;; Compute a-b and a^b, then compute b-(a^b) and
;; cons it onto the front of a-b.
(receive (a-b a-int-b) (lset-diff+intersection = a b)
- (cond ((null? a-b) (lset-difference b a =))
+ (cond ((null? a-b) (lset-difference = b a))
((null? a-int-b) (append b a))
(else (fold (lambda (xb ans)
(if (member xb a-int-b =) ans (cons xb ans)))
;; Compute a-b and a^b, then compute b-(a^b) and
;; cons it onto the front of a-b.
(receive (a-b a-int-b) (lset-diff+intersection! = a b)
- (cond ((null? a-b) (lset-difference! b a =))
+ (cond ((null? a-b) (lset-difference! = b a))
((null? a-int-b) (append! b a))
(else (pair-fold (lambda (b-pair ans)
(if (member (car b-pair) a-int-b =)