (cdr defns))
+       (refs '()
+            (do ((pvars (defn-pvars (car defns)) (cdr pvars))
+                 (refs refs
+                       (let ((name (pvar-type (car pvars))))
+                         (if (lookup-pvar-type name)
+                             refs
+                             (let ((ref (find-coding-type name coding-types)))
+                               (if (memq ref refs)
+                                   refs
+                                   (cons ref refs)))))))
+                ((not (pair? pvars)) refs))))
+      ((not (pair? defns)) refs)))
+(define (check-code-allocations coding-types)
+  (for-each (lambda (coding-type)
+             (for-each (lambda (defn)
+                         (if (defn-has-code? defn)
+                             (if (not (defn-code defn))
+                                 (error "Missing code:" defn))
+                             (if (defn-code defn)
+                                 (error "Unwanted code:" defn))))
+                       (coding-type-defns coding-type)))
+           coding-types))
+;;;; Parsing
+(define (parse-inputs inputs)
+  (receive (inputs abbrevs)
+      (expand-abbrevs inputs '())
+    (map (lambda (input)
+          (let loop ((alist parser-alist))
+            (if (not (pair? alist))
+                (error "Unknown input:" input))
+            (if (and (pair? input)
+                     (eq? (car input) (caaar alist))
+                     (syntax-match? (cdaar alist) (cdr input)))
+                ((cdar alist) input abbrevs)
+                (loop (cdr alist)))))
+        inputs)))
+(define (expand-abbrevs inputs abbrevs)
+  (receive (abbrev-defs inputs) (split-list inputs abbrev-def?)
+    (let ((abbrevs
+          (map* abbrevs
+                (lambda (abbrev-def)
+                  (cons `(',(caadr abbrev-def) ,@(cdadr abbrev-def))
+                        (eval (caddr abbrev-def)
+                              (make-top-level-environment))))
+                abbrev-defs))
+         (any-expansions? #f))
+      (let ((outputs
+            (append-map (lambda (input)
+                          (let ((abbrev
+                                 (find-matching-item abbrevs
+                                   (lambda (abbrev)
+                                     (syntax-match? (car abbrev) input)))))
+                            (if abbrev
+                                (begin
+                                  (set! any-expansions? #t)
+                                  ((cdr abbrev) input))
+                                (list input))))
+                        inputs)))
+       (if any-expansions?
+           (expand-abbrevs outputs abbrevs)
+           (values outputs abbrevs))))))
+(define (split-list items predicate)
+  (let loop ((items items) (true '()) (false '()))
+    (if (pair? items)
+       (if (predicate (car items))
+           (loop (cdr items) (cons (car items) true) false)
+           (loop (cdr items) true (cons (car items) false)))
+       (values (reverse! true) (reverse! false)))))
+(define (abbrev-def? input)
+                input))
+(define (define-parser keyword pattern parser)
+  (let loop ((ps parser-alist))
+    (if (pair? ps)
+       (if (eq? (caaar ps) keyword)
+           (begin
+             (set-cdr! (caar ps) pattern)
+             (set-cdr! (car ps) parser))
+           (loop (cdr ps)))
+       (begin
+         (set! parser-alist
+               (cons (cons (cons keyword pattern) parser)
+                     parser-alist))
+         unspecific))))
+(define parser-alist
+  '())
+  (lambda (input abbrevs)
+    abbrevs
+    (make-key-abbrev (cadr input) (caddr input))))
+  (lambda (input abbrevs)
+    (let ((coding-type (make-coding-type (cadr input) #f 0)))
+      (parse-coding-type-body coding-type (cddr input) abbrevs)
+      coding-type)))
+  `(SYMBOL (,exact-positive-integer? ? ,exact-nonnegative-integer?) * DATUM)
+  (lambda (input abbrevs)
+    (let ((name (cadr input))
+         (n-bits (caaddr input))
+         (start-index (if (pair? (cdaddr input)) (car (cdaddr input)) 0))
+         (body (cdddr input)))
+      (let ((code-limit (expt 2 n-bits)))
+       (if (not (< start-index code-limit))
+           (error:bad-range-argument start-index
+                                     'DEFINE-EXPLICIT-CODING-TYPE)))
+      (let ((coding-type (make-coding-type name n-bits start-index)))
+       (parse-coding-type-body coding-type body abbrevs)
+       coding-type))))
+(define (parse-coding-type-body coding-type body abbrevs)
+  (set-coding-type-defns!
+   coding-type
+   (map (lambda (input)
+         (if (not (syntax-match? '('DEFINE-CODE-SEQUENCE DATUM * DATUM)
+                                 input))
+             (error "Illegal sequence definition:" input))
+         (parse-code-sequence coding-type (cadr input) (cddr input)))
+       (receive (body abbrevs) (expand-abbrevs body abbrevs)
+         abbrevs
+         body))))
+  (lambda (input abbrevs)
+    abbrevs
+    (lambda (coding-types)
+      (let ((coding-type (find-coding-type (cadr input) coding-types)))
+       (let ((defn
+               (parse-code-sequence coding-type (caddr input) (cdddr input))))
+         (set-coding-type-defns!
+          coding-type
+          (append! (coding-type-defns coding-type) (list defn)))
+         defn)))))
+(define (parse-code-sequence coding-type pattern coding)
+  (let ((pvars (parse-pattern pattern)))
+    (receive (has-code? coding)
+       (if (coding-type-explicit? coding-type)
+           (if (and (pair? coding)
+                    (equal? (car coding) '(NO-CODE)))
+               (values #f (cdr coding))
+               (values #t coding))
+           (values #f coding))
+      (%make-defn coding-type
+                 pattern
+                 pvars
+                 has-code?
+                 (map (lambda (item)
+                        (guarantee-symbol item #f)
+                        (or (find-matching-item pvars
+                              (lambda (pv)
+                                (eq? (pvar-name pv) item)))
+                            (error "Missing name reference:" item)))
+                      coding)))))
+;;;; Expansion
+(define (expand-implicit-coding-types coding-types)
+  (let ((to-substitute (make-queue))
+       (to-expand (make-queue))
+       (next-pass (make-queue)))
+    (let ((queue-ct
+          (lambda (type)
+            (if (independent-coding-type? type coding-types)
+                (if (coding-type-explicit? type)
+                    (assign-defn-codes type)
+                    (enqueue! to-substitute type))
+                (enqueue! to-expand type)))))
+      (for-each queue-ct coding-types)
+      (queue-map! to-substitute
+       (lambda (type1)
+         (queue-map! to-expand
+           (lambda (type2)
+             (expand-coding-type type1 type2)
+             (enqueue! next-pass type2)))
+         (queue-map! next-pass queue-ct))))
+    (queue-map! to-expand
+      (lambda (type)
+       (if (not (coding-type-explicit? type))
+           (error "Unexpanded coding type:" type))
+       (assign-defn-codes type)))))
+(define (independent-coding-type? type coding-types)
+  (let ((implicit-types
+        (delete-matching-items coding-types coding-type-explicit?)))
+    (for-all? (coding-type-defns type)
+      (lambda (defn)
+       (not (there-exists? (defn-pvars defn)
+              (lambda (pv)
+                (find-coding-type (pvar-type pv) implicit-types #f))))))))
+(define (expand-coding-type to-substitute to-expand)
+  (let ((type-name (coding-type-name to-substitute)))
+    (let loop ()
+      (let ((any-changes? #f))
+       (set-coding-type-defns!
+        to-expand
+        (append-map! (lambda (defn)
+                       (let ((pv
+                              (find-matching-item (defn-pvars defn)
+                                (lambda (pv)
+                                  (eq? (pvar-type pv) type-name)))))
+                         (if pv
+                             (begin
+                               (set! any-changes? #t)
+                               (map (lambda (defn*)
+                                      (specialize-defn defn pv defn*))
+                                    (coding-type-defns to-substitute)))
+                             (list defn))))
+                     (coding-type-defns to-expand)))
+       (if any-changes?
+           (loop))))))
+(define (assign-defn-codes coding-type)
+  (let ((code-limit (coding-type-code-limit coding-type)))
+    (do ((defns (coding-type-defns coding-type) (cdr defns))
+        (code (coding-type-start-index coding-type)
+              (let ((defn (car defns)))
+                (if (defn-has-code? defn)
+                    (begin
+                      (if (not (< code code-limit))
+                          (error "Too many codes assigned:" coding-type))
+                      (set-defn-code! defn code)
+                      (+ code 1))
+                    (begin
+                      (set-defn-code! defn #f)
+                      code)))))
+       ((not (pair? defns)) unspecific))))
+(define (coding-type-end-index coding-type)
+  (+ (coding-type-start-index coding-type)
+     (count-matching-items (coding-type-defns coding-type) defn-has-code?)))
+(define (specialize-defn defn pv defn*)
+  (let ((defn* (maybe-rename defn* defn)))
+    (make-defn (defn-coding-type defn)
+              (rewrite-pattern (lambda (pv*)
+                                 (if (eq? (pvar-name pv*) (pvar-name pv))
+                                     (defn-pattern defn*)
+                                     pv*))
+                               (defn-pattern defn))
+              (defn-has-code? defn)
+              (append-map (lambda (item)
+                            (if (and (pvar? item)
+                                     (eq? (pvar-name item) (pvar-name pv)))
+                                (defn-coding defn*)
+                                (list item)))
+                          (defn-coding defn)))))
+(define (maybe-rename defn defn*)
+  (let ((alist
+        (let loop
+            ((pvars (defn-pvars defn))
+             (pvars* (defn-pvars defn*)))
+          (if (pair? pvars)
+              (let ((pv (car pvars))
+                    (clash?
+                     (lambda (name)
+                       (there-exists? pvars*
+                         (lambda (pv)
+                           (eq? (pvar-name pv) name)))))
+                    (k
+                     (lambda (pv)
+                       (loop (cdr pvars) (cons pv pvars*)))))
+                (if (clash? (pvar-name pv))
+                    (let find-rename ((n 1))
+                      (let ((rename (symbol (pvar-name pv) '- n)))
+                        (if (clash? rename)
+                            (find-rename (+ n 1))
+                            (let ((pv* (make-pvar rename (pvar-type pv))))
+                              (cons (cons pv pv*)
+                                    (k pv*))))))
+                    (k pv)))
+              '()))))
+    (if (null? alist)
+       defn
+       (let ((rename-pv
+              (lambda (item)
+                (let ((p
+                       (and (pvar? item)
+                            (assq item alist))))
+                  (if p
+                      (cdr p)
+                      item)))))
+         (make-defn (defn-coding-type defn)
+                    (rewrite-pattern rename-pv (defn-pattern defn))
+                    (defn-has-code? defn)
+                    (map rename-pv (defn-coding defn)))))))
+(define (rewrite-pattern procedure pattern)
+  (let loop ((pattern pattern))
+    (cond ((pvar? pattern) (procedure pattern))
+         ((pair? pattern) (map loop pattern))
+         (else pattern))))
+;;;; Name assignment
+(define (assign-defn-names coding-type key-abbrevs)
+  (let ((defns (coding-type-defns coding-type)))
+    ;; Generate names as lists of symbols.
+    (for-each (lambda (defn)
+               (set-defn-name! defn
+                               (pattern->defn-name (defn-pattern defn)
+                                                   key-abbrevs)))
+             defns)
+    ;; Eliminate redundant items in names.
+    (for-each (lambda (defns)
+               (if (pair? (cdr defns))
+                   (begin
+                     (delete-shared-prefixes defns)
+                     (for-each (lambda (item)
+                                 (delete-corresponding-name-items defns item))
+                               (deleteable-name-items)))
+                   (let ((defn (car defns)))
+                     (set-defn-name!
+                      defn
+                      (delete-matching-items! (defn-name defn)
+                        deleteable-name-item?)))))
+             (group-defns-by-prefix defns))
+    ;; Join name items into hyphen-separated symbols.
+    (for-each (lambda (defn)
+               (set-defn-name! defn (defn-name->symbol (defn-name defn))))
+             defns)))
+(define (pattern->defn-name pattern key-abbrevs)
+  (let ((items
+        (let loop ((pattern pattern))
+          (cond ((symbol? pattern)
+                 (list (map-key-abbrevs pattern key-abbrevs)))
+                ((pvar? pattern)
+                 (list (let ((pvt (lookup-pvar-type (pvar-type pattern))))
+                         (if pvt
+                             (pvt-abbreviation pvt)
+                             (map-key-abbrevs (pvar-type pattern)
+                                              key-abbrevs)))))
+                ((pair? pattern) (append-map! loop pattern))
+                (else '())))))
+    (let trim-tail ((items items))
+      (if (and (fix:>= (length items) 3)
+              (let ((l (reverse items)))
+                (eq? (car l) (cadr l))))
+         (trim-tail (except-last-pair! items))
+         items))))
+(define (map-key-abbrevs keyword key-abbrevs)
+  (let ((key-abbrev
+        (find-matching-item key-abbrevs
+          (lambda (key-abbrev)
+            (eq? (key-abbrev-keyword key-abbrev) keyword)))))
+    (if key-abbrev
+       (key-abbrev-abbreviation key-abbrev)
+       keyword)))
+(define (defn-name->symbol items)
+  (if (pair? items)
+      (apply symbol
+            (car items)
+            (append-map (lambda (item) (list '- item))
+                        (cdr items)))
+      '||))
+(define (group-defns-by-prefix defns)
+  (let ((groups '()))
+    (for-each (lambda (defn)
+               (let ((name (defn-name defn)))
+                 (let ((p (assq (car name) groups)))
+                   (if p
+                       (set-cdr! p (cons defn (cdr p)))
+                       (begin
+                         (set! groups (cons (list (car name) defn) groups))
+                         unspecific)))))
+             defns)
+    (reverse! (map (lambda (group) (reverse! (cdr group))) groups))))
+(define (delete-shared-prefixes defns)
+  (let ((names (map defn-name defns)))
+    (let ((n
+          (length
+           (fold-left (lambda (a b)
+                        (let join ((a a) (b b))
+                          (if (and (pair? a) (pair? b) (eqv? (car a) (car b)))
+                              (cons (car a) (join (cdr a) (cdr b)))
+                              '())))
+                      (car names)
+                      (cdr names)))))
+      (for-each (lambda (defn name)
+                 (set-defn-name! defn (cons (car name) (list-tail name n))))
+               defns
+               names))))
+(define (delete-corresponding-name-items defns to-delete)
+  (let loop ((lower-limit 1))
+    (let ((indices
+          (map (lambda (defn)
+                 (index-of-deleted-name-item to-delete
+                                             (defn-name defn)
+                                             lower-limit))
+               defns)))
+      (if (for-all? indices (lambda (i) i))
+         (loop (if (apply = indices)
+                   (let ((index (car indices)))
+                     (let ((names
+                            (map (lambda (defn)
+                                   (delete-name-item (defn-name defn) index))
+                                 defns)))
+                       (if (distinct-names? names)
+                           (begin
+                             (for-each set-defn-name! defns names)
+                             index)
+                           (fix:+ index 1))))
+                   (fix:+ (apply min indices) 1)))))))
+(define (index-of-deleted-name-item to-delete items lower-limit)
+  (let loop ((items items) (index 0))
+    (and (pair? items)
+        (if (and (fix:>= index lower-limit)
+                 (eq? (car items) to-delete))
+            index
+            (loop (cdr items) (fix:+ index 1))))))
+(define (delete-name-item items index)
+  (let loop ((items items) (i 0))
+    (if (fix:< i index)
+       (cons (car items) (loop (cdr items) (fix:+ i 1)))
+       (cdr items))))
+(define (distinct-names? names)
+  (if (pair? names)
+      (if (member (car names) (cdr names))
+         #f
+         (distinct-names? (cdr names)))
+      #t))
+(define (deleteable-name-item? item)
+  (there-exists? (pvar-types)
+    (lambda (pvt)
+      (eq? (pvt-abbreviation pvt) item))))
+(define (deleteable-name-items)
+  (map pvt-abbreviation (pvar-types)))
+;;;; Output
+(define (write-scheme-header coding-types key-abbrevs pathname)
+  (wrap-scheme-output "Opcodes for SVM version 1" pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (coding-type)
+        (let ((limit
+               (apply max
+                      (map defn-name-length
+                           (coding-type-defns coding-type)))))
+          (for-each
+           (lambda (defn)
+             (let ((opcode (defn-code defn)))
+               (if opcode
+                   (begin
+                     (write-string "(define-integrable svm1-" port)
+                     (write (map-key-abbrevs (coding-type-name coding-type)
+                                             key-abbrevs)
+                            port)
+                     (write-string ":" port)
+                     (write (defn-name defn) port)
+                     (write-spaces (fix:- limit (defn-name-length defn))
+                                   port)
+                     (write-string " #x" port)
+                     (if (fix:< opcode #x10)
+                         (write-char #\0 port))
+                     (write-string (number->string opcode 16) port)
+                     (write-string ")" port)
+                     (newline port)))))
+           (coding-type-defns coding-type))))
+       coding-types))))
+(define (defn-name-length defn)
+  (string-length (symbol-name (defn-name defn))))
+(define (wrap-scheme-output title pathname generator)
+  (call-with-output-file pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (write-string "#| -*-Scheme-*-\n\n" port)
+      (write-copyright+license pathname port)
+      (newline port)
+      (write-string "|#\n\n" port)
+      (write-string ";;;; " port)
+      (write-string title port)
+      (write-string "\n\n" port)
+      (write-string "(declare (usual-integrations))\n" port)
+      (write-string "\f\n" port)
+      (generator port))))
+(define (write-c-header coding-types key-abbrevs pathname)
+  (wrap-c-header "Instructions for SVM version 1" pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (for-each (lambda (p)
+                 (write-string "#define SVM1_REG_" port)
+                 (write-c-name (car p) #t port)
+                 (write-string " " port)
+                 (write (cdr p) port)
+                 (newline port))
+               fixed-registers)
+      (newline port)
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (coding-type)
+        (let ((prefix
+               (string-append
+                "SVM1_"
+                (name->c-string (map-key-abbrevs (coding-type-name coding-type)
+                                                 key-abbrevs)
+                                #t)
+                "_"))
+              (long-form?
+               (there-exists? (coding-type-defns coding-type)
+                 (lambda (defn)
+                   (pair? (defn-coding defn))))))
+          (write-c-code-macro prefix
+                              "START_CODE"
+                              (coding-type-start-index coding-type)
+                              port)
+          (write-c-code-macro prefix
+                              "END_CODE"
+                              (coding-type-end-index coding-type)
+                              port)
+          (newline port)
+          (write-c-type-bindings prefix coding-type port)
+          (newline port)
+          (for-each (let ((proc
+                           (if long-form?
+                               write-c-opcode+decoder
+                               write-c-opcode)))
+                      (lambda (defn)
+                        (if (defn-has-code? defn)
+                            (proc prefix defn port))))
+                    (coding-type-defns coding-type))
+          (if (not long-form?)
+              (newline port))))
+       coding-types))))
+(define (wrap-c-header title pathname generator)
+  (call-with-output-file pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (let ((cs
+            (string-append "SCM_"
+                           (name-string->c-string (pathname-name pathname) #t)
+                           "_H")))
+       (write-string "/* -*-C-*-\n\n" port)
+       (write-copyright+license pathname port)
+       (newline port)
+       (write-string "*/\n\n" port)
+       (write-string "/* " port)
+       (write-string title port)
+       (write-string " */\n\n" port)
+       (write-string "#ifndef " port)
+       (write-string cs port)
+       (write-string "\n" port)
+       (write-string "#define " port)
+       (write-string cs port)
+       (write-string " 1\n\n" port)
+       (generator port)
+       (write-string "#endif /* not " port)
+       (write-string cs port)
+       (write-string " */\n" port)))))
+(define (write-c-type-bindings prefix coding-type port)
+  (write-string "#define " port)
+  (write-string prefix port)
+  (write-string "BINDINGS(binder) \\" port)
+  (newline port)
+  (write-c-macro-body (lambda (defn port)
+                       (write-string "  " port)
+                       (write-string "binder (" port)
+                       (write-string prefix port)
+                       (write-c-name (defn-name defn) #t port)
+                       (write-string ", " port)
+                       (write-c-name (defn-name defn) #f port)
+                       (write-string ")" port))
+                     (keep-matching-items (coding-type-defns coding-type)
+                       defn-has-code?)
+                     port))
+(define (write-c-opcode+decoder prefix defn port)
+  (write-c-opcode prefix defn port)
+  (let ((coding (defn-coding defn)))
+    (if (pair? coding)
+       (begin
+         (write-string "#define DECODE_" port)
+         (write-string prefix port)
+         (write-c-name (defn-name defn) #t port)
+         (write-string "(" port)
+         (write-c-name (pvar-name (car coding)) #f port)
+         (for-each (lambda (pv)
+                     (write-string ", " port)
+                     (write-c-name (pvar-name pv) #f port))
+                   (cdr coding))
+         (write-string ") \\" port)
+         (newline port)
+         (write-c-macro-body (lambda (pv port)
+                               (write-string "  DECODE_" port)
+                               (write-c-name (pvar-type pv) #t port)
+                               (write-string " (" port)
+                               (write-c-name (pvar-name pv) #f port)
+                               (write-string ")" port))
+                             coding
+                             port))))
+  (newline port))
+(define (write-c-opcode prefix defn port)
+  (write-c-code-macro prefix
+                     (name->c-string (defn-name defn) #t)
+                     (defn-code defn)
+                     port))
+(define (write-c-code-macro prefix name code port)
+  (write-string "#define " port)
+  (write-string prefix port)
+  (write-string name port)
+  (write-string " " port)
+  (write-c-hex-code code port)
+  (newline port))
+(define (write-c-hex-code n port)
+  (write-string "0x" port)
+  (write-string (string-pad-left (number->string n 16) 2 #\0) port))
+(define (write-c-macro-body write-item items port)
+  (for-each (lambda (item)
+             (write-item item port)
+             (write-string "; \\" port)
+             (newline port))
+           (except-last-pair items))
+  (write-item (last items) port)
+  (newline port))
+(define (write-copyright+license pathname port)
+  (write-string "DO NOT EDIT: this file was generated by a program." port)
+  (newline port)
+  (newline port)
+  ;; Don't use dollar-sign; could cause unwanted keyword expansion.
+  (write-string "\044Id\044" port)
+  (newline port)
+  (newline port)
+  (write-mit-scheme-copyright port)
+  (newline port)
+  (newline port)
+  (write-mit-scheme-license port)
+  (newline port))
+(define (name->c-string name upcase?)
+  (name-string->c-string (symbol-name name) upcase?))
+(define (name-string->c-string name upcase?)
+  (call-with-output-string
+    (lambda (port)
+      (write-c-name-string name upcase? port))))
+(define (write-c-name name upcase? port)
+  (write-c-name-string (symbol-name name) upcase? port))
+(define (write-c-name-string name upcase? port)
+  (let ((e (string-length name))
+       (recase
+        (lambda (s)
+          (if upcase? s (string-downcase s)))))
+    (let loop ((i 0))
+      (if (fix:< i e)
+         (let ((c (string-ref name i)))
+           (cond ((char-alphanumeric? c)
+                  (write-char (if upcase?
+                                  (char-upcase c)
+                                  (char-downcase c))
+                              port)
+                  (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+                 ((fix:= i 0)
+                  (write-string (recase (case c
+                                          ((#\+) "ADD")
+                                          ((#\-) "SUBTRACT")
+                                          ((#\*) "MULTIPLY")
+                                          ((#\/) "DIVIDE")
+                                          (else (error "Unknown char:" c))))
+                                port)
+                  (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+                 ((char=? c #\-)
+                  (if (and (fix:< (fix:+ i 1) e)
+                           (char=? (string-ref name (fix:+ i 1)) #\>))
+                      (begin
+                        (write-string (recase "_TO_") port)
+                        (loop (fix:+ i 2)))
+                      (begin
+                        (write-char #\_ port)
+                        (loop (fix:+ i 1)))))
+                 ((char=? c #\?)
+                  (write-string (recase "_P") port)
+                  (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+                 ((char=? c #\!)
+                  (write-string (recase "_X") port)
+                  (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+                 (else
+                  (error "Unknown char:" c))))))))
+(define (write-spaces n port)
+  (do ((i 0 (fix:+ i 1)))
+      ((not (fix:< i n)))
+    (write-char #\space port)))
+(define (write-coding-types coding-types pathname)
+  (wrap-scheme-output "Expanded coding types" pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (if (pair? coding-types)
+         (begin
+           (write-coding-type (car coding-types) port)
+           (for-each (lambda (coding-type)
+                       (newline port)
+                       (newline port)
+                       (write-coding-type coding-type port))
+                     (cdr coding-types)))))))
+(define (write-coding-type coding-type port)
+  (let ((indentation 2))
+    (write-string "(" port)
+    (write (if (coding-type-explicit? coding-type)
+          port)
+    (write-string " " port)
+    (write (coding-type-name coding-type) port)
+    (if (coding-type-explicit? coding-type)
+       (begin
+         (write-string " " port)
+         (write (coding-type-start-index coding-type) port)))
+    (newline port)
+    (for-each (lambda (defn)
+               (newline port)
+               (write-defn defn indentation port))
+             (coding-type-defns coding-type))
+    (write-spaces indentation port)
+    (write-string ")" port)))
+(define (write-defn defn indentation port)
+  (write-spaces indentation port)
+  (write-string ";; " port)
+  (write (defn-name defn) port)
+  (newline port)
+  (write-spaces indentation port)
+  (write-string "(define-code-sequence " port)
+  (newline port)
+  (let ((indentation (+ indentation 2)))
+    (pretty-print (defn-pattern defn) port #t indentation)
+    (if (defn-has-code? defn)
+       (begin
+         (newline port)
+         (write-spaces indentation port)
+         (write (defn-code defn) port)))
+    (for-each (lambda (pv)
+               (newline port)
+               (write-spaces indentation port)
+               (write (pvar-name pv) port))
+             (defn-coding defn)))
+  (write-char #\) port)
+  (newline port))
+(define (write-rt-coding-types coding-types pathname)
+  (wrap-scheme-output "Opcodes for SVM version 1" pathname
+    (lambda (port)
+      (if (pair? coding-types)
+         (begin
+           (pretty-print (rt-coding-type-constructor (car coding-types)) port)
+           (for-each (lambda (coding-type)
+                       (newline port)
+                       (newline port)
+                       (pretty-print (rt-coding-type-constructor coding-type)
+                                     port))
+                     (cdr coding-types)))))))
+(define (rt-coding-type-constructor coding-type)
+    ',(coding-type-name coding-type)
+    (LIST
+     ,@(map (lambda (defn)
+             `(MAKE-RT-DEFN ',(defn-name defn)
+                            ,(if (defn-has-code? defn) `,(defn-code defn) `#F)
+                            ',(defn-pattern defn)
+                            ,(rt-defn-encoder-constructor defn)
+                            ,(rt-defn-decoder-constructor defn)))
+           (coding-type-defns coding-type)))))
+(define (rt-defn-encoder-constructor defn)
+     ,@(map (lambda (item)
+             (let ((pval `(RT-INSTANCE-PVAL ',(pvar-name item) INSTANCE))
+                   (pvt (lookup-pvar-type (pvar-type item))))
+               (if pvt
+                   `(,(pvt-encoder pvt) ,pval WRITE-BYTE)
+                   `(LET ((PVAL ,pval))
+                      ((RT-INSTANCE-ENCODER PVAL) PVAL WRITE-BYTE)))))
+           (defn-coding defn))))
+(define (rt-defn-decoder-constructor defn)
+  (let ((pvars (defn-pvars defn)))
+    (let ((n-pvars (length pvars))
+         (body
+          (lambda (pv)
+            (let ((pvt (lookup-pvar-type (pvar-type pv))))
+              (if pvt
+                  `(,(pvt-decoder pvt) READ-BYTE)
+                  `(DECODE-RT-CODING-TYPE ',(pvar-type pv)
+                                          READ-BYTE
+                                          CODING-TYPES))))))
+        ,(if (fix:= n-pvars 1)
+             `(LIST ,(body (car pvars)))
+             `(LET* ,(map (lambda (pv)
+                            `(,(symbol 'V (pvar-index pv pvars)) ,(body pv)))
+                          (defn-coding defn))
+                (LIST ,@(let loop ((i 0))
+                          (if (fix:< i n-pvars)
+                              (cons (symbol 'V i) (loop (fix:+ i 1)))
+                              '())))))))))
+(define (pvar-index pv pvars)
+  (let loop ((pvars pvars) (index 0))
+    (if (not (pair? pvars))
+       (error:bad-range-argument pv 'PVAR-INDEX))
+    (if (eq? (car pvars) pv)
+       index
+       (loop (cdr pvars) (fix:+ index 1)))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-rules.scm b/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-rules.scm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f66f122
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+    1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+    2006, 2007, 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; SVM assembler rules
+;;; Primitive types:
+;;; unsigned-8
+;;; unsigned-16
+;;; unsigned-32
+;;; signed-8
+;;; signed-16
+;;; signed-32
+;;; float
+;;; register
+;;; word-register
+;;; float-register
+;;; type-word (6-bit unsigned)
+;;; Names consist of symbols drawn from a restricted character set.
+;;; The allowed characters are alphanumerics, hyphen, question mark,
+;;; and exclamation point.  The first character must be a letter.
+;;; When forming a C name for an opcode, hyphen is rewritten as
+;;; underscore, question mark as "_p", and exclamation-point as "_x".
+(define-abbreviation (define-implicit-enumeration symbol + symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+    `((DEFINE-IMPLICIT-CODING-TYPE ,(cadr form)
+       ,@(map (lambda (keyword)
+                `(DEFINE-CODE-SEQUENCE ,keyword))
+              (cddr form))))))
+(define-abbreviation (define-explicit-enumeration symbol + symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+    `((DEFINE-EXPLICIT-CODING-TYPE ,(cadr form) (8 1)
+       ,@(map (lambda (keyword)
+                `(DEFINE-CODE-SEQUENCE ,keyword))
+              (cddr form))))))
+(define-implicit-enumeration scale-factor
+  byte
+  word
+  float)
+(define-implicit-coding-type unsigned-integer
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value unsigned-8)
+    value)
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value unsigned-16)
+    value)
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value unsigned-32)
+    value))
+(define-implicit-coding-type signed-integer
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value signed-8)
+    value)
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value signed-16)
+    value)
+  (define-code-sequence (_ value signed-32)
+    value))
+(define-keyword-abbreviation byte b)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation word w)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation float f)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation indirect indir)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation indexed index)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation pre-decrement predec)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation pre-increment preinc)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation post-decrement postdec)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation post-increment postinc)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation pc-relative pcr)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation instruction inst)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation address addr)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation indirect-jump ijump)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation indirect-call icall)
+(define-keyword-abbreviation conditional-jump cjump)
+(define-explicit-coding-type address (8 1)
+  (define-code-sequence (indirect (_ base word-register))
+    base)
+  (define-code-sequence (offset (_ base word-register)
+                               (_ offset unsigned-8)
+                               (_ oscale scale-factor))
+    base
+    offset
+    oscale)
+  (define-code-sequence (indexed (_ base word-register)
+                                (_ offset unsigned-8)
+                                (_ oscale scale-factor)
+                                (_ index word-register)
+                                (_ iscale scale-factor))
+    base
+    offset
+    oscale
+    index
+    iscale)
+  (define-code-sequence (pre-decrement (_ base word-register)
+                                      (_ scale scale-factor))
+    base
+    scale)
+  (define-code-sequence (pre-increment (_ base word-register)
+                                      (_ scale scale-factor))
+    base
+    scale)
+  (define-code-sequence (post-decrement (_ base word-register)
+                                       (_ scale scale-factor))
+    base
+    scale)
+  (define-code-sequence (post-increment (_ base word-register)
+                                       (_ scale scale-factor))
+    base
+    scale)
+  (define-code-sequence (pc-relative (_ n signed-integer))
+    n))
+(define-explicit-coding-type instruction (8 1))
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (store byte
+        (_ source word-register)
+        (_ target address))
+  source
+  target)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (store word
+        (_ source word-register)
+        (_ target address))
+  source
+  target)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (store float
+        (_ source float-register)
+        (_ target address))
+  source
+  target)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load byte
+       (_ target word-register)
+       (_ source address))
+  target
+  source)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load word
+       (_ target word-register)
+       (_ source address))
+  target
+  source)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load float
+       (_ target float-register)
+       (_ source address))
+  target
+  source)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-address (_ target word-register)
+               (_ source address))
+  target
+  source)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-immediate (_ target word-register)
+                 (_ value signed-integer))
+  target
+  value)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-immediate (_ target word-register)
+                 (_ value unsigned-integer))
+  target
+  value)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-immediate (_ target float-register)
+                 (_ value float))
+  target
+  value)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (copy-block (_ size unsigned-8)
+             word
+             (_ from word-register)
+             (_ to word-register))
+  to
+  from
+  size)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (copy-block (_ size word-register)
+             word
+             (_ from word-register)
+             (_ to word-register))
+  to
+  from
+  size)
+(define-implicit-coding-type type-operand
+  (define-code-sequence (_ type type-word)
+    type)
+  (define-code-sequence (_ source word-register)
+    source))
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-non-pointer (_ target word-register)
+                   (_ type type-operand)
+                   (_ datum unsigned-integer))
+  target
+  type
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-non-pointer (_ target word-register)
+                   (_ type type-operand)
+                   (_ datum word-register))
+  target
+  type
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (load-pointer (_ target word-register)
+               (_ type type-operand)
+               (_ address word-register))
+  target
+  type
+  address)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (jump (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  offset)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (jump (indirect (_ address word-register)))
+  address)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (indirect-jump (pc-relative (_ offset unsigned-integer)))
+  offset)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (indirect-call (pc-relative (_ offset unsigned-integer)))
+  offset)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (conditional-jump (_ condition word-condition-1)
+                   (_ source1 word-register)
+                   (_ source2 word-register)
+                   (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  condition
+  source1
+  source2
+  offset)
+(define-implicit-enumeration word-condition-1
+  eq neq
+  lt ge
+  gt le
+  slt sge
+  sgt sle)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (conditional-jump (_ condition word-condition-2)
+                   (_ source word-register)
+                   (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  condition
+  source
+  offset)
+(define-implicit-enumeration word-condition-2
+  eq neq
+  slt sge
+  sgt sle)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (conditional-jump (_ condition fixnum-condition)
+                   (_ source word-register)
+                   (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  condition
+  source
+  offset)
+(define-implicit-enumeration fixnum-condition
+  fix nfix
+  ifix nifix)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (conditional-jump (_ condition float-condition)
+                   (_ source1 float-register)
+                   (_ source2 float-register)
+                   (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  condition
+  source1
+  source2
+  offset)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (conditional-jump (_ condition float-condition)
+                   (_ source float-register)
+                   (pc-relative (_ offset signed-integer)))
+  condition
+  source
+  offset)
+(define-implicit-enumeration float-condition
+  eq neq
+  lt gt
+  le ge
+  cmp ncmp)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (trap (_ code trap-0))
+  code)
+(define-explicit-enumeration trap-0
+  add
+  decrement
+  divide
+  equal?
+  greater?
+  increment
+  less?
+  modulo
+  multiply
+  negative?
+  operator-1-0
+  operator-2-0
+  operator-2-1
+  operator-3-0
+  operator-3-1
+  operator-3-2
+  operator-4-0
+  operator-4-1
+  operator-4-2
+  operator-4-3
+  operator-apply
+  operator-lexpr
+  operator-lookup
+  operator-primitive
+  positive?
+  quotient
+  reflect-to-interface
+  remainder
+  return-to-interpreter
+  subtract
+  zero?)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (trap (_ code trap-1)
+       (_ arg0 word-register))
+  code
+  arg0)
+(define-explicit-enumeration trap-1
+  error
+  lookup
+  primitive-apply
+  primitive-lexpr-apply
+  safe-lookup
+  unassigned?)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (trap (_ code trap-2)
+       (_ arg0 word-register)
+       (_ arg1 word-register))
+  code
+  arg0
+  arg1)
+(define-explicit-enumeration trap-2
+  apply
+  assignment
+  lexpr-apply
+  primitive-error)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (trap (_ code trap-3)
+       (_ arg0 word-register)
+       (_ arg1 word-register)
+       (_ arg2 word-register))
+  code
+  arg0
+  arg1
+  arg2)
+(define-explicit-enumeration trap-3
+  cache-reference-apply
+  link)
+(define-code-sequence instruction (interrupt-test-procedure))
+(define-code-sequence instruction (interrupt-test-dynamic-link))
+(define-code-sequence instruction (interrupt-test-closure))
+(define-code-sequence instruction (interrupt-test-ic-procedure))
+(define-code-sequence instruction (interrupt-test-continuation))
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (flonum-header (_ target word-register)
+                (_ n-elts unsigned-integer))
+  target
+  n-elts)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (flonum-header (_ target word-register)
+                (_ n-elts word-register))
+  target
+  n-elts)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-u8 (_ datum unsigned-8))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-u16 (_ datum unsigned-16))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-u32 (_ datum unsigned-32))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-s8 (_ datum signed-8))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-s16 (_ datum signed-16))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-code-sequence instruction
+  (datum-s32 (_ datum signed-32))
+  (no-code)
+  datum)
+(define-abbreviation (define-generic-unary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+    (let ((name (cadr form)))
+         (,name (_ TARGET WORD-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE WORD-REGISTER))
+         TARGET
+         SOURCE)
+         (,name (_ TARGET FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE FLOAT-REGISTER))
+         TARGET
+         SOURCE)))))
+(define-generic-unary-instruction copy)
+(define-generic-unary-instruction negate)
+(define-generic-unary-instruction increment)
+(define-generic-unary-instruction decrement)
+(define-generic-unary-instruction abs)
+(define-abbreviation (define-word-unary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+       (,(cadr form) (_ TARGET WORD-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE WORD-REGISTER))
+       TARGET
+       SOURCE))))
+(define-word-unary-instruction object-type)
+(define-word-unary-instruction object-datum)
+(define-word-unary-instruction object-address)
+(define-word-unary-instruction fixnum->integer)
+(define-word-unary-instruction integer->fixnum)
+(define-word-unary-instruction not)
+(define-word-unary-instruction flonum-align)
+(define-word-unary-instruction flonum-length)
+(define-abbreviation (define-float-unary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+       (,(cadr form) (_ TARGET FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE FLOAT-REGISTER))
+       TARGET
+       SOURCE))))
+(define-float-unary-instruction sqrt)
+(define-float-unary-instruction round)
+(define-float-unary-instruction ceiling)
+(define-float-unary-instruction floor)
+(define-float-unary-instruction truncate)
+(define-float-unary-instruction log)
+(define-float-unary-instruction exp)
+(define-float-unary-instruction cos)
+(define-float-unary-instruction sin)
+(define-float-unary-instruction tan)
+(define-float-unary-instruction acos)
+(define-float-unary-instruction asin)
+(define-float-unary-instruction atan)
+(define-abbreviation (define-generic-binary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+    (let ((name (cadr form)))
+         (,name (_ TARGET WORD-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE1 WORD-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE2 WORD-REGISTER))
+         TARGET
+         SOURCE1
+         SOURCE2)
+         (,name (_ TARGET FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE1 FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                (_ SOURCE2 FLOAT-REGISTER))
+         TARGET
+         SOURCE1
+         SOURCE2)))))
+(define-generic-binary-instruction +)
+(define-generic-binary-instruction -)
+(define-generic-binary-instruction *)
+(define-abbreviation (define-word-binary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+       (,(cadr form) (_ TARGET WORD-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE1 WORD-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE2 WORD-REGISTER))
+       TARGET
+       SOURCE1
+       SOURCE2))))
+(define-word-binary-instruction quotient)
+(define-word-binary-instruction remainder)
+(define-word-binary-instruction lsh)
+(define-word-binary-instruction and)
+(define-word-binary-instruction andc)
+(define-word-binary-instruction or)
+(define-word-binary-instruction xor)
+(define-word-binary-instruction max-unsigned)
+(define-word-binary-instruction min-unsigned)
+(define-abbreviation (define-float-binary-instruction symbol)
+  (lambda (form)
+       (,(cadr form) (_ TARGET FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE1 FLOAT-REGISTER)
+                     (_ SOURCE2 FLOAT-REGISTER))
+       TARGET
+       SOURCE1
+       SOURCE2))))
+(define-float-binary-instruction /)
+(define-float-binary-instruction atan2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-runtime.scm b/src/compiler/machines/svm/assembler-runtime.scm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..76e95c0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
+    1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+    2006, 2007, 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+;;;; SVM assembler: runtime
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;;; Datatypes
+;;; The model for an assembler consists of a group of "coding types",
+;;; each of which represents a group of interchangeable assembler
+;;; expressions that are distinguished by a unique code byte.  For
+;;; example, the "instruction" coding type has a number of possible
+;;; machine instructions, which are distinguished by an opcode byte.
+(define-record-type <rt-coding-type>
+    (make-rt-coding-type name defns)
+    rt-coding-type?
+  (name rt-coding-type-name)
+  (defns rt-coding-type-defns))
+;;; Each coding type has a number of definitions, each of which
+;;; represents the code sequence associated with a particular value of
+;;; the coding-type's code byte.  Each definition has a pattern (or
+;;; template) that specifies the syntax of the sequence, and
+;;; procedures to encode or decode the sequence.  There is also a
+;;; unique name (a symbol) and a unique code (a byte value); the code
+;;; is optional and may be #F.
+(define-record-type <rt-defn>
+    (%make-rt-defn name code pattern pvars encoder decoder)
+    rt-defn?
+  (name rt-defn-name)
+  (code rt-defn-code)
+  (pattern rt-defn-pattern)
+  (pvars rt-defn-pvars)
+  (encoder rt-defn-encoder)
+  (decoder rt-defn-decoder))
+(define (make-rt-defn name code pattern encoder decoder)
+  (%make-rt-defn name code pattern (parse-pattern pattern) encoder decoder))
+(define-record-type <rt-instance>
+    (make-rt-instance defn pvals)
+    rt-instance?
+  (defn rt-instance-defn)
+  (pvals rt-instance-pvals))
+(define (rt-instance-pattern instance)
+  (rt-defn-pattern (rt-instance-defn instance)))
+(define (rt-instance-pvars instance)
+  (rt-defn-pvars (rt-instance-defn instance)))
+(define (rt-instance-encoder instance)
+  (rt-defn-encoder (rt-instance-defn instance)))
+(define (rt-instance-pval name instance)
+  (let loop
+      ((pvars (rt-instance-pvars instance))
+       (pvals (rt-instance-pvals instance)))
+    (if (not (pair? pvars))
+       (error:bad-range-argument name 'RT-INSTANCE-PVAL))
+    (if (not (pair? pvals))
+       (error:bad-range-argument instance 'RT-INSTANCE-PVAL))
+    (if (eq? (pvar-name (car pvars)) name)
+       (car pvals)
+       (loop (cdr pvars) (cdr pvals)))))
+;;; The assembler maintains a symbol table that tracks the values of
+;;; labels and defined constants.  The bindings in the symbol table
+;;; are typed.
+(define-record-type <symbol-binding>
+    (make-symbol-binding name type value)
+    symbol-binding?
+  (name symbol-binding-name)
+  (type symbol-binding-type)
+  (value symbol-binding-value))
+(define (make-symbol-table)
+  (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define (define-symbol name type value symbol-table)
+  (hash-table/get symbol-table name (make-symbol-binding name type value)))
+(define (lookup-symbol name symbol-table)
+  (hash-table/get symbol-table name #f))
+;;;; Top level
+;;; **** where are real top-level entries? ****
+(define (match-rt-coding-type name expression coding-types symbol-table)
+  (let loop ((defns (rt-coding-type-defns (rt-coding-type name coding-types))))
+    (and (pair? defns)
+        (let ((pvals
+               (match-pattern (rt-defn-pattern (car defns))
+                              expression
+                              coding-types
+                              symbol-table)))
+          (if pvals
+              (make-rt-instance (car defns) pvals)
+              (loop (cdr defns)))))))
+(define (decode-rt-coding-type name read-byte coding-types)
+  (let ((type (rt-coding-type name coding-types))
+       (code (read-byte)))
+    (let ((rcd
+          (find-matching-item (rt-coding-type-defns type)
+            (lambda (rcd)
+              (eqv? (rt-defn-code rcd) code)))))
+      (if (not rcd)
+         (error "No matching code:" code type))
+      (make-rt-instance rcd ((rt-defn-decoder rcd) read-byte coding-types)))))
+(define (rt-coding-type name coding-types)
+  (or (find-matching-item coding-types
+       (lambda (rt-coding-type)
+         (eq? (rt-coding-type-name rt-coding-type) name)))
+      (error:bad-range-argument name 'RT-CODING-TYPE)))
+;;;; Patterns
+(define (parse-pattern pattern)
+  (reverse!
+   (let ((lose (lambda () (error "Ill-formed pattern:" pattern))))
+     (let loop ((pattern pattern) (pvars '()))
+       (if (pair? pattern)
+          (if (eq? (car pattern) '_)
+              (begin
+                (if (not (and (pair? (cdr pattern))
+                                  (symbol? (cadr pattern))
+                                  (pair? (cddr pattern))
+                                  (symbol? (caddr pattern))
+                                  (null? (cdddr pattern))))
+                    (lose))
+                (if (there-exists? pvars
+                      (lambda (pv)
+                        (eq? (pvar-name pv) (pvar-name pattern))))
+                    ;; Don't add duplicate pvar.
+                    pvars
+                    (cons pattern pvars)))
+              (begin
+                (if (not (list? (cdr pattern)))
+                    (lose))
+                (let traverse
+                    ((items (cdr pattern))
+                     (pvars (loop (car pattern) pvars)))
+                  (if (pair? items)
+                      (traverse (cdr items) (loop (car items) pvars))
+                      pvars))))
+          (begin
+            (if (not (or (symbol? pattern)
+                         (exact-integer? pattern)
+                         (flo:flonum? pattern)
+                         (boolean? pattern)
+                         (null? pattern)))
+                (lose))
+            pvars))))))
+(define (pvar? object) (and (pair? object) (eq? (car object) '_)))
+(define-integrable (make-pvar name type) `(_ ,name ,type))
+(define-integrable (pvar-name pv) (cadr pv))
+(define-integrable (pvar-type pv) (caddr pv))
+(define (match-pattern pattern expression coding-types symbol-table)
+  (let loop ((pattern pattern) (expression expression) (pvals '()))
+    (if (pair? pattern)
+       (if (eq? (car pattern) '_)
+           (let ((pvt (lookup-pvar-type (pvar-type pattern))))
+             (if pvt
+                 (and (or ((pvt-predicate pvt) expression)
+                          (eq? (match-symbolic-expression expression
+                                                          symbol-table)
+                               (pvt-sb-type pvt)))
+                      (cons expression pvals))
+                 (let ((instance
+                        (match-rt-coding-type (pvar-type pattern)
+                                              expression
+                                              coding-types
+                                              symbol-table)))
+                   (and instance
+                        (cons instance pvals)))))
+           (let traverse
+               ((patterns pattern)
+                (expressions expression)
+                (pvals pvals))
+             (if (pair? patterns)
+                 (and (pair? expressions)
+                      (let ((pvals
+                             (loop (car patterns)
+                                   (car expressions)
+                                   pvals)))
+                        (and pvals
+                             (traverse (cdr patterns)
+                                       (cdr expressions)
+                                       pvals))))
+                 (and (null? expressions)
+                      pvals))))
+       (and (eqv? pattern expression)
+            pvals))))
+(define (rt-instance-expression instance)
+  (let loop
+      ((pattern (rt-instance-pattern instance))
+       (pvals (rt-instance-pvals instance))
+       (k
+       (lambda (expression pvals)
+         pvals
+         expression)))
+    (if (pair? pattern)
+       (if (eq? (car pattern) '_)
+           (k (let ((pval (car pvals)))
+                (if (rt-instance? pval)
+                    (rt-instance-expression pval)
+                    pval))
+              (cdr pvals))
+           (let traverse ((patterns pattern) (pvals pvals) (expressions '()))
+             (if (pair? patterns)
+                 (loop (car patterns)
+                       pvals
+                       (lambda (expression pvals)
+                         (traverse (cdr patterns)
+                                   pvals
+                                   (cons expression expressions))))
+                 (k (reverse! expressions) pvals))))
+       (k pattern pvals))))
+;;;; Instructions
+(define-syntax define-inst
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(SYMBOL * SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        (let ((tag (cadr form))
+              (params (cddr form)))
+          (let ((name (symbol-append 'INST: tag)))
+            `(BEGIN
+               (DEFINE-INTEGRABLE (,name ,@params)
+                 (LIST (LIST ',tag ,@params)))
+               (DEFINE-INTEGRABLE (,(symbol-append name '?) INST)
+                 (EQ? (CAR INST) ',tag)))))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-syntax define-unary-operations
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(* SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        `(BEGIN
+           ,@(let loop ((names (cdr form)))
+               (if (pair? names)
+                   (cons `(DEFINE-INST ,(car names) TARGET SOURCE)
+                         (loop (cdr names)))
+                   '())))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-syntax define-generic-unary-operations
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(* SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        `(BEGIN
+           ,@(let loop ((names (cdr form)))
+               (if (pair? names)
+                   (cons `(DEFINE-INST ,(car names) TYPE TARGET SOURCE)
+                         (loop (cdr names)))
+                   '())))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-syntax define-binary-operations
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(* SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        `(BEGIN
+           ,@(let loop ((names (cdr form)))
+               (if (pair? names)
+                   (cons `(DEFINE-INST ,(car names) TARGET SOURCE1 SOURCE2)
+                         (loop (cdr names)))
+                   '())))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-syntax define-generic-binary-operations
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(* SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        `(BEGIN
+           ,@(let loop ((names (cdr form)))
+               (if (pair? names)
+                   (cons `(DEFINE-INST ,(car names) TYPE
+                            TARGET SOURCE1 SOURCE2)
+                         (loop (cdr names)))
+                   '())))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-inst store size source address)
+(define-inst load size target address)
+(define-inst load-address target address)
+(define-inst load-immediate target value)
+(define-inst copy-block size size-type from to)
+(define (load-immediate-operand? n)
+  (or (and (exact-integer? n)
+          (<= #x80000000 n < #x100000000))
+      (flo:flonum? n)))
+;; TYPE and DATUM can be constants or registers; address is a register.
+(define-inst load-pointer target type address)
+(define-inst load-non-pointer target type datum)
+(define-inst label label)
+(define-inst entry-point label)
+(define-inst jump address)
+(define (inst:trap n . args)
+  (list (cons* 'TRAP n args)))
+(define (inst:conditional-jump condition source arg3 #!optional arg4)
+  (list (cons* 'CONDITIONAL-JUMP
+              condition
+              source
+              arg3
+              (if (default-object? arg4) '() (list arg4)))))
+(define (inst:conditional-jump? inst)
+  (eq? (car inst) 'CONDITIONAL-JUMP))
+;; N-ELTS is a constant or a register.
+(define-inst flonum-header target n-elts)
+(define-inst datum-u8 expression)
+(define-inst datum-u16 expression)
+(define-inst datum-u32 expression)
+(define-inst datum-s8 expression)
+(define-inst datum-s16 expression)
+(define-inst datum-s32 expression)
+  copy negate increment decrement abs)
+  object-type object-datum object-address
+  fixnum->integer integer->fixnum address->integer integer->address
+  not
+  sqrt round ceiling floor truncate
+  log exp cos sin tan acos asin atan
+  flonum-align flonum-length)
+  + - *)
+  quotient remainder
+  lsh and andc or xor
+  max-unsigned min-unsigned
+  / atan2)
+;;;; Memory addressing
+(define-syntax define-ea
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(SYMBOL * SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        (let ((tag (cadr form))
+              (params (cddr form)))
+          (let ((name (symbol-append 'EA: tag)))
+            `(BEGIN
+               (DEFINE-INTEGRABLE (,name ,@params)
+                 (INST-EA (,tag ,@(map (lambda (p) `(UNQUOTE p)) params))))
+               (DEFINE-INTEGRABLE (,(symbol-append name '?) EA)
+                 (AND (PAIR? EA)
+                      (EQ? (CAR EA) ',tag))))))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+(define-ea indirect base)
+(define-ea offset base offset scale)
+(define-ea indexed base offset oscale index iscale)
+(define-ea pre-decrement base scale)
+(define-ea pre-increment base scale)
+(define-ea post-decrement base scale)
+(define-ea post-increment base scale)
+(define-ea pc-relative offset)
+(define (memory-reference? ea)
+  (or (ea:indirect? ea)
+      (ea:offset? ea)
+      (ea:indexed? ea)
+      (ea:pre-decrement? ea)
+      (ea:pre-increment? ea)
+      (ea:post-decrement? ea)
+      (ea:post-increment? ea)
+      (ea:pc-relative? ea)))
+(define (ea:address label)
+  (ea:pc-relative `(- ,label *PC*)))
+(define (ea:stack-pop)
+  (ea:post-increment regnum:stack-pointer 'WORD))
+(define (ea:stack-push)
+  (ea:pre-decrement regnum:stack-pointer 'WORD))
+(define (ea:stack-ref index)
+  (ea:offset regnum:stack-pointer index 'WORD))
+(define (ea:alloc-word)
+  (ea:post-increment regnum:free-pointer 'WORD))
+(define (ea:alloc-byte)
+  (ea:post-increment regnum:free-pointer 'BYTE))
+(define (ea:alloc-float)
+  (ea:post-increment regnum:free-pointer 'FLOAT))
+;;;; Traps
+(define-syntax define-traps
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     environment
+     `(BEGIN
+       ,@(map (lambda (name)
+                `(DEFINE ,(symbol-append 'TRAP: name)
+                   (INST:TRAP ',name)))
+              (cddr form))))))
+  ;; This group doesn't return; don't push return address.
+  apply lexpr-apply cache-reference-apply lookup-apply
+  primitive-apply primitive-lexpr-apply
+  error primitive-error
+  &+ &- &* &/ 1+ -1+ quotient remainder modulo
+  &= &< &> zero? positive? negative?
+  ;; This group returns; push return address.
+  link conditionally-serialize
+  interrupt-closure interrupt-dlink interrupt-procedure
+  interrupt-continuation interrupt-ic-procedure
+  reference-trap safe-reference-trap assignment-trap unassigned?-trap
+  lookup safe-lookup set! unassigned? define unbound? access)
+;;;; Machine registers
+(define-integrable number-of-machine-registers 512)
+(define-integrable number-of-temporary-registers 512)
+(define-syntax define-fixed-registers
+  (sc-macro-transformer
+   (lambda (form environment)
+     (if (syntax-match? '(* SYMBOL) (cdr form))
+        (let ((alist
+               (let loop ((names (cdr form)) (index 0))
+                 (if (pair? names)
+                     (cons (cons (car names) index)
+                           (loop (cdr names) (+ index 1)))
+                     '()))))
+          `(BEGIN
+             ,@(map (lambda (p)
+                      `(DEFINE-INTEGRABLE ,(symbol-append 'REGNUM: (car p))
+                         ,(cdr p)))
+                    alist)
+             (DEFINE FIXED-REGISTERS ',alist)))
+        (ill-formed-syntax form)))))
+  stack-pointer
+  dynamic-link
+  free-pointer
+  value
+  environment)
+(define-integrable regnum:float-0 256)
+(define (any-register? object)
+  (and (index-fixnum? object)
+       (fix:< object number-of-machine-registers)
+       object))
+(define (word-register? object)
+  (and (any-register? object)
+       (fix:< object regnum:float-0)
+       object))
+(define (float-register? object)
+  (and (any-register? object)
+       (fix:>= object regnum:float-0)
+       (fix:- object regnum:float-0)))
+(define available-machine-registers
+  (let loop ((r regnum:environment))
+    (if (< r number-of-machine-registers)
+       (cons r (loop (+ r 1)))
+       '())))
+;;;; Register references
+(define register-reference
+  (let ((references
+        (list->vector
+         (map (lambda (r) `(R ,r)) available-machine-registers))))
+    (lambda (register)
+      (guarantee-limited-index-fixnum register
+                                     number-of-machine-registers
+                                     'REGISTER-REFERENCE)
+      (vector-ref references register))))
+(define (register-reference? object)
+  (and (pair? object)
+       (eq? (car object) 'R)
+       (pair? (cdr object))
+       (index-fixnum? (cadr object))
+       (fix:< (cadr object) number-of-machine-registers)
+       (null? (cddr object))))
+(define (word-register-reference? object)
+  (and (pair? object)
+       (eq? (car object) 'R)
+       (pair? (cdr object))
+       (index-fixnum? (cadr object))
+       (fix:< (cadr object) regnum:float-0)
+       (null? (cddr object))))
+(define (float-register-reference? object)
+  (and (pair? object)
+       (eq? (car object) 'R)
+       (pair? (cdr object))
+       (index-fixnum? (cadr object))
+       (fix:>= (cadr object) regnum:float-0)
+       (fix:< (cadr object) number-of-machine-registers)
+       (null? (cddr object))))
+(define-guarantee register-reference "register reference")
+(define (reference->register reference)
+  (guarantee-register-reference reference 'REFERENCE->REGISTER)
+  (cadr reference))
+;;;; Symbolic expressions
+(define (match-symbolic-expression expression symbol-table)
+  (let loop ((expression expression))
+    (cond ((symbol? expression)
+          (let ((binding (lookup-symbol expression symbol-table)))
+            (and binding
+                 (symbol-binding-type binding))))
+         ((and (pair? expression)
+               (symbol? (car expression))
+               (list? (cdr expression))
+               (lookup-symbolic-operator (car expression) #f))
+          => (lambda (op)
+               (let ((types
+                      (map (lambda (expression)
+                             (cond ((se-integer? expression) 'INTEGER)
+                                   ((se-float? expression) 'FLOAT)
+                                   (else (loop expression))))
+                           (cdr expression))))
+                 (and (pair? types)
+                      (for-all? types (lambda (type) type))
+                      ((symbolic-operator-matcher op) types)))))
+         (else #f))))
+(define (symbolic-pval? pval)
+  (or (symbol? pval)
+      (and (pair? pval)
+          (symbol? (car pval)))))
+(define (sb-type:address? type) (eq? type 'ADDRESS))
+(define (sb-type:integer? type) (eq? type 'INTEGER))
+(define (sb-type:float? type) (eq? type 'FLOAT))
+(define (define-symbolic-operator name matcher evaluator)
+  (hash-table/put! symbolic-operators name (cons matcher evaluator)))
+(define (symbolic-operator-matcher op)
+  (car op))
+(define (symbolic-operator-evaluator op)
+  (cdr op))
+(define (lookup-symbolic-operator name error?)
+  (or (hash-table/get symbolic-operators name #f)
+      (error:bad-range-argument name #f)))
+(define symbolic-operators
+  (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define-integrable (se-integer? object)
+  (exact-integer? object))
+(define-integrable (se-float? object)
+  (flo:flonum? object))
+(define (se-address? object)
+  ???)
+(define (se-address:+ address offset)
+  ???)
+(define (se-address:- address1 address2)
+  ???)
+(define-symbolic-operator '+
+  (lambda (types)
+    (and (or (for-all? types sb-type:integer?)
+            (for-all? types sb-type:float?)
+            (and (sb-type:address? (car types))
+                 (for-all? (cdr types) sb-type:integer?)))
+        (car types)))
+  (lambda (pvals)
+    (if (se-address? (car pvals))
+       (se-address:+ (car pvals) (apply + (cdr pvals)))
+       (apply + pvals))))
+(define-symbolic-operator '-
+  (lambda (types)
+    (and (fix:= (length types) 2)
+        (let ((t1 (car types))
+              (t2 (cadr types)))
+          (cond ((and (sb-type:address? t1) (sb-type:integer? t2)) t1)
+                ((not (eq? t1 t2)) #f)
+                ((or (sb-type:integer? t1) (sb-type:float? t1)) t1)
+                ((sb-type:address? t1) 'INTEGER)
+                (else #f)))))
+  (lambda (pvals)
+    (let ((pv1 (car pvals))
+         (pv2 (cadr pvals)))
+      (if (se-address? pv1)
+         (if (se-address? pv2)
+             (se-address:- pv1 pv2)
+             (se-address:+ pv1 (- pv2)))
+         (- pv1 pv2)))))
+(define-symbolic-operator '*
+  (lambda (types)
+    (and (or (for-all? types sb-type:integer?)
+            (for-all? types sb-type:float?))
+        (car types)))
+  (lambda (pvals)
+    (apply * pvals)))
+(define-symbolic-operator '/
+  (lambda (types)
+    (and (fix:= (length types) 2)
+        (let ((t1 (car types))
+              (t2 (cadr types)))
+          (and (eq? t1 t2)
+               (or (sb-type:integer? t1)
+                   (sb-type:float? t1))
+               t1))))
+  (lambda (pvals)
+    (let ((pv1 (car pvals))
+         (pv2 (cadr pvals)))
+      (if (exact-integer? pv1)
+         (quotient pv1 pv2)
+         (/ pv1 pv2)))))
+;;;; Pattern-variable types
+(define-record-type <pvt>
+    (make-pvt name abbreviation sb-type predicate encoder decoder)
+    pvt?
+  (name pvt-name)
+  (abbreviation pvt-abbreviation)
+  (sb-type pvt-sb-type)
+  (predicate pvt-predicate)
+  (encoder pvt-encoder)
+  (decoder pvt-decoder))
+(define (lookup-pvar-type keyword)
+  (hash-table/get pvar-type-table keyword #f))
+(define (pvar-types)
+  (hash-table/datum-list pvar-type-table))
+(define pvar-type-table
+  (make-eq-hash-table))
+(define (define-pvt name abbreviation sb-type predicate encoder decoder)
+  (hash-table/put! pvar-type-table
+                  name
+                  (make-pvt name abbreviation sb-type
+                            predicate encoder decoder))
+  name)
+(define (define-pvt-unsigned n-bytes)
+  (let ((n-bits (* n-bytes 8)))
+    (let ((limit (expt 2 n-bits)))
+      (define-pvt (symbol 'UNSIGNED- n-bits) (symbol 'U n-bits) 'INTEGER
+       (lambda (object)
+         (and (exact-nonnegative-integer? object)
+              (< object limit)))
+       (symbol 'ENCODE-UNSIGNED-INTEGER- n-bits)
+       (symbol 'DECODE-UNSIGNED-INTEGER- n-bits)))))
+(define-pvt-unsigned 1)
+(define-pvt-unsigned 2)
+(define-pvt-unsigned 4)
+(define (define-pvt-signed n-bytes)
+  (let ((n-bits (* n-bytes 8)))
+    (let ((limit (expt 2 (- n-bits 1))))
+      (define-pvt (symbol 'SIGNED- n-bits) (symbol 'S n-bits) 'INTEGER
+       (lambda (object)
+         (and (exact-integer? object)
+              (>= object (- limit))
+              (< object limit)))
+       (symbol 'ENCODE-SIGNED-INTEGER- n-bits)
+       (symbol 'DECODE-SIGNED-INTEGER- n-bits)))))
+(define-pvt-signed 1)
+(define-pvt-signed 2)
+(define-pvt-signed 4)
+(define-pvt 'TYPE-WORD 'TC 'INTEGER
+  (lambda (object)
+    (and (se-integer? object)
+        (< object #x40)))
+(define-pvt 'FLOAT 'FLT 'FLOAT
+  (lambda (object)
+    (se-float? object))
+(define-pvt 'REGISTER 'R 'REGISTER
+  register-reference?
+  word-register-reference?
+  float-register-reference?
+;;;; Primitive codecs
+(define (encode-unsigned-integer-8 n write-byte)
+  (write-byte (remainder n #x100))
+  (write-byte (quotient n #x100)))
+(define (encode-unsigned-integer-16 n write-byte)
+  (write-byte (remainder n #x100))
+  (write-byte (quotient n #x100)))
+(define (encode-unsigned-integer-32 n write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-16 (remainder n #x10000) write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-16 (quotient n #x10000) write-byte))
+(define (encode-unsigned-integer-64 n write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-32 (remainder n #x100000000) write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-32 (quotient n #x100000000) write-byte))
+(define (decode-unsigned-integer-8 read-byte)
+  (read-byte))
+(define (decode-unsigned-integer-16 read-byte)
+  (let ((b0 (read-byte)))
+    (fix:+ (fix:lsh (read-byte) 8) b0)))
+(define (decode-unsigned-integer-32 read-byte)
+  (let ((d0 (decode-unsigned-integer-16 read-byte)))
+    (+ (* (decode-unsigned-integer-16 read-byte) #x10000) d0)))
+(define (decode-unsigned-integer-64 read-byte)
+  (let ((d0 (decode-unsigned-integer-32 read-byte)))
+    (+ (* (decode-unsigned-integer-32 read-byte) #x100000000) d0)))
+(define (encode-signed-integer-8 n write-byte)
+  (write-byte (if (fix:< n 0)
+                 (fix:+ n #x100)
+                 n)))
+(define (encode-signed-integer-16 n write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-16 (if (fix:< n 0)
+                                 (fix:+ n #x10000)
+                                 n)
+                             write-byte))
+(define (encode-signed-integer-32 n write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-32 (if (< n 0)
+                                 (+ n #x100000000)
+                                 n)
+                             write-byte))
+(define (encode-signed-integer-64 n write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-64 (if (< n 0)
+                                 (+ n #x10000000000000000)
+                                 n)
+                             write-byte))
+(define (decode-signed-integer-8 read-byte)
+  (let ((n (read-byte)))
+    (if (fix:< n #x80)
+       n
+       (fix:- n #x100))))
+(define (decode-signed-integer-16 read-byte)
+  (let ((n (decode-unsigned-integer-16 read-byte)))
+    (if (fix:< n #x8000)
+       n
+       (fix:- n #x10000))))
+(define (decode-signed-integer-32 read-byte)
+  (let ((n (decode-unsigned-integer-32 read-byte)))
+    (if (< n #x80000000)
+       n
+       (- n #x100000000))))
+(define (decode-signed-integer-64 read-byte)
+  (let ((n (decode-unsigned-integer-64 read-byte)))
+    (if (< n #x8000000000000000)
+       n
+       (- n #x10000000000000000))))
+(define (encode-float x write-byte)
+  (receive (n e) (float->integers x)
+    (encode-signed-integer-64 n write-byte)
+    (encode-signed-integer-16 e write-byte)))
+(define (decode-float read-byte)
+  (let ((n (decode-signed-integer-64 read-byte)))
+    (integers->float n (decode-signed-integer-16 read-byte))))
+(define (float->integers x)
+  (let ((x>0
+        (let ((done
+               (lambda (x e)
+                 (let ((n (inexact->exact x)))
+                   (if (not (exact-nonnegative-integer? n))
+                       (error "Flonum decode failed:" x))
+                   (values n e)))))
+          (lambda (x)
+            (if (and (> x 1)
+                     (= x (/ x 2)))
+                (error "Can't encode infinity:" x))
+            (let ((n (expt 2 flo:significand-digits-base-2)))
+              (let ((n/2 (/ n 2)))
+                (if (< x n/2)
+                    (let loop ((x (* x 2)) (e -1))
+                      (if (< x n/2)
+                          (loop (* x 2) (- e 1))
+                          (done x e)))
+                    (let loop ((x x) (e 0))
+                      (if (>= x n)
+                          (loop (/ x 2) (+ e 1))
+                          (done x e))))))))))
+    (cond ((> x 0)
+          (x>0 x))
+         ((< x 0)
+          (receive (n e) (x>0 (- x))
+            (values (- n) e)))
+         ((= x 0)
+          (values 0 0))
+         (else
+          (error "Can't encode NaN:" x)))))
+(define (integers->float n e)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      0.
+      (let ((x (exact->inexact n)))
+       (cond ((> e 0)
+              (let loop ((x (* x 2)) (e (- e 1)))
+                (if (> e 0)
+                    (loop (* x 2) (- e 1))
+                    x)))
+             ((< e 0)
+              (let loop ((x (/ x 2)) (e (+ e 1)))
+                (if (< e 0)
+                    (loop (/ x 2) (+ e 1))
+                    x)))
+             (else x)))))
+(define (encode-rref rref write-byte)
+  (encode-unsigned-integer-8 (reference->register rref) write-byte))
+(define (decode-rref read-byte)
+  (register-reference (decode-unsigned-integer-8 read-byte)))
\ No newline at end of file