/* -*-C-*-
-$Id: ntscreen.c,v 1.39 2000/01/12 23:50:54 cph Exp $
+$Id: ntscreen.c,v 1.40 2000/01/13 05:07:14 cph Exp $
Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
SizeScreen (hWnd, HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam));
- HANDLE_MSG (hWnd, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, handle_window_pos_changing);
+ HANDLE_MSG (hWnd, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, handle_window_pos_changing);
ScrollScreenHorz (hWnd, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam));
extern void catatonia_trigger (void);
catatonia_trigger ();
- break;
+ break;
case WM_CLOSE:
if (NULL == screen) return FALSE;
screen_focus = screen;
- CreateCaret (hWnd, NULL, max(screen->xChar/4,2), screen->yChar);
+ CreateCaret (hWnd, NULL, screen->xChar, screen->yChar);
if (screen->cursor_visible)
ShowCaret (hWnd);
unsigned int modifiers = (get_modifiers ());
- /* If the unmodified key is bound to a command, send the command. */
- if (modifiers == 0)
+ /* Translate the Backspace key to the Delete character. */
+ if ((ch == 0x08) && (wparam == VK_BACK))
+ ch = ASCII_DEL;
+ /* If the unmodified key is bound to a command, send the command.
+ Extra hair here is due to need to handle control characters. */
+ if (((modifiers & SCREEN_ALT_PRESSED) == 0)
+ && (((modifiers & SCREEN_CONTROL_PRESSED) == 0)
+ || (('A' <= ch) && (ch <= 'Z'))
+ || (('a' <= ch) && (ch <= 'z'))
+ || (ch == '@') || (ch == '[') || (ch == '\\')
+ || (ch == ']') || (ch == '^') || (ch == '_')))
- int i;
+ int ch2 = ch;
+ unsigned int i;
+ if ((modifiers & SCREEN_CONTROL_PRESSED) != 0)
+ {
+ if (('a' <= ch) && (ch <= 'z'))
+ ch2 -= ('a' - 'A');
+ ch2 -= '@';
+ }
for (i = 0; (i < (screen -> n_bindings)); i += 1)
- if ((((screen -> bindings) [i]) . key) == ch)
+ if ((((screen -> bindings) [i]) . key) == ch2)
if (SendMessage
if ((ch == (-1)) && (((screen -> mode_flags) & SCREEN_MODE_VK_KEYS) == 0))
- /* Translate the Backspace key to the Delete character. */
- if ((ch == 0x08) && (wparam == VK_BACK))
- ch = ASCII_DEL;
event = (allocate_event (screen, SCREEN_EVENT_TYPE_KEY));
if (!event) return;
((event -> event.key) . repeat_count) = (LP_REPEAT (lparam));