* The Abbey Particulars
The abbey's public particulars are included below. They are the
-public particulars of a small institute, nothing more. As for the
-abbey's private parameters, in =private/vars-abbey.yml=, example lines
-(only! ;-) are included in the following chapters. An example of the
-abbey's private institutional parameters, =private/vars.yml=, can be
-found in [[file:Institute/private/vars.yml][=Institute/private/vars.yml=]].
+public particulars of a small institute, nothing more.
#+CAPTION: [[file:public/vars.yml][=public/vars.yml=]]
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle public/vars.yml :mkdirp yes
+The abbey's private institutional parameters are in
+=private/vars.yml=. Example lines can be found in
+The abbey's private liturgical parameters are in
+=private/vars-abbey.yml=. Example lines are included here and tangled
+into [[file:private_ex/vars-abbey.yml][=private_ex/vars-abbey.yml=]].
* The Abbey Front Role
configuration required on Raspberry Pi OS machines.
Wireless clients are issued keys for the cloister VPN by the ~./abbey
-client~ command. This command includes the institutional process
-described in [[file:Institute/README.org::*The Client Command][The Client Command]]. The process handles three types of
-clients: Android, Debian and Campus. The last type never roams, and
-is not associated with a member of the small institute.
+client~ command which is currently identical to the ~./inst client~
+command (described in [[file:Institute/README.org::*The Client Command][The Client Command]]). The wireless, cloistered
+hosts never roam, are not associated with a member, and so are
+"campus" clients, issued keys with commands like this:
+: ./abbey client campus new-host-name
** Use Cloister Apt Cache
=/etc/network/interfaces.d/wifi= drop-in. In this example, the Wi-Fi
interface on ~new~ is named ~wlan0~.
-#+CAPTION: =/etc/network/interfaces.d/wifi
+#+CAPTION: =/etc/network/interfaces.d/wifi=
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp