...when run with --batch-mode. This correctly signals to make(1) that
there was an error.
I used nearest-cmdl/batch-mode? though I wonder what a "batch level"
is. Such a thing should probably cmdl-interrupt/abort-previous rather
than %exit, but this short-circuits the whole gc-clean recovery
effort. I find similar yuck (a call to %exit) in ttyio.scm's
(cmdl-message/strings "Aborting!: out of memory")
;; Clean up whatever possible to avoid a reoccurrence.
- (lambda (port)
- port
- (with-gc-notification! #t gc-clean)))))))
+ (if (nearest-cmdl/batch-mode?)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (newline port)
+ (%exit 1))
+ (lambda (port)
+ port
+ (with-gc-notification! #t gc-clean))))))))
((ucode-primitive request-interrupts! 1) interrupt-bit/after-gc)
(hook/gc-finish start-value space-remaining))