#| -*-Scheme-*-
-$Id: parse.scm,v 14.45 2004/01/16 19:04:38 cph Exp $
+$Id: parse.scm,v 14.46 2004/01/16 19:39:53 cph Exp $
Copyright 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1997,1998,1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(discard-char port)
(list 'UNQUOTE-SPLICING (read-object port table db)))
(list 'UNQUOTE (read-object port table db))))
(define (handler:string port table db ctx char)
table db ctx char
(lambda (port*)
(let loop ()
(let ((char (read-char/no-eof port)))
- (if (not (char=? char #\"))
- (begin
- (write-char (if (char=? char #\\)
- (read-char/no-eof port)
- char)
- port*)
- (loop))))))))
+ (case char
+ ((#\")
+ unspecific)
+ ((#\\)
+ (let ((char
+ (let ((char (read-char/no-eof port)))
+ (cond ((char-ci=? char #\n) #\newline)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\t) #\tab)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\v) #\vt)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\b) #\bs)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\r) #\return)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\f) #\page)
+ ((char-ci=? char #\a) #\bel)
+ ((char->digit char 8) (octal->char char port))
+ (else char)))))
+ (write-char char port*)
+ (loop)))
+ (else
+ (write-char char port*)
+ (loop))))))))
+(define (octal->char c1 port)
+ (let ((d1 (char->digit c1 8)))
+ (if (or (not d1) (fix:> d1 3))
+ (error:illegal-char c1))
+ (let* ((c2 (read-char/no-eof port))
+ (d2 (char->digit c2 8)))
+ (if (not d2)
+ (error:illegal-char c2))
+ (let* ((c3 (read-char/no-eof port))
+ (d3 (char->digit c3 8)))
+ (if (not d3)
+ (error:illegal-char c3))
+ (integer->char (fix:+ (fix:lsh (fix:+ (fix:lsh d1 3) d2) 3) d3))))))
(define (handler:special port table db ctx char)