(beep port)
(flush-output-port port)))
(define (prompt-for-string prompt #!optional port)
;; Returns a string (the normal, "cooked" input line) or eof-object.
(let ((port (if (default-object? port) (interaction-i/o-port) port)))
(with-input-port-terminal-mode port 'COOKED
(lambda ()
(read-line port))))
(define (call-with-pass-phrase prompt receiver #!optional port)
- ;; Returns a string or eof-object -- the normal, "cooked but not
- ;; echoed" input line.
- (let ((port (if (default-object? port) (interaction-i/o-port) port)))
- (let ((operation (port/operation port 'CALL-WITH-PASS-PHRASE)))
+ (let ((port
+ (if (default-object? port)
+ (interaction-i/o-port)
+ (begin
+ (guarantee textual-i/o-port? port 'call-with-pass-phrase)
+ port))))
+ (let ((operation (port/operation port 'call-with-pass-phrase)))
(if operation
(operation port prompt receiver)
(default/call-with-pass-phrase port prompt receiver)))))
;; Kludge: Uses RAW mode and "cooks" #\backspace, #\return, etc.
;; without regard for the tty's current "special characters".
;; Signals an error if PORT is not an i/o port.
- (define (del-char str)
- (let ((l (string-length str)))
- (if (fix:> l 0)
- (set-string-length! str (fix:-1+ l))))
- str)
- (define (add-char str char)
- (let ((i (string-length str))
- (max (if (string-null? str) 0 (string-maximum-length str))))
- (if (fix:< i max)
- (begin
- (set-string-length! str (fix:1+ i))
- (string-set! str i char)
- str)
- (let ((new (make-string (fix:+ 10 i))))
- (if (not (string-null? str))
- (begin
- (substring-move! str 0 i new 0)
- (set-string-length! str (string-maximum-length str))
- (string-fill! str #\delete)))
- (set-string-length! new (fix:1+ i))
- (string-set! new i char)
- new))))
- (define-integrable (with-binary-line-ending thunk)
- (let ((outside))
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda ()
- (if (port/open? port)
- (begin
- (set! outside (port/line-ending port))
- (port/set-line-ending port 'BINARY))))
- thunk
- (lambda ()
- (if (port/open? port)
- (begin
- (port/set-line-ending port outside)
- (set! outside)))))))
- (guarantee textual-i/o-port? port 'default/call-with-pass-phrase)
- (with-output-port-terminal-mode port 'COOKED
- (lambda ()
- (fresh-line port)
- (newline port)
- (write-string (canonicalize-prompt prompt ": ") port)
- (flush-output-port port)))
- (let loop ((input ""))
- (let ((char (with-binary-line-ending
- (lambda ()
- (with-input-port-terminal-mode port 'RAW
- (lambda ()
- (read-char port)))))))
- (cond ((or (eof-object? char)
- (char=? char #\return)
- (char=? char #\linefeed))
- (receiver input)
- (set-string-length! input (string-maximum-length input))
- (string-fill! input #\delete)
- (with-output-port-terminal-mode port 'COOKED
+ (let ((buffer (make-string 16))
+ (index 0)
+ (fill-char (integer->char #x155555)))
+ (with-output-port-terminal-mode port 'cooked
+ (lambda ()
+ (fresh-line port)
+ (newline port)
+ (write-string (canonicalize-prompt prompt ": ") port)
+ (flush-output-port port)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (let ((char
+ (with-binary-line-ending port
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-input-port-terminal-mode port 'raw
(lambda ()
- (newline port)))
- unspecific)
- ((or (char=? char #\backspace)
- (char=? char #\delete))
- (loop (del-char input)))
- ((char=? char #\U+15)
- (set-string-length! input 0)
- (loop input))
- (else
- (loop (add-char input char)))))))
+ (read-char port)))))))
+ (cond ((or (eof-object? char)
+ (char=? char #\return)
+ (char=? char #\linefeed))
+ (with-output-port-terminal-mode port 'cooked
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline port)))
+ (receiver (string-slice buffer 0 index))
+ (string-fill! buffer fill-char)
+ unspecific)
+ ((or (char=? char #\backspace)
+ (char=? char #\delete))
+ (if (fix:> index 0)
+ (set! index (fix:- index 1)))
+ (loop))
+ ((char=? char (integer->char #x15)) ;C-w
+ (set! index 0)
+ (loop))
+ (else
+ (let ((n (string-length buffer)))
+ (if (not (fix:< index n))
+ (let ((buffer* (make-string (fix:* 2 n))))
+ (string-copy! buffer* 0 buffer)
+ (string-fill! buffer fill-char)
+ (set! buffer buffer*))))
+ (string-set! buffer index char)
+ (set! index (fix:+ index 1))
+ (loop)))))))
+(define (with-binary-line-ending port thunk)
+ (let ((outside))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (textual-port-open? port)
+ (begin
+ (set! outside (port/line-ending port))
+ (port/set-line-ending port 'binary))))
+ thunk
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (textual-port-open? port)
+ (begin
+ (port/set-line-ending port outside)
+ (set! outside)))))))
(define (canonicalize-prompt prompt suffix)
(if (let ((length (string-length prompt)))