changecom(`;');;; -*-Midas-*-
-;;; $Id: hppa.m4,v 1.38 1995/08/14 22:03:44 adams Exp $
+;;; $Id: hppa.m4,v 1.39 1995/08/15 00:16:00 adams Exp $
;;; Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
COPY 22,17 ; preserve regs
- ; STW 2,REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock) ; preserve val REMOVED by JSM
+ STW 2,REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock) ; preserve val
COPY 22,17 ; preserve regs
COPY 21,16
COPY 19,15
- COPY 2,14
.CALL ARGW0=FR,ARGW1=FU,RTNVAL=FU ;fpin=105;fpout=104;
BL $2,2
- COPY 31,13
- COPY 14,2
+ COPY 31,14
COPY 15,19
COPY 16,21
- ; LDW REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock),rs_val ; restore val REMOVED by JSM
+ LDW REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock),rs_val ; restore val
COPY 17,22
BE 0(5,14)
LDW REGBLOCK_MEMTOP(0,rs_regblock),rs_memtop")
COPY 22,17 ; preserve regs
- ; STW 2,REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock) ; preserve val REMOVED by JSM
+ STW 2,REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock) ; preserve val
COPY 21,16
COPY 19,15
.CALL ARGW0=FR,ARGW1=FU,ARGW2=FR,ARGW3=FU,RTNVAL=FU ;fpin=105,107;fpout=104;
COPY 31,14
COPY 15,19
COPY 16,21
- ; LDW REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock),rs_val ; restore val REMOVED by JSM
+ LDW REGBLOCK_VAL(0,rs_regblock),rs_val ; restore val
COPY 17,22
BE 0(5,14)
LDW REGBLOCK_MEMTOP(0,rs_regblock),rs_memtop