--- /dev/null
+#| -*-Scheme-*-
+$Id: fasthash.scm,v 1.1 1996/03/05 00:59:58 adams Exp $
+Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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+Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
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+;;;; Fast implementaion of hash tables.
+;;; Package: (compiler)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+;; This implementation is not thread-safe. Do not share these
+;; hash-tables between concurrent threads. These tables are strong in
+;; the sense that they prevent their keys from being garbage
+;; collected. Tables are re-hashed on demand.
+;; (make-monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table)
+;; (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/put! table key value)
+;; Returns #T if the key is new in TABLE, #F is pre-existing
+;; (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/get table key default)
+;; (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/for-every table procedure)
+;; (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/copy table)
+(declare (usual-integrations))
+(define-structure (table
+ (conc-name table/))
+ ;; either #F, #T (rehash because of GC), or the old vector (rehash
+ ;; because of growth (or growth and GC)).
+ rehash?
+ vector
+ count)
+;; States:
+;; rehash? vector Notes
+;; #F v1 Valid. v1 may be updated
+;; #T v1 Invalid. v1 must not be updated.
+;; v1 v2 Invalid. v1 must be rehashed into v2.
+;; v1 must not be updated. v2 contains only empty slots
+(define tables)
+(define-integrable empty-slot #F)
+(define-integrable (eq-hash-mask key mask)
+ (let ((key key))
+ (fix:and
+ (fix:* #b101101011
+ (fix:+ (fix:lsh (object-datum key) -9)
+ (fix:and (object-datum key) mask)))
+ mask)))
+(define (table/grow! table)
+ (let* ((old (table/vector table))
+ (old-len (vector-length old))
+ (new-len (fix:* 2 old-len))
+ (new (make-vector new-len empty-slot)))
+ (set-table/rehash?! table old)
+ (set-table/vector! table new)))
+(define (make-monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table)
+ (let ((hash-table
+ (make-table #F
+ (let ((e empty-slot))
+ (vector e e e e e e e e))
+ 0)))
+ (set-cdr! tables (weak-cons hash-table (cdr tables)))
+ ;; Table is valid even if a GC happened during its allocation.
+ hash-table))
+(define (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/copy table)
+ ;;(if (table/rehash? table) ; rehash first rather than
+ ;; (table/rehash! table)) ; rehashing both copies later.
+ (let ((vector* (vector-copy (table/vector table))))
+ (let ((rehash? (table/rehash? table))
+ (count (table/count table)))
+ (let ((table* (make-table rehash? vector* count)))
+ (set-cdr! tables (weak-cons table* (cdr tables)))
+ ;; Now we may have GC-ed between accessing REHASH? and this line, in
+ ;; which case we require a rehash.
+ (if (and (table/rehash? table)
+ (not (table/rehash? table*)))
+ (set-table/rehash?! table* #T))
+ table*))))
+(define (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/put! table key datum)
+ (define (retry)
+ (table/rehash! table)
+ (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/put! table key datum))
+ (let* ((v (table/vector table))
+ (len (vector-length v))
+ (mask (fix:- len 2)) ;#b00...0011...110
+ (start (eq-hash-mask key mask)))
+ (let search ((i start))
+ (cond ((eq? (vector-ref v i) key)
+ ;; Assumption: There will be no interrupt checks between the above
+ ;; vector-ref and the following vector-set!. If the table needs
+ ;; rehashing then we were *very* lucky to find the element, but
+ ;; that is OK.
+ (vector-set! v (fix:+ i 1) datum)
+ #F)
+ ((eq? (vector-ref v i) empty-slot)
+ ;; Assumption: There will be no interrupt checks between the
+ ;; above vector-ref and the following vector-set!s
+ (if (table/rehash? table)
+ (retry) ; KEY might be somewhere else
+ (begin
+ (vector-set! v i key)
+ (vector-set! v (fix:+ i 1) datum)
+ (set-table/count! table (fix:+ (table/count table) 1))
+ ;; We must ensure that the table is NEVER full
+ (if (fix:> (fix:* 3 (table/count table)) len)
+ (table/grow! table))
+ #T)))
+ (else
+ (search (fix:and mask (fix:+ i 2))))))))
+(define (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/get table key default)
+ (define-integrable (retry)
+ (table/rehash! table)
+ (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/get table key default))
+ (let* ((v (table/vector table))
+ (len (vector-length v))
+ (mask (fix:- len 2)) ; #b00...0011...110
+ (start (eq-hash-mask key mask)))
+ (let search ((i start))
+ (cond ((eq? (vector-ref v i) key)
+ (vector-ref v (fix:+ i 1)))
+ ((eq? (vector-ref v i) empty-slot)
+ (if (table/rehash? table)
+ (retry) ; KEY might be somewhere else
+ default))
+ (else
+ (search (fix:and mask (fix:+ i 2))))))))
+(define (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/for-every table procedure)
+ ;; Do not touch the table in any way (put or get) during this operation.
+ (let ((v (if (vector? (table/rehash? table))
+ (table/rehash? table)
+ (table/vector table))))
+ (let loop ((i (- (vector-length v) 2)))
+ (cond ((fix:< i 0)
+ unspecific)
+ ((eq? (vector-ref v i) empty-slot)
+ (loop (fix:- i 2)))
+ (else
+ (procedure (vector-ref v i) (vector-ref v (+ i 1)))
+ (loop (fix:- i 2)))))))
+(define (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table->alist table)
+ (let ((alist '()))
+ (monotonic-strong-eq-hash-table/for-every
+ table
+ (lambda (key value)
+ (set! alist (cons (cons key value) alist))
+ unspecific))
+ alist))
+(define (table/rehash! table)
+ (define (rehash-copy old old-len new new-len)
+ (let ((mask (fix:- new-len 2)))
+ (let loop ((old-i (fix:- old-len 2)))
+ (if (fix:>= old-i 0)
+ (let ((key (vector-ref old old-i)))
+ (let search ((new-i (eq-hash-mask key mask)))
+ (cond ((eq? (vector-ref new new-i) empty-slot)
+ (vector-set! new new-i key)
+ (vector-set! new (fix:+ new-i 1)
+ (vector-ref old (fix:+ old-i 1)))
+ (loop (fix:- old-i 2)))
+ (else
+ (search (fix:and mask (fix:+ new-i 2)))))))))))
+ (if (vector? (table/rehash? table))
+ (let ((old (table/rehash? table))
+ (new (table/vector table)))
+ ;;(pp `(fasthash rehash: vector ,(vector-length old) ,(vector-length new)))
+ (set-table/rehash?! table false)
+ (rehash-copy old (vector-length old) new (vector-length new)))
+ (let* ((vec (table/vector table))
+ (len (vector-length vec))
+ (new (make-vector len empty-slot)))
+ ;;(pp `(fasthash rehash: ,len))
+ (set-table/rehash?! table #F)
+ (set-table/vector! table new)
+ (rehash-copy vec len new len))))
+(define (mark-tables!)
+ (let loop ((tables tables))
+ (let ((wp (system-pair-cdr tables)))
+ (cond ((null? wp)
+ unspecific)
+ ((system-pair-car wp)
+ => (lambda (table)
+ (if (not (table/rehash? table))
+ (set-table/rehash?! table #T))
+ (loop wp)))
+ (else
+ ;; discard weak pair
+ (system-pair-set-cdr! tables (system-pair-cdr wp))
+ (loop tables))))))
+(define (initialize-package!)
+ (set! tables (cons 'HEAD '()))
+ ;;((access add-primitive-gc-daemon! (->environment '(runtime gc-daemons)))
+ ;; mark-tables!)
+ (add-gc-daemon! mark-tables!)