--- /dev/null
+;;; -*- Scheme -*-
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;;;; Plotting Package for Scheme Widget Application Toolkit
+;;; Working from the Scheme Prompt
+;;; Creates a new plotter.
+;;; Example: (define p (plotter))
+;;;(PLOT plotter . options)
+;;; The options list sequentially describes one or more curves to be
+;;; plotted, in the following manner:
+;;; (PLOT plotter
+;;; <function1> '<option> <value> '<option> <value> ... ;first curve
+;;; <function2> '<option> <value> ... ;second curve
+;;; ...
+;;; ...)
+;;; Returns a single curve if only one function is specified, and a
+;;; list of curves if more than one function is supplied.
+;;; Example: (define c0 (plot p sin 'xmin -10 'xmax 5))
+;;; (define c1&2 (plot p cos 'pt-style 0 tan 'pt-style 5))
+;;; The first parameter to PLOT after plotter must always be a
+;;; function. Curve-specific options affect only the function they
+;;; follow, and thus can and should be repeated. Any instance of a
+;;; global option after the first will be ignored.
+;;; Global options and arguments:
+;;; 'XMIN: The minimum value of x to be displayed on the plot.
+;;; The default is 0.
+;;; 'XMAX: The maximum value of x to be displayed on the plot.
+;;; The default is 1.
+;;; 'YMIN: The minimum value of y to be displayed on the plot.
+;;; If not specified, the plot will be automatically scaled.
+;;; 'YMAX: The maximum value of y to be displayed on the plot.
+;;; If not specified, the plot will be automatically scaled.
+;;; 'AXIS-X: The value of x at which the y-axis will be drawn.
+;;; The default is 0.
+;;; 'AXIS-Y: The value of y at which the x-axis will be drawn.
+;;; The default is 0.
+;;; 'XTICKS: A list of pairs describing ticks on the x axis. The
+;;; car of each pair is the value of x at which to make
+;;; the tick. The cdr is a string to be displayed as a
+;;; label. The procedure MAKE-VALS can be used to return
+;;; a list of values for labels at regular intervals. If
+;;; not specified, only the extreme values will be labeled.
+;;; 'YTICKS: A list of pairs describing ticks on the y axis. Same
+;;; format as XTICKS. If not specified, only the extreme
+;;; values will be labeled.
+;;; Curve-specific options and arguments
+;;; 'NUM-PTS: The number of points to be calculated for the curve.
+;;; The default is one for every 10 pixels.
+;;; 'PT-STYLE: A number representing the style in which the curve
+;;; will be drawn:
+;;; 0 -- lines to the x-axis
+;;; 1 -- large unfilled circles
+;;; 2 -- large unfilled squares
+;;; 3 -- x's
+;;; 4 -- +'s
+;;; 5 -- small filled circles
+;;; 6 -- small filled squares
+;;; 7 -- dots
+;;; 10 -- large unfilled circles with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 20 -- large unfilled squares with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 30 -- x's with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 40 -- +'s with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 50 -- small filled circles with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 60 -- small filled squares with lines to the x-axis
+;;; 100 -- lines between successive points
+;;; The default for the first curve is 0, and for all
+;;; others 100.
+;;; 'COLOR: The color of the curve, as a string or color-value.
+;;; The default for the first curve is black, and for all
+;;; others gray.
+;;; 'SHOW-VALS: A list of values of x at which to label the
+;;; corresponding value of y. The procedure
+;;; MAKE-VALS can be used to return a list of values
+;;; at regular intervals. The default is null.
+;;;(SET-PLOTTER-PARAMS plotter '<option> <value> ... '<option> <value>)
+;;; Options are the same as global options in PLOT. This does
+;;; basically the same thing as PLOT, but no *new* curve is drawn.
+;;; Parameters are reset and all the existing (non-cleared) curves
+;;; are redrawn. Thus, an alternative way to write the example above
+;;; is:
+;;; Example: (set-plotter-params p 'xmin -10 'xmax 5)
+;;; (define c0 (plot p sin))
+;;; Resets plotter's parameters to default params (the ones you see
+;;; when the plotter first comes up).
+;;;(MAKE-VALS min max spacing . centered?)
+;;; Returns a list of pairs that can be used for 'XTICKS 'YTICKS, or
+;;; 'SHOW-VALS. If centered? is #t, the ticks will be centered about
+;;; 0, with a tick at 0. Otherwise, the ticks will begin at the min
+;;; value.
+;;; Example: (define c0 (plot p sin 'xmin -5 'xmax 5
+;;; 'xticks (make-vals -5 5 1)))
+;;;(CHANGE-COLOR curve color)
+;;; Changes the color of the given curve and replots the curve.
+;;; Replots the curve if it's not cleared.
+;;;(CHANGE-PT-STYLE curve pt-style)
+;;; Changes the point style of the given curve and replots the curve.
+;;; Replots the curve if it's not cleared.
+;;;(CHANGE-NUM-PTS curve num-pts)
+;;; Changes the number of points calculated for the given curve and
+;;; replots the curve. Replots the curve if it's not cleared.
+;;;(CLEAR-CURVE curve)
+;;; Clears the given curve from the screen without deleting the curve
+;;; from the plotter.
+;;;(PLOT-CURVE curve)
+;;; Replots the curve that has been cleared.
+;;;(DELETE-CURVE curve)
+;;; Deletes the given curve from the plotter.
+;;;(ADD-SHOW-VALS curve show-vals)
+;;; Add show-vals to a curve.
+;;;(CLEAR-SHOW-VALS curve)
+;;; Clears all the curve's show vals, w/o deleting them from the curve.
+;;;(DRAW-SHOW-VALS curve)
+;;; Redraws the cleared show-vals.
+;;;(DELETE-SHOW-VALS curve)
+;;; Clears the curve's show-vals and deletes them from a curve.
+;;;(ADD-XTICKS plotter xticks)
+;;; Adds the specified xticks.
+;;;(ADD-YTICKS plotter yticks)
+;;; Adds the specified yticks.
+;;;(CLEAR-TICKS plotter)
+;;; Clears ticks from the axes of the plotter, without deleting them
+;;; from the plotter.
+;;;(DRAW-TICKS plotter)
+;;; Redraws the cleared ticks.
+;;;(DELETE-TICKS plotter)
+;;; Clears ticks from the axes of the plotter and deletes them from
+;;; the plotter.
+;;;(CLEAR-PLOTTER plotter)
+;;; Clears all plotter's curves and ticks.
+;;;(REPLOT plotter)
+;;; Redraws all plotter's curves and ticks (including the cleared ones).
+;;;(RESET-PLOTTER plotter)
+;;; Deletes all plotter's curves and ticks.
+;;; Interface Monster
+;;; Customizable Variables
+(define button-background-color "yellow")
+(define button-active-background-color "red")
+(define button-active-foreground-color "white")
+(define canvas-background-color "white")
+(define canvas-width 500)
+(define canvas-height 300)
+(define canvas-border-size 15)
+(define font "-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*")
+(define tick-precision 2)
+(define vals-precision 2)
+(define curve-max-num-pts 200)
+(define plotter-default-num-pts 50)
+(define plotter-default-pt-style 100)
+(define plotter-default-curve-color "black")
+(define plotter-default-xmin -5)
+(define plotter-default-xmax 5)
+(define plotter-default-ymin -1)
+(define plotter-default-ymax 1)
+(define plotter-default-axis-x 0)
+(define plotter-default-axis-y 0)
+(define plotter-default-xticks '())
+(define plotter-default-yticks '())
+(define (plotter)
+ (let* ((plot-app (make-application "Plotter"))
+ (plotter
+ (make-plot-canvas canvas-width canvas-height canvas-background-color))
+ (plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (func-button (make-button '(-text "Function")))
+ (func-box #f)
+ (options-menu (make-menu))
+ (options-button (make-menubutton options-menu '(-text "Options")))
+ (precision (add-to-menu options-menu 'command '-label "Precision"))
+ (prec-box #f)
+ (range (add-to-menu options-menu 'command '-label "Range"))
+ (range-box #f)
+ (plot-button (make-button '(-text "Plot")))
+ (reset-button (make-button '(-text "Reset")))
+ (button-box (make-hbox func-button options-button plot-button reset-button))
+ (interface (make-vbox plot-canvas button-box)))
+ (for-each (lambda (button)
+ (ask-widget
+ button
+ `(configure -background ,button-background-color
+ -activebackground ,button-active-background-color
+ -activeforeground ,button-active-foreground-color)))
+ (list func-button options-button plot-button reset-button))
+ (for-each (lambda (button)
+ (ask-widget
+ button
+ `(configure -background ,button-background-color
+ -activebackground ,button-background-color)))
+ (list range precision))
+ (add-event-handler! plot-canvas "<Configure>" (plotter 'handle-resize))
+ (set-callback!
+ func-button
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not func-box)
+ (let ((new-func-box (make-func-box plot-app plotter)))
+ (on-death! new-func-box 'func-dead (lambda () (set! func-box #f)))
+ (set! func-box new-func-box)))))
+ (set-callback!
+ precision
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not prec-box)
+ (let ((new-prec-box (make-prec-box plot-app plotter)))
+ (on-death! new-prec-box 'prec-dead (lambda () (set! prec-box #f)))
+ (set! prec-box new-prec-box)))))
+ (set-callback!
+ range
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (not range-box)
+ (let ((new-range-box (make-range-box plot-app plotter)))
+ (on-death! new-range-box 'range-dead (lambda () (set! range-box #f)))
+ (set! range-box new-range-box)))))
+ (set-callback! plot-button (lambda () (plotter 'plot-current-func)))
+ (set-callback! reset-button (lambda () (plotter 'clear-curves)))
+ (on-death! interface 'interface-dead
+ (lambda ()
+ (if func-box (remove-child! plot-app func-box))
+ (if range-box (remove-child! plot-app range-box))
+ (if prec-box (remove-child! plot-app prec-box))))
+ (swat-open-in-application plot-app interface)
+ plotter))
+(define (make-func-box plot-app plotter)
+ (let* ((func-entry (make-entry `(-width 40 -background ,canvas-background-color)))
+ (func-ok-button
+ (make-button
+ `(-text "Ok" -background ,button-background-color
+ -activebackground ,button-active-background-color
+ -activeforeground ,button-active-foreground-color)))
+ (func-box (make-hbox func-entry func-ok-button)))
+ (define (function-callback)
+ (let ((exp (ask-widget func-entry '(get))))
+ (if (not (string-null? exp))
+ ;; Of course, this could get an error while evaling; maybe
+ ;; need something more clever.
+ (let ((proc (eval (with-input-from-string exp read)
+ user-initial-environment)))
+ (if (not (procedure? proc))
+ (error "Not a procedure" proc)
+ ((plotter 'set-function) proc))))))
+ (add-event-handler! func-entry "<KeyPress> <Return>" function-callback)
+ (set-callback! func-ok-button function-callback)
+ (swat-open-in-application plot-app func-box '-title "Enter a function of x")
+ func-box))
+(define (make-prec-box plot-app plotter)
+ (let* ((prec-scale
+ (make-scale `(-from 0 -to ,curve-max-num-pts -orient horizontal
+ -length ,(inexact->exact (* 1.5 curve-max-num-pts))
+ -background ,canvas-background-color
+ -sliderforeground ,button-background-color
+ -activeforeground ,button-active-background-color)))
+ (prec-redraw
+ (make-button `(-text "Redraw Curves" -background ,button-background-color
+ -activebackground ,button-active-background-color
+ -activeforeground ,button-active-foreground-color)))
+ (prec-box (make-vbox prec-scale prec-redraw)))
+ (ask-widget prec-scale `(set ,(plotter 'default-num-pts)))
+ (add-event-handler!
+ prec-scale
+ "<ButtonRelease-1>"
+ (lambda ()
+ ((plotter 'set-default-num-pts)
+ (string->number (ask-widget prec-scale '(get))))))
+ (set-callback! prec-redraw (lambda () (plotter 'plot-curves)))
+ (swat-open-in-application plot-app prec-box '-title "Number of points:")
+ prec-box))
+(define (make-range-box plot-app plotter)
+ (let* ((range-ok-button
+ (make-button `(-text "Ok" -background ,button-background-color
+ -activebackground ,button-active-background-color
+ -activeforeground ,button-active-foreground-color)))
+ (xmin-text (make-active-variable plot-app))
+ (xmax-text (make-active-variable plot-app))
+ (ymin-text (make-active-variable plot-app))
+ (ymax-text (make-active-variable plot-app))
+ (xmin-entry (make-entry `(-textvariable ,xmin-text)))
+ (xmax-entry (make-entry `(-textvariable ,xmax-text)))
+ (ymin-entry (make-entry `(-textvariable ,ymin-text)))
+ (ymax-entry (make-entry `(-textvariable ,ymax-text)))
+ (x-label (make-label '(-text "Values of x:")))
+ (xmin-label (make-label '(-text "From")))
+ (xmax-label (make-label '(-text "To")))
+ (y-label (make-label '(-text "Values of y:")))
+ (ymin-label (make-label '(-text "From")))
+ (ymax-label (make-label '(-text "To")))
+ (x-box
+ (make-vbox x-label
+ (make-hbox xmin-label xmin-entry xmax-label xmax-entry)))
+ (y-box
+ (make-vbox y-label
+ (make-hbox ymin-label ymin-entry ymax-label ymax-entry)))
+ (range-box (make-hbox (make-vbox x-box y-box) range-ok-button)))
+ (for-each (lambda (label)
+ (ask-widget label `(configure -background ,canvas-background-color)))
+ (list x-label xmin-label xmax-label y-label ymin-label ymax-label))
+ (for-each (lambda (entry)
+ ;; background color?
+ (ask-widget entry `(configure -width 5)))
+ (list xmin-entry xmax-entry ymin-entry ymax-entry))
+ (set-callback!
+ range-ok-button
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (ymin (plotter 'ymin))
+ (ymax (plotter 'ymax))
+ (new-xmin (string->number (ask-widget xmin-entry '(get))))
+ (new-xmax (string->number (ask-widget xmax-entry '(get))))
+ (new-ymin (string->number (ask-widget ymin-entry '(get))))
+ (new-ymax (string->number (ask-widget ymax-entry '(get)))))
+ (if (not (and (eqv? xmin new-xmin)
+ (eqv? xmax new-xmax)
+ (eqv? ymin new-ymin)
+ (eqv? ymax new-ymax)))
+ (begin
+ ((plotter 'set-xmin) new-xmin)
+ ((plotter 'set-xmax) new-xmax)
+ ((plotter 'set-ymin) new-ymin)
+ ((plotter 'set-ymax) new-ymax)
+ (plotter 'clear)
+ (draw-axes plotter)
+ (plotter 'plot-curves))))))
+ (swat-open-in-application plot-app range-box '-title "Range")
+ (set-active-variable! xmin-text (plotter 'xmin))
+ (set-active-variable! xmax-text (plotter 'xmax))
+ (set-active-variable! ymin-text (plotter 'ymin))
+ (set-active-variable! ymax-text (plotter 'ymax))
+ range-box))
+;;; The Plotter
+(define (make-plot-canvas hsize vsize bgrnd-color)
+ (let ((default-num-pts plotter-default-num-pts)
+ (default-pt-style plotter-default-pt-style)
+ (default-color plotter-default-curve-color)
+ (xmin plotter-default-xmin)
+ (xmax plotter-default-xmax)
+ (ymin plotter-default-ymin)
+ (ymax plotter-default-ymax)
+ (yaxis.xval plotter-default-axis-x)
+ (xaxis.yval plotter-default-axis-y)
+ (xticks plotter-default-xticks)
+ (yticks plotter-default-yticks)
+ (current-func #f)
+ (current-func-curve #f)
+ (curve-list '())
+ (resize-flag #f))
+ (let* ((the-canvas (make-canvas `(-width ,hsize -height ,vsize
+ -background ,bgrnd-color)))
+ (axes-tag (make-canvas-item-group the-canvas '()))
+ (ticks-tag (make-canvas-item-group the-canvas '())))
+ (define (plotter messg)
+ (case messg
+ ((hsize) hsize)
+ ((vsize) vsize)
+ ((the-canvas) the-canvas)
+ ((curve-list) curve-list)
+ ((default-num-pts) default-num-pts)
+ ((set-default-num-pts)
+ (lambda (new-num-pts) (set! default-num-pts new-num-pts)))
+ ((default-pt-style) default-pt-style)
+ ((set-default-pt-style)
+ (lambda (new-pt-style) (set! default-pt-style new-pt-style)))
+ ((default-color) default-color)
+ ((set-default-color)
+ (lambda (new-color) (set! default-color new-color)))
+ ((function) current-func)
+ ((set-function)
+ (lambda (func)
+ (set! current-func-curve #f)
+ (set! current-func func)))
+ ((xmin) xmin)
+ ((set-xmin) (lambda (new-xmin) (set! xmin new-xmin)))
+ ((xmax) xmax)
+ ((set-xmax) (lambda (new-xmax) (set! xmax new-xmax)))
+ ((ymin) ymin)
+ ((set-ymin) (lambda (new-ymin) (set! ymin new-ymin)))
+ ((ymax) ymax)
+ ((set-ymax) (lambda (new-ymax) (set! ymax new-ymax)))
+ ((xaxis.yval) xaxis.yval)
+ ((yaxis.xval) yaxis.xval)
+ ((xaxis.y)
+ (let ((y-range (- ymax ymin)))
+ (if (= y-range 0)
+ (error "ymin and ymax are the same--MAKE-PLOT-CANVAS" ymin)
+ (+ (* (exact->inexact (/ (- (* canvas-border-size 2) vsize)
+ y-range))
+ (- xaxis.yval ymin))
+ vsize
+ (- canvas-border-size)))))
+ ((yaxis.x)
+ (let ((x-range (- xmax xmin)))
+ (if (= x-range 0)
+ (error "xmin and xmax are the same--MAKE-PLOT-CANVAS" xmin)
+ (+ (* (exact->inexact (/ (- hsize (* canvas-border-size 2))
+ (- xmax xmin)))
+ (- yaxis.xval xmin))
+ canvas-border-size))))
+ ((xticks) xticks)
+ ((set-xticks) (lambda (new-xticks) (set! xticks new-xticks)))
+ ((yticks) yticks)
+ ((set-yticks) (lambda (new-yticks) (set! yticks new-yticks)))
+ ((axes-tag) axes-tag)
+ ((ticks-tag) ticks-tag)
+ ((set-params)
+ (lambda (new-xmin new-xmax new-ymin new-ymax
+ new-yaxis.xval new-xaxis.yval new-xticks new-yticks)
+ (set! xmin new-xmin)
+ (set! xmax new-xmax)
+ (set! ymin new-ymin)
+ (set! ymax new-ymax)
+ (set! yaxis.xval new-yaxis.xval)
+ (set! xaxis.yval new-xaxis.yval)
+ (set! xticks new-xticks)
+ (set! yticks new-yticks)
+ 'set))
+ ((x:val->pix) (x:val->pix xmin xmax hsize))
+ ((y:val->pix) (y:val->pix ymin ymax vsize))
+ ((add-curve)
+ (lambda (curve) (set! curve-list (append curve-list (list curve)))))
+ ((plot-current-func)
+ (if (and current-func (not current-func-curve))
+ (let ((new-curve
+ (make-curve plotter current-func default-pt-style
+ default-num-pts default-color #f)))
+ (set! current-func-curve new-curve)
+ (set! curve-list (cons new-curve curve-list))
+ (new-curve 'plot))))
+ ((plot-curves)
+ (for-each (lambda (curve)
+ (if (not (curve 'cleared?))
+ (curve 'plot)))
+ curve-list)
+ 'plotted)
+ ((clear)
+ (ask-widget the-canvas '(delete all))
+ 'cleared)
+ ((clear-curves)
+ (for-each (lambda (curve) (curve 'clear)) curve-list)
+ 'cleared)
+ ((delete-curve)
+ (lambda (curve)
+ (curve 'clear)
+ (set! curve-list (delq curve curve-list))
+ 'deleted))
+ ((delete-curves)
+ (for-each (lambda (curve) (curve 'clear)) curve-list)
+ (set! curve-list #f)
+ 'deleted)
+ ((clear-axes)
+ (ask-widget axes-tag '(delete))
+ 'cleared)
+ ((clear-ticks)
+ (ask-widget ticks-tag '(delete))
+ 'cleared)
+ ((delete-ticks)
+ (set! xticks '())
+ (set! yticks '())
+ (ask-widget ticks-tag '(delete))
+ 'deleted)
+ ((handle-resize)
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; For some reason, the "<Configure>" event gets generated
+ ;; twice per window resize -- so skip one of them.
+ (if (not resize-flag)
+ (set! resize-flag #t)
+ (begin
+ (set! resize-flag #f)
+ (ask-widget the-canvas '(delete all))
+ (let ((old-width hsize)
+ (width (UITKRectangle.width
+ (assigned-screen-area the-canvas)))
+ (height (UITKRectangle.height
+ (assigned-screen-area the-canvas))))
+ (set! hsize width)
+ (set! vsize height)
+ (set! default-num-pts (round (* default-num-pts
+ (/ width old-width))))
+ (draw-axes plotter)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (curve)
+ (curve-scale-num-pts!
+ curve (exact->inexact (/ width old-width)))
+ (if (not (curve 'cleared?))
+ (begin (curve 'clear)
+ (curve 'plot))))
+ curve-list))))))
+ (else (error "Bad message--PLOTTER" messg))))
+ plotter)))
+(define ((x:val->pix xmin xmax hsize) x)
+ (+ (* (exact->inexact
+ (/ (- hsize (* canvas-border-size 2))
+ (- xmax xmin)))
+ (- x xmin))
+ canvas-border-size))
+(define ((y:val->pix ymin ymax vsize) y)
+ (+ (* (exact->inexact
+ (/ (- (* canvas-border-size 2) vsize)
+ (- ymax ymin)))
+ (- y ymin))
+ vsize
+ (- canvas-border-size)))
+(define (draw-xticks plotter)
+ (let ((xticks (plotter 'xticks)))
+ (if xticks
+ (let ((plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (x:val->pix (plotter 'x:val->pix))
+ (xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (xaxis.y (plotter 'xaxis.y))
+ (ticks-tag (plotter 'ticks-tag))
+ (factor (expt 10 tick-precision)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (tick)
+ (if (> xmax tick xmin)
+ (let ((val (x:val->pix tick))
+ (tag (swat:number->string
+ (/ (truncate (* factor tick)) factor))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ ticks-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ val (- xaxis.y 4)
+ val (+ xaxis.y 4)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ ticks-tag
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ val (- xaxis.y 9)
+ `(-text ,tag -font ,font))))))
+ xticks))))
+ 'drawn)
+(define (draw-yticks plotter)
+ (let ((yticks (plotter 'yticks)))
+ (if yticks
+ (let ((plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (y:val->pix (plotter 'y:val->pix))
+ (ymin (plotter 'ymin))
+ (ymax (plotter 'ymax))
+ (yaxis.x (plotter 'yaxis.x))
+ (ticks-tag (plotter 'ticks-tag))
+ (factor (expt 10 tick-precision)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (tick)
+ (if (> ymax tick ymin)
+ (let ((val (y:val->pix tick))
+ (tag (swat:number->string
+ (/ (truncate (* factor tick)) factor))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ ticks-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- yaxis.x 4) val
+ (+ yaxis.x 4) val))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ ticks-tag
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (+ yaxis.x 6) val
+ `(-text ,tag -anchor w
+ -font ,font))))))
+ yticks))))
+ 'drawn)
+(define (draw-axes plotter)
+ (let* ((plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (hsize (plotter 'hsize))
+ (vsize (plotter 'vsize))
+ (xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (ymin (plotter 'ymin))
+ (ymax (plotter 'ymax))
+ (xaxis.yval (plotter 'xaxis.yval))
+ (yaxis.xval (plotter 'yaxis.xval))
+ (xaxis.y (plotter 'xaxis.y))
+ (yaxis.x (plotter 'yaxis.x))
+ (axes-tag (plotter 'axes-tag))
+ (trim 3)
+ (x-.x trim)
+ (x+.x (- hsize trim))
+ (y-.y trim)
+ (y+.y (- vsize trim)))
+ (if (>= ymax xaxis.yval ymin)
+ (begin
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ axes-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x+.x xaxis.y x-.x xaxis.y '(-arrow both)))
+ (draw-xticks plotter)
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- hsize trim) (- xaxis.y trim)
+ `(-text ,(swat:number->string xmax) -anchor se)) ;
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ trim (- xaxis.y trim)
+ `(-text ,(swat:number->string xmin) -anchor sw))))
+ (if (>= xmax yaxis.xval xmin)
+ (begin
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ axes-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas yaxis.x y+.y yaxis.x y-.y '(-arrow both)))
+ (draw-yticks plotter)
+ (let ((factor (expt 10 tick-precision)))
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (+ yaxis.x 8) trim
+ `(-text ,(swat:number->string
+ (/ (round (* ymax factor)) factor))
+ -anchor nw))
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (+ yaxis.x 8) vsize
+ `(-text ,(swat:number->string
+ (/ (round (* ymin factor)) factor))
+ -anchor sw)))))
+ 'done))
+;;; Curves
+(define (make-curve plotter function pt-style num-pts color show-vals)
+ (let* ((plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (curve-tag (make-canvas-item-group plot-canvas '()))
+ (outline-tag (make-canvas-item-group plot-canvas '()))
+ (vals-tag (make-canvas-item-group plot-canvas '()))
+ (cleared? #f))
+ (lambda (messg)
+ (case messg
+ ((plotter) plotter)
+ ((num-pts) num-pts)
+ ((set-num-pts) (lambda (new-num-pts) (set! num-pts new-num-pts)))
+ ((show-vals) show-vals)
+ ((set-show-vals) (lambda (new-vals) (set! show-vals new-vals)))
+ ((cleared?) cleared?)
+ ((change-pt-style)
+ (lambda (new-pt-style)
+ (cond ((pt-style? new-pt-style)
+ (set! pt-style new-pt-style))
+ (else (write-line "Not a style--MAKE-CURVE") pt-style))))
+ ((change-color)
+ (lambda (new-color)
+ (set! color new-color)
+ (if (not cleared?)
+ (begin
+ (ask-widget curve-tag `(configure -fill ,color))
+ (ask-widget outline-tag `(configure -outline ,color))
+ (ask-widget vals-tag `(configure -fill ,color))))))
+ ((get-extreme-vals)
+ (lambda (min max)
+ (get-extreme-vals function min max num-pts)))
+ ((plot)
+ (graph function plotter curve-tag outline-tag pt-style num-pts color)
+ (if show-vals
+ (graph-vals function plotter show-vals vals-tag color))
+ (set! cleared? #f)
+ 'plotted)
+ ((draw-vals)
+ (if show-vals
+ (graph-vals function plotter show-vals vals-tag color))
+ 'drawn)
+ ((clear-vals)
+ (ask-widget vals-tag '(delete))
+ 'cleared)
+ ((delete-vals)
+ (ask-widget vals-tag '(delete))
+ (set! show-vals #f)
+ 'removed)
+ ((clear)
+ (ask-widget curve-tag '(delete))
+ (ask-widget outline-tag '(delete))
+ (ask-widget vals-tag '(delete))
+ (set! cleared? #t)
+ 'cleared)
+ (else (error "Bad message--MAKE-CURVE" messg))))))
+(define (get-extreme-vals function min max num-pts)
+ (let* ((factor (expt 10 vals-precision))
+ (first-val (function min))
+ (min-val first-val)
+ (max-val first-val)
+ (step (exact->inexact (/ (- max min) num-pts))))
+ (define (calculate x)
+ (let ((val (function x)))
+ (cond ((> x max)
+ (list (/ (round (* min-val factor)) factor)
+ (/ (round (* max-val factor)) factor)))
+ ((< val min-val) (set! min-val val)
+ (calculate (+ x step)))
+ ((> val max-val) (set! max-val val)
+ (calculate (+ x step)))
+ (else (calculate (+ x step))))))
+ (calculate (+ min step))))
+(define (pt-style? val)
+ (memv val '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 20 30 40 50 60 100)))
+(define (curve-scale-num-pts! curve factor)
+ ((curve 'set-num-pts) (round (* (curve 'num-pts) factor))))
+(define (maybe-replot-curve curve)
+ (if (not (curve 'cleared?))
+ (begin (curve 'clear)
+ (curve'plot))))
+(define (graph function plotter curve-tag outline-tag pt-style num-pts color)
+ (let ((plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas))
+ (xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (xaxis.yval (plotter 'xaxis.yval))
+ (x:val->pix (plotter 'x:val->pix))
+ (y:val->pix (plotter 'y:val->pix)))
+ (let ((xaxis.y (y:val->pix xaxis.yval)))
+ (define (draw-0 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x y)))
+ (define (draw-1 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ outline-tag
+ (make-oval-on-canvas plot-canvas (- x 3) (- y 3) (+ x 3) (+ y 3))))
+ (define (draw-2 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ outline-tag
+ (make-rectangle-on-canvas plot-canvas (- x 3) (- y 3) (+ x 3) (+ y 3))))
+ (define (draw-3 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 3) (+ y 3)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas (+ x 2) (- y 2) (- x 2) (+ y 2))))
+ (define (draw-4 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x (- y 2) x (+ y 3)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas (- x 2) y (+ x 3) y)))
+ (define (draw-5 x y)
+ (let ((seg (make-oval-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group outline-tag seg)))
+ (define (draw-6 x y)
+ (let ((seg (make-rectangle-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group outline-tag seg)))
+ (define (draw-7 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas x (- y 2) '(-text "."))))
+ (define (draw-10 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x (+ y 3)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ outline-tag (make-oval-on-canvas
+ plot-canvas (- x 3) (- y 3) (+ x 3) (+ y 3))))
+ (define (draw-20 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x (+ y 2)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ outline-tag
+ (make-rectangle-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 3) (- y 3) (+ x 3) (+ y 3))))
+ (define (draw-30 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 3) (+ y 3)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (+ x 2) (- y 2) (- x 2) (+ y 2)))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x y)))
+ (define (draw-40 x y)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x (- y 2) x xaxis.y))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ curve-tag (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas (- x 2) y (+ x 3) y)))
+ (define (draw-50 x y)
+ (let ((seg1 (make-oval-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)))
+ (seg2 (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x (+ y 2))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group outline-tag seg1)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg1)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg2)))
+ (define (draw-60 x y)
+ (let ((seg1 (make-rectangle-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)))
+ (seg2 (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas x xaxis.y x (+ y 2))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group outline-tag seg1)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg1)
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag seg2)))
+ (define (draw-dispatch pt-style)
+ (cond ((= pt-style 0) draw-0)
+ ((= pt-style 1) draw-1)
+ ((= pt-style 2) draw-2)
+ ((= pt-style 3) draw-3)
+ ((= pt-style 4) draw-4)
+ ((= pt-style 5) draw-5)
+ ((= pt-style 6) draw-6)
+ ((= pt-style 7) draw-7)
+ ((= pt-style 10) draw-10)
+ ((= pt-style 20) draw-20)
+ ((= pt-style 30) draw-30)
+ ((= pt-style 40) draw-40)
+ ((= pt-style 50) draw-50)
+ ((= pt-style 60) draw-60)))
+ (let* ((draw (draw-dispatch pt-style))
+ (xstep (exact->inexact (/ (- xmax xmin) num-pts))))
+ (define (calc-100 last-x last-y x y)
+ (if (not (> x xmax))
+ (let ((segment
+ (make-line-on-canvas plot-canvas
+ (x:val->pix last-x)
+ (y:val->pix last-y)
+ (x:val->pix x)
+ (y:val->pix y))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group curve-tag segment)
+ (calc-100 x y (+ x xstep) (function (+ x xstep))))))
+ (define (calculate x y)
+ (if (not (> x xmax))
+ (begin (draw (x:val->pix x) (y:val->pix y))
+ (calculate (+ x xstep) (function (+ x xstep))))))
+ (if (= pt-style 100)
+ (calc-100 xmin (function xmin) (+ xmin xstep) (function (+ xmin xstep)))
+ (calculate xmin (function xmin)))
+ (ask-widget curve-tag `(configure -fill ,color))
+ (ask-widget outline-tag `(configure -outline ,color))))))
+(define (graph-vals function plotter show-vals vals-tag color)
+ (let ((factor (expt 10 vals-precision))
+ (x:val->pix (plotter 'x:val->pix))
+ (y:val->pix (plotter 'y:val->pix))
+ (plot-canvas (plotter 'the-canvas)))
+ (let marker ((show-vals show-vals))
+ (if (not (null? show-vals))
+ (let* ((x-val (car show-vals))
+ (x (x:val->pix x-val))
+ (y-val (function x-val))
+ (y (y:val->pix y-val))
+ (pos-y? (>= y-val (plotter 'xaxis.yval))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ vals-tag
+ (make-text-on-canvas
+ plot-canvas x (if pos-y? (- y 3) (+ y 6))
+ `(-text ,(swat:number->string (/ (round (* y-val factor)) factor))
+ -anchor ,(if pos-y? 's 'n))))
+ (add-to-canvas-item-group
+ vals-tag
+ (make-text-on-canvas plot-canvas x y '(-text "|")))
+ (marker (cdr show-vals)))))
+ (ask-widget vals-tag `(configure -fill ,color))))
+;;; Scheme-prompt Interface
+(define (plot plotter . spec-list)
+ (define (package-curves arg-list)
+ (let package-loop ((result (list (car arg-list)))
+ (rest (cdr arg-list)))
+ (cond ((null? rest) (list (reverse result)))
+ ((procedure? (car rest))
+ (cons (reverse result) (package-curves rest)))
+ (else (package-loop (cons (car rest) result) (cdr rest))))))
+ (if (not (null? spec-list))
+ (let* ((curve-desc-list (package-curves spec-list))
+ (old-xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (old-xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (old-ymin (plotter 'ymin))
+ (old-ymax (plotter 'ymax))
+ (old-axis-y (plotter 'xaxis.yval))
+ (old-axis-x (plotter 'yaxis.xval))
+ (old-xticks (plotter 'xticks))
+ (old-yticks (plotter 'yticks))
+ (xmin~ #f) (axis-x~ #f) (num-pts~ #f)
+ (xmax~ #f) (axis-y~ #f) (pt-style~ #f)
+ (ymin~ #f) (xticks~ #f) (color~ #f)
+ (ymax~ #f) (yticks~ #f) (show-vals~ #f)
+ (default-num-pts (plotter 'default-num-pts))
+ (default-pt-style (plotter 'default-pt-style))
+ (default-color (plotter 'default-color))
+ (curve-list '()))
+ (define (process-next-curve curve-desc)
+ (let ((f (car curve-desc))
+ (curve-options (cdr curve-desc)))
+ (let curve-loop ((curve-options curve-options))
+ (if (not (null? curve-options))
+ (let ((option-name (car curve-options)))
+ (cond ((not (symbol? option-name))
+ (error "Bad option--PLOT" option-name))
+ ((null? (cdr curve-options))
+ (error "PLOT: No value specified for option"
+ option-name))
+ (else
+ (let ((option-value (cadr curve-options)))
+ (process-option option-name option-value)
+ (curve-loop (cddr curve-options))))))))
+ (make-curve plotter
+ f
+ (or pt-style~ default-pt-style)
+ (or num-pts~ default-num-pts)
+ (or color~ default-color)
+ show-vals~)))
+ (define (process-option name value)
+ (case name
+ ;; global options
+ ((xmin) (if (not xmin~) (set! xmin~ value)))
+ ((xmax) (if (not xmax~) (set! xmax~ value)))
+ ((ymin) (if (not ymin~) (set! ymin~ value)))
+ ((ymax) (if (not ymax~) (set! ymax~ value)))
+ ((axis-x) (if (not axis-x~) (set! axis-x~ value)))
+ ((axis-y) (if (not axis-y~) (set! axis-y~ value)))
+ ((xticks) (if (not xticks~) (set! xticks~ value)))
+ ((yticks) (if (not yticks~) (set! xticks~ value)))
+ ;; curve-specific options
+ ((num-pts) (set! num-pts~ value))
+ ((pt-style) (set! pt-style~ value))
+ ((color) (set! color~ value))
+ ((show-vals) (set! show-vals~ value))
+ (else (error "Illegal option--PLOT" name))))
+ (define (reset-options!)
+ (set! num-pts~ #f)
+ (set! pt-style~ #f)
+ (set! color~ #f)
+ (set! show-vals~ #f))
+ (let process-loop ((curve-desc-list (reverse curve-desc-list)))
+ (if (not (null? curve-desc-list))
+ (let ((new-curve (process-next-curve (car curve-desc-list))))
+ ((plotter 'add-curve) new-curve)
+ (set! curve-list (cons new-curve curve-list))
+ (reset-options!)
+ (process-loop (cdr curve-desc-list)))))
+ (let* ((xmin (or xmin~ old-xmin))
+ (xmax (or xmax~ old-xmax))
+ (get-extremes
+ (lambda (xmin xmax)
+ (map (lambda (curve) ((curve 'get-extreme-vals) xmin xmax))
+ curve-list)))
+ (extremes #f)
+ (ymin
+ (or ymin~
+ (min
+ old-ymin
+ (let ((xtremes (get-extremes xmin xmax)))
+ (set! extremes xtremes)
+ (apply min (cons 0 (map (lambda (e) (car e)) xtremes)))))))
+ (ymax
+ (or ymax~
+ (max
+ old-ymax
+ (let ((xtremes
+ (if extremes extremes (get-extremes xmin xmax))))
+ (apply max (cons 0 (map (lambda (e) (cadr e)) xtremes)))))))
+ (axis-y (or axis-y~ old-axis-y))
+ (axis-x (or axis-x~ old-axis-x)))
+ (if (and (= xmin old-xmin)
+ (= xmax old-xmax)
+ (= ymin old-ymin)
+ (= ymax old-ymax)
+ (= axis-x old-axis-x)
+ (= axis-y old-axis-y)
+ (equal? xticks~ old-xticks)
+ (equal? yticks~ old-yticks))
+ ;; only plot the new curves
+ (for-each (lambda (new-curve) (new-curve 'plot))
+ curve-list)
+ ;; if a global param changed, replot everything
+ (begin
+ ((plotter 'set-params)
+ xmin xmax ymin ymax axis-x axis-y xticks~ yticks~)
+ (plotter 'clear)
+ (draw-axes plotter)
+ (plotter 'plot-curves)))
+ ;; return the curve if there's only one, list of curves if more.
+ (and (pair? curve-list)
+ (if (= (length curve-list) 1)
+ (car curve-list)
+ curve-list))))))
+(define (set-plotter-params plotter . spec-list)
+ (let ((xmin (plotter 'xmin))
+ (xmax (plotter 'xmax))
+ (ymin (plotter 'ymin))
+ (ymax (plotter 'ymax))
+ (axis-x (plotter 'yaxis.xval))
+ (axis-y (plotter 'xaxis.yval))
+ (xticks (plotter 'xticks))
+ (yticks (plotter 'yticks)))
+ (define (process-option name value)
+ (case name
+ ;; global options
+ ((xmin) (set! xmin value))
+ ((xmax) (set! xmax value))
+ ((ymin) (set! ymin value))
+ ((ymax) (set! ymax value))
+ ((axis-x) (set! axis-x value))
+ ((axis-y) (set! axis-y value))
+ ((xticks) (set! xticks value))
+ ((yticks) (set! xticks value))
+ (else (error "Illegal option--SET-PLOTTER-PARAMS" name))))
+ (let process-loop ((options spec-list))
+ (if (not (null? options))
+ (let ((option-name (car options)))
+ (cond ((not (symbol? option-name))
+ (error "Bad option--PLOT" option-name))
+ ((null? (cdr options))
+ (error "SET-PLOTTER-PARAMS: No value specified for option"
+ option-name))
+ (else
+ (let ((option-value (cadr options)))
+ (process-option option-name option-value)
+ (process-loop (cddr options))))))))
+ ((plotter 'set-params) xmin xmax ymin ymax axis-x axis-y xticks yticks)
+ (plotter 'clear)
+ (draw-axes plotter)
+ (plotter 'plot-curves)))
+(define (reset-plotter-params plotter)
+ (apply set-plotter-params
+ (list 'xmin plotter-default-xmin
+ 'xmax plotter-default-xmax
+ 'ymin plotter-default-ymin
+ 'ymax plotter-default-ymax
+ 'axis-x plotter-default-axis-x
+ 'axis-y plotter-default-axis-y
+ 'xticks plotter-default-xticks
+ 'yticks plotter-default-yticks)))
+(define (make-vals min max spacing . center?)
+ (let ((min (if center? (* spacing (round (/ min spacing))) min)))
+ (define (tick-maker val)
+ (if (> val max)
+ '()
+ (cons val (tick-maker (+ val spacing)))))
+ (tick-maker min)))
+(define (change-color curve color)
+ ((curve 'change-color) color))
+(define (change-pt-style curve pt-style)
+ ((curve 'change-pt-style) pt-style)
+ (maybe-replot-curve curve))
+(define (change-num-pts curve num-pts)
+ ((curve 'set-num-pts) num-pts)
+ (maybe-replot-curve curve))
+(define (clear-curve curve)
+ (curve 'clear))
+(define (plot-curve curve)
+ (if (curve 'cleared?)
+ (curve 'plot)))
+(define (delete-curve curve)
+ (((curve 'plotter) 'delete-curve) curve))
+(define (add-show-vals curve show-vals)
+ (curve 'clear-vals)
+ ((curve 'set-show-vals)
+ (append (curve 'show-vals) show-vals))
+ (curve 'draw-vals))
+(define (clear-show-vals curve)
+ (curve 'clear-vals))
+(define (draw-show-vals curve)
+ (curve 'draw-vals))
+(define (delete-show-vals curve)
+ (curve 'delete-vals))
+(define (add-xticks plotter xticks)
+ ((plotter 'set-xticks)
+ (append (plotter 'xticks) xticks))
+ (plotter 'clear-axes)
+ (draw-axes plotter))
+(define (add-yticks plotter yticks)
+ ((plotter 'set-yticks)
+ (append (plotter 'xticks) yticks))
+ (plotter 'clear-axes)
+ (draw-axes plotter))
+(define (clear-ticks plotter)
+ (plotter 'clear-ticks))
+(define (draw-ticks plotter)
+ (draw-xticks plotter)
+ (draw-yticks plotter))
+(define (delete-ticks plotter)
+ (plotter 'delete-ticks))
+(define (clear-plotter plotter)
+ (plotter 'clear-curves)
+ (plotter 'clear-ticks))
+(define (replot plotter)
+ (draw-ticks plotter)
+ (for-each plot-curve (plotter 'curve-list))
+ 'replotted)
+(define (reset-plotter plotter)
+ (plotter 'delete-curves)
+ (plotter 'delete-ticks)
+ (plotter 'clear)
+ (draw-axes plotter)
+ 'reset)